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November 17, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-17

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

Windy, Colder
Occasional Snow Flurries

State College Heads
To Pick Supervisor
New Officer Will Present Budget,
Outline Needs of Higher Education
A coordinator for the state's nine tax-supported colleges, and
universities, slated to be named at the Council of State College
Presidents meeting yesterday was not selected.
However, such an executive will probably be chosen within the
next 60 days, University President Harlan Hatcher indicated last
The coordinator will have three major duties, Edgar L. Harden,
president of Northern Michigan College and chairman of the council,
'said: He will attempt to present

Council Asks
State Support
Of Projects
Immediate enactment of a bill
to provide capital outlay funds
was called for yesterday by the
Council of Presidents of State
Colleges and Universities.
A measure to provide up to 12
million dollars for new state
building projects - most of them
at institutes of higher learning -
has passed the House but is being
held in the Senate appropriations
The educators unanimously
adopted a resolution calling for'
passage of the bill "even though
this may require, additional- tax
Ftilure to act before the end of
1959, the council said, will delay
availability of needed new class-
room space until the fall of 1962.
List Items
The new construction bill in-
1) $800,000 for planning and
start of construction on the Uni-
versity's Institute of Science and
Technology (or Science and In-
dustry as the governor calls it).
2) $70,983for additional con-
struction on the University's men-
tal research building.
3) For Michigan. State Univer-
sity, $100,000 for a tuberculosis
laboratory and isolation barn; $1
million for a classroom and office
building and $750,000 for an ad-
dition to the administration
4) First unit of a general class-
room building at Wayne State
University, cost $750,000.
5) Plus more than $2 million for
construction at five other state-
supported colleges.
Set Aside
Originally the new construction
bill was part of the overall state
capital outlay bill. However, ap-
propriations for remodeling and
maintenance were enacted late in
September, and the separate new
coistruction bil was 'set aside,
awaiting the state Supreme Court
decision on the use tax.
With the use tax declared ile-
.,,.r gal, funds to support new con-
struetion were doubtful. Thus, so
far, no action has been taken.
'Last week Gov G. Mennen Wil-
liams accused Republicans ' of
having no intention to finance
new construction. The state will
still be short $40 million if the
proposed Republican $70 million
tax package is passed, he told
educators in 10 cities.
Stop Construction
"All new construction at state
universities and colleges will -be
stopped," he said at that time.
"The legislature will make up the
Krest of the $0 million by refusing
topass a 'capital outlay bill which
includes $5.5 million fo new edu-
cational bildings."
The University sent a pro$-
sional capital outlay request to
Lansing in late August. It asked
for a new School of Music build-
ing, as well as medical and engi-
neering facilities and the Insti-
tute of Science and Technology.
Showed Interest
The Legislature + showed inter-
est ,in appropriating funds only
for the Institute and for addition-
al construction on the mental
health building.
Since the music school, number'
one on the University's priority
list as it has been for several
years, was dropped, a revised cap-
ial outlay request was tentatively
scheduled for consideration at the
Regents' meeting this Friday.
Whether it will be considered is
now doubtful.

T4~7 . QQLPm

one budget for higher education to
the Legislature, set forth the needs
of higher education to the people
of the state, and try to eliminate
duplication of courses.
Screen Three
Three candidates have been
screened for the job, it is reported.
Rumor sees James T. Ivy, associate
director of administration for the,
Ford Foundation as leading candi-
date. Harden would not identify
the other two, saying only they
are from Michigan and Kansas.
Each of the three has been
asked to outline procedures he
would use in coordinating the col-
leges and universities.
"We don't know how much pow-
er the executive will be given, but
the man we want is one who will
be able to carry out our policies
and guide us," Harden said.
On Request
"We are doing this at the re-
quest of the Legislature. It has
suggested at various times we
ought to get together. We believe
the executive we choose should be
able to assess the road education
must travel."
Cost of the coordinator would be
paid by assessment on the Indi-
vidual colleges and universities,
with of Legislative appropriation
in the future.
Harden said presidents of col-
proved the plan and the state
leges and universities have ap-
board of education, controlling
agency over four regional schools,
has approved it in principle.
Old Request
The Legislature, at least Sen. El-
mer Porter (R-Bhissfield) head of
the Senate appropriations com-
mittee, knows of the move. Porter
has asked coordination of the
schools' budgets for several years.
He has in fact pressed legisla-
tion which would set up a coordi-
nating body for state higher edu-
cation directly responsible to the
state rather than the schools.
But, "I think there will be lots
of disappointments," Porter com-
mented. "The college presidents
have never agreedin the past. It's
very unusual for a man to accom-
plish anything when he has nine
bosses to listen to.",
"Neither do I know where the
money will come from to pay
him," the legislator said.
Already Working
The Council of State .College
Presidents is already in the pro-
cess of developing an information
and research office "which will be
a permanent research agency,"
President Hatcher has noted.
Presently headed by Prof. Bruce
Nelson, , on loan from Eastern
Michigan University, the "com-
mon headquarters" located in
Ypsilanti has begun to carry on
where the Russell report left o
where the Russell report (John
Doe Russell Report on Higher
Education in the -State of Michi-
gan) left off, President Hatcher

In Panama
WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter said
yesterday he has reports "which
indicate the threat. of further vio-
lence" against Americans in Pan-
He told Panama's ambassador,
Ricardo M. Arias, that he is "in-
creasingly concerned for the safe-
ty of American citizens resident
in the Republic of Panama."
Urgent Request
Herter urgently requested the
Panamanian government to take
necessary precautions a g a i n s t
rock-throwing demonstrations and
clashes of the bind which erupted
against Americans Nov. 3 and 4.
Some 300 Americans live in
Panama, mostly in the capital.
Another 11,000 live in the Canal
Zone into which Panamanian
demonstrators crossed during the
clashes two weeks ago.
Herter offered to send a high-
ranking department official to
Panama to discuss the current
controversy with Panamanian
Still Willing
The State Department said
Herter added that "representa-
tives of the United States contin-
ued to be willing, as in the past,
to seek mutually satisfactory so-
lutions to outstanding problems
but that this can be established
only in an atmosphere of calm."
Herter publicly warned of the
threat of further violence only a
few hours after the State Depart-
ment's top Latin American offi-
cial accused Communists of tak-
ing a hand in the anti-United
States demonstration.-
Roy R. Rubottom, Assistant
Secretary for Inter-American Af-
fairs, conceded, however, "There
are certain purely national as-
pects involved in the demonstra-
tions also."
Arias, as he left the State De-
partment, said he and Herter
were not very far apart in seek-
ing a solution to the present prob-
"Both of us are very interested
that a solution be found," he said.
"My government feels the prob-
lems can be solved if we get down
to the origin of the causes which
brought this about."
City -Council
Tables Motion
On State Aid
The problem of getting money
owed to Ann Arbor by the state
for Urban Renewal was tabled by
the City Council last night.
Councilman A. N. Dingle dis-
tributed to the members a pro-
posal to have a letter sent1 to the
state senator from the area urging
him to get the needed funds.
Councilman H. Aquinto moved
that the proposal be read over by
members of the Council and dis-
cussed at the next meeting.
A shopping center zoning sub-
ject concerning the proposed de-
velopment on Packard and Sta-
dium was referred to committee.
City Administrator Guy C. Lar-
com, Jr. will meet with the city
planning comittee on the shop-
ping center.




USSR Claims Wester
'Interference 'in Laos
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (M)-The Soviet Union yesterday accused
Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold of trying to use the United
Nations to cover up "further interference of the western powers in
The new Soviet statement followed Hammarskjold's announce-
ment that he was ordering a special United Nations representative to
spend up to four weeks in the restiye, Asian kingdom. The statement
charged that Hammarskjold's cur-"
rent visit to Laos "can only make
the existingsituation still more 1 lane rash
Back Saturday
Hammarskjold is expected to K ls C e
arrive back here Saturday afterta
week in Laos, where the govern-
ment has charged that Commu-
nist North Viet Minh forces are I assengers
trying for its overthrow.9
The Soviet Union told Ham-
marskjold before he left for Laos NEW ORLEANS (A')-A four-
that it considered his visit could engine National Airlines plane
plummeted into the shark - in-
fested waters of the Gulf of Mexi-
co early yesterday with 36 passen-
Spgers and six crewmembers on

V. S.$.R. Charkhlig
s Patna ASM
CALCUTTA C.,' Mondolay
MILES C Bay of Bengal BU MA


.. . accused
have repercussions that would en-
danger peace in southeast Asia.
But the Secretary General said
Sunday he was summoning Sakari
Tuomioja, a former Finnish prime
minister, to Laos. Tuomioja is
Executive S'ecretary of the United
Nations Economic Commission for
Europe in Geneva.:
Report on Laos
Hammarsjold said Tuomioja
would report back to, him on the
economic situation in Laos and the
country's need for aid from the
United Nations.
The Secretary General made the
trip to Laos after a United Na-
tions Security Council Fact-finding
Committee reported evidence that
the Communist regime of North
Vietnam had supplied arms to
Laotian rebels.
The Soviet Union reiterated yes-
terday that it "firmly adheres to
the opinion that the tension exist-
ing in Laos can and must be elim-
inated 'only on the basis and with-
in the framework " of the Geneva
Agreements which are the founda-
tion of peace and security in Laos
and in Indochina as a whole."




Coast Guard rescue units lo-
cated -nine bodies and intensified
the search for others, with little
hope held for any survivors.
The big DC-7B lbst radio con-
tact shortly after midnight as fog
slipped in over the gulf and all
but closed operations at Moisant
Airport, destination for the Miami
originated flight.
More Bodies.
One of the pilots of the two
Coast Guard helicopters which
guided search vessels to the scene
said "there probably will be more
bodies found, but it's getting dif-
ficult because of sharks."
Lt. James L. Sigman, Executive
Officer of the Coast Guard Air
Detachment at New Orleans, said
he couldn't miss seeing the sharks
as his helicopter swept low over
the 300-foot deep waters.
Three Coast Guard vessels re-.
ported picking up the nine bodies
amid the scattered debris. The
bodies were to be taken to Gulf-
port, Miss., the Coast Guard said.
Lost Contact
The plane left Tampa, Fla., at
11:02 p.m. and was due in New
Orleans at 2:20 a.m. (CST). Its
last contact with a radio point
was at 12:33 a.m.
The plane went down about 100
miles southeast of New Orleans,
about 25 miles from the marshy
Louisiana coast near the' mouth
of the Mississippi River. .
. Sigman said it was his opinion
that the plane blew up when it hit
water. -
He discounted any explosion in
the area, pointing out the wreck-
age was spread over a compara-
tively small area of two to three
A mid-air explosion, he said,
would have tossed bits of wreckage
over a 10-mile area.
The plane apparently had no
forewarning, he said, and cited the
lack of life preservers on any of
the bodies.

brought under the 1957 Civil
Rights Act dealing with discrimi-
nation in the conduct of an elec-
tion itself. Three previous suits, in
Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana,
dealt with charges of discrimina-
tion in voter registration.
The Memphis action asked the,
court to enjoin the committee
from preventing Negro participa-
tion in primary elections for local
Acting United States Dist. Atty.
Gen. Rives Manker filed the com-
plaint after, a group of Negro vot-
ers claimed they were refused per-
mission to vote in the primary for
three local offices.
Manker said notices sent to poll
officials by the county Democratic
Executive Committee stated spe-
cifically that "this is a white
Democratic primary."
"This has gone on up there for
many years," Manker said. "It was
all out in the open. They were not
trying to hide anything."
Manker said that when the Ne-
groes filed their complaint they
brought a letter which quoted the
committee as instructing polling
officials that only white Demo-
crats were to be permitted to vote
in the primary.
The Negroes contended, Manker
said, that "they are Democrats and,
ought to be able to vote in any
so-called Democratic primary."

High Court
To.,Test, Act
WASHINGTON (A) - Whether
Federal government can sue a
state in enforcing the 1957 Civil
Rights Act will be decided by the
Supreme Court.
The ,court agreed yesterday to
review decisions of two lower Fed-
eral courts ruling out such suits
based on charges of discrimina-
tion against Negroes who wished
to register to vote.
This is the second major phase
of the Civil Rights Act now before
the court.
Agreed To Review
Last June it agreed to review a,
decision holding portions of the
act unconstitutional.
The case the court yesterday
agreed to review arose in Ala-
bama. United States District
Judge Frank M. Johnson of
Montgomer yruled that neither on
the act's face nor in its history
was there any reasonable basis for
holding that Congress intended to
provide for suit against a sover-
eign state. The United States
Court of Appeals in New Orleans
upheld Johnson.
The section involved provides
that whenever "any person" de-
prives or is about to deprive an-
other of voting rights, the United
States Attorney General may in-
stitute civil action for an injunc-
Filed Suit
Under this section, the Justice
Department, on Feb. 5, 1959, filed
suit to prevent the registrars of
Macon County from barring Ne-
groes from registering. The regis-
trars resigned before the suit was
actually filed and no successors
were named.
Then the Justice Department
amended its suit to make the
state of Alabama a defendant,
and as such subject to commands
that it observe the federal law.
The department contended the
state was responsible for acts of
its agents and duties of the regis-
trars continued until successors
were appointed.
Judge Johnson said in dismiss-
ing the suit thta Congress had de-
liberately used the word "person"
to bar states from being made de-
fendants in injunction actions.

DISPUTE-Yesterday Nehru turned down a conference with Red
China.- One of the conditions of the proposal would be a with-
drawal from the borderline between India and China now sur-
rounded by fighting.
Justice DepartmentAets
To Halt Discrimination
MEMPHIS (P)-The Justice Department filed a Federal court
suit here yesterday aimed at halting the alleged barring of Negroes
from voting in adjoining Fayette County.
The history-making action challenged the validity of what it
called an all-white primary hel din Fayette last Aug. 1. It said Negroes
were openly barred and that some were turned away from the polls
by election officials. The suit, filed against the Fayette County Demo-
cratic Committee, was the first

Calls Chou's.
Hits Partial Retrea
Of Border Troops
From Present Line
NEW DELHI, India (A-Pril
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru turn
down yesterday the Prposall
Premier Chou En-La of P
China for an early Himalay
summit, meeting to settle it]
border dispute.
Nehru also rejected as imprac
cal Chou's suggestion that bc
sides withdraw their border for
at once for a distance of 1
miles from their present positIo
As anti-Chinese demonstratic
broke out outside, Nehru told P
liament he has send other proo
als to Peiping "which seem to
practical." He declined to go ir
detail until Chou gets the n
from New Delhi.
About 850 Kan Sangh (Rightil
Party demonstrators in front.
Parliament waved signs say
"Nehru, shake off softness" a
"drive out the Chinese invader
N. R. Goray, Praja Social
Party member of Parliament, t
the demonstrators Nehru tend
to be weak and vacillating and t
demonstration was a good thi
to show the temper of the pub
Nehru told Parliamenthe 1
always been willing to talk Wi
Chou but "if talks are to bear fri
as we want them to do" thi
must be adequate, advance pi
Proposals Made
Nehru said Chou had made p!
posals intended to eliminate ti
danger of more border clas
and "we agree this is a hig
desirable aim." But he added t1i
the way Chou wants to do
"seems to us to be impractical.
In a note Nov. 7, Chou suggest
both sides withdraw 12% ml
from their positions in two d
puted areas-the.northeast bor
with Tibet and the Ladakh p2
teau 1,000 miles to the west.
In northeast, this would be fr
a point near the MacMahon hin
drawn by the British in 1914 a
considered by India its border w
Tibet. China claims 32,000 squi
miles south of the line. Conce
ably, a withdrawal here would p
all Red Chinese troops north
the MacMahon line.
Reds Control
But in Ladahk, the Chinese cc
trol about 8,000 square miles
territory India considers its os
such a short withdrawal woi
leave Red Chinese in control
much of this territory.
Nehru also expressed displeas
about reports that Commun
Chinese had interrogated 10 1
dian policemen captured in a Cla
in the Ladahk district Oct. 21.
said this was "deplorable "p
cedure." The policemen a~nd I
bodies of nine other killed in I
clash were returned to India S8
Parliament, assembling after
two-month recess, heard motk
from opposition members prop
ing strong action against Chin
border forces. andbanning mnd
Communist Party. Both motic
were ruled out of order and a
border debate was set for Nov.
Pope Appoint
As Cardinals

XXIII yesterday appointed t
new American cardinals, bringi
United States representation
the Roman Catholic Church Se
ate Body to six, highest ever.
Archbishops Albert Gregc
Meyer of Chicago and Aloisius
Muench of Fargo, N.D., are amc

Educators Discuss High Schools in America

The pros and cons of a decentralized educational system in
modern America was the major focus of four international educators
at a panel discussion on American high schools last night.
Querico Samonte, Gral., of the Phillipines, questioned whether
the local autonomy of each American school board was consistant
with the present American cultural situation. He felt that it did allow,
more freedom for local initiative and prevented federal rigidity.
On the negative side he noted that the American nation has gone
beyond the community environment ecologically. The geographic
mobility of Americans presents a drawback to the varied local school
system, he said.
Questioned Taxing Property
He also questioned the practice of taxing property for school
support maintaining that property no longer reflects the wealth of
the United States.
Cleveland Thomas, Grad., of the West Indies, pointed out that
our system should be more centralized so that all schools could keep

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