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November 08, 1959 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-08

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T he long arm of Uncle Sam's missile force is getting
stronger and reaching farther with each passing day.
Just a year ago the United States was trying to whip its
first long range .missiles into operational shape. Today,
it has two types of 1,500-mile ballistic missiles, the Thor
and Jupiter, ready to use.
The even more powerful Atlas intercontinental ballistic
missile demonstrated its power last November spanning
6,325 miles across the Atlantic. When Atlas bases are set
up, the big missile will be able to reach almost any target
in the Communist world half an hour after blastoff.
Two more ICMBs are in the oven. Titan, a 6,000 or 7,000
mile range missile, is undergoing its first tests. Minute-
man, a quicker firing solid propellant ICBM, is on the
drawing boards.
In addition to these monsters, the U. S. has developed, or
is developing, a whole spectrum of missiles -from the
small but deadly Sidewinder that homes on enemy planes
by'the heat of the engines to the Navy's Polaris, a 1,500
mile range missile designed to be fired from underwater
by nuclear submarines.

JUPITER and REDSTONE missiles are produced side by side at Detroit plant. The Jupiters
(center) are intermediate range ballistic missiles, some 60 feet long, and are flanked by
the Redstones, ballistic guided missiles that are 63 feet long with a 200-mile range.

SERGEANT is a solid propellant surface-
to-surface ballistic guided missile. It can
deliver a blow deep into enemy lines.

POLARIS, the Navy's intermedi-
ate range ballistic missile, is de-
signed especially for submarine
use, has 1,500 mile range.

THOR, an Air Force missile, is first intermediate range bal-
listic missile to be deployed overseas. It has 1,500 mile range.



TITAN, the Air Force 15,000-mile-per-hour intercontinentalballistic
missile, roars away from its launching pad at Cape Canaveral, Fla.

ATLAS intercontinental ballistic missiles are assembled in San.
Diego, Calif., plant. The stainless steel, missile- 9 feet in di-
ameter and 80 feet long -has 15,000 mile-per-hour speed.

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MINUTEMAN, pictured in this artist's conception, will be another addition to
the family of ICBMS. It is tobe a solid propellant missile in 5,000 mile class.



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