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November 15, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-15

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Seventieth Year

Opinions AreFree
tbi Will Prevail"

litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, NOVEMBER 15, 1959


China Policy of U.S.
Product of Paradox

ALKS OF summit meetings are now flying
with a frequency and seeming seriousness
purpose that many observers had not ex-
eted to see for many years. A new era of
od feeling seems to have at. last arrived in
ernational relations, and although pessimists
ntinue to warn that little can ever come of
king with the Reds, thoughtful men on both
es of the Iron Curtain are doubtless wonder-
whether the "big thaw" can at last have
side from this, and in strictly Realpolitik
-ms, the apparent easing of East-West ten-
ns may offer the United States a way out
one of her most serious foreign policy prob-
OME TIME AGO, the annual bid for admis-
sion-of Red China to the United Nations was
sented by the Communist-Neutralist bloc --
d promptly stopped by the United States. It
s long been felt that our opposition to Red
ina's admission to the UN, coupled with our
usal to grant her diplomatic recognition,
s been a grave error in our. Far Eastern
The argument for recognition-admission is
t particularly new, but has atrophied recently
e to lack of use in administration circles. It
,tes that it is silly and ineffective for the
ited States continually to attempt to deny
e existence of a nation with a population of
) million. Eventually, the argument goes, the
ited States will have to stop sulking about
r early mistakes in China and admit the fact
at China exists-and is decidedly Communist.
UT THIS admission has become more and
more difficult as the years have passed. The
inese, in their highly effective propaganda
the Asian world, have stressed the point that
e United States is, n fact, a "paper tiger,"
at her vaunted power is meaningless in
La, and that she is too lacking in resolution
use what power she has in an effective way.
. important area of this "paper tiger" attack
that the United States, under the continual
werful pounding of Red China, will even-

tually be forced to grant her both diplomatic
recognition and entrance to the United Na-
The Chinese have stressed this line of attack
so strongly that any accommodating action by
the United States-leading perhaps to recog-
nition -- would be interpreted by vast and
powerful segments of Asian public opinion as a
sign of profound weakness in United States
policy. Such a public opinion shift might set
off a pro Red China bandwagon movement in
Asia that could well lead to a complete neu-
tralization of United States influence there.
MHE UNITED STATES, thus, is caught in
a vise that tightens as the years go by: We
eventually must recognize Red China, but such
recognition might have disastrous /effects on
our position in Asia. Until recently, this di-
lemma, imposed on our foreign policy by our
childish reaction to the Communist capture
of China, has appeared well nigh insoluble.
It was felt that regardless of what the United
States did about it, she had ,something to lose.
But the current feelings of relaxation of
tensions, even of tentative entente, may offer
the best opportunity we will ever have for
getting out of the problem. As a gesture toward
the Communist world to evidence our sincere
desire for peace and an eventual relaxation of
world tensions, the United States should offer
immediately to recognize Red China, and sup-
port (or at least not oppose) her bid for ad-
mission to the United Nations.
NOW IS the optimum time. Now any attempt
by China to label our actions as a sign of
weakness can be met by our assertion of our
sincere desire for world peace and cooperation.
We got ourselves into the China mess by
not acting to recognize her at the proper time.
It would be a shame if we were to miss our
best opportunity of extracting ourselves from
the mess by making the same mistake a second
Guest Writer

Daily Staff writer definitions
AFTER A YEAR of crisis in every local
Michigan's economic and po- mendations
litical life, there has been a great back to the
deal of general dissatisfaction ex- Following
pressed by many of the citizens will gatheri
of the state. Working on the be- sible pertain
lief that strictly partisan politics submit then
is not helping but is in fact a ters who wi
detriment to the solution of Mich- conclusions.
igan's problems, a group of citizens this is tor
led by George Romney, President opinion on h
of American Motors Co., is setting can be solve
up an organization to determine,
a new path toward this end. EACH L
The organization, Citizens for contain ac
Michigan, is being founded on the hers frome
basis that the individual must nomic grout
work to help his state. Mr. Rom- there will n
ney, current president of the tion by any
group, stated that it will succeed zation is fi
only if the individuals in it put range from
the welfare of the state before any dollar to a.
kind of personal advantage. dred dollars
sents onlyr
he may bel
ROMNEY DECLARED that the an exampl
two' parties in the state are con- executive co
trolled by powerful minorities, the Conway, a r
Democrats by labor and the Re- ther's UAW
publicans by management. Both mera, a For
of these groups have too narrow William E.
a viewpoint in their approach to dent of the
the problems of the state and as Romneyh
a result we find the chaotic situa- experience%
tion which is in existence today. Study Grou
Citizens for. Michigan is pres- sufficiently,
ently being organized throughout quate infor
the entire state. Although previ- tain conclu
ously there have been many civic dent. The g
reform groups organized to over- facts thatc
come special problems in many greater the
towns and cities, this is the first reached eve
time that a state organization of flicting view
this type has been attempted. By havin
Within the fourteen regions in- discuss each
to which the state has been divided light, it is h
chapters will be organized to meet can be reac
and discuss state problems in four to these m
majqr areas: 1) an analysis of the their person
services' that the state must pro- down to ral
vide to its citizens; 2) investiga- sues.
tion of the way the state can pay
for these services; 3) the organi- THE MU
zation needed for administering ment of Cit
these services; and 4) the future bento"C
growth and economic welfare of be to "educ
Michigan. zen who no:
hg * * active politi
Conant, exe
ACCORDING to the timetable organization
of the organization, conclusions Dr. Conan
on the first three problems will worker in c
be ready in June 1960, in time for gon, stated
the fall elections. At the ,present, that the fru
state-wide study groups composed who felt th
of experts are being set up in each them no ro:
of the four problem areas: Citizens fo
The immediate goal is the exact any organiza
definition of the problems to be now numbe

Once this is done, these
will be discussed in
chapter and recom-
made that will be sent
state-wide groups.
this, the state groups
as many facts as pos-
bing to the issues and
se to the local chap-
ll attempt to formulate
The whole point of
reach a consensus of
how the state situation
* * *
OCAL chapter must
cross-section of mem-
every social and eco-
aping. To insure that
ot be economic domina-
one group the organi-
nanced by dues which
a minimum of one
maximum of one hun-
s. Each member repre-
himself even though
ong to other groups. As
e the organization's
ommittee includes Jack
member of Walter Reu-
V staff, Robert McNa-
d executive officer and
Stirton, a vice-presi-
felt that from his past
with the Detroit School,
p that if a question is
well defined and ade-
mation available, cer-
sions become self-evi-
greater the amount of
can be presented, the
agreement that can be
n by groups with con-
g each local chapter
h of the issues in this
hoped that a consensus
hed. People who come
neetings should leave
nal axes home and sit
tionally discuss the is-
** *
NIMUM accomplish-
izens for Michigan will
cate the ordinary citi-
rmally doesn't take an
cal role." Dr. Ralph W.
ecutive director of the
n set this goal for CFM.
nt, formerly a research
ivic affairs in Muske-
that it appears clear
strations of individuals
e political parties left
le has turned them to
r Michigan. Without
ational drive, the group
rs over 1,600 members.

Only now is the real organization
of local groups being started.
When the organization was be-
ing set up-last summer there were
many accusations that it would
undermine the two-party system.
Arthur G. Elliot Jr., Chairman of
the Oakland County Republican
Committee, in a letter to Romney
declared that he (Romney) should
decide which party best fitted his
opinions and then back that one.
There were also suggestions that
Romney run for Governor or some
other political office.
Romney replied that the in-
dividual is ineffective among the
major power concentrations in the
parties. "Michigan's need for a
more active and better informed
citizenry is far more pressing than
the need for new political candi-
' ss's
"WE MUST place the interests
of the state above the interests of
either party." Romney believes
Citizens for Michigan is no threat
to the state political parties, but
rather should aid them in deter-
mining the will of the electorate.
Continuing, Romney voiced the
opinion that "We must return
party control to the hands of the
citizens." We have to be looking
toward a better future. With peo-
ple living better and having more
leisure time, they have to take
greater political responsibility to
maintain these conditions.
If with a higher standard of
living the American people lose
Interest in political questions, then
we will lose all that we have
created until now.
"There is nothing to stop our
civilization from expiring as many
other great civilizations have done
in the past."
ROMNEY HAS carried over his
philosophy of business to the po-
litical sphere. In business the
needs of the consumer must be
met and in government the needs
of the voters.
Politically, governments should
be responsive to the needs of the
voters. Romney believes legislative
apathy to voters' needs has created
the present situation in Michigan
economy. By informing the elec-
torate, Citizens for Michigan hopes
to jar Michigan's lawmakers from
this apathy and cause them to be-
gin solving the existant, pressing
Four principles of membership
were formulated at the meeting
founding Citizens for Michigan
last June:

Forms Citizens Group



George Romney, president of the Citizens for Michigan Group,
discusses problems facing the state's economy.

1) Members in their capacity as
citizens should actively participate
in the study of problems and for-
mulation of recommendations for
solutions that are in the best in-
terests of all citizens and con-
sumers in the state.
2) Members shall seek to keep
themselves informed as to the
fundamental political and eco-
nomic facts on the state's needs
and problems.

3) Members shall recognize that
any position with respect to Mich-
igan needs that is contrary to the
national interest or world welfare
would be in the long run contrary
to the interests of Michigan.
4) Members shall be guided by
a concept of service and participa-
tion that shall place the needs of
the state above and apart from
perlonal, political, economic or so-
cial affiliations.


Rx: A Drop a Day

Student A dapts.
To U.S. Li fe


IGHT THOUSAND miles from home, my
home thoughts are frequent and fond, but
stly I miss the fun of talking and writing
ut the state of the Presidential race. I have
n getting a good deal of pleasure therefore
of Candidates 1960 (Basic Books), the col-
tion of articles by ten newspapermen about
Tent hopefuls which Eric Sevareid has edit-
with Robert Spivack's help.
the editors have chosen for each candidate
writer basically in tune with him, except for
:on, where a rather pious piece by Frank
leman is balanced by an astringent one
in Philip Potter of the Baltimore Sun. The
tors went at their job sensibly, but I wish
aeone now would come along and put to-
her another book on the same candidates,
igning to each a writer who would work in
ter's spirit-skeptical, critically independ-
, highly knowledgeable, ndt hostile, yet
aewhat abrasive. The results would be iore
IEWED FROM this distance, most of. the
candidates suffer a shrinkage of stature.
the Democrats to run Symington would be
open invitation to disaster. The campaign,
ild become an exchange of charges and
inter-charges about Air Force equipment
I missiles, Once outside of that, Symington
ild be out of his element. And Nixon has
eady hinted at how he would manage a.
npaign against Symington, when he asked
w many missiles' Symington ordered when
was Air Secretary. The fact that the mis-
age had not startled then is one, of those
ts that doesn't and wouldn't bother Nihon.
mington would get snowed under by a Re-
olican peace campaign.
Lyndon Johnson would be a different kind of
aster. If Symington is a prisoner of his Air
ce experience, Johnson is a prisoner of ge-'
aphy and Southern tradition. The fact
t he has been trying to break out of the,
son, and view the Democratic Party as a?
ional and not Southern institution is to his
dit. But it must be remembered that each
the two Republican candidates-Nixon and
ckefeller-will run on a strong civil rights
tform. and they would murder Johnson in
ry balance-of-power Northern, mid-Western
i Western state.
le has a Parliamentary mastery that
aches his brilliance of intellect and maneu-
But as a test of his world image, I tried
imagine him on the kind of visit to Asian
ptols that Eisenhower may be making, and
at a critical press would make of 'him-and
iidn't click.
JT JOHNSON'S disease, I fear, is not only
2enovanhv- it iq akrn the 1rind fsenne nf

manner. Americans like a fighting stance in
their champions.
Hubert Humphrey's disease, on the other
hand, is usually said to be glibness, just as
Adlai Stevenson's was once 'aid to be the
wisecrack. Too many people dismiss him too
glibly for his glibness. Humphrey's real weak-
ness is his virtue. He has come out, with a few
exceptions, for all the right causes, which is a
foolish thing for a candidate to do.
Even the liberals don't want to, vote for a
man with whom they agree 100%: it makes
them feel they might as well be running them-
selves. They prefer a man with silences, so
that they can feel-when he does declare on
the side of the angels-that they have saved
his immortal soul.
Humphrey has the distinction of having
talked for 8 hours with Khrushchev-but then
Khrushchev talked for 13 days before the
American TV cameras, and there was a suspi-
cion that he was just repaying the U.S. for
sending Hubert.:-.
THE THING about John F. Kennedy is that
everyone wants him as a Vice-presidential
running-mate. He seems doomed to be always
a Vice-President-in-the-making, never a Presi-
dent. He stands tolerably well with Gallup, but
that may not help him much. People want to
discover a man for themselves, and not see
themselves as a statistic. His biographer draws
a picture of the Massachusetts dowagers pour-
ing him into the Senate at a sequence of Bos-
ton Tea Parties the year he ran against
Lodge, but it is hard to envisage a Presidential
campaign in terms of the same pouring ladies.
He took a militant attitude ,toward France,
and liberated Algeria before DeGaulle-which
is unlikely to endear him to the French leader
at some future summit. His youth and inexperi-
ence are also against him, and although Pitt
ran an empire at 21 it is hard to see Kennedy's
eternal crewcut charm pitted against Khrush-
chev's swaggering toughness.
AS FOR Stevenson, so much has been-and
can be-said against him that for once he
may be ripe for that most decisive of all fac-
tors in American politics: the underdog appeal.
The big fact against him is the fact of his
two defeats.
But if the Democrats reach a despairing
deadlock, they may gulp down the defeats, and
send him back to the plate, on the theory that
a batter with two strikes on him is not out. He
is probably no more liberal than Johnson or
Kennedy, and certainly less so than Humph-
rey, but no one of those three has spoken a
memorable phrase for years and Symington
never will, while Adlai can still impale a party
or a man on the sharp end of a declarative

4 r .
r ..i " 4
;; " . {"" i 3 [:3 " .rte .''auV'

(EDITOR'S NOTE: One, of the
great problems facing foreign stu-
dents at the University is that in-
volved in their adjustment to the
United States and its ways of life
which are so different to them. In
c o n n e c t i o n with International
Week, The Daily here presents an
interview with one student who has
come to grips with these difficul-
Daily Staff Writer
RAQUEL 'arrero, Grad., who
came here from Cuba almost.
two years, ago, has had no prob-
lems in adjusting to life in this.
"Don't judge me as a typical
foreign student-I'm doing fine,"
the dark-haired Cuban said with
a twinkle in her large brown eyes.
She explained that she has never
felt unwelcome in the United
"Americans have always ac-
cepted me," she said. "They were
kind of puzzled by me, but ac-
cepted me anyway."
Miss Marrero, who attended the
University of Havana for a year
before coming to the United
States, is now one of the most
well-known people at the Univer-
sity. She is currently secretary of
the International Students As-
sociation representative to the
Student Government. Council In-
ternational CoordinatingBoard
which is sponsoring International
ASKED WHY she chose to come
to the University, she explained
that the University of Havana
was closed for two years during
the revolution. During this period
she wrote to several American
universities, finally choosing the
University because of -its good
academic reputation.
She especially chose the Uni-
versity for its good psychology
department, she said, adding that
she will get her masters degree in
English was no problem for Miss
Marrero, since she had attended
an American high school for a
year when she was 14 - "early
enough to get-good English gram-
mar, but late enough to keep a
Spanish accent."
Shes alsoattended Columbia
University for summer school and,
intended to stay there "except my
parents said New York was too
big for a college girl."
*- * *

to campus and because "I kind of
like independent living."
Miss Marrero is a woman of
many interests. She loves all kinds
of music and dancing, especially
Latin American. She also misses
year-round swimming possible in
Reading is also high on, her list
of interests and she lists Ernest
Hemingway and Somerset Mau-
gham as her favorite authors, as
well as several Spanish writers.
She also enjoys poetry very much
and confessed that she, had writ-
ten some pieces that have been
prin'ted in high school magazines
in Cuba.
Next year she hopes to publish
some of her poems and possibly
submit some of them to Genera-
* * *
COMPARING higher education
in Cuba with that in the United
States, she said the main differ-
ence is that students go directly
into their field ,ofconcentration
when they enter South American
universities. Basic studies are
given in high school.
"Our high schools are extremely
hard, but when students graduate
they know what field they want,"
she said, adding that Cuban uni-
versities are almost free for stu-
dents who. have received a high
school degree.
Because high school is very dif-
ficult and because it takes five
years to complete, many Cuban
students; who do not plan to at-
tend college go to niormal, com-
mercial or trade schools.
ASKED IF SHE had-noticed any
problems common to most foreign
studentscoming to this country,
she said that it takes time for a
student to become acquainted with
American values.
Shecriticized American stu-
dents for their lack of knowledge
about other countries, which she
attributed to the lack of geography -
courses in. high school.
Miss Marrero explained the
American attitude by the psycho-
logical concept that "when a per-
son doesn't know enough about
something, he says he isn't inter-
ested," she noted however, that
American students are extremely
interested in foreign students
when they get to know them
In June Miss Marrero plans to
return to Cuba where she will join

Herblock is away due to illness

Capyright, 19S9, The Ptulltzer PtbIIISIIIICM
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Discuss Generation' Review

To The Editor:
IT IS refreshing to see a writer
openly attack institutions that
might, because of their noble aims
and purposes, often be treated
more gently than they deserve. It
is also refreshing to see a critic
frankly admit that he has never
read any of the poems the transla-
tions of which he discusses and
that he has not condescended to
study an author who is the sub-
ject of a critical essay under re-
But the situation becomes slight-
lv embarrassing when these two

of a few sensible suggestions, Prof.
Hagopian's recent criticism of
Generation seems to me to be es-
sentially of the sort described.
PROF HAGOPIAN appears to be
very worried that the inter-arts
magazine is trying to becdme too
international. His evidence is, I
suppose, that the issue contains,
besides a sizeable number of ori-
ginal contributions by local stu-
dent writers, the aforementioned
article about the German poet
Gottfried Benn and a few transla-
tions from the French and the
German, also all done by Univer-

er's blunt faux pas of calling
Traxl's magnificent poem, "Gro-
dek", (well translated, too!) not
worth Printing-"either in German
or in English!"
I WONDER Just how much en-
lightenment Prof. H1agopian's re-
fined intuitions-to use his phrase
--will give to the reader who is as
unspoiled by any knowledge of
German or French literature as he
seems to be,
There is, I suppose, no reason
why a teaccher of Masterpieces of=
English Literature should read

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