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November 13, 1959 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-13

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AY, NOVEMBER 13, 1959


Freshman Teams Battle to Tie

The Blues and the Whites led
>y the passing of their respective
marterbacks, Dave Glinka and
Bob Chandler, alternately dom-
nated play and finally wound up
n a 19-19 deadlock in the second
nnual freshman game played
esterday in snow and darkness
it the Michigan Stadium.
The Whites scored first, but
-linka led Blues to a 19-6 lead
arly in the third quarter and ap-
eared headed :for an easy vic-
ory when the Whites rose and
ought their way back to tie the
There, the White resurgence
salted abruptly witA the Blues
aking to the offensive, only this
izne they had to battle not only
the Whites, but a driving snow-
torm, darkness and the clock and
hey finaly lost to the latter with
he ball on the White 3-yard line.
Whites Lead
Leading 6-0 in the first quarter
>n a touchdown score on a 12-
rard dash by Ed Hood, the White's
attack faltered. The Blues and
.linka were quick to take advan-
;age of this lapse.
With seven minutes left in the
irst quarter the Whites punted
ind the Blues, coached by John
Terrnstein and Gene Evans, took
>ver on their own 32.
The Blues land offensive moved
nto high gear and the reserve
backfield of quarterback Ralph
3reisser, halfback Bill Hamilton

and fullback Jim Ward moved to
the White 34 where Glinka and
crew took over.
Glinka ran eight yards on a
keeper to the 26. Then he com-'
pleted an 11-yard pass to end Ron
Kocan, the recipient of five Glinka
aerials in the game, and followed
with a 15-yard touchdown toss to
fullback Dave Conrad. The conver-
sion attempt was blocked.
Unable To Move
The Whites were unable to
make any headway following the
kickoff and were forced to punt,

Doran l
Atchison I
Collins l
Kocan I
Glinka 4
Ralmey l
Leader 1




a 22-yard aerial, which carried to
the White five.
On the next play Raimey car-
goal line, and scored, putting the
Blues into the lead for the first
In the first half Glinka com-
pleted 8 of 10 tosses for 105, yards.
Scored Again
The Blues scored again early in
the second half, but this time it
was Gressier who led the way. The
Blues took over on their own 44
following John Houtmann's inter-
ception of a Chandler pass, Gres-
sier tossed to Gocan for 26-yards
to the White 36.
On the next play halfback Jim
Ward from Imlay City, caught a
short toss from Greisser behind
the line and rambled 19 yards to
the 17. And followed it with a
sweep of left end for a TD to close
out the Blue scoring.
Then, just as the White offen-
sive collapsed in the first period,
the Blues similarly fell apart, just
when it appeared that victory was.
easily within their grasp.
Following the kickoff, the
White's with their reserve unit in
the ball game moved to the Blue
10, only to lose the ball on downs.
Two plays later Ward fumbled a
handoff on a reverse and the
Whites recovered on the 15.
Stroebel carried twice to the six,
from which point an offside pen-
alty against the Blues moved the
ried off left tackle, making a fine

the ball going out of bounds on
the Blue's 41 yard line.
From that point, Dave Raimey,
a speedster from Dayton, O., and
the game's running star along
with Hood and Jack Stroebel of
the Whites, went 30 yards to the
White 34. From there, Glinka hit
halfback Mike Agee with a seven-
yarder and then Ron Kocan with

cutback when it appeared he was
going to be stopped short of the
ball to the three. Stroebel knifed
off tackle on the next play to
score. Chandled booted the extra
point and the Whites trailed
Faling to make a first down
following the kickoff the Blues
punted to Doug Eggelston who re-
turned the ball 13 yards to the
White 33.
Four running plays gained 16
yards to the White 49. Chandler
then passed to Hood for 21 yards
and then to Bill Freehan, his fa-
vorite target, for 20 yards and the
Whites were on the Blue 12.
Tying Touchdown
Two plays gained only two
yards and then Chandler rolled to
his left and fired to Doug Eggel-
ston in the end zone for the tying
marker. Chandler's extra point try
was wide to the right.
With the score tied, both teams
battled the clock, and the ele-
ments, which made all movements
difficult and all but obliterated the
players from the view of the re-
maining 100 or so of the 200 fans
that were in attendance.
Each team made a short march
upfield on the passing of their
quarterbacks, but had to surren-
der the ball before nearing scoring
territory. However, with less than
two minutes remaining in the sec-
ond half, due to the weather con-
ditions no differentiation was
made between the third and
fourth periods, the Blues2gained
possession on their own 23.
Screen Pass
Glinka completed a sideline pas
to George Ginger at the 34. Ex-
pecting a long pass, the White de-
fenders played back on the next
play, but Glinka lobbed a short
screen pass to Raimey, who be-
hind a screen of blockers went 60
yards to the Whitersix, finally be-
ing pulled down from behind by
Racing the clock, the Blues tried
a pass and a run which netted
only one yard before Glinka threw
the same screen pass to Raimey.
Raimey fought his way to the two,
but the game ended before the
Blues could run another play.
Offensive standouts in the game
were Glinka and Chandler. Glin-
ka, a 6, 195-pounder from Toledo,
completed,, 14 of 22 attempts' for
190 yards, while Chandler, a na-
tive of LaGrange, Ill., was suc-
cessful on eight -of ten tries for
98 yards.
Raimey, Stoebel and Hood all
showed that they may make im-I
mediate contributions to the var-
sity. Raimey gained 50 yards in
nine carries, Stroebel 58 in 15 at-
tempts, and Hood lugged the ball
six times for 25 yards.
Of the ends, Kocan and Freehan
were the most impressive, starring
on defense as well as offense.
In a game like this, it is hard
to evaluate the performance of the
linemen, but this year's crop is
bigger than average and has play-
ers which may help the varsity
next season.

PERFECT PERFORMANCE - Montreal goalie Jacque Plante
scored his first shutout of the season last night when the Cana-
diens blanked the Toronto Maple Leafs, 3-0.
Canadiens Shutout Leafs;
Record Set by Chmeli
hIR ambrlain

by Mike GiUman
A Continuing Tradition?
THE CHAMPS have been decided - Kelsey in the Residence Hall
football league and Sigma Alpha Epsilon in the social fraternity
But, as usual, the question arises, which is the toughest league.
Last season for the first time, the issue was put to the test. Residence
hall champ Allen-Rumsey challenged the fraternity winners, Chi Phi,
-to a "Champion of Champions" game.
The Washtenaw Avenue crew pulled the big game out of the fire
as quarterback Bruce Conybeare sprinted into the end zone for the
game's only tally and then passed for the conversion. As a reward
for the 8-0 win, Chi Phi received the A.D. Stragilian trophy, a tomb-
stone weighing a mere 250 pounds.
But that was last year. This weighty symbol of independent-
affiliate supremacy presumably still resides with Chi Phi. The next
move is up to SAE or Kelsey to keep the tradition rolling. The whole
campus would like to see SAE pit its pass combination of Jack Mogk
to Dick Behm against Kelsey's rock-like defense led by Bruce Bald-
win, in a renewal of the dorm-fraternity competition.
This is an infant tradition, barely one year old. It would be a
shame to see it die a-borning. How about it, SAE or Kelsey?
Odds and Ends...
RON THOMPSON of the I-M department announces the inception
of a new All-Campus tournament, three-man basketball.
This tournament will begin within the next two weeks and run
through the Christmas vacation. The entries will close at 5:00 Wednes-
day, November 18.
These games will be run as half-court contests, with the winner
being decided on the basis of the best two-out-of-three games up to
15 points. Other new rules include a bonus free throw and "gentle-
man's refereeing." For every basket scored the man shooting it will
get a free throw, after which the ball will be in play. There will be
no refereeing other than a "gentleman's code" among the players, and
fouls will result in the ball being taken out of bounds.
* * * *
T-M BOXING COACH, Lester Philbin, invites all Michigan students
having an interest in the manly art of self defense to attend the
twice-a-week boxing classes given in the Sports Building.
Philbin points out that no previous boxing experience or knowl-
edge is needed. "In fact," says Philbin, "it's often better not to know
anything about the sport, then you wouldn't have to unlearn as
If there is enough interest this year, the I-M department will run
off an elimination tournament in the spring in all weight brackets.
This will help decide the winner of the yearly trophy given to the
outstanding I-M boxer on campus.
Philbin notes that a number of promising boxers have already
put in an appearance including Rhys Jones (158 pounds) and Joe
Dacki (164 pounds), both of whom just began working out this fall.
Philbin invites all interested students to look into the program on
Monday or Wednesday nights between 7-9.
* * * *
EARL RISKEY, head of the I-M department, has initiated a pro-
gram of co-education sports this year, with season point totals
being kept.
North Campus housing groups for married students and frater-
nity-sorority or residence hall teams are asked to get in touch with
Riskey if they are interested in entering the league for the first sport,
volleyball, that is now under way. Practices will be arranged at Water-
man Gym. Other sports in this co-ed program this winter will include
badminton and bowling.




By The Associated Press
MONTREAL - Masked goalie
Jacques Plante last night racked'
up his first shutout of the National
Hockey League season and two
goals by Phil Goyette and another
by Dickie Moore gave the Mon-
treal Canadiens a 3-0 victory over
the Toronto Maple Leafs. The vic-
tory lengthened to 11 an unde-
feated string by the NHL leadersj
and kept them five points ahead
of Detroit.
Plante, who became the first
goal tender to wear a mask in
competition after being injured a
few weeks ago, led the league in
shutouts last season with nine.
Detroit 6, Boston 5
BOSTON - Jack McIntyre's
second score enabled Detroit to
edge Boston 6-5 last night after
the Red Wings were three goals
The Bruins held a three-goal
advantage midway through the
second period but couldn't hang
on to it. Gordie Howe's seventh
tally of the season and the sixth
for both teams in the wild 20-min-
ute span started the Red Wings
on the way back.
McIntyre collected his first goal
of the season at 1;44 of the final
when he slapped in Gerry Ald-
corn's pass from in front. Billy
O'Neill tied it 5-5 at 11:27 when
he lifted a second rebound over
felled Bruins' goalie Don Sim-
Philadelphia 124, Cincinnati 116
CINCINNATI -- Wilt Chamber-
lain dumped in 55 points last
night as he and his Philadelphia
Warrior teammates came from
nine points behind at the half to
defeat the Cincinnati Royals, 124-
Chamberlain's performance
wiped out a Cincinnati Garden

individual scoring record of 50
points set by Jack Twyman of the
Royals last year.
The Royals were ahead at 86-80
with 2:27 to go in the third periodE
but the Warriors reeled off 12
straight points and .took a 92-88
lead at three quarters.
* * *
Syracuse 113, New York 104
NEW YORK -- The Syracuse
Nationals blew a 25-point second
period lead, but came back strong
in the final eight minutes to whip
the New York Knicks 113-104 last
night in the second game of a
National Basketball Assn. double-
header before 9,247 in Madison
Square Garden.
George Yardley, of Syracuse
who topped the scorers with 23,
combined with Hal Greer to put
the Nats back on the road to vic-
** *
Detroit 107, Minneapolis 93
NEW YORK - Elgin Baylor,
who set a National Basketball As-
sociation scoring record of 64
points earlier this week, came up
with only 33 points last night, but
the Detroit Pistons easily defeat-
ed his Minneapolis teammates,
107-93, at Madison Square Gar-
den last night.


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Rangers Replace Watson with Pike

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By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Phil Watson's
turbulent career as coach of the
New York National Hockey League
team ended yesterday when he
was replaced by Alfie Pike, anoth-
er former star Ranger player.
Watson will remain with the
Rangers as supervisor of their
farm system. Pike, 42, is expect-
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ed to join the fifth-place club
Saturday, but will' not take over
until next Wednesday's game in
Chicago. He wasbrought in from
Winnipeg of the Western League.
A dedicated leader who spent
hours studying statistics charts
and shorter periods berating his
players and game officials, Watson
wound up in a New York hospital
Monday shortly after the team's
arrival from a winless road trip.
He is expected to undergo an op-
eration for a peptic ulcer early
next week.
The fiery native of Montreal
was in his fifth season as the
Rangers' bench boss. In 1955-56,
Watson's first year, the club fin-
ished third. It had wound up no
higher than fifth in the previous
five campaigns. Following his suc-
cessful first year, Watson led the
Rangers to fourth place and then
to the runner-up position.
Last year, however, the-Rangers
folded in the final two weeks.
Their collapse enabled the Toron-
to Maple Leafs to squeeze past
them into fourth place and gain



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a spot in the post-season Stanley
Cup Playoffs.
Pike was a member of the Ran-
gers in the 1939-40 season - the
last time the team won the Stan-
ley Cup Championship. Pike is al-
ready familiar with Rangers Andy
Bathgate, Lou Fontinato and
Dean Prentice who he coached in
the minors.
'Mq' Soccer
T * *
At Illnis
The Michigan soccer team, aft-
er having won two straight.
matches last weekend, is now pre-
Oared to face the Illinois soccer
team tomorrow at Champaign.
The Wolverines will also hope
to invade Wayne State in Ann
Arbor on Dec. 6, weather permit-
The 'M' soccer team is rein-
forced with 13 hearty members.
Many of these men are from vari-
ous countries.
It was this same handy crew
that led the Wolverines to a 90
victory over Ohio State and a 6-0
triumph over Kenyon last week-
end. Both these were away con-
Suha Alpayll led the weekend
scoring for the M' bootens with .a
total of six goals, while Amilcar
Vianna and Bob Burnett were
runners-up with three, goals
apiece. Leo Ramirez, Altan Azen
and Juan Esclamandou each had
one goal to add to the two-game
Meanwhile, Michigan's defense
was unbeatable as only three to-
tal shots on the Wolverine goal
were - permitted'in both games.

K( --________

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