h Republicans Ask Support ,900000.a -a iiz#r uhigttn amit From Governor on Taxes Second Front Page D--- 5 Ovemr zr .u, u Prage UN Against French A-Tel I INDIA: N ehruAsks Resolution Of Dispute NEW DELHI ') - All territory in dispute between India and Red China in Ladakh, Kashmir, would be made a temporary no-man's land funder a counter-proposal that Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru has fired back to Peiping. Made public yesterday was an Indian note sent Monday in reply to Red China's Premier Chou En- Lai, who wants each side to pull back forces 12 and one-half miles from their present positions. Ladakh is the wild Himalayan territory where nine Indian po- liceinen were killed and 10 cap- tured by the Red Chinese in a clash on Oct. 21. India says the clash occurred 40 miles inside her claimed frontier. Nehru rejected Chou's proposal because it would leave the Com- munists holding about 8,000 square miles of land claimed by India. Nehru's counter-plan would in- volve only a minor Indian with- drawal. - The prime minister proposed that Red China pull back to the line claimed by India, and that India pull back to the line claimed by Red China, leaving the inter- vening territory unoccupied. It is not necessary to keep any admin- istrative personnel in the area, he said because it is almost entirely uninhabited. W illiams Denies Aid To, Senate .Caucus Declares Nuisance Tax Package 'Inadequate,' Sees No Solution in It I LANSING (I') -- Another week- end of frustration closed yester- day without apparent progress in the search for an answer to, Michigan's cash crisis. Unable to agree among them- selves, Republican S e n a t ors sprang a surprise plea to Gov. G. Mennen Williams to deliver Dem- ocratic votes fdr the GOP 74 mil- lion dollar emergency nuisance tax package. Williams refused. Called Inadequate He said- the package was in- adequate, without a firm offer of releasing the Veterans Trust Fund, "no solution." After the impromptu huddle in his office with Sen. Frank D. Beadle (D-St. Clair) and Sen. Paul Younger (D-Lansing), Wil- liams took off for Toledo, Ohio, and a speaking engagement to the National Convention of Young Democrats. Sen. Beadle and Sen. Younger reported failure of their mission to the GOP caucus. Thereupon, the Senate promptly adjourned until Tuesday night. Only five members showed up for yesterday's meeting of the House. Back Strategem There were reports 15 Republi- can Senators backed the strate- gem of appealing to Williams for nuisance tax support, and agreed to give the package their support if the Governor produced Demo- cratic votes. A much smaller number were apparently willing to commit themselves for the emergency taxes without any strings at- tached. The Republican camp was bad- ly split, with some members fa- voring a corporate profits tax so- lution and others adhering to a personal-corporate fiat rate in- come tax. Support Asked Sen. Younger told Williams, "We would like to have mutual support from the Democratic side to solve our problem." Williams reminded Younger he had pledged mutual responsibility if Republicans would join with Democrats in a mutually agree- able program, presumably based on an income or corporation pro- fits tax. He said the nuisance tax idea was "repugnant" but that other Democrats and himself would ac- cept it provided Republican votes passed it and that was all he' could get. Not Enough As for the size of the package, he said, "No mathematics under the sun can make 74 million dol- lars do the work of 110 millions." 'TASTELESS..."-N. Y Times "JEJUNE..."-London Standard TOM LEHRER has finally recorded his new songs, Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, Masochism Tango, Oedipus Rex, We'll All Go Together When We Go and 7 more. AN EVENING WASTED WITH TOM LEHRER A live,-concert recording with spoken introduc- tions by Mr. Lehrer. 12",LP TL202. . .. . .... $4.98 12" LP TL202S (Stereo) ... . $5.98 MORE OF TOM LEHRER Same 11 songs, sung by him, but without the ap- plause,-laughter, and hisr insipid introductory re- marks. 12" LP TL2 . . ........ $3.98 12" LP TLlO2S (Stereo) .... $4.98 You can get these at many stores, if that's the way you want to be, but, failing that, send check or money order to MAELSTROM, INC. (Add 4% sales tax for California orders.) P S. Write for Maelstrom catalog any. way. It's free. 444 Market Street t San Francisco 11, Dept. 15 California UNITED NATIONS () -- The United Nations yesterday asked France to call off its A-bomb test in the Sahara Desert. The action by the 82-nation General Assembly was a stinging defeat to the French, who had de- clared previously they would ig- nore any United Nations appeal and go ahead with the test, per- haps as early as next spring. France was taken by surprise by the decision of the Assembly, where it had the support of the United States and Britain. Vote Abstention By a vote of 51 to 16 with 15 abstentions the Assembly ap- proved a watered-down resolution expressing grave concern over the French intention to conduct nu- clear tests, and asking President Charles de Gaulle's government to "refrain from such tests." A resolution containing those words had been approved in the United Nations political commit- tee last week but not by a suffi- cient margin to assure the two- third majority required in the As- sembly. The two-thirds majority was achieved by knocking out two paragraphs in the resolution that some delegates, particularly those from Latin America, felt were too harsh on the French. Dangerous Conditions The paragraphs referred to the creation of dangerous conditions in Africa by holding the test, and to the special responsibility of the United Nations for "dependent peoples of Africa 'threatened by such tests." With that language out of the GM's Anderson Buried Here Harry W. Anderson, 67, retired General Motors vice-president who was killed in a hunting mishap Wednesday, was buried yesterday in simple rites at a small country cemetery near Ann Arbor, General Motors' top negotiator in labor contract talks was acci- dentally shot and killed by his long-time friend, retired General Motors President Harlow H. Cur- tice, while the pair hunted ducks on St. Anne's Island in the St. Clair River, between the United States and Canada. r,.; delegates who had voted no in tl committee switched to yes. Th( included Bolivia, Ecuador ar Panama. Several others switch( from no to abstention. Those in favor of the resolutie included most of the Asian-Afr can nations, the entire Soviet bi and Yugoslavia, as well as t1 Scandinavianenations,dIrelan Canada and New Zealand, Expert Assails Prior to the vote Jules Moe the French disarmament exper assailed the resolution as di criminatory against his count] and "totally unacceptable," f appealed to all who had vote against the resolution in the corn mittee to remain steadfast "as mark of friendship to France." Alex Quaison-Sackey, the Ghar delegate, replied that the Africa peoplesrwould regard thevote an expression of UN friendsh' for them. The Assembly also gave its ui animous approval to a Unite States-Soviet plan for tossing a disarmament proposals, inclu< ing Premier Nikita Khrushchev total disarmament plan, to tl 10-nation East-West committ that will meet in Geneva ear next year. GOVERNOR'S PROBLEMS - Gov. G. Mennen Williams contem- plates the Michigan cash crisis, which has recently taken a new slant due to a surprise plea by the Republican Senators that Williams give them the Democratic votes for their 75 million dollar emergency nuisance tax program. Williams rejected their proposal on the grounds that it is inadequate, and therefore "no solution." This picture was taken Ouring the Governor's recent visit to the University. CANAL ZONE : U.S. State Department Denies Panama Claim _ _ . t , i ..----- ._ A Tonight at 7:00 and 9:00 Tomorrow at 8:00 ALAZRAKI'S "THE ROOTS" Four powerful stories of rural Mexico. Short: "The Knockout" ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents WASHINGTON (IP)-The State Department yesterday denied a claim officially advanced in Pan- ama that President Dwight D. Eisenhower's brother had given assurance that the United States would recognize Panamanian sov- ereignty over the Panama Canal Zone. The Department acted a few hours after Under-Secretary of State Livingston T. Merchant left for Paniama with instructions to try to improve relations between the two countires. The issue of sovereignty over the Canal Zone DIAL NO 8-6416 ENDING TONIGHT * 'Presents SCIA FULL-LENGTH - IN COLOR Starting Sunday 2 ENCORE HITS! KATHERINE HEPBURN in "SUMMERTIME" and ALEC GUINNESS In "CAPTAIN'S PARADISE" has long been pressed by Pana- manian nationalists and usually figures in pre-election controver- sies. Claim Promise The statement that Milton Eisenhower, the President's broth- er and an advisor on Latin-Ameri- can affairs, promised recognition of Panamanian sovereignty over the Zone was made to the Na- tional Assembly in Panama Wed- nesday night by Finance Minister Fernando Eleta. Eleta told the Assembly that Milton Eisenhower and he agreed in an after-dinner conversation on Sept. 13, 1958, that the United States would make a declaration on sovereignty on the following Nov. 3 in connection with Pan- ama's Independence Day. No such declaration was made. Yesterday State Department press officer Lincoln White said: Department in Touch "The department has been in touch with Dr. Eisenhower and on the basis of our conversation we wish to state that in his discus- sions with Panamanian officials at no time did he make any state- ment which could be construed to commit the United States gov- ernment to any course of action with respect to the canal zone." The statement also challenged the accuracy of Eleta's reference to a September meeting between himself and Eisenhower. It said the President's brother visited Panama in July 1958, during a Latin-American goodwill tour. "232"7 -.. SMOOTH SH Stays moist and firm throughout your shave! regular or new mentholated Take your choice of new, cool mentholated or regular Smooth Shave. Both have rich, thick Old Spice quality. lather that won't dry up before you've finished shaving. Roth soften your beard instantly-end razor drag com- pletely. 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