COORDINATORS ROLE REFUSED Set Page 4 Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom I iti COLD High-40 Low-27 Partly cloudy with little change In temperature. VOL. LXIX, No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT GOP Indicates With New Tax Progress Program Talks Fail To Bring NDEA:, Further Dissension Expeeted WASHINGTON (A) -- The man who runs the government's stu- dent loan program indicated yes- terday he expects more colleges to shun it because borrowers must sign loyalty oaths. John F. Morse, program direc- tor, said he has no specific knowl- edge that other institutions will follow the example of Harvard and Yale and drop out in protest. "But common sense tells me other institutions are reconsider- ing their positions," he told a re- porter. Take Oath To obtain a loan, needy college students must swear they are op- posed to the overthrow of the government by force -- a device aimed at denying loan funds to Communists. Although some institutions are pulling out of the program, others are taking part and supporting the loyalty oath. Dr. T .Keith Glennan, head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said he is against the oath requirement. Glennan, on leave as president of Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland, gave this opinion in response to a question at the Na- tional Press Club: Not Necessary ,It's not that I think we should shy away from taking loyalty oaths, but I certainly don't think it's necessary to require a loyal- ty oath to get an educational loan * . I Just don't think it's right." The Eisenhower Administration also opposes the loyalty oath re- quirement. The way to fight it, Morse said, is to persuade Congress to elim- inate it -- not, as he put it, to make It difficult for needy stu- dents to get an education. Schools that have refused to participate in the loan program because of the oath requirement include, besides Harvard and Yale, Amherst, Antioch, Oberlin, Ben- nington, Goucher, Rede, Sarah Lawrence, Wilmington, Grinnell, St. Johns, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore and Princeton. To Continue $U.-S.Loans By NORMA SUE WOLFE Michigan State University not only plans continued utilization of National Defense Education Act loans but also its "unique" method for matching the federal funds. "I think we have to continue to use NDEA funds," MSU vice-presi- dent for business and finance Philip May said." May reported "no adverse reac- tion at MSU from administrators, faculty or students" to the loyalty oath requirements, of the NDEA loan program. Not Problem "I think I should say I have not heard whether some students had~ reservations about the require- ments and thus did not apply, but this is not a major problem here in the administration," he added. MSU will continue to use NDEA loan funds even If loyalty oath and disclaimer affidavit require- ments are not amended through legislation, May said. Each institution which admin- isters the federal loan funds must put up one-ninth of the amount the federal government allocates to the college. Unique System "Here at Michigan State we have~ a rather unique method for raising our share," May explained. "We have our own university-es- tablished ordinances on traffic violations. "When a student is fined for violating an ordinance; this money -Daily-David Cantrell SGC,SEMINAR-Professors Marston Bates and-Lawrence Slobod- kin (above) of the zoology department last night led the SGC discussion of "What Basis Morality?" It was asserted that a moral code must order man's collective struggle for preservation while sacrificing a minimum of the individual's freedom. Baobo n Lead SGC Morality .Discussion By STEPHANIE ROUMELL "Man is the only animal that can do things he knows positively are dead wrong," Prof. Marston Bates of the zoology department said at the SGC discussion, "What Basis for Morality." "Morality is a special force employed by man that removes him from the forces governing the rest of the world," he continued. "For if we limit morality, we are forced back to the law of self-survival of, Agreement Republicans Waver Over Two Choices In Three Caucuses By The Associated Press LANSING - Senate Republican leaders last night reported prog- ress toward agreement on a new tax program for Michigan, but wavered between fo 110 w i i g through on their nuisance tax plan and switching to an income tax. In three caucuses totaling five hours, the GOP majority failed to come out with a revenue pack- age carrying their label. Hopeful- ly, however, however, they agreed to a fourth session last night. "We have made considerable progress today," said Sen. Lynn C. Francis (R-Midland), GOP floor leader. IT want to stay' un- til midnight if necessary to dis- cuss and re-discuss the issues to see if we can get some unanimity among Republicans at least." Action Stalled Indecision stalled action on the 74-million-dollar emergency tax package which they had pledged last week to support. It contains new or higher taxes on services, beer, liquor and tobacco. Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair) said the caucus was split on strategy involving two pending constitutional tax proposals for the statewide ballot next Nov. One calls for a vote on a penny boost in the sales tax; the other a per-+ sonal and corporate income tax. A drift toward accepting a flat rate tax on personal and corpor- ate incomes on a temporary basis has been building up among some Republican senators. It stems from sharp criticism, of the nuis- ance tax package by some areas of business which would be hard- est hit. Struggles Continues While the struggle among Re- publicans went on, minority Dem- ocrats sat on the sidelines. Some Democratic votes are needed to adopt either of the con- stitutional resolutions and put them on the ballot. But party leaders said Democratic votes{ would be tied to agreement onI emergency taxes to meet the im-9 mediate cash problem.4 By NAN MARKEL and KENNETH McELDOWNEY The Regents will consider the new Student Government Council plan and a capital outlay request to the state at its 2:30 p.m. meet- ing today. The new SGC plan is proposed by a clarification committee which the Regents directed last AWARDS: 'U' Alumni Honored NLRB Asks injunctions WASHINGTON (A -- The gov- ernment moved yesterday for the first time under the new labor law to obtain court orders to stop al- legedly illegal picketing. It acted in cases at Alton, Ill., and Hous- ton, Texas. Stuart Rothman, G e n e r a1 counsel of the National Labor Re- lations Board, set off the actions. He authorized that injunctions be sought under a new provision for- bidding recognitional or organi- z a t ion a l picketing within 12 months after an NLRB represen- tational election. The action was directed at Lo- cal 344 of the Retail Clerks Union picketing the Alton Myers Bros. store and Local 745 of the Team- sters Union, picketing a ware- house of Macatee, Inc., a gypsum firm at Dallas. The clerks union has been pick- eting at Alton since July 1958 al- though, the NLRB said, the union was rejected in December 1958 by a vote of 17-2. The Teamsters Union has been picketing the Dallas Warehouse since May 1958 although, the NLRB said, it was rejected in June 1959 by a vote of 38-3. nature, which means less free- dom." "A decision must be made im- mediately," Prof. Lawrence Slo- bodkin of the zoology department maintained. "But there is no way of telling what the consequences of the decision will be." Morality is purely human, he continued. No animal has a self- conscious ethical system-it makes decisions beyond its immediate survival. Prof. Bates said that as man has removed himself from nature to- wards technology he has devel- oped a moralistic attitude toward nature. But he noted that a man is considered morally wrong for' beating, for example,.a horse, not because the horse has any intrinsic right not to be beaten. It is wrong because it is feared that this beater of horses might later be- come a beater of men. The . problem of man's econo- mizing increasingly scarce eco- nomic resources as population expands can be a determinant of morality, Prof. Slobodkin main- tained. He noted that to some, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, some men such as the artist are being freed from any of the "moral encroach- ments" of society. "Each person in our society is in a position to choose a moral system; and there are a smorgas- bord of them. And having accepted one, the individual must act in ac- cord with it." CLARIFICATION - The Regents will consider the Student Government Council plan revised by the SGC Plan Clarification Committee. The committee worked under the direction of the Regents during the'spring semester in order to remove the ambiguities in the present plan. After they presented their clarified plan in June, SGC reconsidered it and made further recommendations to the Regents. To Study SGC, Capital Outlay t S Y t u Outstanding a c h i e v e m e n t awards will be presented by the University to four alumni at a special ceremony in Hill Aud. to- morrow evening. Selected to receive the award established in 1958 by the Regents are: Chesser M. Campbell, a 1921 graduate, who is president of the Tribune Company of Chicago; George E. Holbrook, who has three University degrees, and is vice-president of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company of Wil- mington; Herold C. Hunt, who received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1923 and a Master of Science degree in 1927, and is Elliott professor of educational administration at Harvard University; Dr. Charles W. Shilling, a 1925 Bachelor of Arts graduate who also received a Doctor of Medicine degree in 1927, who is deputy di- rector of the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Atomic En- ergy Commission.t spring to clear up ambiguities in the current plan. Only after heated debate, and serious objection from two stu- dent members of the committee, was the plan passed. Asks Different Board It calls for a Board of Referral to take the place of the Board in Review now in operation. This board will have power to review SGC actions which any four of its members deem "unreasonable." The board may also review SGC actions where it feels procedural irregularities exist or where the Council's jurisdiction is ques- tioned. One student member walked out of the clarification committee's last meeting when the first review power, termed "substantive re- view," was approved. He insisted then that review should come only on basic issues - rather than on where a difference of opinion small "unreasonable" p o in t s might bedthe basis for overruling an SOC decision. Plan Passed The plan was passed by a seven to one vote: Three faculty mem- bers, two administrators and one student approved. The second stu-; dent member dissented; the third had walked out. As the plan stands now, the re- ferral . committee will consist of nine members, including two stu- dents, the SGC president and one other student not on the Council; three faculty members who are primarily engaged in teaching and are members of the Faculty Sen- ate; and two administrators, eith- er the Dean of Men or Dean of Women plus one other University1 official. In addition, one University alumnus and the Vice-President for Student Affairs will serve on the committee. Neither will have a vote. The referral committee could be called together at the written, request of any four of its mem- bers, or at the request of the Vice-, President for Student Affairs. The Regents' request for clari- fication of the SGC plan "ambi- guities" came after the Council; withdrew recognition from Sigma Kappa sorority last year. The Board' in Review reversed the Council decision. The Council then asked the Re- gents to reconsider the case. But the Regents said the case was a specific example of the SGC plan ambiguities, which they asked be set straight before the case itself be considered. Today the Regents will also dis- cuss the capital outlay budget which lists requests for new con- struction, renovation, remodeling and maintenance. Since no funds for. new con- struction were appropriated to the University last year, the building request will be similar to last year's, it is reported. Report Indicates Cheating Large at Iowa University A report released by the Iowa State University Student Council indicated a high percentage of students have been cheating on examinations. The report, compiled by the Student Responsibility Committee,. is based on observation of five final examinations at the end of the first semester last year. The data was gathered in a poll of 200 students concerning cheating they had done and seen, and information released by depart- However, the Institute of Sc ence and Technology will go high er on the priority list because tl Legislature has shown interest i its construction. Tentative Request Set A tentative $17,350,000 capita outlay request was sent to Lan sing in August, John G. McKev itt, assistant to the vice-presiders for business and finance, said. But, according to Gov. G. Men nen Williams, the Legislature i not in a position to finance an new construction for education nor will it be for some time. ment heads. Committee memberl who sat in on the examinations commented that the proctors of examinations either ignored stu- dents they saw cheating, or merely moved them to other seats. They speculated that proctors were reluctant to take action against the students due either to the difficulty of proving that the cheating was actually going on, or to the severe punishment for the offense. Forty-two out of the 200 stu- dents who filled out the question- naire revealed that they had cheated on these finals. The question regarding the mo- tives for cheating uncovered a wide range of reasons, going from the most common, the excuse that everyone else did it, to social pres- sure from friends as the least frequent, used as an excuse by only two students., The Student Council felt that the report was the most effective way of calling the problem to the attention of university officials. Student body president Judy Clark commented, "After all, we can't legislate against cheating. We can only urge students to take action." In Future Black Friday Here Unemployed To Remain Mexican President Ponders f . Possible Travel in Russia MEXICO CITY OP)-Mexico's President Adolfo Lopez Mateos yesterday accepted in principle an invitation to visit Russia, Foreign Minister Manuel Tello reported. The invitation was given bySoviet Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan during a 58-minute call on the Mexican chief executive at the national palace. Tello, who attended the meeting along with Soviet ambassador Vladimir I. Bazikin, told reporters later what occurred. Mikoyan arrived here Wednesday for a 10- day visit with the announced main UNIVERSITY STU purpose of inaugurating a Soviet. scientific, technical and- cultural exposition Saturday. A rt Gallet Makes Calls. Hespent most of yesterday in courtesy calls on officials, includ- By CHARLES KOZOLL ing the President, and a visit to Personnel Director the Senate. GAP, the second floor art gallery In the Senate, Mikoyan spoke designed to fill an artistic void in :on free self-determination of peo- Ann Arbor, will soon be closed. ples, world peace, disarmament The gallery which opened last and social justice. Sunday after six months of pre- Tello said Mikoyan invited Lo- parati n by a group primarily pez Mateos to Moscow in the consisting of architecture and de- names of President Voroshilov and sign college students led by Geor- Premier Khrushchev. geanne Pearce, '60A&D, is being Lopez Mateos thanked him, Tel- shut down by landlord William G. lo said, explained that he has ac- Skinner who claims that GAP is a cepted invitations to visit South commercial venture illegally oper- America next year, including Ven- ating in a residence. ezuela and Brazil, and that he "I had no idea that it was going would have to leave the date for to be turned into a gallery when I a Russian visit open for later de- rented the apartment (now oc- termination. The Mexican presi- cupied by GAP) to Miss Pearce in dent visited the United States and auv." Srinn nointedrnt "T first [DENTS: ry To. Be Closed. WASHINGTON (9)-- A belief that there always will. be some unemployment in this country, even in times of prosperity, was indicated yesterday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It said some of the unemployed are idle by their own choice, quit- ting one job to hunt for a better one. The Bureau's appraisal was set forth in a study prepared for the Senate-House Economic Commit- tee, which made it public. The committee requested the report for use in its long-range search for ways to stabilize employment and build a stronger economy. The study dealt with conditions found in 1955-57, years of rela- tively full employment. Total un- employment in a typical 1957 week was placed at about 2,900,- '000. I isting principal findings, it fig- ured that: S1) The continuing entry of new workers into the labor force and the re-entry of others after a period of retirement accounted in the average for about 20 per cent of the unemployed, while they were job-hunting. 2) Voluntary shifting from job to job caused roughly 10 per cent of the total short-term unemploy- ment. 3) Seasonal fluctuations in job opportunities accounted for an- other 20 per cent. Army Fires 'U' Rocket IJns]ieessfu1v and even offered to help us," Miss Pearce, asserted. Paul Suttman and John Ste- phenson, both instructors in the architecture and design school, had been in the gallery when Skin- ner had been a visitor. He ap- peared two and three times a week to adjust the heat in the building with the central thermostat lo- cated in the GAP apartment. "He may be under pressure from the building's owners who could refuse to renew his lease in Janu- ary if the venture isn't disbanded," Miss Pearce conjectured. Gave Encouragement Skinner's encouragement and sympathy toward GAP lasted until Sunday night, Miss Pearce re- dered its closing," Miss Pearce ex- plained. While the main objective was centered around the commercial aspect of GAP, Miss Pearce as-, serted that the building owners objected to the number of people that would be trooping in and out of the gallery. Over 300 people visited the converted apartment on Sunday.I "We learned that the owner also was repulsed by the serving of burgundy with the ,coffee," Miss Pearce reported. GAP is actually operated on a cooperative basis with whatever profit made from the sale of articles going to pay the cost of the materials and the gallery,,Miss Pearce maintained. - I W - ME - 9 0