THEMICHIGANDAILY Fraternities Receive 491 Pledges in Fall Rush During the formal fall rush period, 491 men were pledged of a total of 984 rushees. This represents a pledging per- centage of 50 per cent, Howard M u e 11 e r, '61E, Interfraternity Council rush chairman, said. The following men accepted' bids to pledge: ACACIA Paul B. Bernstein, '63; Phillip Georg- er, '62SM. ALPHA DELTA PHI Thomas Midgley Eastwood, '63E; John Richard Falker, '62; William Davis Hall, '62; Eugene 'Albert Hand, Jr., '63; David Paul Hohenstein, '63E; Wayne. Gary Huebner, '64A&D; Daniel William Krauer, '63E; Charles Fredric Krebs, 63. Joseph Louis Lazaroff, 162E; Charles John Mitchell, '63Ed.; Daniel James' Murphy, '63E, James Boyd Pantlind, '63; William Lorne Parker, '63E; Fred- erick .Gilbert Riecker, '63; Douglas James Shierson, '63; John William Thornton, '63E. ALPHA EPSILON PI Mike Bank, '63; Arthur Barnett, '63; Michael Bluestone, '63; Mark Cora, '63; Philip Fietelson, 163; Steven Glunts, '63; Gerald Melvin Kagan, '63; Louis Allan Kamanowitz, '63; Stephen Kauf- man, '63. Edward 'Klotz, '63; Jeffrey Levy, '63; Norman Lurie, "'63; Robert Lurie, '63,. Ronald Newman, '63; Warren Raynes, '63; George David Rubin, '63; Mark Ru- binstein, '63; John Silverman, '63; Peter Hill Sobel, '63; Samuel Zell, '63; Michael Zimmerman, '63. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA Robert Ian Case, '63; Dale Edward Guckenberger, '62E; Richard Harrison Guenther, '62E; Robert Michael Tunic, '61E. ALPHA SIGMA PHI Charles LeMoyne Burleigs, '63; Don- ald Herbert Carmen, 63E, David George Foster, '62; 'John Harvey Martin, '62; Richard Alan Roy, '63 Phys. Ed.; Lynn Lewis Waite, '63E; Howard Scott Wit- , ALPHA TAU OMEGA a John Hermann Enns, '63; William David Hancock, '3E; Faris Adeeb How- rani, '62; Robert Millea Hunt, '63; John Frank Kowalik, Jr., '63Ed.; Daniel Con- rad Molhoek, '63E. Franc Neubrecht, '62Ph.; William Kendall Newcomb, Jr., '63A&D; Freder- ick William Roos, '62E; Robert Eugene Servis, '63; James Kenneth Stuenkel, '63E.; Robert Stanley Tutag, '63; John Armstrong Waters, '63E. BETA THETA PI Frederic Fors Balgooyen, '62; Bruce Anthony Beda, '62Ed'.; W. George Gal- logly, '63; Arthur Kenny Gnewuch, '62; John Taylor Hackett, '63; Robert Walter Haessler, '62E. James John Huntzicker; '63; Leonard Keller, '62A&D; Samuel Russel MacAr- thur, '63E; William Robert Montgom- ery, '63; David' Alan Zimmerman, '62, CHI PHI David Robert Bacon, '63; Anthony B a d a l a m e n t, '63; Andrew Dalzell '63BAd.; Douglas DeYoung, '63E; Rob- ert Kress, '63E; Steven Lundgren, '63,- Ronald Suydam, '62E; Donald E. Thompson, '63; Donald F. Zimmerman, '63; Edward G. Vance, '63; Thomas Richard, '62E. . CHI PSI Roger Lockwood Boylan, '63; Otwell John Derr, '62; Michael Moran Ham- mond, '62; Robert Arthur Hackathorn, Jr., '62; John William Heyt, '63E. Gerry David Kammer, '62E; John Hall Ogden, '63E; John David Patterson, inLsd 29, 'unsed srour lotusr Mr~sypp' Kent Strikland, '63. DELTA CHI Brues Andrew Bala, '62; Gregory Jo- seph Kaiser, '61. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON Thomas W. Doerr, '63; John Leo Doo- lan, '63; Donald- M. Ferguson, '63; Jo- seph C. Johnson, '63; Eliot R. Long, '63 Denis M. Robison, '62; Anthony Ernst Sultan, '63Ph.; John D. Watts, '62; Phil- lip Bower White, '63Ph.; Todd W. Wool- ery, '63 DELTA SIGMA PHI William Cummings Albee, Bruce Al- len Byle, David Martin Carlson, David Carter Dunstone, David Arnold Eimy, James Guy Freet, Robert Allen Haan, Llewellyn Donald Howell, Charles Mac- Huber, Donald Malcolm Hunt, Allen Bruce Joseph, David Allen Jacobs. Michael William Kabat, Michael Francis Landers, Paul Merlin Melchek, Frank Allan Cole, Owen Pyle, John Howard Robertson, Michael David Wil- son, George Emil Serniuk, Jr., Martin C. Zonca. DELTA TAU DELTA Melvin Dana Baldwin II, '63E; Leslie Philip, Boudrot, '61; Daniel Carling. Brown, '63E; William Wolcott Buick, '63E; Art Clapp, "'61; John K. Etsenhour, 162E; Robert McFarland Frew, 'GlEd.; Robert F. Garrels, '62SM. John Campbell Hutchinson, '63E; David Earle Kartalia, '63; Thomas Pat- rick McAuliffe, '63; Norman Joseph Mc- Intyre, '61; Kelsey Carl Peterson, '63; Robert Charles Pierce, '63E; Kim Pat- rick Sebaly. '6i; Michael Van Westley, '63Kd.; James Willard Wilkens, Jr., '63. DELTA UPSILON John Orlando Blair, '63; David Law- rence Casbon, '63A&D; Thomas Payne Casselman, '62; Charles David Correll, '63; Clinton H. Gerhold, '63E; Dennis I. Hirota, '62E. Stanley Victor Hoover, '63; Michael Lewis Joyce, '63Ed.; William Thomas Kerr, '63; Cass John Kershaw, '63E; Lawrence Monberg, '63A&D; Michael N. Omalev, '63; David Louis Paul, '63E. David Lawrence Randall, '63E; Roger Brian Rickard, '63E; John Anthony Scott, '63E Gary Edward Sutherland, 63E; William M. Watrous, '62; Peter David Winer, '61. KAPPA SIGMA Richard Allen Baldwin, '63E; Eugene. Gilbert Brown, '63E; David Brummel L. Ruben, '63; Jeffrey C. Rubenstein, '63; Barry Slotkey, '63; Richard L. Sweet, '63; David L. Wintroub, '63; Richard M. Young, '63. PHI GAMMA DELTA Max Edward Bissey, '62; Thomas Duncan Davis, '63; Thomas Lamonte Davis, '63Ed.; Stephen Dee Dotson, '64A&D; Robert Forge Finke, '63; Rus- sell Charles Livingstone, '63; Richard Louis Nohl, '62; Theodore Parnall, '63; John Roland Shreves, '62E; William Kerr Zollinger, '63. PHI KAPPA PSI Thomas Warren Ruggles, '62; James Carhart Manley, '63; Juris Lielais, '62; Lynn Michael Bartlett, '63; Arthur Alan Shantz, '63; John Richard Moorhead, ,63E; Russell Bruce McAfee, '63; Jack E. Matthias, '61E; Robert Orrin Hayes, '63. PHI' KAPPA SIGMA Claus Beneker, '62E; Jere Hays Cort, '61; Glenn Franklin Doyle, '63; George Norman Heller, '63SM; Peter Allan Ja- worski, '63; Richard Lane Maire, '62K; Robert Paul Marcel, '63E; Stephen B. Newlon, '63E; James Lewis Spillan, '62. PHI KAPPA TAU James Bartholomew Gaffney; Robert Edward Howe, Patrick Joseph Kelly, Peter Kopack III, William Charles Krause, Neil Claud Williston. PHI SIGMA KAPPA Thomas D. -Carbeck, '63E; Bernard C. Colins, '61E; Leland B. Felgner, '62E; Richard P. Park, '63; Frederick H. Tank, Jr., '62; Gordon Tucker, '63NR; Richard E. Tuttle, '63. PI LAMBDA PHI Bill George Barris, '63; David J. Ber- man, '63; Stanley Darryl Frankel, '63; Mark Joel Levick, '62; Edward Alvin Lumberg, '63; Leslie Sy Menuck, '63; Stephen S. Schulson, '63K; lwood Ste- phen Simon, '63; Frederick David Stein- hardt, '63. PSI UPSILON Thomas Randall Ahern, '62E; Chris- topher George Farrand, '63; James San- ford Hale, '63; Daniel B. Hales, '63; Wal- lace John Knox II, '63; Carmen Augus- tine Lodise, '61; Gary Joseph Near, '62; Robert Sutherland Spence, Jr., '63E; Mark Wellwood Staples, '63E; Richard Allen Sutherland, '63E. SIGMA ALPHA UPSILON John Charles Auld, '63; William George Beckers, '63E; Samuel Hebard Carter, '63E; Richard James Collins, '61Ed.; Robert"Frank Cooper, '63; Rich- ard G. Heiden, "'62Ed.; John Gamber Hill, '63; Bar .Edward Hood, '63; John Donald Kelber, '63E; Marion Richard Kurtyka; '62Kd. Robert John Lewis, 163E; Robert Louis Morawsky, '62Ed.; John Lincoln Patterson, '62; Kenneth M. Reichie, 163F; Michael George Reissing, '63; Lawrence Phillip Sorenson, '63; John F. Springer, '61Ed.; R. William Weldon, 163E; Frederick George Yaeger, '62. SIGMA ALPHA MU Jeffrey B. Arnestine, '63E; Jay Ellis Berkelhamer, '63; Michael Lewis Dean, .'63; Roger Allan Goldman, '63; Stuart N. Goodall, '63; Phillip Marshall Good- man, '63Ph; David Howard Harris, '63E; Tony John Jacob, '63; Mark Ansel Moskowitz, '63; Allen Albert Aboler, '63; Edwin Lee Pear, '63; Mark Howard Saipe, '63; Robert Irwin Schaffer, '63; David Stewart Sher, '63; Robert Sander Sweet, '62; Robert Samuel Walters, '63; Stan Paul Weiner, '63E; Lee Steven Woldenberg, '63. SIGMA CHI Frederick Wm. Bentley, '63E; David Arthur Collon, '63; Michael Andrew Drake, '62E; Robert Alan Dwyer, '62A&D; Doug Warner Eggelston, '63; David Lambert Fleming, '63; Gary Ed- win Frederickson. '63; Robert McCann Furlong, '63; James Spencer Galland, '63E. Jozef Gerlach, '62Ed.; Neil Douglas Graham, '63; Wm. Winfield Hallock, '63E; Samuel Houston Hazelton, '63; Frederick Jo Heinemann; '63; William Charles Kinsinger, '63; Albert Charles Leader, '63E. John Hopkin Leete, '63E; Bill Joe Noles, '63; Wm. Arthur Pace, '63; Robert W. Phillips, '63; Thomas Lee Sellers, '63E; Tadd Conrad Seitz, '63E; Terry L. Slonaker, '62; William Ronald Tasch, '63E; Frederick Dorr Wolf, '62. SIGMA NU Richard Franklin Baske, '63; Breed Larkin Booles, '63; Dahn Douglas Charles, '62; David Hall Floersch, '62; Michael Shan Griffith, '62E; Jerry Allyn Hearl, '61; Birney Charles Hoyt, '62; Richard Bruce Laidlaw, '63; Larry Jo- seph Nelson, '61BAd.; Otto Max Penzler, '63. Charles Ryan, '61; Arthur Ainsworth Sullivan, '62: Steven Millen Taylor, '63; James Lynn Townsend, '63E; Charles Valentine Weaver, '63A&D; John Wm. Welsh, '63E; Thomas Stevenson Whit- man,s'63NR; Wm. Frederick Woodbury, '62E; John Atkins, '63E; James Mac- gregor Apple, '63.. SIGMA PHI Robert Matthew Callahan, '61; Albert Love Ely III, '63; Jeffrey Fulton Han- way, '63; Jeffrey Woodward Hutson, '63; Gerald Alexander Ahronheim, '62; Hen- ry Arthur Futterman, '63; Martin Alan Levin, '63; Herbert A. Asch, '63; Edward Ralph Stein, '63; Robert Dale Gary, '63; Allan David Greenstein, '62. TAU EPSILON PHI - Bruce Hilliard Feldman, '62; Michael Barry Frank, '63Ph.; Bruce Paul Lan- tinga, '62; Bruce Michael Levin, '62E; Morris Liebling, '61BAd.; Michael Ron- tal, '62; Richard Alan Rose, '63; David Allan Silberg, '63; George Taft, '62E; Donald Marvin Tractenberg, '6iBAd.; Stanton Laurence Walker, '63. TAU KAPPA EPSILON William Cameron Mair, '63; Thomas Sherwin Sampeer, '63 Clifford Jack Prentice, Jr., '63; James Allen Hender- son, '63. THETA CHI -Gilbert Fisk Boyd, Jr., '6lEd.; John W. Evans, '63; John Alan Whipple, '62E; Patrick William Danna, '63; James Richard Stockard, '62K. Women To Conduct Annual Sale The Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of Univer- sity Women will hold their annual used book sale from 2 to 9 p.m. Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday at the International Cen- ter. This annual sale offers a great variety of used books at reduced prices, including paperbacks, text- books, fiction and national maga- zines. Profits from the sale will be used for international study grants and fellowship awards. Between 45 and 50 women, usually with careers already launched, are brought to the United States annually by AAUW for a year of professional training. Afterwards they return to re- sponsible posts in their own coun- tries where they share their ex- periences in the United States with co-workers, students, and professional groups with whom they work. . The AAUW pays travel expenses, tuition, and room and board for the year, unless the grantholder has already received Fulbright Travel Aid. r F-T -w-w-w-vw v v I "V-WIFI Onlheil.ouie a_' , A .x " . x x x e :- ^. _- ,-$ a __ .B e x J .ow I mve....v.1 While many of the housing units recuperate from the hectic Home- coming weekend, the social season is takirg a rest. But several houses have found enough energy to plan the following events. Fall scenes will decorate Cooley House of East Quad tomorrow, night, when it holds Its semi- formal "Autumn Nocturne" dance. A party will be held before the, dance from 8 to 9 p.m. House talent and the Kingsmen orchestra will provide entertainment for the dance which will last until mid- night. Also centering around the fall season is the "Autumn Leaves" dance which will be held by Fred- erick and Kelsey houses in the decorated South Quad dining room.' Guests will dance to the music of Al Blazer from 9 to 12 p.m. "The-November Meeting of the Greater Metropolitan Manchester' Bridge and Tea Society" will be called to order at 8:30 tomorrow night at the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity house. A pianist will entertain while the guests play, cards, and Bob Elliott will s the music for dancing. Delta Sigma Phi fraternit turn its house into a Rathi tomorrow night at 9 p.m. Di tions will involve a Bavaria ting, with guests in German including Tyrolean hats, hosen, and red suspenders. A! man band will furnish the for the members and their c White To Le SGC Semina Prof. Leslie White of th thropology department will : discussion on "The Science o ture" at 4 p.m. today in the ors Lounge of the UndergrE Library. Prof. White's analysis o book is a part of a series of nars sponsored by the Si Government Reading and i slion Program. The seminar i: to the public. THETA DELTA CHI- Thomas Wilson Gething, '61; Howard Rich, '62.. Gary THETA XI Robert Thornhill Benedict, '63E; Da- vid Dickinson Berry, '63E; G. Barton Borland, '63E; Harold G. Dittrich, '63E; David Peter Fauni, '62; Mark W. Hall, '64A&D; Philip G. Hall, '63E; Kenneth A. Hoedenian,, '63E. John P. Hopkins, '63; Lee Larson, '63E; Gordon H. MacCleary, '63E; Ken- neth R. Maurer, '63E; John C. Maxwell, '63; Paul C. Merlo, '62E; Richard A. Ogar, '63; Jay W. Pease, '63E; Jeffrey A. Smith, '62E; John L. Thompson ,'63; John J. Werner, Jr, '63E; Edward W., Wood, '62; James William Zoellner, '63E. TRIGON Richard Thomas Gagnon, '62E; James Stanley Schlee, '63E. ZETA BETA TAU Max Apple, '63;. Steven Basch, '62; A. Willaim Chayes, '63; Edward Fishma I '63; Lawrence Hoberman, '63; David Karp,L 63; Howard Kleckner, 63; Bruce Leitman, '63; Gerald Office, '63; Leslie; Ringe, '63; Stanley Saeks, '63; Jeff Schottenstein, '63. Barry Sherman, '63; Robert Simon, '62; Daniel Stone, '63; Michael Wein- berger, '63. ZETA PSI Paul Francis Krynicki, '62; Joseph Kurkilam, '63E; David Mtichell Morse, '63E. COMFORT CLASSICS 'oar Favorite Genuine Hand Sewn Vamp iwMc Cseuls PUNCH rush memories Cox, '61BAd. Richard Paul Diehl, '62E; Gordon Bruce Higgins, '62E; Donald Robert Kalen, '62E. Thomas Joy Martin, '62E; David Lee Nelson, '63; Richard Norman Nelson, '62E; Steven Alan Niblock. '63E; Charles George Smith, '63E; Michael Allen Stoner, '63E; Charles Frederick Totten, '61; George Elmer Wanstall, '63. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Robert Roger Broesamle, '63E; John S. Carton, '63; Ronald G. Drummond, '62;, Steven Cody Engle, '63; Bruce W. Galbraith, '62SM; David M. Gaskin, '63; Frederick Allen Herbert, '63;' Kershner, Thomas Richard, '63. / 'Jecf Barnes Maebius, '63A&D; Vaso Runyan Medigovich, '63E; John Philip Meyerholtz, '63; Donald Edward Mitch- ell, '3 David Lee Neisius, '61BAd. Charles Whiting Newton, '63; Ropbert Manley Partington, '62; John Henfrey Smith, '61BAd.; James Charles Wolport, '63E; Douglas Lee Zahn, '63. PHI DELTA THETA Michael Agee; Gary Kester Bowen, '63; Clell Boyer, '62; Robert Dye Gus- tine, '61BAd.; Robert Hansen Gillette, '63E; Michael John Harmon, '63E; James Michael Harris, '63. John Parke Malcolm, '63E; James William Mullen, '63; Michael Arnold O'Neil, '63E; Paul Michael. Orme, '64A&D; Paul Doyle Palmer, '62Ed.; David Wilson Parsons, '63E; Thomas William Sumner, '63; Thomas Frederick Wile, '63E. PHI EPSILON PI Alan R,..Ash, '63; Robert M. Berger, '63; Donald S. Beser, '63; Mike Blu- menthal, '63; Donald S. Finkelman, '63; William A. Harris, '63; Robert M. New- ton, '63. David J. Olen, '63; Richard L. Rein- ish, '63; Mike S. Rosenthal, '63; Harvey * AUDREY'S /9er.4onaizedl MONOGRAMMING SERVICE , $SpeciOlizing SWEATERS O BLOUSES o DRESSES 2712 Hampshire NO 2-6653 . 7 sG....Ce .. J(?C'. . U Heavenly comfort at down, prices! Wise buy for the smi these fun-lovin' mocs.. . made for your leisure hour1 You look smart, feel sma are smart .. . for choosi hand sewn vamp mocs. -toearth art miss, Maine- pleasure. rt -you ng these a f' Sewing the Vamp E 1 t CIGARETTES ..pledge pride to the INDIA ART SHOP, of course! Russell Blair McNelil, Jr., '63; Jeffrey Alvin Schuler, '63; Charles Delno Todd ill, '63. SIGMA PHI EPSILON Joseph Francis 'Belfore, '63E; Jerry Alan Carlson, '63E; Reynolds Harvey Campbell, '63E; John Gillis Cleveland, '62; Wm. Porterfield Crain, '61; Jon La- Vern Edwards, '63E; Laurence George Gutt, '63. Terry Victor Hoagland, '63; Stewart Charles Kissinger, '63A&D; Thomas Eugene Krouse, '62E; Kenneth Joseph Mike, '63A&D; John Nicholts Pavlis, '62; James MacGregor Richardson, '63E; Weston Lynn Schultz, '63E; Joseph Treble Sinclair, '63E; Steven Forrest Stockmeyer, '63. TAU DELTA PHI Samuel Bernstein, '62; Frederick Bar- ton Benjamin, '63; Allan 1enjaniin Morris, '63; Marvin Stuart Greenfield, '63; Robert Joel Wilensky, '63; Michael Wayne Rosenberg, '63E; Jeffrey Harold Frank, '63. Michael Alvin Sarche, '63E; Sanford Mark Ward, '63; John Joseph Back, '61; - Imports from all over the world INDIA ART SHOP -330 Maynard St. Sil Black - Brown CAMPUS BOOTERY 304 South State ,11± .rr~r r r~ rn ~ i i r . ~ i 5' Needcash? Be a Tutor! Apply Union Student Offices between 3-5 MMMMMh 00 A pecS aIi Special Purchase' Sale SPORT SHOES Fitted and Belted Classic Styles of Imported and Domestic Woolens SF1FTRON/? FOR THE AMATEUR! Saddles, gumdrops, Reg. to $7.99 etc. $ r f $377 GRAFLEX-MADE strobo mite t A j, Truly an exceptional value on year-round suits by the manufac- turer famous for his fine tailoring of the indispensable classic suit, favorite style of college girls everywhere... solid flannels, plaids, superb tweeds, hopsacking, monotone tweeded plaids in a wide range of fashion's greatest colors. Some are fitted; others may be worn with their self-belts or not, as you please. Sizes 8 to 18. Each is a real value. i! J Operates on four "D" size bat- teries or 110 volt AC current for economical flash pictures. Elimi- nates need for conventional flash lamps. Cuts flash cost to one or two cents a picture. Works with "X" synTchronized; shut: ter, The modern way to take flash pictures in black BLACK, NEUTRALS & COMBINATIONS