NOVEMBER 18,1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... PAG F Gilbert Sullivan To Present 'Yeoman of Guard' The University's Gilbert and Sullivan Society was born 13 years ago and has since been dedicated to the presentation of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas with "Yeoman of the Guard" as this season's selection. The operetta opens at 8:30 p.m. tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and continues through Saturday. In addition to the four per- formances on the Lydia Mendels- sohn stage, the Society will per- form "Yeoman of the Guard" during Thanksgiving vacation in Detroit. They will travel to per- form Nov. 27 in Flint and Dec. 5 in Toledo, 0. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES SMITH AUTO UPHOLSTERING Auto and Furniture Refinished - Reupholstered Convertible Tops NO 3-8644 YAHR'S MOTOR SALES Bumping and Painting Used Cars Bought and Sold NO 3-4510 Both at 507 S. Ashley S9 Protect your carI * Fall Changeover * Antifreeze . Winter Lubrication Complete Tune-up Service Available GOLDEN'S SERVICE STATION 601 Packard NO 8-9429 83 LINES 2 3 4 ONE-'DAY .80 1.12 SPECIAL TEN-DAY RATE .39 .47 .54 GILBERT AND SULLIVAN -- "Yeoman of the Guard"' is this season's presentation of 'a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta which. features an all-student cast: The operetta opens at 8:30 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. S V% DAI'-LY, OFFICIAL BULLI . ;t}::::J~r:Gi'r r, " 's,"rF"s . y, Y +R' :S '}r y .: ,,ir: :. ::T.S ;"rr.;.". ;p"S ",; y- rv"e:.- . . ' "r "Moses: The Foundations of Israelite Tradition" on Thurs., Nov. 19 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall, Lecture: William F. Albright, Profes- sor Emeritus, The Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, will speak on "The Dead Sea Scrolls: After Ten Years" on Thurs., Nov. 19 at 8:30 p.m. Hillel Foundation Bldg., 1429 Hill Street. Lecture: Prof. John S. Chipman, Uni- versity of Minnesota, will speak on "Economic Progress and Social Or- ganization" on Thurs., Nov. 19 at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Lecture by Prof. J: L. Stoker on "Critical Speeds and Internal Waves in Liquids of Variable Density,'' Thurs., Nov. 19 at 4:00 p.m. In Rm. 311, W. Engrg. Bldg. Coffee will be served in the Faculty Lounge at 3:30 p.m. " Lecture: Hans Bielenstein, Prof. of Oriental Languages and Head of the School of Oriental Studies, Canberra University College, Australia, will speak on "Cliques in the Han Restoration,' Thurs. ,Nov. 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell' Hall. Academic Notices Seminar: "The Meaning of Faith to a Protestant," led by Mr. Duane Lan, chester, Princeton Seminary Intern, U of M., Wed., Nov. 18,. 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall Library. Open to the pubItt. Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Nov. 19 at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 311 W. Engrg. with Engrg. Me- chanics and other departments to hear Prof. J. J. Stoker's lecture. Seminar in Mathematical Statisites: will meet Thurs.,' Nov. 19 at 4 p.m. in Rm. 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. Craig will discuss Tukey's 1947 paper on "Sta- tis ically Equivalent Blocks and Toler-. an e Regions." Doctoral Examination for James Rollo DeVoe, Chemistry; thesis: "Ra- diochemical Separation of, Cadmium and the Application of Vacuum Distil- lation of Metals to Radiochemical Separations," Wed., Nov. 18, 3003 Chem. Bldg., at 11:00 a.m. Chairman, W. W. Meinke. Doctoral Examination for Irwin Lippmann, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "'Stability of Aspirin in the Presence of Amphetamine Salts," U - Thurs., Nov. 19, 2525 Chem.-Pharm. Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Mattocks. Personnel Interviews: The following companies will inter- view at the. Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin. Bldg. Call Ext. 3371 or 509 for an interview appointment. Tues., Nov. 24: The Equitable Life Assurance So- ciety of the U.S., Detroit, Mich. Loca- tion of work: Offices are located in all principal cities of the U.S. Graduates: Feb., June, Aug. Life Insurance, Annu- ities, Major Medical Insurance, Groupi Insurance. Est. 1859. Employs 11,500.' Men with degrees in Liberal Arts or Business Admin. for home office or claims, The American Hospital Supply Corp., Evanston, Ill. Location of work: Train- ing in Evanston and ultimate reloca- tion to other areas of the country. Graduates: Feb. Largest manufacturer and distributor of comprehensive line of hospital equipment and supplies. Military status - Will interview men draft exempt or planning on six month reserve program (cannot consider men going into the service for two years). Industrial Sales Training Program: AmericanDivision (Sales candidates) -Men, 22 to 28, draft exempt; Academ- ic Requirements: egree in liberal arts or business Administration. Semi-for- malized training program, 6 to 12 mos. Training to be held in Evanston, Ili., ultimate relocation to other areas of the country. Scientific Products Div. (Sales can- didates) - Men, 22 to 28, draft exempt, Academic requirements: Major in any of the biological sciences or chemis- try. Laboratory trainees, medical stu- dents or medical technologists are ideal candidates. Training program: 6 to 12 months in Evanston, Ill. Receptive to relocation to other areas of country. Scientific Products Div. (Sales Spe- cialists) - Men, 23-28, draft exempt, Academic requirements; pharmacy, bi- ological science majors or medical stu- dents. Brief training program, early assignment, further training in the field. Reassignment to other areas of the country. Management: General Management Trainees: Men, 22-28, draft exempt, business adminis- tration or liberal grts graduates. Train- ing in Evanston, Ill., as well as in lo- cations of principal division offices.' Semi-formal program. Office Management: Program to develop and train man- agement candidates to serve as office managers for division operations. Busi- ness administration or liberal arts. graduates, 22-28, draft exempt, should have minimum of 12 hours' accounting. Positions require two to four years of training in ? American's headquarters (Evanston) and division operations. Ul- timate assignment will involve high levels of responsibility. Personnel Requests: Organization in Detroit has need of1 a private secretary. Must be poised woman, not over 35 yrs. of age, prefer a single woman. Shorthand must be1 very good, typing is required. 35-hour1 week. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., Toledo, Ohio agency, is seeking the right man to participate in their train- ing program in that agency. An op- portunity for a married man who pos- sesses sales ability. University of California Radiation Lab., Livermore, Calif., is interested in obtaining the services of an Engineer, with an academic and research back- ground who has a PhD in Electrical Engrg.,' to function as 'a consultant to their various engrg. project groups who are involved in varied electronics re- search and ,development problems. SEE ITI DRIVE IT! BUY ITI VOLVO City of Warren, Mich., is seeking a Branch Librarian. Man or woman, re- quires a Master's in Library Science. Will consider a new graduate, may also consider a Jan., 196(grad., but would prefer someone right away. .Executive Manpower Corp., a con- sulting firm in N.Y.C., is seeking a division sales manager for position on, West Coast. College education with a degree In EE or ME preferred. At least ten years overall business experi- ence, of which at least five should have been in progressively more responsible sales positions. Should be thoroughly familiaro wrthairframe mfgs. in the Veterans Admin., Washington, D.C., needs graduates to fill the following' positions: Architect: Site Planning, Bulding Design, Working Draings, stuction -on-site; Construction En Construction-on-site, Project Manage- ment; Electrical Engr.: Design; and Structural Engr.: Design. South Wind., Div. of Stewart-Warner Corp., Indianapolis, Ind., has the fol- lowing positions open: Project Engrs., Facilities Engrs., Industrial Engrs., O.E.M. (Automotive) Sales Mgr., O.E.M. (Automotive) Sales Repr., East Coast (Aircraft) Sales Mgr. West Coast (Air- ctraSls Amir., adWasntCoast (Air- cra t) 'Sales Rtopr Complete ob re- quirements and descriptions are on file at the Bureau. The Ohio Oil Co., Findlay, Ohio, has an opening in their Personnel Commu- nications Dept. for a man with news- paper experience who would write for their monthly house organ, the "Bea- con. For this position as a feature writer, they are interested in a per- son with several years experience in newspaper writing and capable under pressure. Automotive Firm in Detroit Area is seeking female graduates who have majored in Chemistry for work in in- dustrial hygiene. Will consider recent grads or those who may have a con- siderable amount of experience in rou- tine lab analysis work. State of Connecticut announces ex- aminations for: Chief, division of can- cer and chronic diseases (closing date: Dec. 9) and Maintenance and Mechan.- ical Supervisor (closing date Dec. 2) Also job opportunities for Stenograph- ers and Typists. .For further information concerning an of the above positions, contat the Ext. 3371,* Placement Notices Studet Par-Tim The following part-time jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made In the Non- Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg., during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time work should contact Jim Stempson, Student Interviewer, at NO 3-1511. Ext. 2939. MALE 5 Work in Univ. Library (Stacks, 9-12 noon, Mon., Wed., Fri.) .4 'Assorted yardwork 1 Proofreader, 3-4 months 3 Kitchen helpers-Residence Halls. 4 Waiters-Law Club 1 Anal caretaker (8 a.m. to 1 pm., t p.m Sn, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., mThavellwigcar) -iejb r FEMALE 3 Jewelry Sales - Ypsilanti has many hours as possible between Dec. 14-24.) 1Clerical (girl 20-25 yrs. old, each Wed., 8-5>) 5 Work in Univ. Library (Stacks, 9-12 noon, Mon., Wed., Fri.)d i Temporary typist (3 weeks) 1ntProofeaer t(3- 51mon ths 39 1 Communicatio4 test observer (16-20 hrs./week, afternoons only) 4 r a C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies. Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service--mechania on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!01 1226 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 81 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 S2 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR THAT THANKSGIVING TURKEY: Lisk roasters with inner gravy tray -from $2.75 up. Aluminum roasters Roaster pans Roaster racks Basters Thermometers MUEHLIG AND LANPHEAR 311 S. Main J60. STUDENTS: Remember mom and dad, and take home U.S. No. one apples from Michigan, beautifully boxed. Get yobr order in early. Apple Hill Or- chard on Willis Road off U.S. 23. J55 TYPING: Theses, term papers, reason- able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590. FOR RENT DELUXE FURNISHED 3 room apart- ment. Semi-private bath. Utilities not included. $90 a month. NO 2-9020. Cl1 WHITMORE LAKE Furnished house for rent until June 15. Sleeps 6. Furnish own heat and utilities. $65 a month. Call NO 3-0269. C12 837 EAST UNIVERSITY 2 bedroom apartment. Stove, re- frigerator, heat, water furnished. $110. NO 2-2008. C9 TWO ROOMS furnished with private bath, utilitiesuincluded except for gas, 5 minutes from campus, $70. Call NO 2-0342 after 5:30 P.M. C8 FOR RENT-Near Packard and State. Unfurnished apartment. Three rooms and bath. Children welcome. $60 a month. Call NO 8-9049. C7 FURNISHED: Apt, for 3-4 girls., $140. Phone NO 3-8134. C3 DOUBLES ONLY. Linens furnished. Only % block from Law Quad at 804 S. State (at Hill). C64 ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS-Modern apartment. 514 S. Forest. Also roomi. NO 2-1443. C25 PARKING Space and garage. 514 8. Forest. NO 2-1443. C26 LARGE ROOM, single 8 per week. HU 2-4959, 5643'GeddesRoad. C35 BUSINESS PERSONAL WE MUST BE UP for O.S.U. We must have spirit-meet at Lumbard's any- time for the biggest rally since Nur- enburg '38'. 1225 S. Univ. FF66 FRATS, SORORITIES and anyone else. Order beautiful nursery grown Scotch and Norway Pine for your Christmas decorating. Very reasonable price.- Home delivery. Northwoods Nursery. Call NO 2-4815 evenings. FF60 Figure 5 overage words to a fine. Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. and 9:00 and 11:30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS Have you heard Norelco's Stereo Tape Recorder? A truly professional machine at a moderate price. Listen at the HIFlSTUDIO 1317 South University -Ave. near Washtenaw NO 8-7942 X2, ELECTRON IC BABY SITTER $19.95 inquire MUSIC CENTER 'hayer Nn I2 S. T -2500 "cby ci 94V Za I'; 11 IF CAMPUS OPTICIANS Most frames replaced while you wait. Broken lenses duplicated. FAST service on all repairs. 240 NICKELS ARCADE NO 2-9116 NO 8-6019 J21 Reconditioned Vacuum Cleaners $15.00 and up J. LEABU SALES AND SERVICE 322 E. Liberty NO 3-3604 -J59 Tailoring and Alterations of Any Kind Guaranteed Work TIM AND CHRISTINE'S TAILOR SHOP 2131 S. Main NO 3-6228 J58 FAST, ACCURATE TYPING at reason- able rates. NO 3-9104. J45' ONE-DAY SERVICE AT SANFORDS . .. Shoe Repairing Hat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street Open Til 8 P. M. - Also Sundays & Holidays (Opposite court house since 1927) NO 8-6966 J2' WASHINGS and/or ironings. Free pick- up and delivery. Specializing in cot- ton dresses. NO 2-9020. AAI USED CARS Compare! THE NEW AMERICAN SMALL CARS WITH OURS - - . THEN DECIDE! '58 VOLVO-Blue with white wall tires ........ ... ..........$1,695 '56 VW ......................$1,045 '57 Hillman Minx 4 dr., a real clean car, former doctor owner's name available on request ..........$1,095 Mich. European Car Corp. Thurs., Nov. 19, 8:30 P.M. Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel, Hillel Foundation: Ten Years with the Dead Sea Scrolls" (This lecture sponsored by Hillel and the Beth Israel Cente Fri., Nov. 20, 4:15 P.M. Auditorium A, Angell Hall: "Samuel-Prophet and King in Conflict" These lectures are open to all. you pfan to buy a CAM ERA, PROJECTOR, SCREEN or any other photo accessory item besure to check our prices .first, State St. at N. University Ei . ...- Service on All Radios, T.V.s and Hi-Fis All Work Guaranteed STOFFLET'S RADIO and TV SERVICE 207 E. Ann NO 8-8116 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 3-speed automotic phonograp ON LY $39.95 GRi NN ELL'S 323 S. MainRNO 2-5667 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 Xl Join GRINNELL'S Piano Rental Club $20. gives you the 'use of the plan with lessons for.30 days. From then o: only $10 a month-up to five months GRINNELL'S ;; ATTENTION HI FI FANS - Are you plagued with costly record wear? Do dust scratches and groove contacts between records grind you? Reduce record wear with new DAVELES rec- ord spacers. Lasting protection guar- anteed. 728 S. State. NO 3-9540.'FF46 PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Call Kay, NO 3-4488. )FF39 BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr Patter- son and Auld Co., 1209 South Univer- sity, NO 8-8887. FF40 LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Small, lovable kitten near ,Tappan and Hill. Will note go home. Call NO 3-0670. A60 LOST: Japanese Aires camera. 35 mil. at Rackham. Bldg. Friday evening. Call 8-7573. Reward. A62 FOUND: Money ;on night of Nov. 16,. Call NO 3-2840 and identify sum and approximate location. A61 LAST: Light beige, plain wallet. Call William Hall, 6613 Gomberg S.Q. Re- ward. A59 FOUND:-Man's gold ring-reddish stone. Found on SW corner of W. Quad. Call NO 3-7541, Ext. 410. A48 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Two tickets for OSU game. Call Paul, 3-1374. B62 FOR SALE: 4 tickets for O.S.U. game. Good seats. Call Bev at 2-3153. B63 RICHENBACHER Hawaiian Steel Gui- tar. Call NO 3-6707. B61 STUDENTS-I will give you a 25% dis- counton a name brand portable type- writer, backed by Ann Arbor's most reputable office supply company. For demonstration, call Ralph Frederick, 3-3839, 5-9 evenings. B44 HELP WANTED EXCELLENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY Graduating Seniors - $350-$400 per month. Write Box 1, Michigan Daily. H55 PART-TIME HELP wanted. Must re- main here through Christmas. Ann Arbor Clothing, 113 S. Main. H52 REGISTERED Laboratory Technician, previous experience in Hospital Lab- oratory required. Apply personnel of- fice, Byer Memorial Hospital, Ypsi- lanti, Mich., Phone HU 2-6500, Ext. 228. H54 GIRL: Babysitting, light housework afternoons. Call NO 2-5481. 9-12. H53 SERVICE STATION attendant for part time help. Experience helpful, but not necessary. Write Box 8, Michigan Daily. H47 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords--$7.95; socks 39c: shorts 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. W1 PIANOS-ORGANS NEW &. USED Ann Arbor Piano & OrgariCo. 213 E. Washington NO 3-3109 Xi ORGANS and PIANOS BY WURLITZER, EVERETT, & THOMAS Makers, restorers, and dealers of rare violins and bows. Sales - Service - Rentals MADDY MUSIC. 508 3, Williams ,NO 3-3395 X6 REAL ESTATE HOUSE--AVAILABLE IN DEC. Comfort- able five-room house with large living 'room, tile bath, and basement. Near North Campus. $14,000-will negotiate. Phone onwer-NO 2-8137. R4 BIKES and SCOOTERS "PROTECTO" Bike Covers Complete protection against inclement weather. PRACTICAL - USEFUL - SIMPLE WESTERN AUTO 119 -E. Washington NO, 3-8994. Z23 TRANSPORTATION WANTED--a ride with someone com- muting from' Flint Tues. and/or Thursdays. Call Mrs. Mary Wooten, 214 N. Thayer, NO 8-8157. 09 MUSKEGON THANKSGIVING SPECIAL ROUNDTRIP CHARTER GREYHOUND BUS SAVE! ONLY $9.00 ROUND TRIP! CALL OR WRITE JEFF FUNKHOUSER 134 GREENE EAST QUAD. )G7 I 323 S. Main NO 8- KDL KROSSWORD No. 9 ACROSS "1. Struggles of some scope 6. Mountain climbers dig this, on ice 13. It holds a square that's called a ring 14. Sad about the code? 15. Not the opposite of yours 16. Seems 17. How to start English Lit. 18. Initiatesina fog? 20. One way to get to first base , 21, Rake from Rouen 23. Favorite subject of coeds 24. They sound like last year's dresses 25. With vitriol 27. What 34 Ac rosy' is usually for 29. When it's super, it's real fast 30. Truman's birthplace, not quite Hedy 34. See 27 Across, 36. Marine (slang). 37. .. polloi 39. Combining form for within 40. How Kools always taste 42. If you blow it,. you're mad! 4. 3 letters to a loan wolf DOWN 1. Subjects of snap courses? 2. River in Venezuela S. Kool's mascot 4. Compass point 6. Kin of a cummerbund 6. Mad fad 7. What sinners do 8. Little electrical units 9. Little Morris 10. Prague to the Czehs 11. Character in Hamlet 12. They're for the birds 19. Bolger was once in love with her 22. What the head guys on this paper do 24. What good lookers do 26. Naval ship 28. Rita's ea' 81. Kool's kind of magic 32. It'sjust between France and Spain 83. What a hot spot i does under new management 35. Where you feel Kool's smoothness 36. Army lad$ <38, Eggs k Ia Bardot 40. Ready, aim; 1 12 3 13 6 17 i8 19 10 11 12 14 - I I - k15 21 If I 16 19 1 20 _..4. I . 28 . 30 I- HOLIDAY WHIRL Thurs., Nov. 19 7:30 TICKETS COMPLIMENTARY JACOBSON'S a ala. .4 a4. a 4. a Liberty at Ashley NO 5-5800 Michigan/ European Car Corp. a---, -- I. - 303 S. Ashley NO 5-5800 N42 PERSONAL MUSKET'S Bustin' out all over with "Carousel." December 2, 3, 4, 5. Tick- eta in Union Lobby. F57 DON WOODWARD and CHUCK LICHT- IGMAN will go out with the two girls submitting best essays on "Why I Want to Go Out with Don or Chuck." Write ESSAY, 925 Church, Ann Arbor. F77 TIGER: When are your loud roars going to become a quiet purr? F78 NEW SERVICE FOR YOU! The Michi- gan Daily will run free of charge any articles found in the campus area. If you have found any lost articles call NO 2-3241 or NO 2-4786. F86 .2 - F--r-----... U _. I 44 as 46 147I (Whenb your throattells yoKu its time -for a chang~e 3 you need- the machine that made office dictation and transcribing " e NO 2-47861 9 I