Political Football Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER-AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevai" AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Yeoman G&S Music H E EO ECN oc the Guard ' is probably. Gilbert and Sullivan's best work. It makes an attempt at something more profound than comic opera. t atempts a bit of tragedy and almost succeeds. The local Gilbe and Sullivan Society opened their four-day run of "Yeomen" last night with a greatly uneven performance, which had a few really fine moments and many of lesser note. A campus g-oup has many handicaps in any presentation of this type. Obtaiing a good orchestra, a very essential ingredient is diffi- cult wih various music school restrictions. And obtaining the voices Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JRSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN k Grand Rapids College Constructive Ideabut... E STABLISHING an independent, state-sup- ported four-year college in Grand Rapids would benefit both the local area and the al- ready established state universities Reports show percentages of area students attehding colleges are lower than the present statewide averages. This is ascribed to lack of a state college in the area. Costs of the large universities are too high 'for many students who would attend college if a less expensive one were available in the local area. The col- lege would also improve cultural standards and Crisis Habitual COMES THE middle of the month, the state administrators mete out precariously found funds. Each month the state treasury is drained to a new low. And at the middle of the month mention usually comes of $6.5 mil- lion owed to universities - payments held off beyond the time they are due. University officials inevitably reassure us that the money will come. Sometimes it is re- ceived before the end of the month, sometimes it isn't But the state can hold off University payments a half-month beyond the time they are due, since the University meets its major payroll, and greatest expense, at the end of the month rather than the middle. D ELAYED payments were once news. They aren't any more. ,Even the "perilous" $37 iilion net cash low presently charged to the treasurer is hardly newsworthy. There have been "new lows" almost every month, start- ing with $87,927,000 on the payless payday may 7. The cash crisis becomes routine. As one Uni- versity administrator has suggested, the crisis Is no longer a crisis - seeing as crisis implies trouble which is immediate, then passes. Fi- nancial troubles too may pass, but they have bee nwith us so long the administrator sug- gests the "crisis" be called an "interval" in- stead. "Time of conditioning" is an even better description. For the state and the University have become conditioned to the cash troubles during this interval. They'no longer react to delayed payments, treasury lows - they mere- ly proffer empty hands, according to some dim sensation along the spinal cord. -NAN MARKEL MAX LERNER: Nehru Views I HAD A TALK with Prime Minister Nehru two days after the fateful Chinese attack in Ladakh. I remark that it is an anxious time for him and all of us. He answers, smiling, that all his years of public life have had anxious moments. I ask what form Indian resistance to the Chi- nese aggressions is likely to take. He bridles a little at the "likely"; how can he say before the event? Then he parries my question by launching on an explanation of the whole frontier situatioi. It runs in the now familiar terms: how barren the Ladakh area is, with no blade of grass grgwlng, warm at mid-day, so cold at night that the patrols must build underground bunk- ers, sometimes it takes months to get at some spot. Put there are nuances of emphasis as Nehru talks about it. The MacMahon Line, he ekplains, is the Northeast frontier; that is where the Longju trouble was, and where the Indian army had some strength. Ladakh was on the Northwest frontier, where the Army had not expected much to happen. WHAT IT amounts to, although Nehru does not say it explicitly, is that the Chinese struck at an unexpected place and an unex- pected time, in an unexpected way, with unex- pected force. There is almost an element of hurt that they should have moved so brutally into an area where it made no sense for them to be I press him again on what the Indians in- tend to do about it. He answers, politely but firmly, that of course they will take the mea- sures that it is for them to decide upon - the clear hint being that it is his business, not that of a newspaperman, and he isn't going to tell me. THIS BRINGS us to the question of the na- ture of the Chinese threat and the char- acter of their intentions. I ask his view of it. He speaks of how curious the Chinese are in laying claim to territory. Once they have made a claim they never abandon it: if they have the power to carry through with it, they do; if not, they continue making the claim anyway. This is not what I am after. Nehru keeps talking of Chinese traits, while I want him to give economic benefits, from direct college spending and increased attractiveness to in- dustry. PERHAPS the biggest advantages do not ac- crue to the Grand Rapids area at all. A state supported college would obviate need for one of the big universities' establishing a branch; and neither would a big university have to grow bigger to accommodate increased demand from the area, due if nothing else to population growth. (It has been pointed out that establishing the independent Grand Rapids college would cost no more than a branch or large expan- sion at one of the big universiti'es, a selling point to the Legislature which must meet ex- panding educational needs as economically as possible.) The present state universities might grow bigger without much difficulty, but there is a definite question as to whether any advantage is gained by it. The resources of the Univer- sity, for instance, are already- immense, and the addition of a few thousand students would not bring great gain here. And it is conceivable that addition of any more students, no matter how bright, would be harmful. ON THE OTHER HAND, a new college would eliminate all these difficulties, because it would take up the immediate surplus of ap- plicants and have the potential to grow large enough to handle almost all of the Grand Rapids area students. The more state-support- ed universities, the smaller each needs to be. And with cost factors equal, the state can af- ford to look at an educational problem from a purely educational standpoint. A branch of a major university is perhaps impossible in Grand Rapids anyway, because conflicting University and Michigan State Uni- versity alumni groups might detract from the efforts of the parent, though this is always disclaimed by administrators. And a college of its own, rather than a step-child, would perhaps furnish a program more fitted for local needs. No matter what the benefit of the plan, how- ever, it can be said that a college is not imme- diately around the corner. State financial problems, if nothing else, will slow the plan; but its ultimate desirability cannot be ques- tioned. -PHILIP SHERMAN 77 - -9....W Herblock is away due to illness Copyright, 1959, The Pulitzer Publishing CO. St. Louis Post-Dispatch AT THE STATE: Cordura Not Promised Land tor theop t roles is eqully as challen * tors who can compete in the unique G&S genre of archaic Sat- 'ire. This particular cast had only two of these rare specimens, Ger- shom Morningstar and Ty Mc- Connell, Moningstar a vter!an of five hold his nose high better than anyone the So- ciety has seen in recent years. His. voice cracks just at the right point and his almost pompous bearing is a pleasure to behold. In addition to this, he doesn't have a a vo tice. As Jack Point, the strolling ester, who loses hs love and ends as the tragi fiue, he gave his usual fne perormance. Whl he is perhaps bet er cast as the haughty, well-bred Englishman, he nonekss portrayed the jes- ter superbly. * * * McCONNEL, in his first major G&S role, proved to be a top- flight performer. His voice is 'iot especially well-trained, but he demonstrates the magical acting ability which is necessary to suc- cessfully present any Gilbert and Sullivan wor k. As Colonel Fairfax, the con- demned man who escapes execu- tion and goes on to steal the jes- ter's wench, he carried a major share of the vocal work and was rather admirable at it. , The rest of the cast varied from good to not very good at all. Karen Decker as Elsie May- nard ,the girl who eventually gets Fairfax, displayed a voice which was among the best in the east. On the highest notes, however, she displayed a rather disturbing tremolo. Mary Carolyn Shaw as Phoebe Meryll had adequate stage bearing but her voice often failed to carry the necessary fourteen rows. What was heard was pleas- ant, however. * * * TIE ORCIESTLIA was gener- ally below par, but the brass sec- tion deserves special mention for a job wel done. The set was effec- tive and the lighting, just slightly less coordin'ated than it should have been, was stiiking. The larg chorus, once the G&S strong point, was not nearly so good in quality or training as in past years. The performance does not rank with G&S efforts of two seasons ago, but "Yeomen" is a fine work and well worth the ticket price. While not the best, it is good clean fun and extremely enter- taining. --Robert Junker AT THE CAMPUS: Film Tosca P ERHAPS Hollywood and Sam- uel Goldwyn (in this case, Rome and Carmine Gallone) are unsurapssed at creating panorama and massive sets, but opera be- longs on the stage. The staging of opera often depends upon the imagination, but the music is alive and is never as electrifying and thrilling as when it captivates the audience of the Met. "Tosca" captivated the small audience at the Campus Theatre (which is certainly a far cry from the Met). Here, then, is an excep- tion. The sets were grandiose as is the style of the cinema, but the music was all there. Maria Caniglia has truly one of the xWost magnificent voice I have heard in a long while. (She must be exclusive property of La Scala!) She has an amazing range which is pure pleasure for the ear. * * * OF COURSE, she was never seen as her voice was dubbed in but the role of Tosca was beauti- fully rendered by Franca Duval, Howeyer, Scarpio (Afro Poll) with his resonant baritone was ideally sinister and Mario Cavara- dossi (Franco Corelli) is quite handsome. Even though Senor Corelli is quite charming, the role left something to be desired.. May I here award laurels to Cinecitta Productions for creat- ing such a compelling motion pic- ture from such a tragic tale. TRUE, OPERA does not belong\ on the screen, but "Tosca" lent itself quite nicely to cinemascope and stereophonic sound. The color was superb. The ballroom scene in Act II was grand, and Giacomo Puccini (bless his romantic, lyric, dramatic music) has given the world of opera a real gem. Sorry to shatter all the 'hopes of those who are used to reviews which abuse the whole medium of cinema (it's not TN, is it?) but this movie was good. In fact, it was very good. In fact, the only genuinely displeasing time came at the end of Act I (the splendid scehe in the church) when the horns and tympani resounded with a smashing F Major chord K.. and were fiat! -Karen McCann ,. I' Ladakh Attack nality of silence ,if it might lead where he doesn't want to go. I change my tack, and try to approach the Chinese from the direction of the Russians. Didn't the Ladakh attack, I ask, prove the failure of Khrushchev's mission to Peking? He thinks not. While Khrushchev didn't wholly succeed, he says, you cannot say with assur- ance that he failed.I He is careful to say that he does not know of his own knowledge that there is a Russian- Chinese rift, but it makes sense to say that while each of the two countries depends on the other - and China especially needs Russian economic help - each also has its own con- cerns and interests. I TAKE this as a hint that the Russians do not take the Ladakh attack as deliberate China policy, so I follow it up. Was the at- tack just an accident, I ask? He answers that the Chinese soldiers may have taken up their position in Ladakh months earlier, and sat there waiting, and the Indian patrol appeared, and the Chinese attacked. Thus the clash may have occurred without any direct orders being given for it from Pe- king. Nehru suggests that conceivably the Chinese Cabinet didn't know the episode would occur, and may have been as surprised as any- one else when the news came. I made a mental note of the main drift of this: Nehru talked with me after the Ladakh massacre but before the Chinese threat to scrap the MacMahon line in the Northeast if India did not give way in Ladakh. Clearly at the time he did not exclude the theory that it was all an accident and might not recur. Obviously he has changed his view since, WEGO ON to a discussion of the role of Asian opinion. I ask whether one of In- dia's weapons might not be to organize Asian opinion and isolate China in Asia. He objects to my use of "organize," and thinks it is char-i acteristically American. I waive the word and ask him to talk about the fact, and he is em- phatic that Asian opinion has lined up with India and is already a factor in the contro- versy. IN FOOT-HIGH red letters, the makers of "They Came to Cor- dura" announce the deep ethical significance of their film. This 1916ish Western in Army uniform concerns the eternal questions, "What is Courage? What is Cow- ardice?" Just in case the audience misses this point the first time, it is spe- cifically stated, implied, insinuat- ed, and shouted for the remainder of the picture. Little of the action depicting the long, hard journey from heroism to degradation to real courage is hardly more subtle than the repeated announcement of purpose. Cordura is a U.S. Army base in the "wind, sand, and silence" of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO. 51 General Notices International center Tea: Thurs., Nov. 19, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter- national center. All students welcome. International Student and Family Exchange: Thurs., Nov. 19, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., basement of the Student Ex- change Bldg., and evenings by appoint- ment. College of Architecture and Design: Midsemester grades are due on Fri., Nov. 20. Please send them to 207 Archi- tecture Bidg. Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Nom- inees are invited to a coffee hour, Thurs., No1. 19, at 4:15 in Rm. 3S of the Michigan Union. Campus repre- sentatives and members of the Re- gional Selection committee will speak briefly, and answer questions concern- ing the criteria for selection, the na- ture and purpose of the interviews, the choice of schools, and the kind of in- formation and creientials submitted by each candidate which will most clearly indicate to the Foundation his or her qualifications for a fellowship. Opera Tonight: The Dept. of Speech and the School of Music present the Donizetti opera, -"Don Pasquale, 8:00 p.m. Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. Tick- ets $1.00. general admission unreserved seating. Box office open from noon. Bette Davis and Gary Merrill will present their. new stage production, "The World of Carl Sandburg" Thurs., Nov. 19 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. as the second number of the Platform Attractions series. Tickets are now on sale at the Aud. box office, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Students are offered a special reduced rate on all tickets. Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night. Fri., Nov. 20, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. M. Peter Boyce will speak on "The Face of the Sun." After the lec- ture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic obser- vations of Double Star and Orion Neb- ula. Children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Lec*tures Pancho Villa's Mexico. Traveling toward it are five heros, nominees for the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Awards Officer (Gary Cooper) who had turned coward at his fist battle, and an American woman charged with giving aid and "comfort" to the enemy. * * FOR COOPER the trip is a Quixotic quest for the true mean- ing of courage. By the final scenes, he has become a kind of Moses leading some very naughty children to the promised land of inward strength through deserts, bandit attacks, and some of the most unlikely dialogue ever writ- ten. The ageless Cooper is his usual long-in-the-saddle, but woefully short-in-the-talent self. Fortu- nately, his very appearance con- vinces the audience of a strength which his bumbling words deny. "De-glamorized" R i t a H a y- 'worth is the noble, though wicked, lady who has had three husbands and innumerable "friends" includ- ing some who had recently been shooting at the United States Army. As the lone woman on' a forty-mile trek, she creates the usual amount of furor with the usual amount of ' effort - one lifted eyebrow and a few mur- inured monosyllables.. * * * AN ASSORTMENT of Holly- wood stand-bys (Van Heflin, Tab Hunter, Richard Conte) play the questionable heroes, one of whom is a blackmailer, one a murderer, and one a West Point lieutenant with a regulations booklet view of honor. These men perform their roles with a casual competence that overshadows both Cooper rnd Miss Hayworth's contribu- tions. "They Came to Cordura" is, at best, a trite rewriting of innu- merable Westerns. It's "conver- sion" scene reeks with improba- bility and sentimentality. Its mes- sage is too obvious, its characters too unlikely. Its actors, glamor- ized or not, are uninspiring. '--Jo .Hardee LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: e r To The Editor: CAROL LEVENTEN'S editorial in Saturday's Daily calls at- tention to a magnificent oppor- tunity now being presented to Ann Arbor: that of being the home of one of the outstanding theatres of the nation, a theatre with Tyrone Guthrie as artistic direc- tor. Whether Ann Arbor is chosen as the location for the 'new thea- tre' depends mainly on how much we want to have it here and on how much we show our enthusiasm by working to make the project possible. Miss Leventen's use of the word "commercial" may be misleading. The new theatre is to be set up as a non-profit organization and is in fact envisaged as an educational institution. Actors - including some of the greatest-would come here to gain experience in a variety of roles under superb direction. Such an experience is now denied to actors in this country. Over the years the educational 'aspect of the thea- tre is expected to expand, with 'young actors, designers, techni- cians, coming to the theatre to de-' velop their talents. ** * THE USE OF "local talent," re- ferred to by Miss Leventen, is meant in terms of playing bit roles and of aiding in minor aspects of technical production and promo- tion. The theatre would be pro- fessional in all its central aspects, drawing on the very best talents available.- Mr. Guthrie's stature in the 4theatre is eloquently described by Review. . . To The Editor: JN TODAY'S issue of your paper I find my friend John Hagopian's review of "Generation," and there is one thing to which I'd like to call his attention (and yours): IHe is perfectly free to accept or reject Gottfried Benn, as well as any poet, particularly if he gives reasons; but it shocks me to see him contemptuously dismiss him as if he weren't even worth discuss- ing. Certainly John knows better than that. Also, he might have been some- what less casual in his irony on "expressionism". Labels, collect- ive definitions, movements etc. in literature are always open to ques- tion, and maybe that's what he had in mind; but anybody familiar with contemporary European lit- erature knows that the label "ex- pressionism" is a useful term to designate a very rich and creative galaxy of artists, like Benn him- self and Trakl or Heym (whose Savonarola John rightly admires, while he seems totally oblivious to the greatness of Trakl). And I don't quite see why he, resents "Generatidn" 's effort to be so good in its way as to invite perilous comparisons with famous periodicals.' On the other hand I'm happy to see he appreciates Kennedy's and Camp's poems, while he might have been less harsh toward Hunt's effort to recreate in English the levity and humour of Jacques Pre vert. -Glauco Cambon English Department Epithets . . To the Editor:-- and stimulating for the very rea- son that it pulled no punches. And -we must remember that it was a criticism based purely on opinion . with no pretension to knowledge of all the subjects covered, NowMr. Newman is antagonistic to this sort of criticism. He evi- dently feels that so long as Mr. Hagopian doesn't know about the entirety of his subject, he has no right to give his opinion on its ap- pearance in a student publication. Furthermore, Mr. Newman chides the critic for a lack of "construc- tive criticism." * * * HAVEN'T TE editors (and past editors) of Generation passed the stage where criticism must be ad- ministered with a pat on the head, where negative opinions must be softened with recommendations for improvement? That Mr. Hagopian did pan parts of Generation seems to me the very essense of instruc- tive criticism for the young adults which we presume to be. It should be a strong stimulation for reap- praisal, for rejection or affirma- tion of our goals, rather than a Casper Milquetoast type of guid- ance. Mr. Hagopian read the maga- zine, looked at the pictures, and gave his reaction. For this his article was termed a "sea of offal." This very inability to accept, or reject, criticism without resorting to name-calling, seems to me 'n immature weakness in the student body, or in the staff of an "in- dependent" student publication. -Georgialee Whitehili Too Late To The Editor: EASY COME, easy go." - Old American Folk Saying. but why the public was not aroused in 1953 (before the big money shows went on the air) when the first charges of quiz show rigging were made. Maurice Zoltow, author of the book It Takes All Kinds, appeared on "Strike It Rich" in 1953, Sev- eral months later Mr. Zoltow wrote a news article for syndicated con- sumption on how he was told the questions used on "Strike It Rich." At this time, you may recall, the New York City Grand Jury was investigating the show, not be- cause it was rigged, but because thousands of vagrants were ar- riving in New York and trying to get on the show.The Grand Jury also was concerned whether or not "misery" was proper fare for T.V. entertainment. Mr. Zoltow was not alone. Several other contestants wrote that questions asked on the show were the ones used in the warm-up. The M.C. of the show later stated that it was not right to embarrass the guest stars who were trying to win money for needy letter writers. The case of "Strike It Rich" is not unique: SEVERAL HAVE claimed the old audience participation show "Can You Top This" was also re- hearsed, although it claimed spon- taneity. "Stop The Music," the grand- daddy of big money quiz shows, often cropped up in the news for calling on the air those who wrote nasty letters to the show. Also a well known commentator gave the name of the mystery tune on his show. To claim that "Truth Or Conse- quences" or "People Are Funny" did not screen contestants is pure naivte. "True Or False" and the "Rixyv-Pnur Dollar Question" let