Prime Minister Denies Rumor CIA Director Debuni Khrushchev 'Boasts' Of Missing Officer's Desertion' v 7 Cuban Head Says Major Likely Dead Fails To Answer U.S. Accusations HAVANA (A) - Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro yesterday indicated he believes his army commander, Maj. Camilo Cien- fuegos, crashed into the sea north of Cuba. He angrily denounced rumors that the popular Cienfuegos pay have deserted the Cuban revolu- tion. The Prime Minister looked grim and haggard as he went into great detail in a midnight television speech to squelch widespread ru- mors arising from Maj. Cienfue- gos' disappearance. The 28-year-old Army com- mander, who was one of Castro's closest associates from the begin- ning of the revolution, vanished Oct. 28 after leaving troubled Camaguey province for a 300-mile plane flight to Havana. No trace of. him or his plane has ever been found in the extensive search directed by Castro himself. Lambasts Americans One of the few flashes of Cas- tro's oldtime oratory came when he lambasted American newsmen for circulating reports that Cien- fuegos might have deserted the MINISTER REACHES 70TH YEAR: U.S. Leads Economics Leader of India To Celebrate Birthday_ (EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the world's most noted leaders cele- brates his 70th birthday today. He is the prime minister of India and spokesman for nearly a fourth of the world's population. Here is a look at what the future holds for the man who precariously balances his nation between East and West.) By WATSON SIMS Associated Press Feature Writer NEW DELHI (A)- The Prime Minister of India leaned forward at a children's rally and was sorry to be old. "My birthdays are chasing me and I cannot escape them, it seems," Jawaharlal Nehru said, "although I would like to go away and spend the days unmindful of it. 'Everyone Knows' "If anyone reminds me of my age I do not like it. But how to hide it? Everybody knows it. "I will tell you a secret provided you do not tell it to anybody. I had decided that I would go away somewhere without telling anyone on that day and spend it peace- fully and try to forget that it is my birthday. "It was a secret but I have told you about it." Only Prime Minister Today, Nehru's seventieth birth- day will catch up with the only prime minister 400,000,000 Indians have known in 12 years of inde- pendence. The anniversary will find Nehru enjoying popularity among his people probably unparalleled any- where in the world. Millions of I dians adore him, not only as political leader but as a sai Some Hindus worship him as a r, incarnation of Vishnu the Prc tector. At three score and 10 years, Nehru speaks with great prestige in the world's councils. Leaders of East and West respect him. The nonaligned nations of Asia, total- ing with India nearly a fourth of the world's population, generally follow him. 'Shadows' Seen Yet there will also be shadows over the anniversary. More than. at any time in years, the policies and institutions to which Nehru ti devoted are under strain. Friendship with Communist China was a foundation stone of India's foreign policy, laid by ex- press direction of Nehru. This year the friendship soured. The Prime Minister's birthday finds Chinese troops holding two sectors of In- dan territory and claiming 40,000 square miles more. The situation has given Nehru's critics an opportunity to say, "I told you so," and they have said it over and again. Newspapers in India are more hostile to the Prime Minister than in past years. He has quarreled more with the press and his political opponents. Impracticality Cited Some critics claim nonalign- ment, with which Nehru identified himself, has been proved imprac- tical. They say India must recon- sider her military policies now that Tibet has vanished as a buffer region and Chinese troops are on Indian soil. Even the nature of non-alignment has become con- troversial. For example, Nehru had long made clear that if trouble should Y arise between India and Com- munist China, he would not expect the little states which lie on In- dia's side of the Himalayas to be nonaligned. "Much as we appreciate the in- dependence of Nepal," Nehru said eight years ago, "we cannot allow anything to go wrong in Nepal or permit that barrier (the Hima- layas) to be crossed or weakened because that would be a threat to our own security." Wall Breached When this year the Himalayan wall was breached in India itself, Nepal made clear it wanted no part of the quarrel. Even the Tibetan border state of Bhutan, though in some respects a protectorate of India, seemed to want nonalignment. Some Bhu- tanese talked of membership in the United Nations. In the face of adversities, Nehru said India would defend her soil if necessary. But he pledged India would continue a policy of non- alignment and coexistence because the principles involved did not de- pend upon treaties with China. Stands on Principle "They stand by themselves as principles which we hold to be cor- rect," he said. "We shall hold on to them even if all the world says 'no' to them. When people are wise enough they will come back to these principles." More than ever during 1959, political observers have professed to see cracks in the National Con- gress, a juggernaut of the public opinion and endeavor that drove the British from India and re- mained to overshadow Indian poli- tics.. Mahatma Gandhi was among many Indians who felt the Con- gress should disband when inde- pendence was achieved. Such ob- servers felt the Congress, being spread from left to right over the political spectrum, could not func- tion as a political' instrument. Held Party Together Yet Nehru, more than any other man, kept the Congress together to dominate India's first two elec- tions. When his only daughter, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, took over presidency of the Congress this year, she called for dissident Con- gressmen to join up-rather than split up. But there now are many, signs of stress. In most of India's 14 states the Congress is split into "in" and "out" factions. The outs quarrel constantly with the ins, complaining over the manner in which they operate state govern- ments. In a half dozen cases the quar- rels are serious enough to cause fear that the states involved might fall to other parties when the third national elections roll around in 1961. It was dissension such as this that helped the Communists win control of Kerala in the last elec- tions. New Party Rises In Nehru's 70th year came the rise of a new political organiza- tion, the Swatantra (Freedom) Party to challenge the Congress. Led by C. Rajagopalachari, India's first Governor General and once a colleague of Nehru's, the Swa- tantra Party aimed its fire directly at the Prime Minister, particularly at his economic policies. The charge was "statism" and preoc- cupation with socialism. Like friendship with China, this is a matter near to Nehru's heart. Time and again, Nehru has enun- ciated his basic economic philos- ophy., Roughly, it is this: India is too poor to afford the trial and error of capitalism; there must be a plan to channel and control endeavor. There iAust be state ownership of enterprises with which the state can compete with private ownership on even terms. But Nehru rejects Communism be- cause it condones violence and denies the rights of the individual. 'New Direction' Needed Somewhere between East and West, Nehru says, India must "give a new direction to educa- tion and evolve a new type of hu- manity." Swatantra leaders call this "fuzzy idealism," and say no such humanity will emerge. Some big businessmen, who heretofore have had little option but to back the Congress, appear to agree. Competition WASHINGTON OP) - The top United States intelligence special- ist yesterday downrated as, propa- ganda distortions some of Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's boasts of giant economic strides by Russia. What's more, Allen W. Dulles told a Senate-House Economic Subcommittee, evidence indicates Khrushchev's first-hand look at the United States shattered his illusions about overtaking United States industrial production in the next 10 years. But at the same time Dulles, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, testified the Russian eco- nomic drive must be taken seri- ously. He said the United States lead, while still substantial, will be narrowed dangerously by 1970 unless this country pushes ahead its industrial expansion at a faster pace. Communists Lag "The Communists are not about to inherit the world economically," Dulles said in his prepared state- ment. "But while we debunk the dis- tortions of their propaganda, we should face up to the very sobering implications of the Soviet eco- nomic program and the striking progress they have made over the last decades . ." Dulles gave this assessment in a statement prepared for his first public appearance before a Con- gressional committee. Normally, he testifies in private for security rea- sons. Chief Notes Gap While there is a considerable gap between the over-all United States and Russian economies, the intelligence chief said, "Their military effort, in terms of value, is roughly comparable to our own -a little less in terms of hardware produced but substantially more in terms of manpower under arms." Dulles dismissed as a "gross ex- aggeration" a Khrushchev predic- tion that the Russian people will enjoy the world's highest living standard by 1970. Dulles said the Soviet public still fares very badly in comparison with ours. "From . . . evidence before- us we do not believe that Mr. Khrushchev left the U. S." with an illusion of Soviet supremacy, he said. Of Withdrawal Necessities' WASHINGTON OP)-The Pen- tagon yesterday discounted re- ports that the Air Force has said a budget spending limit would force withdrawal of three or four fighter bomber units from NATO defenses of Western Europe. A Defense Department spokes- man, -asked about the published reports, (New York Times) said that in preparing the military budget for the coming fiscal year "a major concern is the continued maintenance of the effective strength of NATO." He called the report of the Air Force proposal "completely spec- ulative." Claims No Proposal An Air Force spokesman said no such proposal has been sub- mitted in the current budget- making discussions. Gen. Lauris Norstad, North At- lantic Treaty Organization su- preme commander, and also an American Air Force officer, has repeatedly cautioned Washington against sudden or drastic cut- backs in American air or ground strength in Europe. Such action, it is contended, would encourage other NATO member nations to cut their own forces - a possibility against which Norstad has been fighting. Based on Power Military strength of United States forces in Europe - as else- where - is based on potential striking power, not necessarily numerical strength of specific types of forces. This explanation leaves open the possibility that at some later time it might be decided that new missile weapons could provide the same firepower now available in manned jet bombers. FIDEL CASTRO ... addresses Cubans revolution or had been kidnaped or murdered as asresult of political intrigues in Castro's own revolu- tionary movement. That done, he failed to give his people a fill-in on situations which they had expected after a 17-day lapse in his television appearances. They had expected he would detail Cuba's answer to accusa- tions by the United States govern- ment that his regime is destroying traditional Cuban-American friendship. They had hoped he would clear up rumors that three or four cabinet ministers were about to resign or be removed, and that he would designate a suc- cessor to Maj. Cienfuegos. They were disappointed. Neglects Answer The bearded premier did not discuss Cuba's formal answer - delivered yesterday-to two Uriited, States notes. One complained of attacks on the United ,States, and another protested against a pam- phlet by the Ministry of State charging the American govern- ment permitted planes to bomb and machine-gun Havana. Castro said the United States had failed to prove that planes from the United States had not bombed and machine-gunned Ha- vana. Castro reported two persons were killed and 50 wounded in a raid by Maj. Pedro Diaz Lanz, former Castro Air Force com- mander. One Cuban, long a supporter of Castro, said his net impression of the speech was that Castro "is un- happy and worried." He acted like a man who needs to sit down for a long time to get his thoughts to- gether, the witness reported. a Swingline Stapler no bigger than a pack of gum! 98 (tcuding I0DDOstaphts ) Second Front Page November 14, 1959 Page 3 %af n n nN 'IL - .ilt- I (/(,a. poO* E i I HOLIDAY WHIRL NOV. 17 and 19 7:30 TICKETS COMPLIMENTARY JACOBSON'S l 1 Dr. Frood, Ph.IT.T. Dear Dr. Frood: IYhave gone steady with four different boys in the last three weeks. Would you call me fickle? L.N. Dear L.N.: I would call you seldom. i 1 See the Big News for '60... Here By Popular Demand RAMBLER AMERICAN 4DOOR SEDAN Lowest-Priced in America! 1 C £b 03 0 Dear Dr. Frood: I hear that at some schools they let you smoke in class. How can I convince our administration to do the same? Hopeful Dear Hopeful: Wherever you smoke Luckies, you're smoking in class. -w V- N,-PNMNO CO) C02 C10 , 70 .-% 'o tip, S U I,,,,,, . .*,4rkf .o-+r: ............ rMlman c+itrlan+c hand riah+ fnr finri tnhnr (-n_ li WI