COLLEGE POSSIBILITIES IN GRAND RAPIDS Y L lrir See Page 4 VOL. LXIX, No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES Educators View Honors Program Cite National Trend to Programs For America's Superior Students By NORMA SUE WOLFE Four educators who want to "do more than give students with high averages Phi Beta Kappa keys to dangle" yesterday recognized the importance of special programs for the superior student. Speaking before a general session of the 13th annual Conference on Higher Education, they indicated there has been a national move towards establishment of honors programs in both universities, and junior and community colleges. "We are just at the beginning of a new era in honors," Prof. Joseph W. Cohen, director of the Inter-University Committee on the Superior Student, said. Prof. Cohen, who travels throughout the United vStates and investigates special programs for superior students, spoke on "Honors Programs To- day-Trends and Problems." Programs 'Survivors' "Honors programs of the past half century were just survivors of years of neglect, usually started in a student's junior or senior year. They were too late, too little, too esoteric and too invisible to the rest of the student body," he said. Also, nine times more money was spent on remedial work for the inferior than programs for the superior student. "But now we have brought the honors students together so that they fire each other1 up, so that each competes with himself to keep up with the group in a variety of honors programs," Prof. Cohen continued. There are three types of pro- grams, he believes: the general, C. LAWRENCE BOYLE the departmental and the all-uni- " 0..opposes management versity. State Increase 'U,' * Says Unions, Oppose U.S. Intervention" By KATHLEEN MOORE "We don't want federal inter- ventions any -more than the steel companies," a tnited Steelworkers field representative asserted here yesterday. C. Lawrence Loyle told listeners at a Democratic' Socialist Club meeting he "certainly doesn't think" President Dwight D. Eisen- hower was justified in using a federal injunction "at the time he used it-we were in negotiations 60 days ahead of the time" the strike began. The Taft-Hartley law should have been involved, if at all, at the beginning of the steel strike, he emphasized, also criticizing the President for refusing the union's request for a federal commission to study the strike situation and offer suggestions for settling it. Not Solved Insisting that use of the federal injunction to force steel workers back to their jobs for 80 days "has not solved the strike-the strike. threat is still there," Boyle advocated individual union-com- pany negotiations and abolishing the Taft-Hartley Act altogether. At the present time, a major stumbling block to the success of such a method is the tight in - dustry-wide control of corporation policy, he commented. "United States Steels sets the price and I defy you to go any- where and buy steel for less," he added. Cites One And during the current manage- ment deadlock over contract agreements, "only one steel com- pany, Kaiser, had guts enough" to pull away from the block for pri- vate settlement. In working with one of the two companies that have since followed Kaiser's example, Boyle said he found it didn't even have a copy of that company's contract-he was told United States Steel had not yet sent them one. As for causes behind the record 116-day strike, he called industry's inflation and work rules-based ob- jections to union demands "hulla-s hallo," saying the corporations were "out to break us." Views Industry Stand He summed up the industry's stand with "they "wanted more work for less money-that they didn't get and won't get." "If they (the corporations) get as much as their contract is ask- ing us to give them" in the way of work regulations, "they can give Includes Seminars The general honors program in- cludes seminars, individual study for credit, colloquia and interdivi- sional courses which involve "en- gagement and liberation" of the good mind, Prof. Cohen defined. "Both general and departmental honors are seen of equal impor- tance because they, fortify each other," he said. Departmental honors may in- volve continuation of a broad perspective in one area during a student's junior and senior years, Prof. Cohen explained. Or it may consist of a grouping of depart- ments into an interdisciplinary program, such as social science honors at the University of Colo- radoordirected studies at Yale University. A special administrative set-up is necessary in each department and senior theses plus final writ- ten and oral examinations are usually required of departmental honors students. Establish Programs All-university honors, such as Michigan and Wayne State uni- versities have, means establish- ment of programs in professional schools, he said. Such a program not only helps to overcome dif- ficulties existing between science and technological versus the tradi- tional liberal arts schools, but makes for modernization of pro- fessional curricula. Honors programs provide a "motivational situation" with problems of content and method, such as instruction, counseling, testing, budget and procedures, Prof. Cohen said. "Instruction is more than a matter of lectures, passive note- taking and regurgitation of ideas on exams," he explained. "It in- volves a selective approach of sub- ject matter and is supplemented by individual research and pro- jects." Exceptional teachers who "can See EDUCATORS, Page 2 By NORMA SUE WOLFE Although University administra- tors have expressed "surprise" over recent college withdrawals from the controversial National Defense Education Act program, they do not anticipate cutting off federal funds. "The University does not think the disclaimer affidavit is a wise or desirable thing, but we want to use the proper approach rather than unilateral denial,",President Harlan Hatcher said. Both Yale and Harvard univer- sities' presidents were named to work with Sen. John Kennedy (D- Mass.) in modifying the oath re- quirement through legislation, he explained. Therefore, their with- drawals on Tuesday were "com- plete surprises" to President Hatcher. Niehuss 'Amazed' Vice - President and Dean of Faculties Marvin Niehuss, who talked to representatives from the two universities this summer, was "amazed" at their action. "One thing that will be interest- ing is to see whether these schools will now consider cancelling Na- tional Science Foundation fellow- ships which require oaths attest- ing loyalty," Niehuss said. The University should continue in the NDEA loan program, he believes, because federal funds are available on an unrestricted basis, except for loyalty oath require- ments. But the University has loan funds on hand which are restricted to students of a certain race or from a particular area. Opens Other Funds "More money will be available if students who cannot meet the re- striction requirements accept the federal loans and thus make re- stricted funds available to eligible students," Niehuss said. Dean of Men and chairman of the University loan committee Walter Rea compared the student who applies for a loan under the NDEA program to a person apply- ing for a bank loan. "The bank establishes its own requirements of personal scrutiny to determine the borrower's fi- nancial responsibility and in- tegrity to meet the loan," Dean Rea said. "Shouldn't the federal government be able to do the same?" Helps Many Many needy and deserving stu- dents have benefitted from the NDEA program to date and many1 more will be helped, Dean Rea said. "Even though some other schools dislike requirements to the point of refusing funds, I see no reason why they should burn their houses down because they dislike their garages," he asserted. "We cannot match the generous terms of the federal loans and would thus be doing the individual student a gross injustice if we de- prived him of facilities we our- selves cannot offer," he said. Demonstrate Importance Of Gestures in Language Sticks and stones may break language barriers for Kenneth L. Pike, professor of linguistics. In a monolingual demonstration yesterday before a capacity Angell Hall audience, he amazed viewers by "seeing what we can learn about a language using gestures" and such objects as sticks, stones and leaves. "In 40 minutes of searching, I am trying to do what someone else can do in a much longer time with no one else watching," Prof, ________________________Pike explained. "The reason why this is possible is that linguistic 'YEOMAN' sciencehas arrived at a few basic units common to all languages of G&S Sets the world: G &hS Only 10 Years Needed "These include sounds, parts of " words which go together, and parts of sentences such as subjects as actors or transitive predicates," he explained. "And if we had 10. Gilbert and Sullivan's "Yeo- years, we could probably find out man of the Guard," will be per- the basic structure of any one formed at 8:30 p.m. today, tomor- language." row and Saturday at the Lydia The procedure for picking up a Mendelssohn Theatre. previously unheard of language Although the plot contains Gil- in this demonstration was to 1) betrian nonsense, it has serious ask the informant to come in, 2) overtones and at times seems make sounds in some language to tragic. see if the informant recognized "This plot is guaranteed to tear them, and 3) from these reactions, work on word structure and then at the emotions of the audience,' words. David Minikel, '62, publicity man- The informant was escorted to ager, claims. the stage, and then Prof. Pike took Both of the authors considered over. He used Mixtec, a language "Yeoman" their best work. of the American Indian now The music, like the plot, differs spoken by about 100,000 inhabit- from the usual Sullivan product- ants of Southern Mexico, as vocal it is in spots much more serious gesture to supplement body ges- and grandiose than many of the ture and began "conversing" with other operas, Minikel said. the informant. The cast, composed of 48 stu- After a process of "standing dents, is under the direction of up" and "sitting down," Prof. Pike Jim Bob Stephenson of the speech eviku." Through gesturing, re- department, and musical direc- lating words and looking for pat- tion is by Frank Mueller, Grad. terns, he next discovered the in- formant's expressions for "you walk," "I walk," and "we walk." Sticks, stones and leaves en- tered the picture when Prof. Pike held out these objects and the in- formant identified them in his na- tive language. The informant left the stage and vividness and drama in his sub- Prof. Pike explained his discoveries pects," he added. to that point. He had succeeded in "So great Sandburg's talents getting sounds, looking for parts and so diverse his interests, he is of words and finding such words able to produce beauty and sub- as "stick," leaf," "large" and substance out of the common skiffs "small." than the nuisance taxes to at- tract support. "We've got to face the truth," said Sen. Edward Hutchinson (R- Fennville). "If this nuisance tax plan goes down the drain we have no other field open to us but the income tax." Republicans veering toward a temporary income levy indicated they would insist on democratic support for a statewide vote on raising the constitutional three- cent sales tax ceiling at the No- vember, 1960, election. A proposed personal-corporate tax proposal likely would go on the ballot beside it. The income tax, long a subject of bitter debate in the Legislature, broke into the open when Sen. Haskell Nichols (R-Jackson) tried to pry income tax bills from the Senate taxation committee, where they have been stymied since July. Nichols 'served notice he will formally demand today that the measure be brought to the floor for discussion and a possible vote. "Then you will get some posi- tive and immediate action of a sort the people of the state are demanding," he said. Chances for success of the ma- neuver were dim. It has been 48 years since the Senate has adopt- ed a motion to force a bill from committee. Senate Republicans, meanwhile, scheduled, a caucus today to talk over the tax situation, most not- ably the nuisance tax package de- signed to carry the state until voters ballot on a higher sales tax in November. They called off a huddle set for this afternoon in the face of pro- tests from a host of lobbyists and others. Earlier, they backed away from plans to tax bus riders, railroad fares and rail and truck freight shipments. Attention quickly focused on potential offsetting new revenues from private residents and com- mercial and public works con- struction. When the question of revenue from proposed taxes on intra- sttae transportation services came up, Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R- Kalamazoo) cut it off saying, "I don't think this will be in the bill much longer." The transportation tax was part of a bill to extend the sales levy to services, including laundry and dry cleaning and auto, home and appliance repairs. It figured to raise 40 million dollars. 'U' Fraternity Honorary Calls, 'Best of Troy' When Zeus climbed high on golden dawn And smiled on fates of Priam's land, He blessed pursuit At noble Hector's hand. The call went forth For each to take his stand Then all the best of Troy were brought By honor to this noble band. They were: Paul Becker, Lambda Chi Alpha; John Bloodgood, Beta Theta Pi; Terry Diamond, Sigma Alpha Mu; William Ranson, Phi Gamma Del- ta; Buckley Robbins, Sigma Phi; Kenneth Stuart, Delta Kappa Ep- silon; and William Studebaker, Sigma Nu. Prof. Frederick F. Blicke, inter- nationally known chemist in the field of synthetic medicinals, has received the highest honor the University can give a faculty member - selection as a Henry Russel Lecturer. The announcement came last night from Prof. Leigh Anderson, chairman of the chemistry depart- ment and president of the Univer- sity faculty Research Club. The selection is regarded as the University's highest professional recognition of academic and re- search competence. Prof. Blicke will deliver the Rus- sell Lecture next spring. The 1959 lecturer was Raymond L. Wilder, research professor of mathematics. The Russel Lectureship, estab- lished in 1920, goes annually to a faculty professor who is judged to have achieved the highest dis- tinction in his field. The lectureship carries with it an honorarium of $1,250. Prof. Blicke came to the Uni- versity as an instructor of organic chemistry in 1921. He held this position until 1925 when he be- came an assistant professor. In 1926 he became associate pro- fessor of Pharmaceutical Chemis- try in the College of Pharmacy and in 1935, he became a full pro- fessor. Prof. Blicke has served as vice- president and national chairman of the Medicinal Section of the American Chemical Society. *0* SGC Stdies 'Crisis' Letter To Legislature Student Government Council last night directed its executive committee to send members of the state government letters voic- ing the students' concern over the tax crisis. The motion by Roger Season- wein, '61, executive vice-president, stressed the danger of the actual quality of the University being effected be transmitted to the .yislatiir T eanded that the DAVIS, MERRILL STAR: To Feature Sand be r 9Pasquale' Opens "The World of Carl Sandburg" starring Bette Davis and Gary Merrill will be presented at 8:30 tonight at Hill Auditorium. Miss Davis and Merrill are ac- companied by folk singer-guitarist Clark Allen to interpret the works of the American poet -and humani- tarian, Carl Sandburg. The program, adapted and di- rected by Norman Corwin, begins 'with adaptation of Sandburg's 'works under the headings: Start- ling Out; Group Up; Journey and }Oath; Met With on the Way; which includes stories or poems of people, places, objects, minor and major passions. The second part of the produc- tion deals with man himself, in- cluding The Arts; Numbers; Look- ing Back; the Pestilences which are inhumanity, pride and war; of language." Works Sentences During the second session, Prof. Pike and the informant were able to work out complete sentences. such as "The big leaf was dropped down." The third session was used to find tense, gender, plurality, colors and generalities such as "beauty." Finally the checking period ar- rived. The informant found Prof. Pike had made only a few minor - :..; &"77