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September 22, 1959 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-09-22

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy today, with tem
peratures reaching an unseason-
able high.

See Page 4

1 fi a4f iaevr w ai-armor w arr e r ev : e. .. . . . .. /

XX, No. 1




ihrushchev Sees
.olden Gate City,
Premier Takes Harbor Boat Trip,
Journeys South to Computer Plant
SAN FRANCISCO W)-Nikita Khrushchev bounced around the
n Francisco area on tour yesterday, gaily pulling the unexpected,
%ding hats with a longshoreman, and speaking of friendship.
The Soviet Premier's day-long travels, including a harbor boat
p and a journey 60 miles south to a San Jose computer plant, led
to a civic dinner last night at which he was the principal speaker.
During his tour yesterday, the Soviet Premier said Russia is
arply, reducing her secret police and "organs of suppression" as
11 as shifting naval power from cruisers to submarines and torpedo.
boats. The shift-Khrushchev said
90 per cent of the cruisers are be-
ing junked-is no surprise. Ameri-
can admirals have been warning
'.for years of the increasing strength
of the Soylet submarine fleet.
But, said Khrushchev, "We are
now catching herring with our
submarines." And that, according
to Russia's Minister for Cultural
Exchange, Georgi Zhukov, is no
joke. Especially equipped subma-
rines are searching under the sur-
face for fish.
A man with a low boiling point,
the Premier snapped at a news-'
man who thought he had said
Russia is building the world's big-
.gest navy.
f{ r.'"I did not say that," he said.
. "IfI said that it would sound like.
q:. l some sort of threat."
SOVIET PREMIER At another point in his visit,
. . tours San Francisco Khrushchev stressed again his ap-
parent desire to play down any
feelings of threats or violence
FHNESE: when he commented to a high-
ranking executive of the computer
plant: "We want friendship with
R ecluse the American people and with-the
American government (and I
draw no line of distinction be-
R e' urnstween the people and the govern-
Returns :nse:
ment of the 'Onited States) be-
cause only in this way can we
achieve the goal we are both
striving for-to have friendly rela-
tions between our countries.
By JEAN HARTWIG From Khrushchev's mood, the
After four years in seclusion un- soft approach initiated after his
r the rafters of the First Metho- blow-ups in Los Angeles appeared
t Church, Chheng Guan Lim, to be having some effect-at last
would like to be "just a stu- in his enjoyment of ii West Coast
nt" again. .visit.
Although his sensational story
s featured in Life magazine and -

FPA Adopts Statement Against Bias

IFC.Asked v
To Give Help
To Chapters
Passed after Debate
On Vetoed Addition
The Fraternity Presidents' As-
sembly adopted a statement
against "arbitrary selectivity". at
the recent Fraternity Presidents'
Retreat at Island Lake.
The Interfraternity Council is
"to endeavor to assist local chap-
ters and will work dirctly with
their national organizations to-
ward the voluntary elimination of
arbitrary selective practices, as
well as written restrictions."
The motion was passed after
rather spirited discussion on -an
amendment proposed by Ken
Stuart,, '60BAd, president of Delta
Kappa Epsilon.
Withhold Privileges
The amendment called for the
IFC to withhold all fraternity
privileges it regulates from any
local chapter which either does
not vote for elimination of the
arbitrary selectivity clause from
its national constitution or does
not vote to gain exemption from
the clause of the local chapter.
It failed by a large majority.
After the failure of'the amend-
ment, the passage of the original
motion progressed with compara-
mively .lttle debate.
The policy is to serve-as a guide
toward the elimiration of bias
practices of member fraternities.
The motion introduced in the
rFC's executive :committee's re-
port, given by,Paul:Becker,160E
says that the IFC recognizes that
such practices are a question of
Called Intelligent Approach
Arbitrary selective practice was
held to be "the automatic dis-
crimination against a man de-
pendent upon race, religion, back-
ground or similar artificial criteria
without regard to other personal
characteristics," by Reed Jenney,
'60E, IFC treasurer.
Speaking for the motion, Bob
Brown, '60BAd, president of Alpha
Tau Omega, one of the fraternities
affected by the motion, called it
a "step in the right direction" and
an "intelligent approach to a seri-
ous problem."
Brown felt "progress in this area
must necessarily proceed very1
slowly" for "in order to be effec-
tive, changes must come from
He felt if changes are pressured
upon a fraternity by an outside
group, it could only cause resent-
ment and "the progress which has
been made recently" would be lost.
To Implement
The motion makes it understood
that the executive committee will
consider methods for the imple-
mentation of the policy and report
to the FPA in the immediate fu-
In the report submitted by the
IFC Selectivity Study Committee
to the executive committee last.
spring, a new standing committee
to be set up for the policy's im-
plementation was requested.





~* *






Study Urged
By Williams
Governor Addresses.
International Council
Governor G. Mennen Williams
told a group of 60 distinguished
scholars last night the modern
world needs to reinforce the be-
lief in man as an "end to himself."
The conference includes repre-
sentatives of 15 nationalities to
the fifth International Council
for Philosophy and Humanistic
Studies. It will be held at the Uni-
versity until Thursday under the
auspices of the United Nations
Education, Scientific and Cultural
Williams continued that the
study of liberal arts is especially
important at this time when the
idea of the individual is in Jeopar-
dy. The humanities help each man
find his own identity.
Notes Creativity
* "We are in danger of creating
a human robot whose urge to con-
form overpowers his own creativ-
ity," he said. "The race to outer
space makes it too easy to neglect
the inner spirit."
Discussing the role of govern-
ment and the humanities, Wil-
liams noted that it can provide
the opportunities under which the
humanities can function, but can-
not force their acceptance.
He added that Michigan is
"quite conscious of the need for
encouraging all manner of edu-
cational explorations."
He urged the scholars to de-
stroy the myth that academic
people live in "ivy towers" by
speaking to the people to "inject
the wisdom and imagination of
liberal and humanistic thinking
into the market place and the
area of political debate."
Discussions Public
The General Assembly, which
began Friday, is the first meet-
ing in the United States.
Public, discussions on the role
of humanities in a technological
and urbanized world will be held
from 9:30 a.m. to noon and from
2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow, also from
9:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, in
the Clements Library.
Scholars from 11 nations have
presented papers to read at the

HoDavis To Star in Series

University Platform Attractions"
will present six programs this year
with highlight performances by
Hal Holbrook, Bette Davis, Gary
Merrill and Joyce Grenfell.
Julien Bryan, photographer of
Poland, will open the course, fol-
lowed-by co-stars Bette Davis and
Gary Merrill in "The World of
Carl Sandburg."
Other scheduled attractions for
the Hill Aud. series include Sir
Donald Wolfit and (Rosalind
Iden) Lady Wolfit in Shakespear-
ean scenes and Joyce Grenfell
presenting monologues.
Photographs Polish
Bryan, who photographed the
Polfsh people before and during
Hitler's occupation, is nowin that
country searching for and inter-
viewing his original subjects of
1939. His photographs cover a 20
year period, 1936 to the present,
and include a film, "Siege," a doc-
umentary of the Hitler invasion.
Comparing the past and pres-
ent situations, on Oct. 22 he will
present a visual history of the
people throughout the war years.
Bette Davis and Gary Merrill,
joined by actor William Winter-
sole and guitarist Clark Allen, will
present "The World of Carl Sand-
burg" on Nov. 19.
First National Tour
Academy-award winner Miss
Davis marks her first national
theatrical tour with this produc-
tion, for which special music, cos-
tumes and lighting have been de-
Sir Donald and Lady Wolfit,
noted Shakespearean actors, will
present scenes from "Hamlet,"
"Macbeth," "Othello," and "The
Merry Wives of Windsor."
Urges Student
Football Seats
Be Arranged
"Students are urged to pick up
their football tickets this week,"
Don A. Weir, University football
ticket and business manager, said
last night.
Although the tickets can be
picked up any time through Sept.
30, he said, it will be best to get
them now and insure the best
possible seat, he said.
Tickets can be picked up from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the
Athletic Administration Building
on Hoover Street.

ti li l :n..

in most large newspapers in the
country, Lim has found that most
people do not recognize him. To
insure his anonymity, his address
and telephone number are kept in
A political science major, he in-
tends to go into international law
or diplomacy. He is currently tak-
ing 18 hours of credit including
diplomatic history of the United
States, American literature,
French, a philosophy and two poli-
tical science courses.
Received Letters
Lim has received between 60 and
70 letters from people who have
read about his case and has found
them "most encouraging."
. None of them have been abusive,
but some of them have contained
"fundamentalist" religious pamph-
lets, the Methodist student said.
Included in his communications
,have been two offers of sponsor-
ship ;to the universities of Minne-
sota and Wisconsin.
He intends to stay at the Uni-
versity, however, since so many
arrangements have been made for
his convenience.
"Student Teacher"
Born in Singapore, Lim gradu-
ated from high school in 1949 after
which he taught fifth grade Eng-
lish and geography as a type of
"student teacher." He decided to
attend the University because of
good reports from his sister who:
is a University graduate and be-
cause of the University's good
academic reputation throughout
the world.
He is very grateful to both the
University administrators and the
students for their understanding
and assistance.
Labor Umons
Establish Fund
For Strikers

Changes will be accepted in
address or telephone number
for the Student Directory until
Sept. 25.
Corrections will either' be
taken by phone or in person at;
the Student Publications Build-
ing, 420 Maynard. The phone
number is NO 2-3241.
'U ',To Keep
Bike Rules
Illegally parked bicycles willt
continue to be impounded by thet
University in its campaign to keep
the sidewalks and entrances tol
campus buildings free from ob-t
The Office of Student Affairsl
said yesterday it would continue_
the policy begun last summer on
the recommendation of the Bicy-
cle Control Program Subcommit-
tee of the University Safety Com-
Impounded bicycles will be
stored in-the University's Storage
Building until they can be re-
deemed by their owners. They will
be released upon the receipt of a
city license and the payment of a
three dollar service fee.
It was stressed by the Office for
Student Affairs that the threeI
dollar service fee was not a fine'
to penalize the students, but the
cost incurred in impounding andI
storing the bicycles.
In the past, students have been'
able to redeem their bicycles ev-
ery Saturday ,from 9 a.m. to noon,
but the Office of Student Affairs
indicated that the building may
be open during the week if the
number of bicycles being im-
pounded should rise.
Implementation of the plan,
first mapped in July, was delayed
in an attempt to remedy the park-
ing situation by voluntary means,
but a spot check showed 56 bi-
cycles and one motor bike crowd-

... one-woman show
Veterans of the Old Vic and the
Shakespeare Memorial Theatre,
they now have their own British
company with a record of more
than 2,000 performances. Enroute
from England and Australia and
New Zealand for an extended
tour, they will make one of their
three scheduled United States,
performances here on Jan. 9.
One-Woman Show
Joyce Grenfell, an English co-
medienne who gives a one-woman
show, and whose American tour is
completely booked, wil give a spe-
cial performance here on Feb. 12
before her tour is scheduled to,
Hal Holbrook, who appeared
last spring on Broadway with his
characterization of Mark Twain,
will bring his one-man production
to Ann Arbor on Feb. 27. The
show, "Mark Twain Tonight!", for
which Holbrook uses a mustache,
a fluffy white wig, a shuffle and
a repertoire of choice Twain selec-
tions, will be given here Feb. 27.
Plays Twain
Holbrook performed as Twain
on the telecast, "The Sound of
Laughter," last year; he has also
made guest appearances on the
Steve Allen, Jack Paarand Ed
Sullivan shows,
Mail orders for season tickets
are now being accepted, and the
Hill Aud. box office will open to-
morrow, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Single tickets for programs in the
series will .go on sale Oct. 20.
A special student rate on sea-
son tickets is being offered for
seats in the reserved sections of
the main floor and first balcony.

... first national tour

j e
Fall Registration
To Top 24,000
At the start of classes yesterday,
total registration figures showed
the University holding the line
against upward-creeping enroll-
Total enrollment in University
residence credit programs now
numbers 22,866, as compared with
22,856 at the opening of school
last fall.
An addition of at least 1,151
late registrants should bring the
final figure to about 24,017, 'Ed..
ward G. Groesbeck, director of the
Office of Registration and Rec-
ords, predicted late yesterday.
Little Gain
The 100 person increase over
last fall enrollment is "practical-
ly maintaining the status quo,"
Groesbeck said. In, 19581 approxi-
mately 725 more students entered
the University than in 1957; the
enrollment rise from 1956 to 1957
was about 1,037.
! Fewer students have enrolled.
this year in literary school, engi-
neering, business administration,
law; nursing and public health.
Literary school enrollment at
this time last fall was 7,212, and
is now 7,163. Engineering enroll-
ment last fall was 3,281, and is
now 3,212. In business administra-
tion, 915 students are now regis-
tered, as against last year's 1,025.
Decrease in Some
The law school will have 24les
students, nursing school will have
26 less, and the public, health
schdol will have 21 less.
Enrollment gains were made in
the medical and dentistry schools,
education school, architecture
school, pharmacy school and at
the University's Flint branch.
So far, the University's newly
opened Dearborn center. lists a
33 person enrollment.
Others Gain
Medical students have jumped
from 1,069 to 1,135, and dentistry
students from 426 to 462. RegIs-
tration in architecture and de-
sign is up by 42 persons. Phar-
may school records .a 25 person
increase, and the Flint branch a
60 person increase.
Groesbeck attributed the "sta-
tus quo" to admissions office
"stringent selection." The rigid
entrance policy employed this
year "is explained by the fact we
can't keep on adding more stu-
dents without more facilitiest he

Institute Building Nears Completion.

*.. plays Mark Twain
I tampOut
Dull Days
How's the first day of classes
Do you find something missing in
your educational experience? Are
you looking for some beneficial
outlet for all of your pent-up en-
ergies, some way of loosening the
fetters of static middle class so-
If you are looking for that extra
bit of spice to college life, kick off
your year the "right way" by join-
ing the business, editorial, sports
or photography staffs of THE
By attending trainee meetings
on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 7:30
p-m.; Thursday, Sept. 24 at 4:15
p.m. or 7:15 p.m.; or Friday, Sept.
25 at 4:15 p.m., the door will be
opened to a new aspect of your
university career.
As a member of business staff
you receive practical experience in
all phases of newspaper manage-
ment. Writing editorial copy
makes. you more conscious 'of the
world around you.
Sports reporters get on the in-
side of Michigan's athletic plant
and travel with all the varsity
teams. Photographers are pro-
vided with complete press equip-
ment along with the use of dual
darkroom facilities.
Not just be-umsIndian, be-um
Radio Reports,
Iraqi Kiing~si
DAMASCUS, Syria (IP) - Radio
Damascus said yesterday the exe-
cution of 13 Iraqi army officers at
Baghdad Sunday touched off a
demonstration against Premier

Work will be completed next month on the new building to house
the Mental Health Research Institute, which was founded here by a
group of scientists from the University of Chicago in 1955.
Supported basically by funds from the Michigan State Legisla-
ture, the Institute conducts behavioral studies in order to investigate
mental health problems.
The new $1,350,000 building is part of the University Medical
Center, and is located directly across the street from the Kresge Medi-
cal Research Building,
To Contain Offices
The first floor of the new Institute building will contain offices
for- staff members and for the group's director, Dr. James G. Miller.
Two conference rooms and a waiting room also occupy the ground
floor, with testing rooms which are provided with one-way windows
for group observation during testing. Circuits are available for tape
television in these rooms to be installed later.
More offices are located on the second floor, with rooms and baths
to be used by subjects studied over a twenty-four hour period.
Use Students
Usually no mentally ill patients are under observation. Students
are selected from response to advertisements, according to the needs

Forms Group
Property Sale
The City Council has authorized
further steps necessary for the
acquisition of Detroit Edison prop-
erty along the Huron River.
At last night's-meeting a motion
was passed approving the forma-
tion of a committee composed of
Mayor Cecil 0. Creal, City Ad-
ministrator Guy Larcom, City At-
torney Jacob Fahrner, a council-
man, and the park director to
arrive at terms with the Detroit
Edison Co.
The recommendations of the
committee will be subject to the
advice and suggestions of ' the
Planning Commission.
City Assessor Howard Ledbetter

or unions yesterday established
nulti-million dollar fund de-
ied to help steel strikers hold
"till hell freezes over" for a fat
cnaa AT., om fnnn- r-tn


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