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November 10, 1959 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-10

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National Rankings
Due for Shuffle

N the game's the thing.'
Fred Katz, Associate Sports Editor


Who the nation's number one
football team is can be considered
a logical question after the wave
of upsets and close calls which
rocked the college gridiron scene
Louisiana state, last week's num-
ber one team, suffered its first loss
of the season at the hands of an
alert Tennessee squad, 14-13, end-
ing a 19 game winning streak for
the Tigers.
Northwestern, previously num-
ber two, had its six game skein
shattered by ninth ranked Wis-
consin 24-19, throwing the Rose
Bowl picture into a muddle. Ron
Burton of the Wildcats tried
mightily to bring his club victory
with dashes of 69 and 47 yards
from scrimmage, only to fumble
it away on the six-yard line late
in the contest.j
Texas, the heretofore number
three team, squeaked by against
unranked Baylor, 13-12 on a con-
version by quarterback Bobby
Lackey, andSyracuse likewise had
a scare against seventh ranked
Penn State, 20-18.
Fifth ranked Mississippi, how-
ever, took advantage of -a breath-
er and walloped Chattanooga, 58-0,
thrusting itself back into conten-

tion for the top spot. The only
"Ole Miss" lossawas 7-3 to LSU.
What .does all this prove? It
simply goes to show that the poll-
sters will have a rough time select-
ing the order of this week's stand-
ings, especially the number one
Who's to say if Syracuse should
be rated over Texas because they
beat a supposedly tougher team
or whether Northwestern or LSU
should drop from the lofty rat-
ings each had last week.
The fact remains that national
rankings still are published every
week by the wire services and
there will be the usual howls heard
across the country. However, after
last Saturday's surprises, the cries
this week will probably be louder
than ever.


OBSERVED ONE succinct analyst on the return lap of this week-
end's successful Champaign pilgrimage: "Stan Noskin has _a defi-
nite propensity for throwing to men in white shirts."
This is a neat left-handed compliment indelicately tinged withj
sarcasm, and adequately sums up the fortunes of quarterback Noskin
the past three games. But before the implications of the statement
become crystal clear, a few explanations are needed.
First, football, contrary to protocol of most sports, has the home
team in colored jerseys, the visitors in white.
Second, Michigan has been on the road two of its last three
Third, Noskin was a great passer away from home, completing
five of nine against Minnesota three weeks ago, and seven of 10 in
Michigan's 20-15 win against Illinois Saturday. Neither time did he
have passes intercepted.
But in expansive Michigan Stadium two weeks ago Noskin ap-
peared to get Wisconsin confused with his own teammates. He threw
five passes into waiting Badger arms, and successfully completed only
three of 12.
Now, everyone likes to play doctor, and there probably isn't a
student or alumnus (Jimmy Cannon defines the latter as "a college
graduate with a kindergarten mind") who hasn't diagnosed the ills
of the sometimes-ailing Mr. Noskin.
The compassionate psychiatrists say Stan's suffering mentally.
"How can the poor boy have confidence in himself at home when
everybody keeps booing him."
The more hardened sawbones recommend amputation-of his
right arm. "He has no business playing out there; he isn't a Big Ten
As a consulting physician in the case, I can't buy either opinion.
Three years ago a freshman quarterback, Harvey Lapides, attended
his first Michigan practice session. As is the custom, the line and
backfield men were segregated in order to learn the fundamentals
peculiar to their positions.
RECALLS THE ASPIRING signal caller: "At the outset one
self-appointed leader immediately started giving the orders. He
was so antagonistically self-confident that at the time I was hoping
some guy bigger than myself would punch him in the nose. This was
the first time I met Stan Noskin."
His story continues: "In a couple of days, our coach asked if
anyone had ever played the single wing. I was the only one who had
so I was named first-string quarterback.
"It was my duty to teach the other guys the spinning movements
and handoffs the single wing quarterback is supposed to make. The
speed in which Noskin picked up the new system was amazing. In
three days he was performing everything better than I had hoped I
could do in four years at Michigan. Here was a football player!"
Lapides, who quit the team before the season was over, is not
the only one who has gotten these two impressions of Noskin: A
talented but cocky quarterback.
It might be noted, however, that this first impression isn't always
a lasting one. The above player now expresses only the highest
personal admiration for Noskin.
As for his ability, the forecast preceding Noskin's arrival from
Evanston Twp. High School stated that here was Michigan's best
passer since Chuck Ortmann. At times, he has looked it.
Of course, he certainly didn't when he had nine passes intercepted
in just two games this year-against Missouri and Wisconsin, both at
But it must be remembered that in both contests Noskin was
operating with a slippery pigskin and on a soggy field. In his five
other games, defenders have nabbed only two other passes. So far,
he has completed a respectable 41 of 80.
Noskin is no superstar. Even in ideal weather conditions he has
made plenty of mistakes. Some of these may have been averted had
he a more devastating backfield and line to reduce the pressure placed
on him.
But everything clicked Saturday against Illinois and Noskin has
reverted once again from goat to hero. Even Ortmann couldn't have
done better.


'B' Football
Crown Won
By Kelsey
Kelsey quarterback Chuck Stif-
fier tossed a 15-yard scoring pass
to Ted Parnell to beat Wenley,
6-0, in the showdown battle for
the residence halls "B" champion-
ship last night at Wines Field.
Parnell's jaunt into the end
zone after grabbing the pass at
the Wenley 10-yard line came on
the final play of the first half and
was the only breakthrough in a
game marked by the hard-charg-
ing defensive lines of both squads.
The extra point failed.
Wenley had threatened first
midway through the opening stan-
za on a brilliant 70-yard sprint
by quarterback Bill Heller. Heller

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Championships !
Four major intramural foot-
ball championships will be de-
cided this evening on Wines
Field. Tonight's schedule of
title games includes profession-
al fraternity play at 6:00 (Phi
Alpha Kappa vs. Nu Sigma Nu),
independents at 7:00 (Blue
Devils vs. Cooley Elders), resi-
dence hall "A" at 8:00 (Taylor
vs. Kelsey), and social frater-
nity "A" at 9:00 (Sigma Alpha
Epsilon vs. Zeta Beta Tau).

Formal time is here
The After Six PLAYBOY is the
All-American Campus favorite.
Excellent style, good fitting
characteristics and popularly
priced at $45.
y ti kp
Other styles in After-Six tuxedos
'are shown at $55 and $65.
Tie and cummerbund sets are $5 up.
Rental service available for emergencies.

:.; .

... from hero to "goat"

NFL Standings
San Francisco ... 6 1 0.
Baltimore.......4 3 0
Green Bay ...... 3 4 0
Chicago Bears ... 3 4 0
Los Angeles......2 5 1
Detroit ..,.. .....1 5 1
New York ....... 6 1 0
Cleveland ....... 5 2 0
Philadelphia .... 4 3 0
Washington ..... 3 4 0
Pittsburgh ...... 2 4 1
Chicago Cards .. 2 5 0


was trapped back on his own five-
yard line, dodged several defenders
near the goal-line, and reversed
his field several times as he sped
all the way to the Kelsey five-
yard stripe.
On the next play, however, Wen-
ley halfback John Abad was nailed
for a five-yard loss and the losers
could advance no further.
The victory capped an unde-
feated season for the Kelsey squad,
which sends its "A" team into the
first-place final tonight.
In residence hall "A" action last
night Strauss smothered Winchell
22-0 to win the third-place crown.
Bill Matakas, Jerry Frankel and
Hal Parivek notched six-points for
the winners with Bill Marx tally-
ing the only extra point.
Other scores were not available
last night due to a mix-up but will
be published in tomorrow's Daily.
Grid Picks
Last week's Grid Picks contest
was "no contest" as Gautam S.
Jani, '60E, of 528 Walnut smashed
all opposition with a 17-3 mark to
win the two free passes for the
Michigan Theatre, now showing
"But Not for Me," starring Clark
Gable and Carroll Baker.
Jani waded through the upset-
filled 20 games in fine style, and
thus his vanquished opponents
will merely have to try their hand
at picking again this week by
circling the winners in this article
or coming to The Daily and filling
out a blank. Each contestant may
enter only once and should include
his name, address, and telephone
number with his mailed-in entry.

I / M


MICHIGAN at Indiana (score)
Northwestern at MSU
Illinois at Wisconsin
Iowa at Ohio State
Minnesota at Purdue
Notre Dame at Pitt
Army at Oklahoma
Georgia Tech at Alabama
Auburn at Georgia
Wake Forest at Duke
Maryland at Clemson
Mississippi at Tennessee
Arkansas at SMU
Baylor at Southern California
TCU at Texas
Colorado at Nebraska
Washington at California
Stanford at Oregon State
Oregon at Washington State
Yale at Princeton



You're looking for a job. Not just any job,
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opportunities available right now at Link:
" servo-mechanism design work
" analog computer design, solving linear and
non-linear differential equations.
* function generator problems using 1, 2 or 3
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Many of the above techniques are used in
current Link projects, such as building jet
simulators for the Boeing 707, Douglas DC-8,
Convair 880, Lockheed Electra, the Navy's
A3J jetfighter, or the fire control on the B-58.
And there are others that we can't talk about
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There they are . . . some of the current op-
portunities at Link, both in Binghamton, New
York, and in Palo Alto, California. If these or
similar positions interest you, contact your
Placement Office for an interview in advance.
Link Aviation will be on the University of
Michigan campus on Wednesday, November 11,
or if you prefer, forward a brief resume of your
qualifications to:


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University of Michigan and Ohio State University
Saturday, November 21-8:30 P.M.



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