)EVELOPMENT COUNCIL FACES PROBLEMS See Page 4 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Z43aii4 L. No 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1959 ._ SGCT By KENNETH MELDOWNEY, The new Student Government Council plan approved over the summer by the SGC Plan Clarifi- cation Committee will be dis- cussed at the Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. today. The aspect of the new plan de- bated most heatedly was the see- tion permitting a review ,of any of SGC's actions deemed "un- reasonable." Two of the three students, Bar- bara Maier, '59, former League. president and Mort Wise, '59, former Council executive , vice- president, opposed any review not limited to merely jurisdictional questions or procedural irregular- ities.' Wise became so angered follow- ing the passage of the substantive 0 I review clause he left the meeting room. Before he left he said he could not continue to consider a plan directly contrary to his be- liefs. A substitute motion by Miss Maier and Wise limiting the re- view to cases "contrary- to the great weight of evidence"\ failed by a vote of seven to two.' The other criteria for review, procedural irregularities and jur- isdiction, were approved without lengthy debate. Ron Gregg, '60, SGC president, differed from the other two stu- dent members of the committee in feeling substantive review would be helpful. If the "unreasonable action" clause was not included it would be impossible for the com- mittee on referral to give advice in many cases, he said. NREH Wise insisted that the review should only come on basic issues and not on small points in which a mere difference of opinion might be the basis for an overrul- ing of an SGC decision. He declared since SOC had passed a. resolution stating they were in favor of review only in cases where the decision of SGC was "contrary to the great weight of evidence," any vote against this could be considered a vote against one of the three groups represented. However, Gregg countered, say- ing that since the -resolution had been passed many Council mem- bers had said they were in favor of review being based on "unrea- sonable action." With the exception of minor ENROLLMENT SOARS-Flint, the University's two-year branch, hit a record enrollment of 451 this fall. The first full-fledged college established beyond the :bounds of Ann Arbor, Flint opened in 1956 with a total enrollment of 167 juniors. Enrollment grew to 399 the following year, and this year, a 52-person increase is expected. Headquarters for the college is the Mott Memorial Building. 'U' Flnt BranchEnrtollments Reach Ieeord High of 451 By KATHLEEN MOORE Enrollment totals for the Uni- versity's two - year Flint branchI reached- a record. number of 451C this fall. This serves as further proof that the . change in. University policy and the structure .of institutions of higher education in the state, reached in 1956 with the opening of the Flint College, was not in vain.. For the first time a large uni- versity hadrcollaborated with a city-supported junior college in an effort to provide a four-year edu- cational program leading to a bachelor of arts degree. And, for the first time, the University had established a full-fledged college beyond the bounds of Ann Arbor When the program began that fall, the 167 juniors enrolled and the faculty were housed in facil- ities borrowed from Junior College Letters Back Chheg Lim Only two of the 10 or 12 letters to the University concerning Chheng Guan Lim, '61, have been unfavorable, Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said recently. Of the two criti~cal letters, one attacked the University for its size and impersonality that al- lowed a student to disappear for four years. Another criticized the Univer- sity for readmitting Lim, charg- ing that he was a mentally un- balanced person who was taking a place that could befilled by a "healthy American student." Sen Philip Hart (R-Mich.) and Rep. Charles Diggs (D-Detroit both called the University to urge that Lim be readmitted and of- fered to contact the immigration ,authorities: on his behalf. Funds totaling approximately $200 have been donated to Lim by various individuals, including $1 from a 61-year-old school teach- efrom Brooklyn, Rea said. An account has been established in a local bank. Lim has also been contacted by the' American Broadcasting Com- pany and has gotten two calls from Hollywood movie studios. Chheng had spent the four years under the rafters of the First Methodist Church here. He had subsisted on leftovers from church dinners. He had gone into seclusion to save "face" after an unhappy bout with his studies. ,Name Official Assistant Head .Of 'U'Bureau Elbert W. Van Aken, Mt. Clem- ens school official, has been ap- pointed assistant director of the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information. Van Aken was superintendent of schools for the I'Asne Creuse public schools. He will replace H. Kenneth Barker who resigned July 15 to associate executive secretary of the American Association of Col- leges for Teacher Education. Van Aken has had long experi- ence in public school administra- +x.:.. .,A 1,n1e a m.ca-.- a p (JC). Since then, the University branch has moved into - its' own plant, the Mott Memorial Building. completed in 1957, and enrollment grew to 399 juniors and seniors last year. College Differs The Flint College differs from any unit found on the Ann Arbor campus in that it is "more, like a' small literary college with two added programs" in education and business administration, David M. Worl0d News Roundup By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO - The AFL- CIO leadership agreed yesterday on, a seemingly iron clad system for ending inter-union strife by submitting disputestoarbitration. N e ut r a l s on an' arbitration board would hand down binding decisions. The plan, endorsed by top Fed- eration leaders, is designed to solidify the merged labor move- ment by creating a sure way for settling such family squabbles as led to the 1935 split of organized labor into the rival AFL and CIO. * * -s F p vI ,p ja n b i F b IA e. French, dean of the college, re- ported. The sixteenth college of the Uni- versity, he added, is "an integral Part of the University as a whole," just as the nursing school on the main campus is. "We operate as-if we were run- ning our'program in Ann Arbor," Dean French commented, but re- tain flexibility to meet local needs. Part of this flexibility is demdn- strated in the cooperative efforts of Flint College and JC in the use of buildings, scheduling of vacations and examination periods and co- ordination of JC courses to fit the prerequisites of University courses. "Every time we've turned around we've found we're doing something entirely new to the University," Dean French noted, citing current construction of the joint JC, senior, college library which is expected to be completed by next summer. Serve Several Some libraries serve several.col- leges, he explained, but the mutual, effort and responsibility in the shared Flint campus is probably unique in the nation, he explained. Despite the proximity of JC and the numerous cooperative ventures, Flint College retains the academic standards of the University and attempts to bring a touch of Ann Arbor to its campus. University professors from main campus are frequently invited to lecture, present concerts and dis- play artistic* creations for the Flint students who also travel to Ann Arbor for major events as football games, concerts and guest lectures. Even The Daily reaches the stu- dents settled in the Mott Building, though delivery is delayed a day. Show ID's Identification cards must be. shown in order for students to attend the Missouri - Michigan game Saturday. Assistant Dean of Men Karl D. Streiff requests all students to pick up their ID's at the Student Activities Build- ing. ' UN Delays, Red China., A cceptance UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (iP -- The United States succeeded again yesterday in getting the United Nations to sidetrack for another year the question of admitting Communist China. But despite recent turmoil in' Asia for which the West blamed the Chinese Reds the victory mar- gin was one vote less than last year. By a vote of 44-29 with 9 ab- stentions the General Assembly approved a United States resolu- tion asking that it postpone any consideration of proposals either to admit the Chinese Reds or exclude the Chinese Nationalists.. Ninth Time It was the ninth straight year the United Nations had side-, tracked the Red China member- ship issue. By its action the Assembly re- jected Soviet Premier Nikita Klyushchev's personal plea here last week that it was high time to kick out the Chinese Nationalists and install the Chinese Reds as one of the major United Nations powers. The vote last year on an identi- cal resolution was 44-28 with nine abstentions. There were some switches this year. Ghana, a new member, joined the many Asian- African nations opposing the United States stand. Laos Changes This year Laos changed its vote from abstaining to yes. The South- east Asia kingdom has accused Peiping of encouraging North Viet Nam in acts ofaggression along the Northern border. A United Na- tions subcommittee is currently in Laos investigating the charges. Cuba cracked the hitherto solid position of the 20-nation Latin- American bloc in supporting the United States position by abstain- ing. Greece, which abstained last' year, joined the yes vote. Its vote last year reflected unhappiness with the Western delegations over their position on Cyprus. Soviet Premier Production I DEFEAT INDIANS: White Sox Cop American League Flag CLEVELAND ()')-The Chicago White Sox last night won the American League pennant, their first in 40 years. The clincher came on a 4-2 vic- tory over Cleveland, the margin being consecutive, sixth-inning homers by Al Smith and. Jim Rivera. That gave Chicago a 41/x game lead over the Indians, with three Chicago and four Cleveland games left. Loads Bases This blue chip game before 54,293 in Cleveland's huge Lake-. front Stadium ended with a dra- matic game-ending double play after Cleveland had loaded the bases in the last of the ninth. The winner was Chicago's grand old man: of pitching, 39-year-old Early Wynn, although he failed to finish. With the crowd in bedlam, relief ace Gerry Staley got Vic Power to smash the first pitch on the ground to Chicago shortstop Luis Aparicio, who raced to second for the force play and then threw to first to nip Power by an eyelash. Manager Al Lopez quickly re- placed Wynn with his other ace, young Bob Shaw, when Cleveland shaved Chicago's lead to 4-2 in the sixth. NO Prints The renting of prints from the student art print loan col- lection. has been postponed un-' til further notice. The collection is normally located in the Stu- dent Activities Building. - WASHINGTON - President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday ordered the biggest increase ever 'in interest rates on United States, savings bonds. It affects old bonds as well as1 new ones. All series E and H bonds bought' since last June 1 will pay 3% per cent if held until they mature. * * * HAVANA - Cuban troops beat the brush yesterday for associates of 40',men arrested near the East- ern tip of this island nation on a charge of plotting against the gov- ernment. Ex-soldiers made up most of the group nabbed last night in Oriente Province; the cradle of Prime Minister Fidel Castro's re- belljon against the Fulgencio' Ba- tista dictatorship. * * - * . WASHINGTON - President Dwight .D. Eisenhower expects to ask an election year Congress to balance the budget, halt indirect financing, lift bond interest ceil- ings and overhaul the tax laws. Outlining this course, Senate Republican Leader - Everett M. Dirksen (R-fll.), made it clear he expects Eisenhower to bear down again in 1960 against what the Ad- ministration calls unnecessary spending. On the other side, Senate Ma- jority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Texas), said his party will not play politics to the point where its actions would paralyze the di- vided government. International Group To Hold Open Sessions Public sessions of the UNESCO- sponsored International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies will be held at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. today and at 9 a.m. tomor- row in Clements Library. A t o.nfn n irntinnonl -Daily--Robert Kanner GAME RESULTS-Constant phone calls and visitors came to The Daily offices last night, asking the results of the Chicago-Cleve- land game. Here four eager souls, await the final results over the Associated Press teletype. It was the 21st victory against 10 defeats for the 39-year-old Wynn. In the top of the sixth, a former Indian, Al Smith, and Jungle Jim Rivera spanked back- to-back homers off Jim (Mudcat) Grant, who relieved starter Jim Perry at the start of that inning. Those blows wrapped up the game and pennant for the hungry White Sox. Both Lopez and Cleveland's de- posed manager, Joe Gordon, di- rected this game with every trick they had in the book. Lopez used JOIN THE DAILY STAFF: Kick Off Your Ear-But Do Do, It Here Charles Kozoll, '61A&D, Daily personnel director, is searching for chiefs. "There are enough Indians on campus," he smiled. The chiefs Charles is looking for are trainees for The Daily. "We have something to offer," he declared. (He meant it.) He cited the advantages for all to hear-the sense of accomplishment in working for the outstanding college daily newspaper; the lasting friendships made within the Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard. Selma Sawaya, Spec., associate personnel director, asked in- terested individuals, whoever they might be, to attend one of the trainee meetings this week. "They will be held at 7:30 p.m. today, 4:15 and 7:15 p.m. tomorrow and 4:15 p.m. Friday," she declared. "We train you ourselves," she said. "Come give us a try." Charles Agreed She said (and Charles agreed) that several. types of work were available. The editorial staff, the business staff, the sports staff and the photography staff all need new faces, new blood, new ideas, Morley Gwirtzman, '60SW, associate business manager, cited his case. He returned to it immediately after telling about the business staff. "This staff gives you business experience," he noted. Fred- Katz, '62Ph, said sports writers are in demand. "We go to all the away games," he said. "We need people to run things here while we're away.E s Express Desire Jimn Bow. '60Lassociate city editor, said photographers,,are eagerly II . ........... ..................it?:"::::::::::: {:i ::v''': i:'i::"?. :":::: "::::::".... :v: i:::: is }r::?i:}Si:'4%:"... .. 4ir."?i ":::.:"::"::v.,v:: :v.:...: ".";{". Ling .$'~ . is {.". M^T1n.. Cn....n r ries nF C tr,