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November 18, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-18

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"Your Slip's Showing"

Seventieth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Red China Diverges
From Soviet Russia

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, NOVEMBER 18, 1959



HE UNIVERSITY, through its Student Gov-
ernment Council, spends $1,800 a year on
he United States National Student Association.
This expense has been attacked as unjusti-
ted, both by SGC members and by non-m m-
ers who consider NSA another of SGC's Coud
line projects.
These critics follow the same basic line:
Vhat does' NSA do? If NSA does something
rhy don't I know about it?
Criticism of NSA nationally follows much the
ame pattern. University of Miami (Florida)
elegates, after attending the same convention
hat University delegates have generally agreed
ras worthwhile,, attacked NSA as a waste of
Most of the Congress time is spent debating
nd passing "meaningless resolutions." a Miami
elegate charged.
The president of the student body at St.
ohn's University reportedly attended only a
ingle day of the Student Congress, then tried
his fall to pull St. John's out of NSA..
Fortunately for NSA, other St. John's dele-
ates participated in the congress more fully,
aining a broader and more valid perspective
n the value of NSA as it stands and on the
rganization's potential.
These students got together this fall and
iuashed the attempt to pull St. John's out,
aving for NSA one of the few Catholic schools
other than Notre Dame) which has contrib-
ted substantially in time and effort.
Other major schools, Harvard and Michigan
state for example, have pulled out of NSA and
eakened their respective regional organiza-
rWO MAJOR factors contribute to the fre-
quency with which the same criticisms of
SA keep turning up.
One is lack of awareness on the part of
iese critics of practical benefits which NSA
an and does provide.
NSA's power as a congressional lobby in
tatters pertaining to education, military serv-
e and so on is indisputable to those ac-
uainted with the situation. Critics generally
ave failed to consider this.
Educational Travel, Inc., an NSA subsidiary,
one of the most important contributions to
rea of low-cost student travel abroad.
University Press Service, operated under NSA

auspices for the coming year, has already
proven in a few weeks that it can give campus
newspapers news to which they have access in
no other way.
THE SECOND major factor missing is com-
prehension of a concept basic to NSA: that
of the national (and international) community
of students.
Central to this "community" notion is the
premise that students have a common interest
in so far as they are all studying in similar
institutions and occupying similar positions as
future leaders.
This is at the same time an abstract prin-
ciple and a practical observation. For it has
been demonstrated time and again that by
considering themselves as part of a community
with common interests, students have in fact
furthered their own interests.
THIS POINT can best be seen by considering
an example. The Daily has accepted this
premise of students' common interests in both
senses. Articles concerning curriculum change,
fraternity discrimination, and student govern-
ment politics on other campuses have been
printed in the hope that readers will consider
the principles involved and attempt to relate
them to their individual situations.
At the same time there are pragmatic con-
siderations. Specific benefits may arise on a
given campus by printing news from another.
University Press Service grew out of an or-
ganization called the National Association for
a Free Student Press.
The assumption was that if a particular
paper were threatened by censorship, printing
of the threat of censorship in college papers
across the country would protect the threat-
ened paper.
Much of the value of NSA comes from its
ability to contribute to the welfare of individual
campuses and students in a manner similar but
less specific than that in which University
Press Service does-tying together various ele-
ments in the national community of students,
and benefiting these elements by so doing.
But the'leverage NSA can exert as it now
stands is limited by the degree of support the
organization has been given. Student govern-
ments such as SGC are coming to realize this;
students much do so likewise.


Associated Press News Analyst
IN ANY discussion of the future
of Communism, Red China must
be kept in a more or less separate
The forces at work-there are dif-
ferent from those which impel
Soviet Russia. Whereas Russia is
approaching economic moderniza-
tion, the Chinese Communists are
just beginning some of the experi-
ments already outmoded in the
Whereas in the Soviet there is
no counter - revolution producing
violent government reaction, there
are frequent reports of anti-Com-
munist activities on the Chinese
mainland. Some of these appear
to be spontaneous, others directly
instigated by the Nationalists
based on Formosa.
* * *
PERHAPS the greatest diver-
gence between Chinese Commu-
nism and Soviet Communism has
appeared since the beginning of
Nikita Khrushchev's latest peace
Khrushchev has put a damper
on snarling truculence, and has
pointedly asked the Peiping regime
to settle its disputes with India
by peaceful means. But Peiping
goes right ahead with its heavy-
handed methods in Tibet and
along the Indian border, and its
threats against Formosa.
Where the Soviet propaganda
machine has dropped its worst
castigations of the United States,
the Peiping hate program con-
tinues under full steam.
* 4 *
EVERY TIME there is a break
in the isolation which hides Red
China from the outside world
there is a glimpse of bitter condi-


Herblock is away due to illness C.w'I" 9i P4rCoo

Can We Trust Nixon the Politician?

Nixon vs. Rockefeller

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer of
this article recently attended the
national convention of Sigma Delta
Chi professional journalistic fra-
ternity where Vice-President Nixon
spoke and answered questions raised
by the newspapermen present.)
IT IS EXTREMELY difficult to
objectively evaluate the qualifi-
cations for leadership of Vice-
President Richard Nixon.
Nixon is glib.
Nixon has developed the politi-
cal art of evading direct answers
to questions to a phenomenally
high degree.
Nixon has a reputation, which
seems to be at least partially de-
served, for being ruthless.
But'Nixon isg -undeniably -
intelligent, capable and experi-
Nixon is also tough - and per-
haps "toughness" is a valuable
trait in a leader in the fight
against Communism.
* * *
NIXON FIRST came into the
public spotlight when he scored a
great upset to win a seat in Con-
gress. Since that time the country
has been debating whether Nixon
won that fight by being "tough,"
or unscrupulous. It's hard to tell.
His next "public appearance"
was his attack on "Communists
in government." In this era his
name seems linked with Congress-

man Velde and Senators Jenner
and McCar'thy. The nation seems
finally to have come around to the
position that the latter three gen-
tlemen caused more harm than
good - and this position is prob-
ably justified.
But Nixon's position seems a
litle different. Nixon went after
Alger Hiss. Nixon bored in and
never stopped. He even bucked
President Truman, And, signifi-
cantly, Nixon got his man.
* * *
HISS WAS convicted of per-
jury. A federal jury decided that
Hiss lied when he denied affilia-
tion with the Communist Party.
However, the facts and implica-
tions of the case are still in dis-
pute. Nixon might have been a
protector of the nation's security.
Or he might have been a vicious
persecutor of an innocent man.
We don't know; but we do know
that the young, inexperienced
Congressman took on and beat
the White House.
Nixon next hit the headlines
when, in 1952, he became the- Re-
publican nominee for the vice-
presidency. He received this nom-
ination as the result of a politi-
cal deal within the . California
delegation, where Nixon swung
the group's votes to Eisenhower.
THEN CAME "the great soap

The Democrats uncovered a
scandal. There was a political
"slush" fund for Nixon. The Dem-
ocrats, of mink coat and deep-
freezer fame, were indignant.
The charge was dubious. So was
Nixon's saccharine, but brilliantly
effective, nationally - televised
"Checkers" speech.
But again, Nixon won.
For the next three years Nixon
was a quiet, but politically active,
member of the Eisenhdwer
"team." He was also a wide-roam-
ing ambassador of good will. In
this role he was also successful.
4. * *
THEN CAME the 1956 cam-
paign. Nixon campaigned hard.
The Democrats claimed that he
was again unscrupulous, but this
charge just doesn't seem to stand
up. The Eisenhower-Nixon team
Then came Nixon's S o u t h
American trip. Under difficult cir-
cumstances, Nixon performed
well. Then came Nixon's trip to
Russia, and another effective per-
The tally on the "big events"
seems to add up like this:
Nixon has been brilliant. Nixon
has also been phenomenally suc-
But Nixon has repeatedly been
involved in situations which put
his ethical responsibility in doubt.

The nation wants a brilliant,
successful, and experienced lead-
er; Nixon is such a man. It also
wants a leader in whom it can
have confidence. It's difficult,
however, to have complete confi-
dence in Nixon's integrity.
* * *
SOME OF US would also like an
inspiring and progressive leader.
Nixon is brilliant and experi-
enced. This argues in his favor.
Unfortunately, Nixon has no re-
cent political record. He has been
a faithful mouth-piece for anoth-
er man's record. But again we
cannot criticize Nixon for this, be-
cause under our political set-up
this is the only tenable role Nixon
can assume.
So we are still left with the
problem of evaluating a highly
controversial figure on the basis
of little evidence. Should we
gamble that the highly-capable
Nixon has the less tangible, but
perhaps more important, "spiri-
tual" qualities to hold the most
important office in the country?
It's difficult to escape the feel-
ing that a very talented man is
getting smeared because he has
been very successful in defeating
the opposition partly and because
he has an exceptionally glib
Nevertheless, how can you vote
for a man you don't trust?

tions closely akin to those which
Russians endured until recent
The regime is believed to have
made some sort of start toward
better living standards. But even
the government has been forced to
admit the falsity of some of it
rosier reports.
It is not possible, then, to in-
clude Red China in the belief en-
tertained by some students in this
country that the time can be fore-
seen when developing prosperity
will end the Soviet need for ter-
ritorial expansion and so put Rus-
sia's aggressive policies to a linger-
ing death.
The Chinese Nationalists believe
in counter - revolution by force,
through an uprising on the main-
land to accompany an invasion. As
the years go by, however, and the
Reds solidify both their political
and military positions, this seemsa
to be a very tall order, indeed.
The Daily Official Bulletin o an
official publication of The Unver-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,
VOL. LX, NO 50
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Nov. 18, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Doctoral Candidates who expect to
receive degrees in Feb., 1960. must have
at least three bound copies -(the ori-
ginal in a "spring binder") of their
dissertation In the office of the Gradu-
ate School by Fri., Dec. 11. The report
of the doctoral committee on the final
oral examination must be filed with the
Recorder of the Graduate School to
gether with two copies of the thesis,
which is ready in all respects for pub-
lication, not later than Mon., Jan. 11.
Opening tomorrow evening,True-
blood Aud., Frieze Bldg: Donietti's
opera, "Don Pasquale," auspices the
Dept. of Speech and the School of Mu
sic. Tickets on sale at the Truelood
box office from 10 a.m.
Research Club Monthly meeting,
Wed., Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. (Council 7:15
p.m.) in Rackham Amphitheater. Pa-
pers: Gerald Else. "The Origin of
Tragedy: Issues and Method," and Her-
bert Fezl, "Some Recent Linguistic
Field Work in Afghanistan" Members
Conference an Higher Edueation,
NoV. 17 and 18. Theme: "The Pursuit
of Excellence."
Tues., Nov. 17, Rackham Amphithe-
atre, 2:00 p.m.: "Class Size and Stu-
dent Learning," address by Alvin C.
Eurich,' vice-president, Fund for the
Advancement of Education.
Tues., Nov. 17, Mich. Union Ballroom,
7:45 p.m.: "Beyond Excellence," ad-
dress by Douglas Knight, president,
Lawrence College.
Wed., Nov. 18, Rackham Amphithe-
atre. 9:00 a.m.: "Honors Programs To-
day - Trends and Problems," address
by Joseph W. Cohen, director, Inter-
University Committee on the Superior
Student, University of Colorado.
University Non-Academic Employee
Local Union No. 1583, AFSCME, AFL-
CIO will meet Thurs., Nov. 19 at 8:00
p.m. In Rm. C-00 of the Ann Arbor
High School. Regular business will in-
clude a report by local officers and
representative Douglas Cook of the re-
cent meeting with personnel officers
of the University.
College of Architecture and Design:
Midsemester grades are due on Fri,
Nov. 20. Please send them to 207 Archi-
tecture Bldg.
Today at 4:10 the Dept. of Speech
will present a laboratory production of
the first part of "I Am a Camera" by'
John van Druten. The performance
will be in Trueblood And., Frieze Bldg.
Advanced degree or degrees in Psych.,
Sociology or related fields.
February Teacher's Certificate Can-
didates: All requirements for the
teacher's certificate must be complet-
ed by Dec. 15. These requirements in-

elude the teacher's oath, the health
statement, and the Bureau of Ap-
pointments material. The oath can be
taken in Rm. 1439 U.E.S. The office is
open from 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30.
Bette Davis and' Gary Merrill 'will
present their new stage production,
"The World of Carl Sandburg" Thurs.,
Nov. 19 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud, as
the second number of the Platform
Attractions series. Tickets are now on
sale at the Aud. box office, 10 a.m.-
5 p.m. Students are offered a special
reduced rate on all tickets.
(Continued on Page 5)






y F,

SRINIGAR, Kashmir-The Nelson Rockefeller
who invaded traditional Nixon territory in
Illinois and has now dared to tread the sacred
ground of his home state of California is
finally on the warpath, and in his new feathers
and warpaint he is a more attiactive Rocke-
feller than the one who has been sitting on his
canned dignity in Albany. One difference be-
tween the required strategies of both candidates
is that while Nixon, to counterbalance his
hatchet-man image, has to make like an earn-
est internationalist statesman, Rockefeller has
to make like a warrior.
He has only just begun to fight. He knows he
will have to meet and master Nixon in a few
crucial primaries to overcome his advantage in
the opinion polls. If I read Rockefeller right,
he is not an unhappy warrior like Nixon but a
happy one, like a former New York governor
called Roosevelt, and he thrives on an uphill
Yet Rockefeller has a harder task than that
of changing his timetable successfully. He must
persuasively depict himself as an actor on the
stage of world events, as Nixon has done.
HOW NIXON did it is a matter of historic
irony. Just as Khrushchev brought Macmil-
lan back to power in England by the fact of
being invited to America, so the same Khrush-
chev may bring Nixon to power in America by
the fact of inviting him to Russia and getting
into a public hassle with him.
Nixon was the only active Presidential candi-
date in either Party who stood to gain by the
official sequence of visits. If his appearance at
the American Exhibition had been kept formal,
as Koslov's was in New York, it might have
had only a passing effect on his fortunes. It was
Khrushchev's bouncy aggressiveness that led
to the debate in front of the kitchen range and
refrigerator, and gave Nixon the chance to show
he could take on the Russian in a rough-and-
The probability that Rockefeller in the same
situation could have been more effective in his
jaunty way, Humphrey more cogent in argu-
nent, Stevenson deadlier in his wit, -has not
been brought home to most Americans. Nixon's
advantage (as he himself has understood) was
hat at a historic moment which required some-
me to be in a certain place at a certain time,
he happened to be there-and he made good
use of his chance.

yond that is another and more puzzling ques-
tion-just what is his basic character pattern?
Frank Holeman's essay on him, in Candidates,
1960 (Basic Books)--the symposium on which
I drew in my earlier column on the Democrats
-calls him the "curious Quaker," and under-
scores his hard work, his careful planning of
his trips abroad, his tested pattern for going
at each task. But the more astringent essay by
Philip Potter, of the Baltimore Sun seems to
me to strike more closely at the jugular. He
uses the same material, but organizes it around
a different interpretation of Nixon's personality.
For -him Nixon is the "political pitchman"--
the barker with a Madison Avenue flair, who
has an instinct for pitching his sales-appeal
right, and for whom the question of what he is
selling is almost a matter of indifference.
Both Potter and Holeman wrote before the
Nixon visit to Moscow, and I think Potter there-
fore underestimates Nixon's chances for the
Presidency. Yet his basic analysis jibes with the
later events. What has happened is that the
"political pitchman" has been converted into
the international debater. The element of the
right pitch is present in both.
CAN ROCKEFELLER overtake and beat Nix-
on? To take advantage of his Moscow gold-
strike, Nixon had to line up with Eisenhower's
new summit policy, at least outwardly. Rocke-
feller, sensing a vulnerable opening, seems to
be plumping for a tough line on Russian policy.
Much of his Washington experience has been
in the area of psychological warfare, and at the
moment his distrust of motives seems to be
equally divided between Khrushchev and Nix-
The paradox is that he is taking a tough
line toward the Russians which is as unpopular
with his own wing of the liberal Republicans
as it is popular with the regular Republican
organization, now mostly in Nixon's camp.
This is a mixture of courage, craftiness, and
conviction which may yet bring Rockefeller to
the White House. It was best shown in the tax
stand he has taken as Governor, and he will
have to keep applying it as his campaign to
knock out Nixon gathers momentum.
T WON'T BE EASY, especially since Rocke-
feller now has to expose his views, in press-
conferences, on every subject under the sun.
and is thus stripped of the protection usually
afforded by the privileged sanctuary of a Gov-
But he has two things on his side. One is that

I" . I


Stereotype of Engineers Disputed

To the Editor-
THE STANDARD stereotype of
the Michigan Engineer, and in
fact all engineers, as put forth in
Barton Huthwaite's Senior Columni
--and the cartoon which accom-
panied it on Nov. 14, 1959 is be-
coming just a little outdated and
very sickening.
The first point made by. Mr.
Huthwaite is the graphical de-
scription of the engineer, "as a
semi-literate, sloppily dressed, slide
rule toting . . ." Now I strongly
protest the use of this terminology
from suchua literate, thinking man
as Mr. Huthwaite.
The engineerais not semi-literate,
he usually has a good founding in
the basic authors, essayists and
playwrites. The average engineer-
ing student goes to class dressed in
sweater and/or sport shirt with
Khakis, which is no different from
the ordinary Joe College. As for
toting slide rules it is a tool of our
trade just like pencil and note-
books. I might add that slide rules
are used by professions other than
MR. HUTHWAITE notes that
the engineer ignores the aesthetic
values of the university because
of lack of time and for this same
reason does not expand his liter-
ary horizons after graduation, yet
the average engineer takes as,
much part in the University as any

requirements in the easiest possi-
ble way and then specialize.
Finally, we haveqa critical edi-
torial on a problem, real or fan-
cied. Where Mr. Huthwaite, is the
-Bob Kaplan, '61E
NDEA -. -
To the Editor:
HE DAILY has done a fine job
of remaining impartial in its
reports on the NDEA fund. How-
ever, as the voice of a University,
as the voice of an academic com-
munity, I feel that you have been
avoiding your responsibility.
This blow to academic freedom
must at least be recognized. If
the University officials accept this
fund they should do so only after
the student body has had a chance
to go on record as knowing what
it entails. The lack of interest in
this case must be defeated by
journalistic leadership,
At the very least, Take A Stand!
We have had enough of compla-
cency to ignore its effects.
-- s
I REALIZE The Daily editorials
are individual opinions. But, if no
individual can be found who is
interested enough about this to
take a stand, The Daily and all
that it represents on the Univer-
sity campus is indeed in a sorry

school's "unenlightened" engineers,
I feel that his charges should not
go unchallenged.
It is true that the engineering
curriculum leaves the student not
much time "to freely dabble in the
If dabbling in the arts is the
criterion of being an active par-
ticipant in community affairs, Mr.
Huthwaite's point is well taken.
IF HAVING the sincere desire
to improve the welfare of one's
fellow man is the criterion, Mr.
Huthwaite is mistaken. By striving
to improve the standard of living
and developing and improving new

products, the engineer is helping to
initiate constructive progress for
his community and country.
Certainly, there are individuals
in any field, be it A&D, Music,
Education or Engineering who are
so wrapped up in their work that
they are "somewhat oblivious to
the outside world." Engineering
has no monopoly on "clods."
In his four and one-half years
of "grinding," the engineer ac-
quires enough practical knowledge
along with his technical knowledge
to be classified as an intelligent
and respected member of his com-
-Steve Flagg, '60E

*0Symbol of Responsibili1ty.


ERE IS A feeling extant that Nixon has


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