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December 01, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-01

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Chance of snow flurries;
little change towards Wednesday

See Page 4



Athieties Chiefs I
Seek New Powers
To Receive New Rights at Expense
Of Faculties at Big Ten Schools
" Big Ten athletic directors may gain new privileges that would
enable them to dominate conference policies at the expense of faculty
The "Daily Northwestern" reported that the changes were drafted
in a seri es of meetings of faculty representatives and a special com-
'" ittee ;appointed tostudy "problems posed by athletic .directors."
Northwestern representative T. Leroy Martin said the .changes,
yet to be made public, will become effective Dec. 30 unless one of the
conference members objects.
Faculties Encroach
Thy proposals result from a feeling the faculties "had been
encroaching on the athletic directors," Martin continued. Additions to
4 athletic director powers would in-
..* , e lude:
* :"..'.*,,.. 1) The right to vote along with
"" faculty representatives of confer-
ence regulations that become ef-
' ' fective immediately. (At present,
members have 60 days in which to
.. .. .. .. .. . object and reopen consideration.)
.;* 2) The right to vote whether
the issue is subject to the White
resolution, the 60-day clause.
/ Faculties also would lose certain


...ceelebrates birthday

* On Birthday
LONDON (A') - Sir Winston
Churchill refused to be his age
yesterday and celebrated his 85th
birthday with the vigor of a man
many years his junior.
He downed a hearty lunch and
topped it off with brandy. Despite
a cold damp day, he then went off
to the House of Commons - and
moved it to cheers. He even. made
a speech.
And before anyone else could
make a long one, he headed home
for a bangup birthday party, - a
table groaning with food ,and wine
and a 60-pound, four-tier inter-
nationally flavored birthday cake.
Churchill's doctor, Lord Moran,
visited Britain's great wartime
leader during the day and came
out smiling.
a "I'm happy to say," Lord Moran
told reporters, "that he's in excel-
lent health." ,
The great man's day began as
it does nearly always - with a
long time in bed reading the
newspapers and messages. This
morning the messages made a
weighty pile, including congratu-
lations from all over the world,.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
among them.
His luncheon guest was his old
friend, newspaper publisher Lord
Beaverbrook. After lunch he sped.
off to his beloved House of Com-
Sir Winston wore his usual cos-
tume - a black jacket, striped
trousers, white shirt and a bow
tie. His face was flushed -- from
the hearty lunch.
dSlowly he entered the swinging
* doors of the floor of the House. A
mighty roar - from his own, the
Conservative side, and the oppo-
sition, the Laborite side - greeted
him. Drawing on his amazing re-
serve of energy, he straightened up
and walked almost briskly to his.
"Hear, hear," shouted the mem-
Set as Sta e
Of 'Carousel'
Musket is presenting an old
show, "Carousel," but its directors
promise a fresh look for the stu-
dent production.
The show will premiere at 8:30
n, m tomorrn in T.vdi. Mendei- .

Lose Power
1) Athletic committees could ig-
nore directions from their faculty
senates at universities where the
senate appointed them.
2) Athletic committees or fac-
ulties may not bring up for recon-
siderations-a proposals status in
regards the White resolution.
3) Six, rather than the present
seven votes, will be required to
suspend conference members.
In Ann Arbor, neither Michigan
Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz"
Criser nor faculty representative
Prof. Marcus Plant of the law
school could be reached for com-
ment. Crisder was a member of the
special committee.
Objects to Control
Northwestern athletic director
Stu Holcomb refused to comment
on the proposals directly, but ob-
jected to faculties numbering 5,000
or more controllinghathletics, an
area in which they have not been
trained. They often have no clear
idea of problems, he added.
Holcomb said "there was noth-
ing secret about the meetings to
propose changes, but it was not
the place of the athletic directors
to make them public."
Martin commented the changes
are to prevent faculties from "ob-
jetting to something with which
they have nothing to do."
Change Membership
He said the recourse of a faculty
senate ignored by an athletic com-
mittee, as could happen under the
new regulations, would be to
change committee membership.
"To the athletic directors and
many of the faculty representa-
tives this is as it should be," since
it is the committee which has the
responsibility for educating itself
On athletic problems, which the
faculty as a whole is unlikely to

Ike Plans
To Nation
WASHINGTON ()-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will appeal
to America Thursday for coopera-
tion at home to promote the world
peace climate he hopes to create in
an li-nation tour.
The appeal, which will be tele-
vised nationwide, will immediately
precede his departure on the good-
will journey.
Announcing plans for a 15-min-
ute talk beginning at 7:15 p.m.
EST, Thursday, White House
Press Secretary James C. Hagerty
said the President will discuss his
trip abroad and such domestic is-
sues as the court-suspended steel
Asks Strong Cooperation
"The President will talk about
the need for stronger cooperation
among the several groups that
make up the American economy
so that the nation's progress to-
ward peace may be insured and
enhanced," Hagerty said.
Asked if this would deal with
the steel situation, Hagerty replied
he was sure that it would.
There are indications that Eisen-
hower will again urge industry
their dispute to prevent resump-
tion of the strike when the court
injunction expires Jan. 26.
Over 22,000 Mles
Hagerty said Eisenhower's dis,
cussion of the 22,000-mile trip will
center around "the strengthening
of cooperation among those coun-
tries in pursuit of their own secur-
ity and progress in the attainment
of world peace with justice."
Eisenhower won approval for
his forthcoming adventure into
personal diplomacy at an early
White House breakfast meeting
with congressional leaders of both
In a session lasting only an hour
the President sketched briefly his
plans for some of the 30 speeches
he will make during his round of'
visits to European, Asian and
North African countries.
Endorse Trip
Although some Democratic lead-
ers privately said they were puz-
zled why they had been summoned
from their home states to a meet-
ing that they regarded as little
more than perfunctory, they all'
joined with their Republican col-
leagues in endorsing the objectives
of the Presidential journey.
Senate Republican leader Everett
M. Dirksen of Illinois told report-
ers that while few important mat-
ters were discussed, he looked upon
the session as "symbolic of the
fact that on foreign policy Ameri-
cans are always united."
House Speaker Sam Rayburn
(D-Tex.) told newsmen after the
session that in embarking on the
tour, Eisenhower is undertaking
"a strenuous piece of business."
Rayburn's summation of the
ambitious undertaking was ex-
pressed this way: "Everybody feels
like it is not amiss."

Delay Tax

Freshman English Questioned

The chairman of the Univer-
sity English department and a
dean of the literary college have
suggested present freshman
English requirements are edu-
-cationally unsound.
They compensate too much
for deficiencies in high school
education, Prof. Warner Rice

and Associate Dean James H.
Robertson agree.
,Both ~would favor dropping
freshman English if high school
preparation were more com-
Freshman English is not col-
lege type work, Robertson said
yesterday. There is a need for
the student to have composition,
competence before coming to
college, he added.
To Study Humanities
With the elimination of the
freshman English requirement,
the student could then devote.
his time to other more ad-
vanced humanities courses.
"Those students who can't
meet minimum composition
proficiency requirements either
would not be admitted to the
college, or would perhaps take
optional. courses without.
credit," he said."
Prof. Rice, chairman of the
English department, calls
freshmah English neither "eco-
nomically nor educationally
sound," as it is presently
College Responsible
Addressing the college section
of the National Council of
Teachers of English in Denver
last week, he insisted that "the
whole college, not the depart-

ment of English solely, is re-
sponsible for the development
of communication skills."
If freshman English is elim-
inated, no formal course need
replace it, Prof. Rice explained.
He suggested that in at least.
half the courses elected by up-'
perclassmen, writing assign-
ments be introduced.
The English department
w ou l d continue instructing
freshmen, hedsaid, but in elec-
tive courses designed as intro-
ductions to literature and lan-
Need More Emphasis
Responsibility of high schools
for preparing college-bound
students in communicative arts
must be increased, Prof. Rice
C o 11 e g e s and universities
must place more emphasis on
tr a in in g secondary school
teachers, he added.t
Prof. Rice admitted that
elimination of freshman Eng-
lish would probably result in
reduction of the number of
teachers in a department, and
"the radical reshaping of the
English program.
Some graduate assistant-
ships might also be eliminated.
He said the effective placing of

assistants in .the academic
economy will require some in-
genuity, but the problem can
be solved.
He said the success of his
plan depends 'upon cooperation
between high schools and col-
leges, as well as concerted ef-
forts on the part of faculties
of liberal arts colleges.

..criticizes program




. , .looks to high schools

Grants Limiting Institutions?

American universities are i
danger of surrendering their inde-
pendence in return for research
dollars, the American Civil Liber-
ties Union charged Sunday.
Both the quality of higher edu-
cation and the freedom of insti-
tutions and faculty members are
in jeopardy, the ACLU said in a
statement. It called for a nation-
wide review of the effect of private
and governmental research grants
on the freedom of colleges and
Stress Immediate Research
At best, the ACLU said, the na-
ture of university research may
be determined by outside agencies
who are committed to immediate,
rather than long-range research.
In extreme cases, the universi-
ties may abdicate their research
responsibility to "financial ad-
ministrators" employed to drum
up programs to get funds.
The statement estimates that
two-thirds of' the expenditures for
all research and development by
colleges and universities at pres-
ent come from the federal govern-
In certain fields, such as chem-
istry and physics, 90 per cent or
more of research budget funds are
provided by government and pri-
vate foundations or industry
sources, 'the report adds.
The statement discusses some
of. the problems related to aca-
demic freedom. Among them:

1) The application of govern-'
ment security procedures in uni-
versities on which classified re-
search is conducted.
It can, the report adds, "lead to
situations in conflict with the per-
sonal rights of faculty members,
including even those who are not
engaged in classified research and
can effectively limit the freedom
of the university in applying its
own proper criteria in the selec-
tion of its staff,"
Neglect Important Areas
2) Funds for sponsored research
may be more readily available in
some fields of knowledge than in
others, leading to the neglect of
important areas of scholarship.
The statement says that con-
tinued"stress on the natural sci-
ences might lead to "a relative
impoverishment to the humanities
and social sciences which would
Scertainly not occur if the univer-
sities and university scholars were
permitted free exercise of their
own judgments."
3) Since agencies sponsoring
research frequently inclined to-
ward ambitious proposals for so-
Buying Days
This is to remind you there
are 16 of them left before the
Christmas exodus.

called programatic research,."it is
becoming increasingly difficult to
develop support and appreciation
for the highly individualistic in-
vestigator who contemplatively
follows the paths into which his
idle curiosity directs him."
Cite University's Duty
The report holds that it is the
university's duty to foster "the
creation of basic knowledge" and
that it - is dangerous to permit
staffs and facilities to be "lured by
financial inducements into the
study of matters of immediacy."
4) The bulk of research funds
from non-academic sources are
given to institutions and scholars
with already established reputa-
tions, the report says.
It warns that this makes it even
more difficult for financially poor-
er and less generally known insti-
tutions to compete at a time when
academic financing is already ex-
tremely difficult.
The ACLU acknowledges that
sponsored research has made "tre-
mendous contributions to 'Ameri-
can scholarship and higher edu-
cation." .
It has made it possible for uni-
versities to maintain strong sci-
ence faculties in the face of in-
tense competition from outside
agencies and has supported "much
of the modern strength in gradu-
ate education." the report adds.
Copyright 1959, New York Times
Reprinted by special permission

Professor Foresees Threat
To FutureLivingStandards
WASHINGTON A) -- Don't count on the bumper crop of babies
for a 10-year boom in the economy, a congressional committee was
told by a University professor yesterday.
Economics Prof. William A. Paton said future living standards
may actually be threatened by the baby boom and the American ten-
dency to start work later in life and retire earlier.
Prof. Paton recommended liberalizing the tax deduction for plant
depreciation to help industry to build up productive facilities in pace
with the rapidly growing popula-

Ives Asks
A resolution to engage "a recog-
nized, disinterested, professional
consulting firm" to study Ann Ar-
bor's rehabilitation .problem was
tabled until next week by the City
Council meeting last night.
The resolution was proposed by
Councilman Lloyd Ives as an
amendment to Mayor Cecil 0.
Creal's proposed plan for a volun-
tary urban rehabilitation program
to be guided by a neighborhood
committee and advised by a com-
mittee of professional men.
Creal's resolution was also
tabled, pending a report next week
from City Administrator Guy Lar-
com on costs of engaging a con-
sulting firm.
Resolution Made
Ives' resolution stated: "The
firm shall examine all pertinent
documents, records and plans de-
veloped up to this time, consult
with all interested proponents and
opponents of previous and present
proposals; and make local investi-
gations and surveys as permitted
by law.
"The firm shall review and
make recommendations on scope
of rehabilitation effort required,
areas of city needing attention,
types of rehabilitation action ap-
propriate, amount of municipal
capital outlay foreseen, govern-
mental assistance available for
financing .private aspects of over
all effort, procedures for relocat-
ing displaced families, if any; and
any other subjects deemed im-
portant by the firm.
"The report and recommenda-
tions are to be submitted not later
than six months from date of con-
Seeks Objectivityj
Ives said his proposal was an
attempt to get someone disinter-.
ested in the subject to take a fresh,'
straightforward look at the prob-
lem of urban rehabilitation in Ann
Arbor, since "differences of opinion
within the city on this subject re-
main sufficiently strong that no
course of action is clear which will
gain wide citizen and council sup-
Creal said that such a plan had
been considered by him before his
proposal of the voluntary rehabili-
tation program and that he had

OfDuty Hit
Debate Continue
In House, Senate
Over Two Tax Plir
LANSING - Gov. G. Menu
Williams last night bridled at
ports that the Legislature mig
delay a decision on Michiga
cash crisis until the 1960 sesi
convenes Jan. 13.
"For the Legislature to do ti
would be an avoidance of th
constitutional oath of office"
told a news conference.
"To put off the decision, e
as much as two weeks, would
a terrible dereliction of duty."
Lawmakers return to busin
today, amidst continual ium
that a decision may be put'
until the next session.
Could Adjourn
If the payroll tax answer' fki
this week as other plans have 1
fore, the lawmakers could cc
ceivably go home.
Leaders of an eight-man, bipi
tisan House committee named
work out a compromise, indica
the decision lies between the c
per cent payroll tax and the $7
million nuisance tax program tl
has split the Republican' cauc
Nuisance tax possibilities ha
grown more dim since opposit
from voters, especially small bu
nessmen, has increased.
The payroll levy would hit d4
tars, farmers and othier' emplo~y
persons as well as those who dr
salaries. It has not been written
bill form, although several v
scans are suggested. ,1-
GOP Senators rejected .p
roll tax last Tuesday, objecti
that it resembled an incomle
too closely.
Disguised Income Tax
Rep. George W. Sallade (R-A
Arbor) agreed the payroll tax
just another form of income-ta
The House Republicans a
pass it with no trouble, Sal
said, "but everything depends
what the Senate does in its cau
. . they are unpredictable."
Both houses caucused last nig
but no new progress was repor
by early this morning.
If no agreement is reached a
both housaes adjourn for
Christmas holidays, they will
so. in a month when income
outgo are balanced in the at
Expect Decemiber Check
The University and other
stitutions received their .mont
payroll checks last week.
Not too much fear is be
shown about the December ch
-"There's no reason to think x
cember should be any differ
from November," University Vi
President for Business and'
nance Wilber K. Pierpont said
But in January, a heavy sch
ule of payouts to local gove
ments, including schools, falls d
Unless a new tax is adopi
first January collections may'
be received in time to scale inc
up to outgoing payments.
'U' Professor
Des at Rome
In Florida ,
Prof. Emeritus Louis IM .i
the speech department died
24, in Winter Park, la., afte
Long illness.
Po . ic was71.

Praf.Eich was ?1.
. He joined the faculty in 1
and retired in 1954 because of
health; he entered the Univer
in 1909, and received his bac
blr's and master's degrees and
doctorate here.
With the egception of ti
years teaching elsewhere. P
EIch's entire student and pro
sional life was connected with

Cites 'Pollyannas'
Paton said it was time for "Pol-
lyanna economists" to realize that
babies don't bring into the world
with them the thousands of doI-
lars worth of capital facilities
needed to correspond with their
"The fact is that our continu-
ing bumper 'baby crop, coupled
with present- tendencies both to
prolong the period of childhood
and provide for earlier retirement,
have added greatly to the difficul-
ty of maintaining our present per
capita living standard, to say
nothing of ari increase," Paton
Notes Enthusiasm
Yet, he remarked, the woods
seem to be full of economists;
"busily engaged in predicting as-
tronomical .increases in .output in
the 1960's, and in this connection
,, t.s .." . . _.:i m . -v . i a +

City Group Demands Liquor in a Glass

An Arbor restaurant and bar
owners think the city is all wet in
its "dry" law prohibiting the sale
of liquor by the glass.
It's just a hangover from prohi-
bition days, they say.
Present city ordinances permit
sale of beer and wine by the glass
in local establishments-but liquor
only by the package, not the glass.

Twenty-five owners of local res-
taurants and bars have formed a
corporation to put the question on
next fall's ballot.
They're even hiring a public re-
lations director to coordinate a
successful drive against the liquor
law .
The organization, named the
Ann Arbor Licensee's Association,
"The (beer and wine) licensees
of Ann Arbor feel that after 25.
years since thet repeal of the Pro-
hibition Act, they should be able
to sell alcoholic beverages on the
same premises as a majority of
the licensees throughout the state
of Michigan.''.

The proposal would read:
"Shall the sale of spirits, in
addition to beer and wine, be per-
mitted for consumption on the
premises within the city of Ann
Arbor under the provisions of the
laws of the same?"
Ann Arbor's Mayor Cecil O.
Creal says the proposal to sell
liquor by the glass was a "com-
plete surprise to me."

"The facts of life have shown
us that if we want a new or re-
modeled hotel in the city, one
necessary thing would be a cock-
tail lounge," he admitted.
Declines Judgement
Creal declined to approve or
disapprove the proposal.
The sale of package liquor has
been permitted in the city for
many years, hand liquor by the
glass has been sold to members of
private clubs, fraternal orders,
[veteran's groups and benevolent
societies here for many years.
There are about 12 such local.
lo Vote in Century


as.a. a

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