_ _ _
a -, a' 'e; 1 V 4*TD.SS.* 1(t l, *0
by Jim Benagh, Sports Editor
Rio, Callahan Injured
. . .,.. ,
The Kid Comes Back
HE DAILY received a letter yesterday asking for nominations for
The "Swede" Nelson Award for sportsmanship.
The folks in Boston who wrote the note requested that the nomi-
nee be adjudged as:
"The player, who, by his conduct on the gridiron, demonstrates a
high esteem for the football code and exemplifies sportsmanship to an
outstanding degree."
The annual honor has a famous background since it began back
In 1947. It has been given to both Al Americans and second stringers.
Doak Walker, then at Southern Methodist, was selected in 1949
after he'voluntarily wrote a letter to a magazine stating that he did
not deserve to be named All American because he missed so much of
the season due to injuries.
Army's Don Holleder, an All American end in 1954, switched to
quarterback in order to help his team in 1955. This move, to which he
gave his wholehearted cooperation, was the basis for giving him the
Another time, a not-so-famous back was given the honor for
confessing to a referee that he ran out of bounds on a touchdown dash
that would have won the game.
All in all, it's this caliber of football gentlemen that have gained
S ie mantle piece in the last 13 years.
To keep -the honor moving in deserving fashion, this writer exer-
cised his right to vote and dropped the following application in this
morning's mail:
PLAYER'S NAME: Anthony "Tony" Rio
TEAM: University of Michigan_
this little hard-nosed fullback has fulfilled the central theme of one
of Grantland Rice's most popular poems, Alumnus Football. That
them is: Keep coming back.
'"You see, the coaching staff at Michigan twice (in his sophomore
and junior years) felt Tony wasn't good enough to be invited back
to fall workouts. Then last year he was suspended from the team for
his inyolveme t in the football parley card scandal-which blackened
his name pationally.
"Now Tony always was a fighter. He didn't have a big high school
reputation when he came here and there were two prep All Americans
-John Herrnstein and Jim Byers-ahead of him right from the be-
ginning. There was no full-ride scholarship to keep him interested,
.As Isthe case with many scrubs.
"With all the glamour boys around, Tony was discouraged the
spring of his freshman year and didn't go out the following fall. How-
ever, he did try again the spring of his sophomore year.
Not Invited . .
"Once more, he was not invited back. But an old fullback, Don
Dufek, took him aside <and said: 'Don't worry about not getting the
invitation; I wasn't invted back either one year and still made the
first team latex"'
(5ufek, the present freshman coach, not only made the first
team, but went on to become the 1951 Rose Bowl star. His two touch-
downs helped Michigan win, 14-6, over California.)
"So Tony came-back on his own. He ate on his own money while
others had steaks and roast beef-compliments of the athletic depart-
met-on the training table.
"Michigan was hit hard by injuries that fall and Tony got his
first chance. After playing only a couple of minutes and not being on
the traveling squad, he saw 30 minutes of action in the next-to-last
game against Indiana. In the season finale against Ohio State, he
won his first starting role since high school days at Chicago's St.
Phillip High. He did a creditable job and won the fans' backing for
his spirited play (despite Michigan's 37-14'loss).
'J.IAST YEAR, he started the season as a third stringer. Pre-season
All American Herrnstein and sophomore standout John Walker
were ahead of him.
"Tony kept hustling, though. And by mid-season, injuries gave
him another opening in the Michigan line-up. He started against
Minnesota and gave another adequate showing..
"The following week, the nation-wide gambling story broke, and,
Tony suffered through the toughest moments of his life. 'I was dubious'
about whether I would ever play again,' he recalled. 'You know how
the public reacts to those things and then puts the pressure on.'
"Tony comes from the tough South Side of Chicago and it was
difficult for the soft-spoken senior to telr people that he got out of
the card pedaling business after he moved up to second and first
string fullback. But those closest to him said they would testify to
this fact under a lie detector test.
"How many cards Tony handled still remains a question. The
newspapers tried to make an Al Capone out of him, while he main-
tained he handled just a very few of the football cards last season-.
mainly because he was playing ball.
"For a while, Tony had to decide on whether or not he'd stay in
school. But he wanted to complete his degree in economcs, despite
the probability that he would never play college football again.
"But again, Tony kept coming 'back. After his probation ended
last June, he was cleared officially. The coaches invited him back this
"Even then it looked as though the fullback wouldn't be a regular.
Walker was still around and Tony wasn't great Big Ten material at
-Daily-Dave Giltrow
LEADING THEWAY-Fullback Tony Rio .spearheads the block-
ing for teammate Stan Noskin in Saturday's game against Indiana.
The scrappy Wolverine fullback received an injury later in the
contest and it is doubtful whether he will play Saturday against
Ohio State.
M Sailors Victorious
In FieTemRegattan
Michigan Coach Bump Elliott
found two of his senior starters on
the injured list yesterday as he
began preparation for the Wolver-
ine's season finale against Ohio
State Saturday.-I
Tony Rio, the Wolverines'
scrappy 187-pound fullback, suf-
fered a shoulder injury in the
Indiana game that may keep him
out of the Buckeye contest. Guard
Alex Callahan's back injury does
not appear to be as serious and
chances are that he will be avail-
able Saturday.
Injury-wise the Wolverines have
been relatively fortunate this fall.
Although they lost three potential
first line players--fullback John
Walker, center Dick Syring and
halfback John Haley-before the
season even started, the Wolver-
ines have maintained at near full
strength since the opening game.
Lost Myers'
The lone exception to this string
of good luck being halfback Brad
Myers's injury in the Michigan
State game that put him out for
the season.
Aside from. this and a couple
minor injuries, the Wolverines
managed to escape a plague of
crucial injuries that settled over
the Big Ten this fall.
Chief victim was Northwestern
quarterback Dick Thornton. Label-
ed All-American after a sensa-
tional sophomore year, this Wild-
cat junior lasted until the second
game of the season when a leg
injury forced him to the sidelines
for the remainder of the year.
Stars Injured
Other key players such as: Illi-
nois quarterback Johnny Easter-
brook, Purdue fullback Bob Jarus,
Michigan State quarterback Dean
Look, Ohio State fullback Bob
White and Wisconsin quarterback
Dale Hackbart all have missed a
portion of the season because of
The lack of serious Wolverine
injuries can be considered as a
tribute to the Michigan coaches
for keeping their players in top
condition all fall.
Or it may be the hand of fate,
just balancing the scales.
For it was just last fall that
Michigan's Captain and All-Amer-
ican candidate, John Herrnstein,
injured his knee in the season's
second 'game and was forced to
sit, out the remainder of the sea-
Elliott Named
As Assistant
MIAMI (M-Bump Elliott, Uni-
versity of Michigan football coach,
has been named to assist Army's
Dale Hall in coaching the North
team in the North-South All-Star
football game here Dec. 26.
NHL Standings
W L TPts. GF, GA
Montreal 12 2 4 28 65 35
Detroit 9 4 5 23 49 40
Toronto 7 4 5 19 40 36
Boston 9 1 17 63 70
New York 3 10 4 10 44 62
Chicago 2 12 3 7 35 53
Detroit 3, Chicago 2
NBA Standings
W, L Pet. GB
Boston 10 1 .909 -
Philadelphia 8 2 .800 14
Syracuse 5 4 .555 4
New York 2 .7 .222 7
St. Louis 4 3 .51 -
Detroit 6 7 .462 1
Minneapolis 4 9 .308 3
Cincinnati 3 9 .250 3%
Cincinnati vs. Syracuse at N. Y.
Boston at Detroit
St. Louis at New York
Ralph Reins, '62E, won last week's Grid Picks contest and two
free tickets to the Michigan Theatre's "30," starring Jack Webb, in a
close battle with three other contestants all of whom had 14-6 slates.
Reins was 26 points away from the 26-7 Michigan-Indiana score,
edging Stu Klipper of 1701 Forest, who was 28 points off the score.
Mike Brunschwig and Sam Levitt tied for third, each being 29
points away from the correct score. All four missed the Michigan
game thus setting up the hotly contested struggle for first.
It turned out that 14-6 was a fine record last week, as many
upsets, one-point victories and toss-up games proved the downfall of
many contestants.
However, everyone has one more chance at the free passes this
week as Grid Picks will finish the season along with the Wolverines.
Simply send your entry to Grid Picks, The Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard, Ann Arbor, indicating winners on either this article, or
preferably a postcard with your name, address and telephone included.
There also. will be blanks available at The JDaily.
f. Ohio State at Michigan (score)
2. Northwestern at Illinois Rave a WORLD of/FUN
3. Purdue at Indiana ,
4. Notre Dame at Iowa
5. Wisconsin at Minnesota Tmve( with I1%
6. Iowa State at Oklahoma
7. Missouri at Kansas oaUnbelievoble tow Cost
8. Nebraska at Kansas State
9. Penn State at Pittsburgh
10. Dartmouth at Princeton
11. Harvard at Yale
12. Tennessee at Kentucky Eurovp
13. N. Carolina St. at S. Carolina
14. Wake Forest at Clemson 60 *eys ,., fo$75
15. SMU at Baylor
16.-Rice at TCU Orient
17. California at Stanford S EE ORES 143-65 or,
18. Oregon State at Oregon D4LE$ .
19. UCLA at Southern California from5998
20. Washington St. at Washington - u1Mony ows mndvd
, . coege credit.
NCAA Board To Study
Recruiting Problems
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO -- The NCAA will
begin studying the possibility of
new recruiting and financial aids
legislation at a two day meeting
starting today.
A 13-man committee, headed
by Frank Gardner, Drake Univer-
sity faculty representative, will
study results of an extensive sur-
vey made recently through confi-
dential questionnaires sent to 501
NCAA' mmebers.
Purpose of the survey was, to
obtain complete and factual in-
formation on present athletic re-
cruiting and financial aid prac-
tices. The data will be used by
the special committee at this
meeting and another to be held
Dec. 15-16.
Michigan athletic director H. 0.
(Fritz). Crisler is a board member.
.* .
NEW YORK - The Continen-
tal \League's chairman of the
founders' group, William Shea,
said yesterday the embryo circuit
plans to open the 1961 baseball
season with eight clubs playing a
full 154-game schedule.
The new league currently con-
sists of only five members. Shea
said seven "qualified" cities were
seeking membership but did not
say when he would be in a posi-
tion to announce the three addi-
"A review of the seven qualified
cities seeking membership indi-
cated that the Continental League
could complete its eight-club
membership inediately," he
said, "were it not for the false
hope of an American League
AP's Top Ten
1. Syracuse (126) (8-0)
2. Missfssippi (68) (8-1)
3. Louisiana State (16) (8-1 A
4. Southern Cal. (16) (8-0)
5. Texas (1) (8-1)
6. Georgia (6) (8-1)
7. Penn State (6) (8-1)
8. Northwestern (1) (6-2)
9. Wisconsin (6-2)
10. Texas Christian (6-2)
Strengthened by the return of
skippers Otto Scherer and Timmy
Schneider, Michigan's powerful re-
gatta team sailed to an easy vic-
tory in the five-team Wayne Re-
gatta in Detroit last weekend.
The Michigan sailors scored 95,
points for a- comfortable margin
over second place and host Wayne
State, who tallied 78 points. Michi-
gan State placed third with a total
of 77 points and.was followed in
order by the University of Detroit
and Oberlin College,
Varsity Gym
T e mT"Freshnien '
Junior letterman Richard Mont-
petit took firsts in four out of
seven events to lead the Michigan
varsity gymnasts to a 75-34 win
over their freshmen competitors
at the I-M auxiliary gym last
Montpetit, who represented
Canada in this summer's Pan-
American Games, took firsts in
the free exercise, high bar, parallel
bar and still ring events. Team
captain Bill Skinner won the
tumbling event and senior Al Stall
took side horse honors.
Ronnie Munn, who will not be
eligible until the second semester,
won the trampoline event. Best
the freshmen could do were sec-
onds in two events-Jim Sprowl in
the side horse and Jim Hynds in
the parallel bars. a r
Taking third places for the
freshmen were Hynds, Gil LaRose,
and John Buss. Leading scorer at
the meet was Montpetit with 25
points, followed by Wolfgang Do-
zauer and Stall with 12 apiece.
Scherer and Miss Schneider had
missed the last two regattas but
showed no signs of being stale as
the two captured individual honors
in the A and B competition re-
spectively. Scherer scored 46 points
while Miss Schneider was credited
with 49.
A strong wind at the meet site-
south of the Belle Isle Bridge in
Detroit-helped the two Michigan
teams coast away from their oppo-
With Bob Martin and Jim King
sharing crew duties, Scherer's A
team dominated the races. Miss
Schneider and Paul O'Reilly work-
ing crew for the B team also
proved to be the top team in their
This weekend the re-vitalized
sailing team will participate in the
Big Ten team Invitational meet
at the Naval Academy in Annap-
olis. Michigan and Wayne Uni-
versity, the only two Midwestern
teams invited, will be pitted
against the top sailing crews on
the East coast. The eight'rpartici
pating Eastern schools have sur-
vived rugged elimination compe-
Michigan will send the same five-
some that captured the Wayne
meet last weekend in hopes of
passing their stiffest test of the
fall season.
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180 pounds. A big sophomore
named Bill Tunnicliff was also
coming along fast at the position.
"Injuries opened the position for
Tony once more as the fall ses-
sions began. And for the third
season, Tony Rio worked his way
into the starting team.
"He became the team's first or
second leading ball carrier, its best
blocking back and a stalwart line-
backer. He has some
of the nation's biggest lines for a
4.5-yard average and picked up
more first downs than any runner
on the team.
"Now Tony isn't a glamour boy
back. He's more of a football play-
er's player-and just about anyone
on the team will agree. His favorite
thing about football is contact;
and that's the very thing that
players respect the most.
"Tony has no special game-un-
less it's this week's game against
Ohio State. I'm sentimental about
that one,' he says. 'That was my'
first starting game.'
"But when you ask him what his
best game was, he says: 'Aw, I just
take them as they come.'
"There are some, however, who
think differently.
"Like teammate Stan Noskin.
'What do you think Tony's best
game was?', the quarterback was
so very British so very flattering!
This hat is destined to occupy a{
Position of unique importance in ever e
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KEN. o. §kS
Dr. Frood, Ph.T.T.
Dear Dr. Frood: I read a great deal so I
never have time for girls. Am I missing
anything? Literate
Dear Literate: Only a few marbles.
Dear Dr. Frood: The guy nex to me
copys frum my paper. What shood I do?
Dear Truthfii: Warn him. Quick!
C02, C& 402
Dear Dr. Frood: Do you think next
year's dresses will cover the knees?
Dear Clothes-Conscious: They'd better
cover more than that.
_ J
Dear Dr. Frood: I admire my roommate
very much, so I try to be like him. He
smokes Luckies. DQ you think I should
smoke the same cigarette he does?
Dear Awed: No Ask him for an un-
used Lucky.
Dear Dr. Frood: Do you think a boy
should kiss a girl on their first date?
Dear Shy: She would seem to be the
logical choice.
Years of experience, have taught me
never to ask a girl these questions:-
Shouldn't we skip the garlic?
What happened to the fraternity pin?
Wow! Is that your roommate?
Do you mind turning out that light?
You mean that isn't a beanie?
How come you never wear shorts?
Why don't you smoke your own Luckies?
4 .
R Rf
"'Tony ALWAYS plays his best,'