f' Chou Asks Personal Meeting With Nehru on Border NEW 'FIVE': Soviets To Study U.S. Music By W. G. ROGERS Associated Press Arts Editor NEW YORK - A new Russian "five" have come to this country to study the musical scene.- A generation ago, a quintet of composers including Rimsky-Kor- sakov and Moussorgsky was dis- tinguished in large part for its preoccupation with nationalist matters. Today's five - Dmitri Shosta- kovich, Dmitri Kabelevsky, Tikhon Klrennikov, Fikret Amirov and Constantin Danevich - are no different. They are all sternly conscious'of their place in the So- viet world, careful to write music for the masses rather than the bourgeois intelligentsia, and pro- ducing works which, regardless of political restrictions on their cre- ative powers, have won wide hear- ings and high praise in the West. Five Arrive The five arrived in the United States two weeks ago for a month's tour under auspices of the State Department's , cultural exchange program. The schedule included ' visits to Washington, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Louisville, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Best known visitor here is Shos- takovich. Holder of the Stalin Prize, possessor of an honorary degree from Oxford, he has com- posed 11 symphonies, several op- eras and a lot of short pieces, be- sides music for many films. Amer- ican orchestras program him fre- quently.' Fifteen years ago, when the common war effort united the Al- lies, he was one of the most sought-after composers in this country: and conductors backed generously by their trustees paid lavish sums for playing Shosta- kovich "firsts." E Not Docile He has not been a docile Com- munist composer. After his youth- ful popularity, he ran into trouble for works condemned as formal- ist, that is, too remote from Soviet life and musical experience, aping the experimental West instead of supporting Marxism. Shostakovich's o p e r a "Lady Macbeth" and a ballet entitled "The Limpid Stream," were at- tacked officially. He withdrew a fourth symphony about which he had doubts, or feared the state would have. With his fifth, he in- augurated a sort of second period, and returned to favor in the Kremlin. His "Ninth Symphony," too, was criticized, but he seems a "safe" Soviet composer today, and indeed tries to be. Though he may have a hidden hankering for the con- demned "deliberate dissonances" which started his troubles, he be- lieves professedly in the Soviet theory that music is fundamental- ly a community activity, that it should bolster its society rather than disrupt it, in short, that it has a "political basis." Leningrad Native Kabalevsky, a year or two old- er than Shostakovich, and also a native of Leningrad, is a pianist, conductor, teacher, editor and composer. Secretary of the Union of Soviet Composers, and member of the Soviet Peace Committee, he has chosen topics theoretically of interest to a revolutionary people: "Armored Train," for instance. WASHINGTON: Dreary or Sparkling at Night? By STANLEY MEISLER Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON-About 100 years ago, Lord Lyons, bewhiskered, youngish ambassador from Britain, sent home a description of the city of Washington. "A terrible place for young men," he said. "Nothing whatever in the shape of amusement for them." No one doubts the accuracy of Lord Lyons' picture. Washington was Just an overgrown village then. But could the present ambassa- dor cable home the same descrip- tion now? Is the nation's capital still a hub by day and a dud by night? ' FIDEL CASTRO ... accused Charge Cuba 'Tells Lies About U.S. WASHINGTON UP) - For the second time in less than two3 weeks, the United States bluntly told Cuba's Castro regime yester- day it was spreading inaccurate and misleading charges against the United States government. The State Department added that a brochure published by the Cuban Ministry of State had be- come an offensive addition to a campaign of hostility in Cuba. The Cuban Ministry yesterday. distributed copies of a pamphlet indicating the United States was responsible for the death of two persons and injury of 45 in an1 outbreak of violence in Havana last Oct. 21. The State Department said eye- witness reports indicate that many, if not all, of the casualties were victims of the Cuban armed forces' own gunfire, or of bombs thrown from automobiles by ter- rorists. Press dispatches have said there was no evidence of bombing or strafing from the air. Diplomatic sources said United States-Cuban relations appeared at their lowest since Fidel Castro ousted Dictator Fulgencio Batista last Jan. 1. On Oct. 27 the State Depart- ment made public a memorandum handed Cuban officials by United States Ambassador Philip Bonsal. It followed a logn speech in which Prime Minister Castro charged that the United States did nothing to stop bombing of a defenseless nation. Fight Red Chinese Want Mutual Withdrawal Suggest Fornmatioin Of Non-Military Zone NEW DELHI n) - Red China's Chou En-La proposed yesterday to settle the angry border dispute with India at a personal meeting with Prime Minister Nehru. In- dian sources said Chou's dramatic new approach is unacceptable. Refusing to give ground on claims to 40,000 square miles of Himalayan soil India regards as its own, the Chinese Premier sug- gested both sides pull back their forces 123/2 miles in the disputed zone. "The entire approach is repug- nant to India's stand on its inter- nationally recognized border," said an authoritative Indian source. Sends Note Nehru himself mentioned Chou's note in a report to the working committee of his Congress Party but expressed no opinion. a com- mittee member reported. Nehru has declared he is willing to nego- tiate but has never said anything about sitting down with Chou to talk things over. Chou's note was handed to Nehru Sunday, then broadcast yesterday by Peiping Radio be- fore its contents were made known here. If he suggested a site for the meeting there was no public men- .tion of it. The Red Chinese premier, in urging prompt action on his plan. said, "Clashes which both sides do not want to see may occur in the future." Government Proposals "The Chinese Government pro- poses that, in order to discuss further the boundary question and other questions in the relations between the two countries, the prime ministers of the two coun- tries hold talks in the immediate future," Chou's note said. "The peoples of our two coun- tries desire that we act promptly. I think we should meet their de- sire and not let those who seek every chance to disrupt by all means the great friendship be- tween China and India attain their sinister objective." Chou suggested that "the armed forces of China and India each withdraw 20 kilometers (12/z miles) at once from the so-called MacMahon line in the east and from the line up to which each side e::ercises actual control in the west." Two-Sided Argument Like most questions in this fed- eral town, these provoke more than one answer. Arguments usu- ally follow two contrasting lines: (1) Washington is one of the world's dreariest capitals after dark. A few hours after midnight the only one you are likely tb meet on the silent, black streets is a milkman or a mugger. (2) Washington is one of the world's great cultural, cosmopoli- tan centers. Great music, theater, jazz, night clubs, foreign restau- rants, parties. There's enough amusement here for anyone. Where does the truth lie? Well, it is true that city laws tend to drive everyone home late at night. Tight Liquor Laws No drinks may be served past1 midnight on Saturday, and 0 a.m. on other nights. Even before then, regulations cramp the informal spirit of bars and cabarets. No one may perch on a bar stool and down whisky, for only beer is 'served along the bar. If you sit at a table and order liquor, you can't walk around with it; no one may stand with a drink in his hand. ' Washington also seems to have an entrenched hostility toward novel, atmospheric or imaginative night spots. Just a few months ago, the Al- coholic Beverage Control Board forced the owner of a cafe to remove an exhibition of paintings from his walls. The business of REMODELING-Modernization has touched everything in Wash- ington, even the Capitol Building. Whether Washington's night life has changed or not, its central structure Is altering its aspect from that of 100 years ago. the cafe is to sell food and liquor,I vowing to close the place in case of Selected Group Dresses silks - rayons - wools - blends - all kinds many originally to 29.95 Sizes 5-15, 8-42, 1212-241/2 Tolls 10-20 m mm mm mm mm mm mmmm mm m - - m U mmm mmem 00 At our Campus Toggery Shop SKIRTS-wools - blends - some in plaids - tweeds and solids - many orig. to 14.95. Sizes 8 to 20 Talls 10 to 18. mm m mmmm m mmmm mmmm m m m m m m mmmm m mmm m mmm m the board decided, not culture. Cafe Has Problems A group of beatniks ran into difficulty over plans to open an all-night coffee shop for poetry readings and glimpses of shaggy bears. Protests over the proposed Coffee 'n Confusion Club came from neighbors, police and an irate fortune teller, who announced "I don't like beatniks" then fixed four pistol shots into the shop's plate glass window. Finding nothing in the law against beatniks, the Board of Licenses allowed the shop to open. But policemen patrolled in front, trouble. But in spite of this, it is true that Washington often is host to some of the country's most excit- ing cultural events. Foreign Troupes Visit Foreign troupes, like the Bol- shoi Ballet, arrive, even for just one night, to pay their respects to the capital of a great nation. The Moiseyev Dancers, the Old Vic Theater, the Japanese' Imperial Household Dancers, the African Ballet all appeared in Washington during the past year. Washington does not offer any' neighborhood devoted to fine res- taurants. By incessant peeking, questioning and nibbling, however, any gourmet can collect an im- pressive list of eating places fea- turing French, German, Spanish, Syrian and American cuisines. Washington, taking advantage of extroadinarily low prices for pack., aged liquor, seems to have more home parties than any other city of comparable size. Group of SWEATERS Wools - orlons - odds and ends Broken size ranges 3 98 l4e 3id4Zian D iZI Second Front Page Elizabeth Dillon Shops 530 So. Forest Ave. Just off So. Univ. Corner opposite Campus Theatre and 1111 So. Univ. (1 1/ blocks from main store) IT'S EASY*.... November 10, 1959 Page 3 , Phone NO 2-4786 for Classified Advertising IF. you plan to buy a CAMERA PROJECTOR SCREEN I expression of culture" as an a style show showing foreign fashions and Yes, it's easy to open your Special Checking Account at Ann Arbor Bank. No minimum balance is required. A book of 20 checks costs only $2.00 and there are no additional fees. And a checking account is convenient, too. Never the problem of cashing out-of-town checks, or getting stranded without enough rnhn hni costumes from all _ _ ,.. _ . _ _ . . 1111