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November 11, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-11

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Seventieth Year

aen Opinions Are Free
Cruth Will Prevail"

' ~l
1 Y

De Gaulle Brings
New Vigor to Job

orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individital opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, NOVEMBER 11, 1959


MSU Hazing Incident:
Exception to a Trend

ER the years there has been an increas-
ng pressure to rid college campuses of the
nile practice of hazing. This is a wide-
ad endeavor throughout the country, es-
ally in the North. Here and at MSU there
been very great pressure from university
Interfraternity Council officials to stop
. practices.
ius it is especially unfortunate that the re-
MSU car ride and painting party took
e. MSU officials claim that this sort of haz-
is in no way sanctioned, and they seem
ty surprised that it occurred. However, the
tion arises how common hazing is, i.e., how
y cases occur that are not reported to
police and do not get any publicity?
he two MSU students who had been "kid-,
,ed" and covered with paint, ZBT pledges
hael Kukes and Martin Schutzer, claim
hazing occurs in all fraternities there. A
informal survey indicates that hazing of
Lin kinds may persist here too, and that
ay persist in many colleges. It is human
re for old members of a group to have fun
:e expense of the newcomers. In addition,
y fraternity nembers favor hazing either
use it's "tradition" or because they believe
'ings the pledge class closer together.
T THE OTHER HAND, pressures to rid col-
eges of hazing are increasing. MSU, and
University have both imposed rather strict
Jlties on hazing violations. State, aftert
last major violation there (about three
s ago), imposed a form of social proba-

tion on the offending fraternity, according to
the "State News."
Here, the IFC has been much stricter with
these violations than in previous years. Two
years ago Beta Theta Pi was only severely rep-
rimanded for a hazing violation cocurring on
house grounds, whereas this year, Theta Xi,
for a similar offense, was placed on social pro-
bation for six weeks.
As for hazing off fraternity grounds, Jim
Martens, local IFC president, said that in gen-
eral it would be dealt with even more severely
than hazing on grounds. He said that action
taken by IFC in the past does not necessarily
indicate its present policy, but that in his opin-
ion IF would be much stricter. That may be
borne out by the much stronger action taken
with Theta Xi this year than with Beta Theta
Pi two years ago.
AT PRESENT, MSU's IFC executive commit-
tee has not taken any action, although they
said Monday they would take action this week.
According to the "State News," this kind of
hazing is a rare occurrence at State, and there
seems to be little precedent. But it was report-
ed that MSU adminisraive officials were un-
happy wih the incident, and IFC members were
angry, so severe penalties are likely. It is prob-
ably wise for MSU to take its time with this
decision and wait for all the facts to be con-
If hazing could be eliminated, considerably
more respect could be gained for the fraternity
system at MSU and throughout the country.

Herbiock is away due to ilnessnCeu

The Senior Column
By Charles Kozol

(EDITOR'S NOTE: With the new
government he brought France,
Gen. Charles de Gaulle brought his
own conception of the presidency.
And the man once considered chilly
and remote moves tirelessly among
his fellow citizens to spread his per-
sonal message of national grandeur.
Here's an incisive portrait of the
French chief of state in his mis-
sionary capacity.)
Associated Press Writer
FOR CHARLES de Gaulle, the
Presidency of France includes
the role of supersalesman, pro-
moting national unity and de
Gaulle In one package.
He is not only the first Presi-
dent of the Republic to have exe-
cutive powers (the rest were
largely figureheads) but he is first
of his line in a score of other ways.
No other French President has
commanded such nationwide and
international prestige. No other
has traveled so much to show him-
-selfto so many. No other was his
country's wartime hero in its dark-
est hours.
* * *
President since France gave up its
kings, h considers himself the
first-as he is in the new Fifth
Republic he created.
Officials in Calais quickly found
this out when the President of the
local Chamber of Commerce
handed de Gaulle a small gold
plaque marking his visit there.
"A little memento of your pred-
ecessor, President Carnot," he said,
recalling the last occasion on
which a President of the Republic
had visited the channel port.
"Ah, that poor Carnot," sighed
de Gaulle as he accepted the gift.
Then he added briskly: "But, as
for me, I have no predecessor."
#* *
January, de Gaulle has traveled
more than most other Presidents
during their whole terms.
He has turned up in small towns
and villages which never saw a
President before. He has ranged
far and wide in the newly autono-
mous countries of the French
Overseas Community.
Throwing the old - time stiff
protocol to the winds without los-
ing any of his in-born dignity, the
68-year-old President has let him-
self be jostled in milling crowds
and shaken thousands of ordinary
French men and women by the
hand. Where once only notables
could meet the Chief of State, now
any man in the street may get
a chance to greet him.
It almost looks as if de Gaulle
is deliberately trying to live down
his reputation as a chilly, remote
and aristrocratic figure,
* # .
BUT THE PACE he has set him-
self is a grinding one.
Since the start of the year the
General has made seven official
tours-four of them in France, one
in Italy, one in Algeria, and one
in Madagascar. Next month he
will go to Alsace, in December to
Senegal (West Africa), and in the
spring to Britain and the United
States. And, of course, if there's a
summit conference, de Gaulle will
be there.
No past French Presidents have
ever attempted such a strenuous
NOT ONLY the number of trips
but their pace has been stepped
up. Under the old, relaxed system
a President would arrive in the
town he was visiting overnight.
Thoroughly rested, he then started
his engagements.
De Gaulle adopts a stream-
lined procedure. Hatless and wear-
ing an ordinary business suit, he
drops in by jet plane or helicopter
on the morning the tour begins.
Climbing Into a fast limousine, he
is on the road by 8 a.m., travel-
ing at breakneck speed-often 80
miles per hour or more-with a
long motorcade dashing perilously
OUTSIDE larger towns, the po-

U.S. Plays Polities

N A RECENT speech before the UN, Henry
Cabot Lodge gave "cautious support" to the
roposed French nuclear test. Speaking for a
ation already experienced in nuclear matters,
Side Trip
UR BApGERED and bewildered governor
will let off steam today, tomorrow and Fri-
State schools already know "education will
ike the rap" (as the governor asserted Mon-
ay) If insufficient tax bills are passed. For
onths they have pressed for ample and com-
rehensive taxation, realizing that if it does
ot come the universities will again borrow
om banks and that public elementary and
igh schools will again be left in debt.
If the three-day 10-city talks harp on this
ieme, they will tell educators nothing they
on't know too well now.
The governor said Monday, in effect, that the
epublican $70-million tax program is made-
late. His talks will hit home only if he points
it exactly why the GOP tax program is so in-
ifficient that "education will take the rap."
Even then, the tour will do little good, since
does not mobilize new forces.
The governor is -frustrated and crying for
ction. He wants to do something, anything. His
ip looks like a relief for excess energy.
It would be better to expend these efforts
here, energizing could bring more effective
Or perhaps the governor should stop taking
tamin pills altogether.

he gave support to France by stating that there
would probably be no fallout threat to neigh-
boring areas. His address points out an incon-
sistancy in United States foreign policy.
One of the major talking points in United
States' policy has been the willingness to per-
manently cease nuclear testing as soon as Rus-
sia submitted to inspection. At present, Russia
is opposing the French tests while the United
States gives France cautious support. It is
cautious partly because the United States is
presently negotiating with Morocco for more
strategic air bases. Morocco might be offended
and uncooperative if the United States took a
strong stand against her on this issue.,
The United States, then, had called very
loudly for test bans. until fellow NATO power
France wanted to drop a bomb. At this point,
we turned around and very nobly risked the
loss of strategic bases to support France.
A NATION SITTING on the edge of the
Sahara would feel that the United States
was not entirely motivated by an altruistic con-
sideration of the world's welfare. In fact, it
might seem as if it were playing power politics
with very vital issues to the entire world.
If France is "testing the power of a nuclear
device," how can she be' sure that she has
taken "ample safety precautions" against radio-
active fallout and dust in the atmosphere?
The United States, as a responsible atomic
power once had enough sense to suggest a nu-
clear test ban. The question now seems to be,
not "How soon may we stop testing?" but,
"Which is more important, 'altruistic' propa-
ganda or playing politics?"

"The Forces that have been.
greatest in my life have been
God and the college fraternity
that moulded me."
--Thomas Riley Marshall,
former Vice-President
of the United States
AT THE TIME that Marshall,
Vice - President under Wood-
row Wilson, uttered that emo-
tionally-charged phrase it might
have been fashionable to attach
such lofty values to fraternity af-
Revised evaluations of the
Greek way of life have, however,
eliminated many of the morality-
tinged statements that were broad-
cast to the impressionable under-
classmen of yesteryear. The first
change occurred about the time
that the raccoon coat, the straw
bowler and the hip flask became
part of the campus uniform.
Rah-rah, bathtub gin and the
uncontained frivolity of the 1920's
produced an image of wild, un-
thinking undergrads who usually
wore recognition pins.
The bread lines of the 1930's fol-
lowed closely by the meatless
Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
World War II turned a frantic
population to thoughts of eco-
nomic recovery and military pre-
paredness. But in the minds of
assembly-line workers and middle-
class housewives, the image of col-
lege remained the same.
Instead of visions of eager stu-
dents seeking an education, the
"uninformed" populace saw the
college man (always to be con-
sidered an affiliate) as one who
dated five nights during the week
and drove a convertible. When a
freshman pledge at a Midwestern
university was killed in the late
'30's (dumped into an empty swim-
ming pool), the public changed
their interpretation from "harm-

lessly mischievous" to "malicious
* * *
AND UNTIL the post-war vet-
eran migration modified an in-
creasingly archaic mental picture,
the nation wide impression of men
who lacked common sense was re-
tained.rPeriodic pilgrimages by
"old grads" who lubricated their
memories from bottles did little to
improve the situation..
But when the serious-minded
ex-soldier returned to the univer-
sity microclimate, a second change
evolved. Absent was morality and
toned down was the horseplay that
was supposedly a fraternity insti-
tution. Cheers weren't so loud and
pledge pranks weren't ghastly.
Hazing still was accepted, but
the Dean of Men who had once
smiled benevolently at certain ini-
tiation rites became a bit more
belligerent concerning affiliate in-
anities. The "good old days" looked
less and less appealing to college
administrators who might have
organized eye-brow-raising stunts
20 years ago.
The entire tone of campus life
was shifted from cramped beer
joints (drinking allowed at 18) and
expensive coffee houses to libraries
and lecture halls. The pendulum
that had once swung to the side
of Podunk College, skiing center of.
Mississippi, now dipped to the ex-
treme right. Podunk changed their
welcoming sign and announced to
the world that research was high
on the priority list.
* * *
INTELLECTUAL development
was given .a new status. And as
knowledge became more important
than weekend parties, the frater-
nity, once a symbol of all the high
living that college offered, lost
some of its prestige.
University officials, educators,

and most of all, the public began
to regard fraternities as vestigial
parts which would slow down the
development of centers of learn-
Though academics became a
major part of house activities and
scholarship awards became as de-
sirable as athletic trophies, the
fraternity was and is still thought
to be entirely too social in its
Though the merits of group liv-
ing are enumerated each year by
affiliates who claim to be far dif-
ferent from their flip brothers of
1920-40, the presence of unnatural
selection policies belies many of
the positive steps that fraternities
can take.
* * *
teemed position and the tradi-
tional "hell week" has been re-
placed by more constructive work
Fraternities have generally tried
to roll with the desire of univer-
sities and colleges to move in more
academic directions. If not ac-
tually moving with the predomi-
nent trend in higher education,
they haven't really produced great
But each time a. chapter slips,
the opposition mounts and the
idea that fraternities have lost
their place becomes more vocal.
High ideals, educational and so-
cial benefits, leadership oppor-
tunities may sound fine in pamph-
lets and during pre-rush meetings,
but they seem rather hollow when
repeated after a noticeable fra-
ternity blunder.
The system has changed-hope-
fully for the better. Echoes of a
foolish past that occur inter-
mitently, however, nullify any of
the gains that fraternities must

lice motorcycle escort is increased
and de Gaulle changes to an open
car. He then rides, standing, to
the city center.
Striding into the befiagged Ho-
tel de Ville, he gives a few minutes
to addressing the Municipal Coun-
cil in one room, then the gathered
notables in another. Then it's out
to the balcony or a special plat-
form on the town hall steps to
address the waiting crowd, Few
of these speeches last more than
10 minutes.
THE MESSAGE is always the
Only a strong France will be
heard in world councils. France
will only be strong if Frenchmen
forget old differences for the sake
of national unity.
World peace can only be made
by the people themselves, since all
regimes must one day pass away'.
Social progress means that all
Frenchmen equally share the
country's gains.
Self-determination is the only
way out of the "bloody, cruel" re-
bellion in Algeria. The French
people as a whole must endorse the
Algerians' decision.
* * ,I.
DE GAULLE IS seldom precise,
never enters into details of his
plans. Probably no other politician
could get away with offering so
little that is concrete. Yet he uses
just the words that Frenchmen
want to hear.
"You are a great nation and
great nations always have ob-
stacles to overcome," he says
again and again. And the crowd
Sometimes the General speaks
loftily in the third person:
"General de Gaulle is encour-
aged and heartened by your wel-
At other times he is capable of
a down-to-earth informality.
At the end of a speech he in-
variably calls for the Marseillaise.
("It's the custom and surely it
bothers no one," he told a mainly
Communist audience.) He leads
the singing himself.
At the end, arms raised in a
victory sign, he shouts "Vive as
France!" The crowd roars back, as
if on cue, "Vive de Gaulle!"
(Continued from Page 2)
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Thurs., Nov. 19
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system companies outside of Mich., in
cluding Bell Telephone Laboratories in
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munication services. Est. 1877. Employs
27,500. Women with degrees in Econ-
omics Political Science, English, So-
ciology, Psychology, speech, or Mathe-
matics for Electric Computing, Manage-
ment Training Program, Personnel, Sta-
tistics, or General Writing.
Aeroquip Corp., Jackson, Mich. Loca-
tion of work: Jackson. Graduates: Feb.,
June, or Aug. Products: Fleible hose
lines; interchangeable, re-usable fit-
tings and self-sealing couplings. Men
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ness Administration for Productionr
sales Training Program.
Springfield Insurance Compaies,
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of, insurance: Life, Accident and Health,
Fire, Casualty and Inland Marine. From
the Chicago office is handled the pro-
dution and underwriting of business
in fifteen midwestern states. Men with
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Fri., Nov. 20
Connecticut General Life Insurane
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Personal Insurance for individuals and
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ities, Pension Plans. Est. 1885. Employs
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Student Part-Time
The following part-time jobs or*
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these jobs can be made in the Non-
Academic Personnel Office, Ein. 1020
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hours:-Monday through Friday. 1:30
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hiring' students for part-time work
should contact Jim Stempson, Student
Interviewer, at NO 3-1511, Ext. 2939.
2 Film handlers - Audio-Visual (8-10
a.m. and 10-12 noon).
1 Assisting Accountant (16-20 hrs./mo.)
1 Couple to run a small Juvenile deten-
tion cottage (hrs. from 9 a.m. Fri. to
5 p.m. Sat., living quarters provided).
1 Recreation Asst. at small juvenile de-
Iftention cottage near Ann Arbor (2:45-

;' 4





West Faces Disunity

Associated Press News Analyst
SHE AMERICAN decision to include the
smaller NATO nations in planning for a
summit conference opens the door to danger as
well as opportunity.
By arranging for conferences with Nikita
Khrushchev beginning March 15 and asserting
that they must precede a summit conference,
Charles de Gaulle has fixed it so considerable
time will elapse.
Whether that time will serve to help the
allies solve their differences, or whether it will
be used for more and more ascerbating debate,
is the question.
A NATO MEETING will be held next month,
prior to the conferences between Adenauer,
Macmillan, de Gaulle and Eisenhower. Then
another NATO conference will be held with
the big powers reporting on the results of their
During this period there will be a great play
of European politics, with Britain and France
attempting to line up the smaller powers behind
the ideas which now divide the two big powers.
De Gaulle wants to sidestep the German
issue, fearing with Adenauer that the allies

might be tempted into some surrendering com-
promise. Instead, he wants to make a frontal
attack on the fundamental differences between
the Communist and non-Communist worlds
with a view to a wholesale accommodation.
He believes the time may be ripe for a Com-
munist retreat from their theories of world
BRITAIN BELIEVES there is a possibility of
German settlement and perhaps a start on
The United States hopes only for a continua-
tion of the German stalemate and perhaps a
start on disarmament.
De Gaulle, by scotching the British desire
for a quick summit meeting, has aroused great
animosity. One or another British paper has
something very unkind to say about the French
President almost every day. Even as de Gaulle
was announcing his date with Khrushchev, and
as the British Foreign Secretary was packing
for a trip toParis to try for reconciliation, the
subject was a hot one in Parliament.
ON THE SURFACE, the issues would not seem
to warrant the fire being spent on them,
But there are underlying differences between
Britain and France, less openly talked about
and more serious. There is a deep and uncon-

Discuss Implications of Socialism

To The Editor:
A PERSON who demonstrates a
woeful lack of knowledge about
sovietism, capitalism and socialism
should not suggest that "Socialists
would do well to acquaint them-
selves with their own system." Mr.
Henry Solomon did just that in his
letter which was published in The
Daily of November 5.
Among other things, Mr. Solo-
mon picked out certain features of
capitalism which he says appear to
be components of sovietism. He
then went on to state: "This is
NOT inconsistent with any form
of socialism, just because it is na-
tive to all forms of capitalism."
* * *
THE FEATURES that he used
as examples were "wage differen-
tials, cost-profit consideration in
production -." These cannot be
consistent with socialism since so-
cialist society will 1) eliminate the
warpn- e,,c.4-n n ui,.,1, 4 n~l n tai 4n4cm

automobiles which are less costly
to buy and to operate.
I suppose however that consum-
er needs, therefore consumer sov-
ereignty is at work when capital-
ists shut down factories because
the purchasing power of the work-
ing class is not ample to providfe
a market for all the products
which the working class turns out.
This happens periodically under
capitalism. At such times, the
workers who still must eat, have
homes, food and transportation
cannot get them because the cap-
italist class owns the instruments
of production and keeps them in
operation only as long as they can
realize the surplus value extract-
ed for the workers by finding mar-
kets for the products of labor.
* * *
EVEN IN "good" times, the mar-
ket is such that capitalists attempt
to create or expand the market by

production; institution of a So-
c i aIist Industrial Government
whereby the workers can control
production and d i s t r i b u t i o n
through democratic representa-
tion in industry and the useful
services; production for use,
wherein each useful worker will
receive the full social value of his
labor; restoration of equality of
opportunity which capitalism has
wrested from the majority of
Informed persons know that the
S o c i a 1is t Labor Party, alone,
stands for this Socialist Recon-
struction of Society and shows
how such reconstruction can be
accomplished peacefully and in
keeping with American traditions.
Ralph W. Muncy
To The Editor:

On October 18 my mother's coat
was taken from the coat rack by
mistake by another guest. It was
returned in about a week and I re-
quested that Mrs. Martin send the
coat to my mother in Philadelphia
as I felt that the restaurant was
responsible for finding and de-
livering the coat. Mrs. Martin re-
fuses to acknowledge this responsi-
bility. This is not only carelessness
on the part of the management
but poor public relations.
--E. Lois Weiss
To The Editor:
WAS VERY pleased to read in
yesterday's Daily the article on
Cornell's 5.7 - million - dollar Re-
search Library. Your staff as well
as a majority of the Cornellians
who read the Cornell Daily Sun
were taken in by a very clever
linnv nrl~nl i~= C.s.. ~ .i....>n..L-

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