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November 17, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-17

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2g £idliant &zitl
Seventieth Year

"So Much for Cheating. Now for a Nice,
Sadistic Western"

Vhen Opinions Are Free
Truth Win Prevail"

Pamplona Choir
Presents Concert
THE PAMPLONA CHOIR from Spain, under the direction of Luis
Morondo, presented a diverse program of a capella music in Hill
Auditorium Sunday afternoon. The choir, composed of seven men and
eight women, performed music by the 16th century Spanish composers
Antonio de Cabezon, Francisco Guerro, Cristobal de Morales, and
Tomas Luis de Victoria, the famous and prolific student of Morales.
Following the first intermission were excerpts from the scenic
cantata "'Catulli Carmina" by the contemporary German composer

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Military Supremnacyvys.
Negotiation in Foreign Policy


ALMOST ANYONE can tellthe difference be-
tween Democrats and Republicans in Mich-
igan. Democrats favor a graduated income tax
and expansion of state support for education,
hospitals and such.. Republicans favor non-
graduated consumer taxes and a constriction
of state expenses.
The situation is not so clear on the national
level, at least as far as foreign policy is con-
cerned. This does not mean an absence of any
difference of opinion at all. People on either
side of the cleavage can be found among Re-
publicans and Democrats alike.
THE MAJOR ISSUE in United States foreign
policy is how best to prevent the' Soviet-
United States conflict from leading to a major
war. Two answers have evolved. The first, pi-
oneered by the Truman Administration and
championed by the late John Foster Dulles,
placed its eggs In the basket of United States
military superiority. The policy involved form-
ing a string of military alliances, increasing
army expenditures, raising an occasional
mushroom cloud, and refusing to negotiate
with the Soviets where any military or terri-
torial concessions might be involved.
Paradoxically, the period in which the
'strength' policy has been in effect has been
that of the greatest expansion of Soviet in-
fluence, and one of a shift from United States
military supremacy to perhaps a slight edge
for Russia.
AS ONE RECALLS the many crises during
the period of "strength diplomacy"-Korea,
Berlin, Suez, Quemoy - one sees the image of
a Truman or a Dulles firmly swearing that we
refuse to negotiate because we stand on prin-
ciple, but when the time comes to dole out aid
to a few "friendly" dictatorships, our principles
were somehow bypassed. Meanwhile the sands
of supremacy were sliding from beneath our
feet. We were gradually left holding a leaky
bag of principles which may ,have been un-
sound to begin with.
The second view of world problems has fa-
vored direct negotiation with the Soviets. This
view clashes with the strength position on two
counts. Firstly, negotiation means the United
States has got to give up something in order
to get something 1. return and nothing is ever
given up from a strength position, regardless of
the consequences.. Secondly, the negotiation
supporters are wiling to take the once-unpopu-
lar stand that the Soviets can be dealt with,
that lasting agreements can be made, and that
they cannot outsmart us at the conference
table. Most important, this group seems to feel
that the Soviets may genuinely believe that
peace and disarmament are to their own ad-
vantage, for such conditions would offer them
a chance to catch up with the United States
in industrial output.
Just what the Soviet leaders believe is a
question for experts, and it is interesting to
note that two of our leading experts in Rus-
sian affairs favor the negotiation position. The
pair, George Kennan and Charles E. Bohlen,

were both United States ambassadors to the
Soviet Union. Another foreign policy expert,
Presidential advisor Emmet Hughes has called
for serious top-level negotiations with the So-
viets in which the United States might give up
the Chiang Kai-shek myth and deal realis-
tically with the German problem. Hughes' in-_
fluence is apparent in the changes in policy
since Dulles' death.
THERE IS much that the United States
would like - freedom guaranteed in West
Berlin, an end to border violations with Red
China, inspections accompanying any disarma-
ment agreement, withdrawal of Russian troops
from East Europe, and American professors in
Russian Universities. There is much that we
can offer in recognizing China, consenting to
unification in Germany, and removing Ameri-
can overseas missile bases. The time may be
ripe to "talk turkey" with the first Russian
premier who seems cocky enough to put his
wits to the test at the conference table.
Spokesmen like Saturday Review editor Nor-
man Cousins and philosopher Bertrand Rus-
sell have undermined the strength philosophy
by asking exactly what we can hope to achieve
by emphasizing arms development when the
United States and Russia each already possess
the capability to completely obliterate each
other several times over.
Others,however, have defended the Tru-
man-Acheson-Dulles doctrine as a program
which has shown the Russians that force will
be met by force. Perhaps it has prepared the
way for the newer negotiations approach in
which proposals are met by better proposals. A
President who could sit down at spitting dis-
tance from Nikita and hammer out air-tight
agreements could inscribe his name in his-
tory -and benefit his country.
IS SUCH a President a possibility? It is a
tribute to Eisenhower's sincere desire to aid
world peace in whatever way possible that he
has shown a recent readiness to try the con-
ference table. But his term will expire before
his abilities in this enterprise will be given a
fair test.
Among his possible successors, Republican
and Democrat alike, there are still loud advo-
cates of the older military supremacy view.
Nelson Rockefeller has joined Harry S. Tru-
man in the chorus calling for renewed test-
ing of nuclear weapons. Senators Johnson and
Symington also seem to favor the reliance
upon military strength.
However, there are two statesmen who have
come out in favor of an emphasis upon cau-
tious negotiation. The pair, Hubert Humphrey
and Adlai Stevenson both speak from experi-
ence since they have already held long meet-
ings with Khrushchev. It is most interesting
to note that the front-runners, Nixon and
Kennedy, are still uncommitted (at least pub-
licly) on this most important question of our
time. But if the next election is to prove to
be more than a Madison Avenue circus, every-
one will have to make some kind of a decision.

The Senior Column
ByCharles Kozoll

I do not want my house to be
walled in, on all sides and my
windows to be stuffed. I want
the cultures of all lands to be
blown about my house as freely
as possible. But I refuse to be in
other peoples' houses an interlo-
per, a beggar or a slave.
PERHAPS very few of the over
5,000 people who attended the
World's Fair last weekend saw the
sign which contained that inscrip-
Its position was hardly incon-
spicuous nor was the print hard to
discern. It rested on a wall and
was part of the Indian students
As the students and townspeople
moved through the displays from
a different culture, they may have
missed the words of this great
statesman. Some of the throng
may hay been eager to see their.
names written in Hindi, but per-
haps just a small number of the
curious absorbed the pertinent sig-
nificance of what Gandi said so
many years ago.

THOSE WHO were struck by
the insight portrayed through his
simple yet meaningful words might
have realized that World's Fair
and the preceding International
Week had in one small way at-
tempted to breath the spark of
reality into those words. In that
short period of time, perhaps "the
cultures of all lands had been
blown about . . . as freely as pos-
During the rest of the academic
year, the free interchange be-
tween the international student.
population and the rest of the
campus community is unfortu-
nately quite limited. Americans are
too often unwilling to exert enough
initiative to find out about the
"fellow from Pakistan who lives on
my corridor" or the "girl from
Korea who sits behind me in lec-
* * *
AND IF the indigeneous popula-
tion is unwilling, perhaps the visi-
tors from abroad are a little bit
timorous of plunging directly into

the weird Ann Arbor social com-
munity. Instead, they choose their
own nationality groups and create
a microclimate of language and
Last week however the two
groups met on a common ground
at the Union. Representatives
from 18 nations presented samples
of their native culture, distributed
pamphlets, sold foodstuffs and met
the people who came to the fair.
Perhaps the most ideal situation
for personal interchange was pro-
vided. The atmosphere was free of
political intrigues and verbal gym-
nastics that appear when the
"leaders of nations" gather to set-
tle mutual problems.
* * *
THE CARNIVAL atmosphere
pervaded and people were prone to
wanter aimlessly through the
rooms. They sampled the alien
cultures from a distance.
The fair hopefully gave the once
apathetic people a desire to fur-
ther their international contacts
on a continuous basis.

Carl Orff. The final portion of the
concert included a choral arrange-
ment of the "Five Spanish Songs"
by Manuel de Falla, "Ancient
Basque Songs," and three charm-
ing encores.
plona Choir was uneven through-
out the concert. Orff's "Catulli
Carmina" suffered particularly in
this respect. Inaccuracies of pitch
which escaped notice in the 16th
century Hispano - Flemish poly-
phony wereunavoidable in Or's
monophonic archaisms.
Except for the de Falla "Five
Spanish Songs" and the Ancient
Basque Songs," the diction of the
Pamplona Choir was often incom-
prehensible. Again, the . "Catulli
Carmina" was weakest in this re-
spect. The dry rhythmic character
which Orff imparts to Catulli's
Latin syllables was nonexistent.
If the program notes under-
stated the nature of the "Catulli
Carmina" by referring merely to
"erotic love scenes," the choir gave
it the most unlascivious perform-
ance imaginable. The nicest thing
to be said about the Orff is that
is was lyrical.
* * *
COMPLAINTS were raised about
the choir being too small and, at
times, nearly inaudible. But the
real problem was that the hall is
too large. The Pamplona Choir is
too well-voiced to justify criticism
of its size. Like the recent New
York Pro Musica concert, the
Pamplona Choir should have been
presented in Rackham Auditorium.
To the credit side of the con-
cert, the music of Guerrero, Cabe-
zon, Morales, and Victoria was
performed with restraint, auster-
ity, and the same Spanish Catholic
emotional fantasy characteristic of
the Spanish painting of the time.
It is this admirable restraint
which is frequently lacking in per-
formances of this music by our
own too large and overly enthusi-
astic choral societies..
The timbre peculiar to the Span-
ish voice was heard in the fine
vocal solos of the de Falla Spanish
songs, and though not quite so
appropriately, in the Orff "Catulli
Perhaps the outstanding quality
of the Pamplona Choir is their
almost sotto voce pianissimo en-
semble sound. With this well con-
trolled low dynamic level, sections
of the Morales "Sanctus" and Vic-
toria "Responsorium V" were sheer
magic. In the short, antiphonal,
first encore (one of the brightest
gems on the program) this quality
was used as an, echo effect.
It was this encore, and the ex-
quisite Victoria "Responsorium V"
which remained as the memorable
events of the concert.
--Jacqueline Leuzinger
-,Gordon Mumma
What's For
The Sixties?
From the Manchester Guardian
weekly, October 1: "(America) is
moving briskly toward a new pro-
gressive era . . . there are signs
that the dawn chorus of liberalism
has already begun to exercise its
vocal chords. The Beat Genera-
tion, the new vogue for satire, the
placing of Dr. Zhivago at the.
top of the best-seller list, the
success of books such as Professor
Galbraith's Affluent Society-these
are the first swallows of the pink
-The National Review

(Continued from Page 2)
University Non-Academic Employees
Local Union No. 1583, AFSOME, AFL-
CIO will meet Thurs., Nov. 19 at :00
p.m. In Rm. C-100 of the Ann Arbor
High School. Regular business will in-
clude a report by local officers and
representative Douglas Cook of the re-
cent meeting with personnel officers
of the University.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors
who will be on the campus this week
on the dates indicated. Program ar-
rangements are being made by the In-
ternational Center: Mrs. Clifford R.
Mrs. Songsri Sivakua, Chief of the
Educational Section, External Rela-
tions Div., Ministry of Education, Thai-
land, Nov. 22-28.
Academic otices
Social Science Colloquium: Tues.,
Nov. 17, at 4:15 p.m. 2065 Frieze Bldg.
(Second floor auditorium). Prof. Bruno
Bettelhelm, director of the Sonia
Shankman Orthogenie School, Chicago,
will speak on "The Social-Psychlogi-
cal Structure of a Children's Residen-
tial Treatment Institution."
'Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. Wil-
liam J. LeVeque will speak "on Dis-
tribution Modwule 1" on Tues.. Nov. 17
at 4:10 p m.in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall.
Refreshments: 3:30, RmL 321 Angel
Seminar: "The Meaning of Faith to
a Protestant," led by Mr. Duane Lan-
chester, Princeton Seminary Intern, U
of M., Wed., Nov. 18, 4:15 p.m.. Lane
Hail Library. open to the public.
Algebraic Topology Seminar: Prof.
E. Halpern of the Math. Dept. will di-
cuss the paper by R. Thom, "Les sin-
gularites des applications differeti-
ables", on Tues., Nov. 17, at 2:10 psm.
in Rm. 3217 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Eiamination for James
Rollo Devoe, Chemistry; thesis: "~a-
diochemical Separation of Cadmium
and the Application of vacuum Distil-
lation of Metals to Radiochemical
Separations," Wed., Nov. 18, 3003 Chem.
Bldg., at 11:00 a.m. Chairman, W. W.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the present
Arlington Heights, I. - Sociology/
Core I.
Candor, N.Y.- Elem. Art,
Clawson, Mich. - visiting Teacher,
Grass Lake, Mich. - Home Econom-
Lapeer, Mich. - Social Studies/Busi-
ness. -
White Pigeon, Mich. - English.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin., Bldg., NO 3-1511. Ext.489.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for February, 1960.
Arlington Heights, Ill. -- vocation-
al Home Economics.
Candor, N.Y. - HS Art.
Benton Harbor, Mich. - First Grade,
E. Elem.,, th Grade.
Chelsea, Mich. - Art.
Corunna, Mich. - English, Math.
Crystal Falls, Mich. - JHS English.
Elgin, Ill.'- Speech Correction.
Lockport, N.Y. - Mentally Retarded.
Richmond, Mich. - English/Social
Winnetka, ill. (Country Day School)
English History/Modern' European
Ypsilanti, Mich,-Speech Crrection.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511. Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Automotive Firm in the Detroit area
has a position opening for an indi-
vidual with advance training and ex-
perience in industrial relations. Duties
will consist of developing company-
wide training materials in thearea of
personnel administration and human
relations with a strong emphasis upon
recent development In social science
research as they apply to company
policy. Must have: superior writing
skills, ability to interpret policy with-
out resorting to cliches, and highly de-
veloped analytical skills to separate
the important from the unimportant.
(Continued on Page 5)



University Scared?

OBERLIN COLLEGE held its National De-
fense Education Act loan funds for nearly
a year before taking the final giant step --
sefiding checks covering the loans back to the
federal government.
On the other hand at the University, stu-
dents, faculty members and administrators
have all voiced objections to the loyalty oath
and disclaimer affadavit requirements. They
have recognized "definitive difficulties" (what
is a "subversive") and have formulated strings
of arguments which testify how insulting it is
for members of the academic community to be
forced into taking these oaths.
As is usual here, words have spoken louder
than actions. Complaints continue, but so does
utilization of the federal government's funds.
THERE IS, of course, the possibility that the
University, as Oberlin, feels a lack of re-
sources and consequently must rely on federal
funds in order to meet student demands for
But the University 'eems to have sufficient
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
JOAN KAATZ ...................... Magazine Editor
CHARLES KOZOLL .............. Personnel Director
BARTON HUTHWAITE ............Features Editor
JIM BENAGH...................... sports Editor
SELMA SAWATA...... Associate Personnel Director
JAMES BOW ...«...............Associate City Editor
SUSAN HOLTZER ......... Associate Editorial Director
-PTE1'R DfAWSON._.--_---_ ,,4..41,thin'. 1Rd444

resources on hand. In fact, one administrator
revealed that no student having both the finan-
cial need and the academic qualifications was
denied a federal loan. Rather, some who could
be served better by small loans that can be
repaid quickly were advised to apply for Uni-
versity rather than federal funds.
Certainly, then, a lack of funds has not
necessitated use of the federal loans.
Why then does the University accept the
PERHAPS ONLY a limited number of "radi-
cals" have objected to the oath require-
ments. Maybe students, faculty members and
administrators at the 'University do not, on
the whole, object to either the oath-taking
requirement or use of the federal funds.
Student Government Council, National Stu-
dent Association and Faculty Senate action
seem to indicate otherwise.
There is the possibility that the University
does not have the courage to carry out its
convictions. Just as some persons shudder at
the very suggestion of hiring such a contro-
versial figure as Charles Van Doren to teach
English here, others may fear repercussions of
returning "objectionable" NDEA loan funds.
The University's name would be played big
on the front pages, and as a result people could
withdraw gifts and scholarship or loan funds.
The piggy bank could hit a new and dangerous
Worse yet, the University would be leaving
behind an old, honored and practiced tradition
New Books at the Library


Generation Review Sparks Irate Retort

To The Editor:
As a former Managing Editor of
Generation and as a former critic
for The Daily, I hope I am un-
biased enough to state without
partisanship that John V. Hago-
pian's review of the new Genera-
tion filled me with alarm.
I am not one to bandy about
such terms as "cute," "arch,"
"snobbish," and "distasteful," but
Mr. Hagopian's cute, arch, snob-
bish and distasteful critique has,
forced my hand. In reading his re-
markable statement that a good
story "has more fine things in it
than anyone has a right to ex-
pect from an undergraduate," I
wondered with alarm what gloomy
twist of fate has made this man a
teacher of undergraduates.

Let us consider the following:
Mr. Hagopian, on the basis of
one short chapter, has decided to
pass judgment on all of Al
Young's unfinished novel. Of
course, he has only read a few
pages, but he doesn't think Mr.
Young should finish it. May I sug-
gest that such criticism is not
only intellectually pretentious,
but, in fact, dangerous?
Mr. Hagopian also makes a great
fuss about whether Generation is
supposed to be an "international
journal." Why didn't he dig the
cover? It says, clearly, "The Cam-
pus Inter-Arts Magazine." Per-
haps they should write it in the
sky next time.
Mr. Hagopian lets us know the
cover is "awful." What a triumph

One could go on and on finding
debris in this sea of offal, but per-
haps it is best to relax and apply
some of our critic's own words to
his unusual review. Truly, "there is
some hilarious comedy, though it,
wavers uncertainly between subtl-
ety and slapstick." Long may he
--David Newman
Mutilated . .
To The Editor:
SUNDAY the 14th's Daily treated
us to a whole handsome page
of pictures of new military hard-
ware. "America's Missile Might,"
the caption said. But it did not
say how they are mighty, or what

me in his "Seven Arts" column is
perhaps a matter for Mr. Young
to explain, but why The Daily al-
lowed it to be printed is a matter
of great concern to any student
who looks to this paper for re-
sponsible reporting.
Since transferring here from.
Hofstra College, I made the ac-
quaintanceship of Mr. Young just
once at a Generation Magazine
meeting, where he rejected by
biographical essay on New York's
Pee Wee Marquette. However, I
found his criticism valid and sen-
sible, and I also enjoyed his
knowledgeable discussion of the
works of a new poet, Mirah Rap-
poport, at the same meeting. With

Compliments .
To The Editor:
NOTED with interest your squib
in Friday's (6 Nov.) College
Roundup article regarding the al-
leged sinking of Cornell Univer-
sity's new Olin Research Library
currently under construction,
It is obvious that we who were
duped-including the local radio
stations--were not alone. Appar-
ently such hoaxes of this sort oc-
cur occasionally and are rather the
accepted practice here.
This leads me to observe, that
although one can very often legiti-
mately question the accuracy of
statements appearing in The Daily,
the reader is nevertheless con-
fident that he will not be the vic-


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