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November 19, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-19

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Germans Assail Measure;
Groups Reach Compromise

Pravda' Sees Latin American Thaw

LONDON (A') - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan yesterday bowed
to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer by
finally abandoning Macmillan's pet
plan for an experimental disarma-
' ment zone in Central Europe.
The Macmillan plan, indorsed by
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev but assailed by the West Ger-
Fnd Tainte
WASHINGTON OP) - The first
batch of tainted cranberries from
the 1958 crop was turned up yes-
terday a few hours after the In-
dustry insisted that all berries
from that year are safe to eat.
That claim was a major basis
of the industry's plea made at an
open conference, that Secretary
of Welfare Arthur S. Flemming
assure the American public that
all cranberry products now on
sale are untainted.
The contention was, that all
ri contaminated berries are of the
1959 crop and they can be headed
off the market.
Flemming took the request un-
der study. And with Thanksgiving
--the traditional cranberry eat-
ing day - coming up next week,
he promised to decide as soon as
possible whether to back up the
industry. He didn't say when he
would act.
The request accompanied a
five-point program the industry
offered to Flemming for checking
berries not yet on the market for
any traces of the weed killer,
Aminotriazole, which produces
cancer in rats.
Meanwhile, the Army said it
has ordered that no cranberries be
served to its troops anywhere in
the world at messes or sold at
Army commissaries.
The Air Force already had di-
rected that no cranberries be is-
sued if they came from areas
where they might have been con-
The Navy is drafting an order
saying cranberries may be served
once they are proven free of any,
traces of the weed killer.


mans, envisaged a zone on both
sides of the Iron Curtain in Mid-
Europe where armaments and
armies would be limited.
Instead, diplomatic sources said,
the_ British and West German
leaders agreed to stick to this
compromise formula:
Any such zone covering German
territory should not be a separate
arrangement-as Macmillan urged
-but part of a wide East-West
disarmament program.
In a domestic political sense the
British concession appeared to be
a considerable one. Last month in
their electoral manifesto, Mac-
millan's conservatives pledged cau-
tiously to work for "the inspection
and reduction of armaments in
areas to be agreed."
Sources of West German Distrust
Macmillan's ideas of disengage-
ment in Central Europe was one of
the main sources of West German
distrust of his policy on concilia-
tion with the Russians.
Adenauer feared a process of
Western withdrawal that would
leave West Germany exposed to
Soviet pressure.
Evidently appreciating Macmil-
lan's action, Adenauer gave a
generalized assurance of his own,
informants said.
Through his Foreign Minister,
Heinrich von Brentano, he prom-
ised that the six "Little Europe"
nations of the common market
will not set themselves up as a
political alliance with the wider
Atlantic alliance.
He also undertook to insure that
the "Little Europe" bloc would
follow liberal trading polices with
Britain and its partners in the
rival economic group dubbed the
"outer seven."
Set Hopes Rising
These promises seemed vague.
But they were enough to set Brit-
ish hopes rising that a trade war
can be averted.
The mood of British-German
compromise spread to the two
countries' long-conflicting views of
East-West summit negotiations.
Officials on each side reported
broad agreement on the agenda
that should be proposed to Presi-
dent Dwight. D. Eisenhower and
President Charles de Gaulle of
This is the agenda Macmillan
and Adenaue agreed upon:
1) Disarmament.
2) The problem of Germany, In-
cluding Berlin.
3) East-West relations in gen-
Adenauer originally wanted top
priority for disarmament, with the
Berlin problem virtually ignored.
Macmillan wanted Berlin given
top place because it was the crisis
over that disputed city which ap-
parently has opened the path to
the summit.
But the chief British Foreign
Office spokesman, John Russel,
told reporters "obviously more
work has to be'done" on summit
matters. He was referring to the
coordination of western policies on
the questions to be discussed.

MOSCOW ( R- Soviet leaders
were told yesterday "revolution-
ary battles in Venezuela and the
heroic struggle of the Cuban peo-
ple for their independence" show
that Latin America is awakening'
to a big thaw in its relations with
the Communist world.
An article on this subject, one
of many reflecting a sudden live-
ly Soviet interest in Latin Amer-
ican affairs, appeared in the offi-
cial Communist Party newspaper,
It coincided with the visit of
First Deputy Premier A. I. Mi-
koyan to Mexico to open a Soviet
cultural, scientific and industrial
Cites Impact
Pravda told its readers that the
visit of Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev to the United States in Sep-
tember had an enormous impact
and Latin America is beginning to
realize the full meaning of that

"The historic visit of Khrush-
chev to the U.S.A. and his pro-
posal for total and complete dis-
armament proclaimed by him
from the United Nations rostrum
have had tremendous impact on
millions of Latin Americans," said
the article.
"For the peoples of Latin Amer-
ica, the re-establishment and de-
velopment of friendly relations
with the USSR is a real and great
cause associated with hopes for
guaranteed national independ-
ence and a better life."
Soviet Trade Viewed
The article dwelt on the pros-
pects of Soviet trade with Latin
Mikoyan, an expert in foreign
trade, probably will be discussing
such matters in Mexico, and in
other countries, should he extend
his Latin American visit else-
"The cold war is an obstacle to

broader business contacts between
the countries of Latin America
and other states," the Pravda ar-
ticle said.
"As a result, the warehouses of
Buenos Aires, Santiago, Rio de
Janeiro and Havana are fairly
bursting with unsold goods. More
than 20 million sacks of coffee are
awaiting buyers in Brazil.
Explains Response
"This is why Latin American
business circles responded so
warmly to the call of Khrushchev
for the expansion of internation-
al trade."
The article suggested that those
"who try to preserve the Latin
American countries as a cold war
reserve and block their lawful as-
pirations for broader business and
cultural contacts with all states,
present a sorry spectacle."
Another newspaper, Komsomol
Pravda, organ of the Young Com-
munist League, published a dis-
patch from Cuba saying the Unit-

ed States press has been "pouring
threats and slander" upon the
Castro movement.
A delegation of , Communists
from Brazil is in Moscow, under
Brazilian Communist leader Luis
Carlos Prestes. It was received by
Mikhail Suslov, top ranking par-
ty theoretician and member of the
ruling Party Presidium.
Latin Adid
hower Administration has shown
more support for military strong
man regimes in Latin America
than the Truman Administration
did, a report prepared for Senate
study said last night.
The report, drafted by the Uni-
versity of New Mexico School of
Inter-American Affairs, said the
United States should follow a
policy of correct neutrality to-
ward Latin American dictators
and, refuse aid to outworn regimes.
The report was prepared for a
foreign relations subcommittee on
American republics affairs, and
published by the subcommittee
without endorsement.
The subcommittee, headed by
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-O'e.), be-
gan a reappraisal of United States
policy toward Latin America fol-
lowing, Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon's riot-marred tour in May
Besides recommending "some-
thing more than lip service to
Democratic principles," the re-
port said the United States should
promote disarmament in Latin
America and gradually reduce
military aid there.

Russia PreparesTo Extend Influence


Associated Press News Analyst
Nikita S. Khrushchev apparent-j
ly is preparing to make a pitch
during 1960 for expanded Soviet
and Communist influence in Latin3
The current mission to Mexico
of his right hand man, A. I. Mi-j
koyan, coincides with noticeably
stepped-up propaganda designedj
for Latin American audiences.
This suggests the Russians see
bright opportunities there in
months to come.
Conceivably Mikoyan once more
may be filling the role of advance
man as he did in the - United
States, to test the climate for a
Khrushchev visit to Latin Ameri-
See Possible Gains
A number of factors combine to
suggest to the Communist leader-
ship that important gains are in
prospect in Latin America.
These include the political fer-
ment in the Caribbean and Cen-
tral American areas, a tendency
in many quarters to kick Uncle
Sam in the shins and blame him
for all their woes, the promise of
a Soviet market for agricultural
production, and various economic
The reason assigned for Mikoy-
an's visit to Mexico is to open a
Soviet scientific and industrial
exhibition designed to impress
Mexicans with the progress of the
world's leading Communist na-
Might Travel Farther
There is no official word wheth-
er Mikoyan will extend his trip
to other Latin American points,
but there is some thought that he
might go to Cuba or Venezuela.
Mikoyan is the highest ranking
Soviet figure ever to set foot in
a Latin American country.
The first deputy premier of the
Soviet Union, an expert in foreign
trade, can make a big splash.
The Soviet press indicates what
is on the Communists' mind. It is
accenting the area's economic
'troubles and the arguments of Fi-
del Castro's Cuban regime with
the United States.
Phone NO 2-4786
for Classified Advertising

It is picturing Latin American
business circles as eager for bet-
ter trade relations with the Com-
munist bloc.
Little such trade exists now.
But Latin America has surpluses
of coffee, cotton and other agri-
cultural goods, and is running
into further trouble as advanced
countriesusubstitute synthetics
for agricultural products.
May Be Research
Mikoyan also may be intent
upon assessing the Communist
apparatus and its prospects for
increasing influence.







Some Latin American countries
outlaw the Communist party. In
some it works behind Communist
fronts or in leftist coalitions.
Mexico's party has gone down-
hill as a political force in recent
years, but is active in labor or-
A picture of Soviet intentions
likely will become clearer later on,
when Communist and Commu-
nist-front organs of the Latin
American press instruct the rank-
and-file in what is expected of

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