, Y
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
:43 att
Mostly cloudy, cooler tonight
with sunny skies forecast.
See Page 4
DeGaulle BarsHope
For Early Summit
French Leader Claims Prior Talks
With Russian Premier Necessary
PARIS (A)-President Charles de Gaulle yesterday exploded any
chance of an East-West summit conference before next April.
He announced that Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev will
begin his talks here March 15, and that these talks are a precondition
for the top level East-West meeting.
The French President also told a conference of 700 newsmen:.
1. France will agree at once to discard atomic weapons if the
United Nations succeeds in reaching an agreement to ban nuclear
arms. But there is no chance France will renounce the right to such
weapons while other powers go ahead perfecting the arms in their
- nuclear arsenals. The projected
The Michigan State University
Interfraternity Council withdrew
recognition for an indefinite period
from the local chapter of Zeta
Beta Tau fraternity Monday night.
This penalty, which was called
the severest that IFC could im-
pose by Ed Rueling, MSU IFC
president, was prompted by an
illegal hazing incident.
Six or seven ZBT actives had
deserted two pledges about 35
miles from East Lansing after
binding them with tape, stripping
off their shirts, and pouringpaint
and shellac over them.
No Longer Active
The IFC decided that ZBT "may
not function as an active frater-
nity in any way."
In their formal announcement,
made last night, they said:
"Itis the decision of the Inter-
fraternity Council in conjunction
with the Fraternity Advisors Cabi-
W ith draws
net, that the charter of the Beta
Epsilon chapter of Zeta Beta Tau
fraternity be withdrawn from
Michigan State University for an
indefinite period."
The IFC also decided that the
decision "may be reconsidered
when the requirements set forth
by the executive council and with
the advice of the Fraternity Ad-
visors Cabinet had been met."
To Set Requirements
The requirements will be set in
the near future, Rueling said.
Mike Oldham, MSU IFC execu-
tive vice-president said that with-
drawing recognition from the
chapter meant that this chapter is
no longer a fraternity.
Rueling said the reason for the
severity of the action is "to prevent
any further irresponsible action
of this nature."
Oldham said the IFC took ac-
tion in the "interests of the fra-
ternity system at MSU and!
throughout the country."
He said continued activity such
as this would spell doom to the
nation's fraternity system if not
"I hope the action will improve
the local MSU chapter of ZBT and
prevent any future actions of this
nature," he said.
Asked whether the public nature
of the offense is what distinguished
it and prompted such severenac-
tion, Oldman refused comment.
Allow 'Cooling Off'
The "Michigan State News" re-
ported that the reason for the de-
lay in setting the requirements
for re-recognizing ZBT was to
allow time for a "cooling off
The decision which has already
been approved by the MSU ad-
ministration, was made with the
advice of the cabinet of the Fra-
ternity Advisors Association.
The association is made up of,
one alumni member from each
fraternity on campus. The cabinet
consists of the officers of the as-
'No Formal Hearing'
Edwin Gage, ZBT national vice-
president, said, "There has been
no formal hearing with trustees
or national officers of the frater-
nity, and if any action has been
taken by MSU it has been purely
The MSU ZBT chapter refused
to give any comment, and MSU
Dean of Students Thomas King
could not be reached for comment.
Walter Gileen, '60BAd, president
of the Ann Arbor ZBT chapter
was "alarmed that such drastic;
action was taken without having
a d e q u a t e representation from
either alumni or national officers
for the fraternity.
"To the best of my knowledge;
there has not been adequate con- I
r~ecogn ition
sideration on this serious matter,
which makes me feel that this de-
cision was somewhat impulsive,"
he said.
Jim Martens, '60BAd, the IFC'
president here, doubted if the
University would have withdrawn
recognition in a similar case here,
but felt that IFC would have is-
sued a very severe penalty.
In a case here a couple of years
ago a fraternity was fined and
placed on social probation for just
leaving a member in the country,
he said.
"I think removing a chapter
does not help the campus frater-
nity system, unless the chapter
was an undesirable member of the
As the house president of the
MSU chapter had not known of
the act, and would have prevent-
ed if he had known, Martens did
not "think it was desirable judi-
cial practice to take such severe
action, if indeed it was not the
group who had committed the ac-
Martens felt there was little
constructive value in a penalty of
this sort; he felt it would serve
only as a warning to other frater-
The two pledges, Michael Kukes
and Martin B. Schutzer, of De-
troit, freed themselves after Kukes
had chewed off the tape binding
from Schutzer's wrists.
They were hospitalized at the
MSU's Olin Memorial Hospital for
observation and released Monday.
The two pledges felt no ill will
toward the fraternity for the-in-
cident and regretted the action
taken against it.
"This is what we expected of
fraternity life," Kukes said. The
two said, "Although all fraterni-
ties claim hazing is illegal, we
know that every fraternity on
this campus does it."
... talks on politics
Of Total War
John C. Metcalfe, Washington
news analyst, believes that the
best prevention for global war is
"diplomacy and Asian patience,"
not total disarmament.
In an International Week lec-
ture last night, he explained that
a world war is unlikely because
"both sides are aware of the con-
sequences," but that the West
must take a firm and united stand
against Russian aggression.
We must back up our words
with military might or they will
laugh at us," she said, explaining
that the United' States is respected
by the Soviet Union because of
their greater overall military
a power.
Wants Berlin Defense
Since Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev is a realist who re-
spects force, "there is every rea-
son for us to stand firm with the
Allies, particularly in defense of
Berlin," the analyst said.
"If we don't make a stand there,
the Allies have every riglt to
stampede to Moscow," he added.
Metcalfe, who lived in Germany
for seven years, called West Berlin
a "lighthouse of freedom in the
Communist sea" which Khrush-
chev "obviously wants to put out."
Pointing out that the Soviet
zone of Germany is the fifth most
powerful economic unit in Europe,
he explained that Khrushchev is
against reunification because he
wants to take over Berlin.
Quotes Berlin Mayor
Mayor Willie Blrandt told him re-
He continued that West Berlin
cently that Berliners did not wor-
ry about the Russian threat as
long as the Americans kept troops
Adding that there were 11,000
American, French and British
troops in the city, he advocated a
possible reduction to 9,000 but said
that a complete withdrawal would
be harmful.
"Any retreat from Berlin now
would have such disastrous effect
that it is difficult to calculate the
damage that would result," he
Students Rebel
Over Policies
At Norwich
NORTHFIELD, Vt. (R) - Nor-
wich University upperclassmen,
angry over new rules on social
and academic life at the military
college, rebelled briefly yesterday.
About 400 of them, protesting
the university decision to ban fra-
ternities next June and cut down
test of a French atomic bomb in
the Sahara Desert will go ahead
on schedule.
2. He is holding open his offer
of many months ago for Algeria's
rebellious nationalist leaders to
come to Paris under safe-conduct
to discuss a cease-fire.
There seem's little likelihood the
rebels will take him up, since he
added nothing new yesterday to
his offer.
The rebels want political ques-
tions, as well as a military cease-
fire, included in any talks. The
French deny that the rebels are
sufficiently representative to dis-
cuss political issues for all Algeria.
De Gaulle's announcement of
the March date for Khrushchev's
visit was confirmed last night in
De Gaulle voiced hope the con-
munist boss would stay about two
weeks in France.
His outline for advance prepara-
tion for a summit conference in-
cluded three conditions:
1. A betterment of international
relations in the next few months
to move the conference out of a
crisis atmosphere.
2. An agreement by the Western
chiefs of state, who will meet in
Paris Dec. 19, on the subjects to
be negotiated with Russia.
3. Personal contact among
Khrushchev, the French President,
and French Premier Michel Debre.
De Gaulle suggested his own
broad agenda for the East-West
summit, listing the armaments
race, underdeveloped countries, the
future of Germany, meddling in
the affairs of others and danger-
ous situations in Africa, Asia and
the Middle East.
De Gaulle said the Soviet Union
knows East and West possess the
power to destroy each other.
Italy, Britain
Urge France
Ban A-Tests
and Italy proposed yesterday that
the United Nations urge France
to join any agreement that may
be reached at Geneva on banning
tests of nuclear weapons.
The two western powers intro-
duced a resolution in the 82-na-
tion poli t i cal1 committee that
avoided any direct call on France
to halt its plans for testing an. A-
bomb in the Sahara Desert.
The resolution would merely
ask France to take full account'
of views expressed in UN debate
on the issue.
In Paris, President Charles de
Gaulle declared the test will go
ahead as scheduled but France
will go along with any UN agree-
ment on banning nuclear weapons.
U.S. Ideas
By Hurst
Materialism has not- been the
main theme of American culture,
Prof. Willard Hurst of the Univer-
sity Hof Wisconsin said yesterday.
While Americans have tradition-
ally been concerned with "things"
more than ideas, "We put our
faith in material means to realize
ideals," Hurst. declared in the sec-
ond of five Thomas M. Cooley lec-
tures, sponsored by the law school.
"At our worst, we were not
misers or hoarders. We did not
want to possess things so much
as the power to do with things.
'Continental People'
"We visioned making a society
of continental scope. We set' our-
selves constantly higher challenges
of organized effort which de-
pended upon our capacity to co-
operate and to show mutual good
faith and fidelity to the job.
"We resented the indignities andj
denials that circumstances in-'
*flicted on individual growth, and
#we used material means to over-
come ignorance, disease and pov-
jerty-to enlarge the content of
"When it bred true, this prag-
matism broughtus generous pur-
poses, subtler knowledge, larger!
control of ourselves and our situ-
ation. (But it) was peculiarly sub-
ject to the wayward influence of
circumstances . . . we bred also
a> bastard pragmatism, which war-
red with the truer strain."
Struggle Reaches Law
The struggle between these two
types of pragmatism often focused
in the law, he continued.
"We prized intelligence and we
trusted it-within limits . . . Our
preoccupation with immediate op-
erations amid the thronging chal-
lenges of a raw, new country in-
clined us,, however, to vulgarize
this insight.
"At best the cultural odds .in-
cline man to spend his limited
energies upon improvising for cur-
rent operations rather than upon
long-term, multi-factored think-
ing; he has been experimenting
with speculative reason for per-
haps 2500k years, but he has been
living on his wits for 40,000."
Durham Calls Orgamzation
'Feudal Master of All Time'
... public administration
y Ask Student
ST. LOUIS (RP)-A massive stu-
dent exchange program between
the United States and Russia was
proposed today as a sure path to
world peace.
Dr. E: U. Condon of Washington
University here suggested that this
country send one million students
to Russia to study for one year,
and Russia send the same number
"If every year there were one
million Russian students in the
United States and a like number
of American students in Russia,
you can be absolutely sure that
neither country would make a sur-
prise attack on the other," he said.
To Carry
"The organization should not
try to be feudal master of all
time," said Vice - President G.
Homer Durham of University of
Utah, president of the American
Society for Public Administration,
last night.
Addressing a social seminar,
Durham remarked that 'the time
has come for organizations to rec-
ognize for their own interest that
all time is not organization time.
Administration of time, he
maintained, is taken too much for
granted. It involves not only the
formal work hours of the day, but
the informal organizationhours
such as lunch and coffee breaks,
as well as non-organization time-.
the free leisure time of the in-
Management, he continued, is
tempted to view informal and free
hours in relation to programming
formal work time.
He stressed that that, time out-
side the organization must be
viewed as free and private to the
individual to be' of greatest use
to the organization.
Durham then cited two fallacies
of time administration: 1) there's
plenty of time, and 2) there's not
enough time.
He explained that for the in-
dividual there isn't plenty of time,
since life is a limiting factor, while
the organization's corporate exist-
ence is timeless; on the other
hand, most of us manage our time
to include at least the necessaries,
whereas for the organization, time
is money and resources are limited.
Beyond these lies the challenge
of free time outside the organiza-
tion, he continued, and this is a
useful framework in which to re-
late education problems to public
administration - what it is and
what it should be.
-Danly-Thomas Hayden
PRESIDENT'S CHAIR - A big question to Student Government
Council - who will fill the president's chair pictured above?
Elections for all SGC offices will take place at the regular meeting
'For Four Posts Toniht
Phil Zook, '60, administrative vice-president, was the only de-
clared candidate for president of Student Government Council as of
last night.
John Feldkamp, '61, treasurer, and Roger Seasonwein, '61, also
indicated that they would run for president in the event that Al
Haber, '60, decided not to seek the office. As Haber was not available
Still Favor
GOP Says Governor's
Michigan Trip Slows
Fair Search for Tax
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will
speak here today, sparking his
10-city tour to alert state educa-
tors to the $70 million Republican
tax proposal for which he has said
"education will take the rap."
Talks by Williams and State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion Lynn M. Bartlett from 1 to
2 p.m. will be followed by a 30
minute question period, officials
here announced.
Williams' speech in the Union
Ballroor will be open to the pub-
Meanwhile in Lansing yesterday
Republican legislators upheld their,
tax program.
Ask Referendum
Advocating a plan to place a
4-cent sales tax on the ballot next
November, they asserted no more
than $70 million is needed pending
the sales tax vote. Williams has
assessed the state's needs at $110
A Senate vote to place the sales
tax on the ballot is set for today,.
but it is doubtful whether Repub-
licans will ram it through..
The Senate Republican caucus
decided to try working out tax
measures to meet the $70 million
they say is needed, but they want
assurances the sales tax will be
Object to Liquidation
Other developments: In a vet-
eran's Day statement the board of
trustees of the Veteran's Trust
Fund called it "inconceivable that
this sacred trust would be vio-
They objected to the $10 million
dollar loss they said would be real-
ized if the fund's $50 million in
government bonds were sold on
the market today.
Board members described pro-
posals to liquidate the fund as
"not only wasteful-but shameful"
in light of clamoring for economy
and "prudent use of taxpayers'
Elving Wins
High Honor
In Chemistry
The nation's top award in ana-
lytical chemistry has been won
this year by a University chemist.
Prof. Philip J. Elving of the
chemistry department next spring
will be awarded the American
Chemical Society's Fisher Award
in analytical chemistry for "dis-
tinguished achievement" in his
fin hen
Hesehel Emphasizes Tyranny of Ego,
Personnel Director
Man will only be free if he liber-
ates himself from the tyranny of
a self-centered ego, Prof. Abraham
J. Heschel of the New York Jew-
ish Theological Seminary told a
packed Angell Hall audience yes-
"Stepping out of this frame-
work of concern for self will allow
him to become aware of the unique
in his existence," Prof. Heschel
added. He will then become cog-
nizant of God and also of the pre-
cious nature or human existence.
Today this freedom is being
stifled by a slavery to artificial:
needs of society. "Man cannot;
separate the authentic from those"
based on pure desire," he pointed
An 4ti ,by rn, 4nna n tirpn-nAto
to human existence, Prof. Herschel
To fulfil these basic desires man
calls security religion and com-
pletes this picture by equating
conscience with God. This religion
comforts the individual, offers him
no challenge, requires no accept-
ance risks and is absent of re-
"Religion no longer is a way
to acquire insights," Prof. Heschel
said. It has often become fixed to
a desire to enlarge dogmatic doc-
trines while avoiding the problem
of how to enhance the nobility of
human nature, he said.
Judaism of the past challenged
the very stability of human values,
he recounted. Biblical prophets
were constantly impatient with
the injustices in their world, con-
stantly aware of their contempor-
ary problems and extremely sensi-
tive to "right and wrong."
"The concept of God Himself
used to be a challenge to man's
intellect," Prof. Heschel added.
Oblivious to Evils
But today we are oblivious to
the evils around us. We witness
acts of injustice but fail to get
indignant or overly excited about;
served. Judaism must first be re-
lated to our own selves and then
to dealing with our fellowmen.
Remove Ego Concept
Then the ego concept can be
remnoved along with its corollary
of man being the measure of all
things. He must become the means
to accomplish all tasks as ulti-
mately directed by God.
Truth instead of security should
be the standard with a sense of
an individual's constant obligation
to God being used to temper ten-
dencies toward over-indulgence.
Instead of succumbing to the
whims of desire, the individual
should seek a higher answer ifi
communion with others. The fal-
lacy of following absolute ex-
pediency must be exposed.
Expediency False Concept
History has proved absolute ex-
for comment, it is still not known
if he has decided to run.
He had said previously that he
was unsure about running be-
cause of demands of other organi-
zations and other personal reasons.
Elections Tonight
The elections take place tonight
at the regular SGC meeting. Be-
sides the office of president, the
posts of executive vice-president,
administrative vice-president and
treasurer have to be filled.
Zook, Feldkamp and Seasonwein
have also indicated that they
might run for executive vice-presi-
dent. No other Council members
have been mentioned for this post.
iThe present executive vice-presi-
dent, Jo Hardee, '60, resigned from
the Council as of the fall elections.
For administrative vice-presi-
dent, Zook has been suggested as
,has Nancy Adams, '61. Zook pres-
ently holds the office.
Miss Adams has said that she
doesn't wish to run for office at
the present time. She explained
that she desires to continue as
chairman of the Student Activities
Committee. Miss Adams was
elected to the Council for the first
time at the last election.
Running for Treasurer
William Warnock, '61BAd., Jeff
Jenks, '61, and Ron Bassey,
'60BAd., are considered to be the
candidates for the office of treas-{
1,050 MILES:
'U' Rocket
The Army successfully fired a
rocket built by ithe University at
about 7 a.m. yesterday from the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration launching facility
in Wallops Island, Virginia.
The rocket-dubbed the "strong
arm" by the Army-landed in the
Atlantic Ocean some 800 miles
from. the launching pad.;
Based on "quick look" data, it
went an altitude of 1,050 miles,
the highest ever reached from
this facility.
The rocket, which obtained
measurements beginning at 875
miles, was designed to obtain
measurements of electron density
in the ionosphere above 500 miles,
the altitude at which Russia's
Sputnik III made measurements.
The project was sponsored and
directed by the Army's Ballistic
Research Laboratory, and was
conducted through the University
Research Institute.
Dr. Lyman Orr of the Univer-
sity Electronic Defense Group de-
S - *o