10 Illinois ..... 28 Wisconsin . .11 NotreDame. . 201UCLA ..0....10j
7 Northwestern . 0 Minnesota ... 7 Iowa . . . .. . 19 Southern Cal . 3
Pittsburgh . . . 22
Penn State. . . 7
LSU . . . . . .
Tulane . . ...
141 Harvard . . .
6 Yale . . .
I iF
Mostly cloudy with possible
showers late today
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
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Truman Claims
Veto Hoodwinks
Charges Use of President's Power
Imposes 'Minority Rule' on Citizens
Special to The Daily
"The people of the United States are being hoodwinked and
defeated by the shameful use and, in fact, shocking abuse of the
presidential veto," former president Harry S. Truman said here last
The Republicans, composing a little more than one-third of
Congress, "have managed to impose a minority rule upon the people
by blocking Democratic efforts to overrule vetoes; and if you sit back
and take it, you ought to have what's coming to you," he told
the delegates to the Young Demo-
Y s SW111
T Disliie Oaths
Delegates at the Young Demo-
crats National Convention yester-
day voiced opposition to the Na-
tional Defense Education Act loy-
alty oaths and ranked Kennedy
above Stevenson as presidential
The platform plank contesting
the NDEA loyalty oath require-
ment was opposed only by the
Arkansas delegation.
The Young Democrats stated:
"Recipients of funds under the
NDEA of 1958 are required to file
. a non-Communist affadavit. This
affadavit requirement has been
severely criticized by the Ameri-
can Association of University Pro-
fessors, various college presidents
and a growing number of out-
standing universities and colleges.
"The affadavit requirement in-
duces non -participation," the
statement continued. "The Young
Democrat clubs of America believe
this requirement is tantamount to
signing away a student's right to
freedom of thought; and we,
therefore, urge the deletion of the
oath requirement in accordance
with the proposals introduced in
the United States Congress by
Senators Kennedy and Clark."
In a poll of delegates to the con-
vention yesterday, Sen. John F.
Kennedy (D-Mass.) topped Adlai
Stevenson and other party hope-
Kennedy polled 103 votes against
71 for, Stevenson, twice Democratic
presidential nominee. Sen. Hubert
H. Humphrey (D-Minn.) garnered
42 votes and a smattering of other
votes was spread among other
In a unit poll by states, in which
the top choice of a state received
the total delegation vote of that
state, Stevenson bested Kennedy.
crats' National Convention.
Denying the existence of a
"won't-do Congress," he said the
nation currently has a "won't-do
administration" which has pro-
posed very little legislation, "leav-
ing it to the Congress to propose
necessary measures."
Responsible for Debt
"This won't-do administration
in the domestic field has been
responsible for the mismanage-
ment of the national debt and the
worst mishandling of our fiscal
and 'monetary policies in recent
times," Truman said.
His suggested remedy was a 1960
presidential candidate who will be
"a vigorous, fighting, genuine lib-
eral and not a hothouse liberal
who talks the game but doesn't
play it."
Truman was quick to add he
meant liberals "as they were in
1948." The word liberalism, he
noted, "is almost as badly abused
as democracy."
Need Liberal Head
He found the need for such a
liberal candidate, and president,
urgent "because we are living in
a world trying to find its way
through revolutions in science and
government, through the birth of
new nations and the search for
new freedom" that requires its
president to be "an honorable man
with the ability to lead and to
make bold decisions." .
The future president should be
one "who is not afraid to act to
meet changing conditions," the
former president declared.
Among the specific challenges
facing the next White House resi-
dent, Truman insisted, is providing
"the benefits of our national pros-
perity" to more of the people.
"More schools and better schools
opportunities for university
education for those that deserve
it and cannot afford it," were two
recommendations high on his list.
Turning to the international
scene, he recalled his Point Four
program of 1949 "designed to help
nations achieve greater develop-
ment of their resources" which the
Republican administration, he
claimed, has failed to expand.
Seniors Star
In Season Finale
Noskin, Rio, Harper, Julian Lead
23-14 Triumph over Arch-Rival
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan assembled all its assets yesterday in 60 minutes of
vicious football to clamber past Ohio State, 23-14, in the year's closing
A Michigan Stadium gathering of 90,093, 10,000 below capacity
because of freezing, sunless weather, saw Michigan make its strongest,
classiest showing of this bittersweet season. It was, perhaps, a preview
of future attractions.
The victory pushed the Wolverines into seventh place in the final
Big Ten standings with a 3-4 record, and gave them a 4-5 mark for
all games in Head Coach ,Bump
Elliott's initial season.
Seniors End Careers
It was a day of culmination for
Michigan, and especially for an
all- senior backfield making .its
final college appearance.
Stan Noskin, Tony Rio, Darrell
Harper and Fred Julian may have
had better days individually in
their three years of varsity com-
petition. But never did they work
as well as a unit as they did
against the Buckeyes.
The 23 points represented Mich-
igan's greatest scoring production
this year. Also a season's high was
the 306 yards gained.
This offensive potency was en-
hanced by the, brilliance once
again of the Raiders, the def en-
sive platoon arbitrarily labeled
Raiders Stop Plays
The Raiders were called to arms
four time's and stopped Ohio State DEAN EARL MOORE
scoring bids each time. They forced scholarship starved
a punt, Todd Grant and John Sta- .scorsPstte
mos each intercepted passes and
Reid Bushong stole the ball to
squelch Buckeye drives.Scholarship
No less responsible for Michi-
gan's win was its success in licking F
the major causes of most of its undwlteaf e n
downfalls this year-fumbles and
interceptions. And the two fumbles The University music school has
and one interception charged launched a $100,000, scholarship
against the Wolverines all proved campaign in honor of Dean Earl
harmless. V.Moore
Thus, with the offense and de- V Moore.
fense clicking alternately and the Known to thousands of alumni
elimination .of many' mechanical as the composer of the "Varsity'
errors, the Wolverines became a march, Dean Moore will start
good football team, probably as year's sabbatical leave in July
good yesterday as any in the con- after which he' plans to retire.
fused Conference. Eugene Ormandy, conductor of
Protect Lead the Philadelphia Orchestra, will
The Wolverines, from the virtual serve as honorary national chair-
outset, were faced with the pleas- man of the campaign for funds
ant task of protecting a lead. The for scholarships to be given tal-
closest they came to losing it was ented students enrolled in the mu-
midway through the third period sic school.
when the Buckeyes tild the game Any friends or former students
at 14-apiece. wishing to contribute'to the fund
But Tony Rio's second touch- may subscribe on a one, three, or
down of the game near the end five year payment basis. Contribu-
of the quarter, only his third col- tions may be sent 'to the Earl V.
legiate six-pointer, sent Michigan Moore Scholarship Fund, 115 HI
ahead permanently. Aud.
An explosive and fierce first half The major portion of the fundu
that bathed the tundra-like turf received will be deposited in a
See 'M', Page 6 continuing endowment fund.
-Daily-Fred Shippey
INSURANCE POINTS-Two seniors playing their last game in a Michigan uniform, Darrell Harper and Stan Noskin, team up for three
insurance points against Ohio State as Noskin holds for his teammate. Harper's field goal split the uprights and gave the Wolverines a
23-14 lead, making it impossible for the Buckeyes to either win or tie as the game was in its waning moments. Both Harper and Noskin
shone for Michigan as the entire Wolverine squad put on its greatest performance of the year.
Cold WiRds, Hot empers Bite at Game
Tempers were as biting as the
cold winds at yesterday's gridiron
contest with Ohio State Univer-
Breaths appeared as white
clouds of steam in the crisp air
and lines for hot coffee at the re-
freshments stands were impossib-
ly long.
Festivities got underway as the
crowd trooped into the stadium
with blankets, handwarmers and
bottled warmth, following the
"Littlest Cheerleader" as he tried
to lift their somewhat frozen
The Ohio State University band
began its "I Love a Parade" group
of shirt-sleeve clad musicians
marching down a cheering "Main
Street" and proceeded to an Eas-
ter parade scene complete with
the traditional be-ribboned Easter
bonnet worn by a young lady
walking her pet poodle. During
the half, the band also formed
their traditional trademark - the
moving script "Ohio."
Michigan's band looked impres-
sive as they strutted onto the field
in their long dark overcoats. Their
show was a tribute to retiring
Dean of the music school Earl V.
As the Wolverine score mount-
ed during the second half, rivalry
grew keener. In the heat of the
Choral iUnion
Bills Pianist
The sixth Choral Union concert
will be given by Polish pianist, Jan
Smeterlin, at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Aud.
Smeterlin will play Schubert's
"Sonata in A minor, Op. 143" and
"Paganini Variations, Op. 35" by
The second part of the concert
will include Mozart's "Sonata in
F major,K. 332" and four Chopin
compositions: "Mazurkas," nos. 20,
17, 23 and 25; "Valse in A flat, Op.
64, No. 3;" "Berceuse, D-flat ma-
jor, Op. 57;" and "Scherzo."
battle, Ohio's Coach "Woody"
Hayes cast his coat to the groundj
and braved the icy blasts in his
shirt sleeves.f
As the tide of the battle turned
further toward Michigan, Wol-
verine fans struck up a chorus of
"Goodbye, Woody" to the tune of
"Good Night, Ladies" in com-
memoration of Hayes' somewhat
uncertain future at Ohio State
Tension mounted until at the
sound of the final gun, hundreds
of exuberant Michigan fans
rushed onto the field in a wild
lunge for the steel goalposts. A
slight skirmish followed between
the screaming hordes and thet
grim policemen who were guard-
ing the posts.-
The 178-man Michigan March-j
ing Band saved the day, however,
as it broke into a spirited march.
The mass of overly-energetic fans
quickly abandoned their hack-9
saws to hear the band's extended1
post-game victory celebration
All ended gaily as Wolverine
Coach "Bump" Elliott was hoisted
into the air and carried triumph-
antly from the field by the unin-
jured mpembers of his team.
Writes Book
About IGY
Visiting Prof. Sidney Chapman,
solar - terrestrial physicist and
president of the Special Committee
for the IGY, is the author of
"IGY: Year of Discovery," re-
cently published by the University
of Michigan Press..
The book is based on a series of
lectures on the International Geo-
physical Year that Prof. Chap-
man gave at the University in
More than 100 photographs and
illustrations of the activities of
the IGY-ranging from skindivers
to rockets probing the ionosphere
-supplement the text.
., , -,
Tension Mounts as.
Tempers Flare at Last Game
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