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November 06, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-06

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy and colder today with pos-
sibility of rain changing to snow.

See Page 4

VOL. LXIX, No. 40!






Singers AStop Traffic in Union







-Vaiy--Selma Sawaya
FOLK GROUP-Gathering in the Union last night, University folk singers broke from daily studies
and relaxed with food, guitars, and music of all cultures.

C on stitutional'ls
Diagnosed by Pealy
Prof. Robert Pealy attgcked the 50-year-old Michigan constitution
and asked for more power in the governor's office last night in speak-.
ing to the University's Young Republican Club.
A method of strengthening the chief executive's office which' he
suggested would be to make it legal for the governor to appoint the
chiefs of the six state departments (Auditor General, Secretary of
State. etc.). . -
These positions are currently selected by the electorate. If these
posts were appointed by the governor they would then serve at his
- pleasure and he alone would be
responsible for their actions.
Pealy added that increasing the
chief executive's term to four years
would give him a better chance to
become acquainted with his vast
job. By the time a governor be-
t.comes accustomed to the duties of
his office now, he must start his
campaign for re-election, he said.
64 Amendments
While the Constitution has not
been revised in 50 years, Pealy
noted that there have been 64
amendments passed since 1908.
} The arguments against revision
is that since the Constitution is
so easy to amend why ask for a
>"h:.-.general revision?
"But," he told the YRs, "those
for revision say that since the
Constitutionhas been amended so

Lack Halts
DETROIT () -- The auto in-
dustry beat all October sales rec-
ords since 1955 last month and
now is quietly folding up shop be-
cause of steel shortages.,
General Motorshtoday reported
x.93,100 worker's have beenlaid
off.' Another 2,600 will be idled to-
day and at least 3,000 more some
time next week. Chrysler has laid
off 5,850 with more to come soon.
Ford reported only scattered in-
definite layoffs but has reduced
almost all plants to three or four-
day work weeks.
Thus the industry total of idle
will pass the 200,000 mark today.
Production Slashed
The GM shutdowns of all but
three assembly lines helped cut
total industry production this week
to 67,514 cars. Automotive News
said this represented a drop of
one-third from a week ago, which
in turn also was sub-normal.
The skid is certain to continue
since the industry estimates it will
take a minimum of four weeks'
steel production to replenish sup-
ply lines.
On the bright side, cars are sell-
ing almost as if they never would
make any more. GM's five car-
making divisions reported sales.of
260,592 cars in October, more than
36,000 above October production.
The difference was accounted for
by left-over 1959 models.
Report October Record
Ward's automotive reports esti-
mated.industry sales for the month'
at 526,737 including 86,244 com-
pact cars-Corvairs, Falcons, FVali-
ants, Larks -and Ramblers.
Almost every - car maker 're-
ported breaking some kind of salesI
record last month. .
October of last year was a sales3
dud for most companies and the
industry total was only 284,178s
cars. -

SGC Seats
New Group
At Meeting
Two defeated candidates in
the Student Government Coun-
cil elections asked for a recount
early this morning, charging
that ballot boxes had been
stuffed at the Engineering Arch .
and Couzens Hall.
Elliott Tepper, '62, and John
Garland, '61, both told The
Daily they will seek a recount,
if feasible.
Elections Director Roger
Seasonwein,.'61, said in the
past many candidates on the
losing side have expressed com-
plaint. "I would suggest that
they might better run again,
rather than make charges
which to the best of my knowl.
edge are completely unfounded,
he said.
The elections booths at both
Couzens and the Engineering
Arch were patrolled regularly
by members of the Elections
Committee, he said.
The new Student Government
Council members were seated yes-
terday at the first afternoon meet-
ing of the semester.
Their seating came after Jo
Hardee, '60, resigning . executive
vice-president reported that the
Rules and Accreditation Commit-
tee had found that all rules were
complied with in the election.
Al Haber, '60, Nancy Adams, '61,
Ron Bassey, '60, William Warnodk,
'61BAd., and Lynn Bartlett, '63,
were elected for full year terms.
New members for terms of one-
half -a-year are Babs Miller, '60,
M. A. Hyder Shah, Grad., and Jeff
Jenks, '61. Shah was the only new'
member not present at the meet-
Bassey and Haber were the only
incumbents re-elected. SGC seats
had been vacated by Richard
Ugoretz, '60, David Carpenter, '60,
John Quinn, '62, and Ron Gregg,
'60, outgoing Council president.
All four decided not to run for re-
election. Two other seats, left va-
cant by the resignation of David
Kessel, Grad., and. Miss Hardee,
were also filled at the election.
Miss Hardee and Oregg, though
their terms expired with this
meeting, will continue to serve
next week until the new officers
are elected. Nominations will be
accepted during the week and at
the next meeting.

Balancing the budget is being
over-emphasized in its significance
to the American people, United
States Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-
Mich.) told the University Young
Democrats Club last night;
"I am not against thrift," the
Senator said, "but the White House
seems to feel that a balanced
budget will solve the civil rights
question and cure cancer, among
many other things."
The Senator continued by say-
ing that this concept gives a dan-
gerous significance to money in
making our national decisions.
The country must cut wasteful
spending in government but to let
everything else wait until this is
done is impossible, he said.
Natural Spending Increase
America has a growing economy
and it is only natural that the
government should be spending
more as each year passes. The, idea
of spending less each year never
works in our own homes, so why
should we expect it to work in the
national government, Hart asked.
We must meet the continuing
needs of our civilization if we will
continue to exist, he declared.-
Discussing his nine months in
Washington, Hart listed the most
significant accomplishments and
omissions, of the first. session of
the 88th Congress.
Proud of Alaska
We could take "as our mostJ
prideful accomplishment the addi-n
tion of the fiftieth state." This hasc
done a great deal for the United i
States in terms of world opinion,
he said.
Significant omissions, HartM
charged, included no extension of n
unemployment insurance for the h

Criticizes Emphasis on Budget

Cent Raise
Not Legal,
Adams Says
Governor Criticized;
Arguenigt Growing

-David Giltrow
ator Philip A. Hart last night blamed the adminihtration for
overemphasizing balancing of the national budget.

Nobel prize winner

Wins Award,
OSLO, Norway .(A) - Philip
Noel-Baker, British Quaker states-
man and author, won the 1959
Nobel Peace Prize yesterday. He
announced in London he wil
spend the $42,650 prize money to
promote the cause. of internationa
"War is a damnable, filthy
thing and has destroyed civiliza-
tion after civilization - that is
the essence of my beliefs," the
scholarly, 70-year-old laborite told
"If the opinion of the people
could only be mobilized into an
active movement I believe we
could have disarmament in a
Worked for Disarmament
A five-man committee of Npr-
way's parliament conferred the
award under terms of the will of
Alfred Nobel, inventor of , yna-
mite, for Noel-Baker's years of
work for disarmament, plain and
4 nuclear.
The gaunt, white-haired Briton
was thus. adjudged the man "who
has done the most or hest to fur-
ther brotherhood amongst the
peoples, to abolish or cut down
standing armies and to create or
further the work of peace con-
Noel-Baker joins two of his old,
bosses on the Nobel Peace roster.
They were Norwegian humanitar-
ian Fridtjof Nansen, who won the
prize in 1922, and Viscount Cecil
of Chelwood, a British promoter
of the League of Nations, honored
in 1937. Noel-Baker worked for
both in the 1920s.
Studied at Haverford
Earlier he studied atHauveilrid_

many times is reason enough for
its complete revision. The present
Constitution is no longer a co-
herent document."
One of the most controversial
parts of the Constitution has been
the article concerning apportion-
ment of representatives. This prob.
lem was partially corrected in the
amendment of 1952 whereby the
membership of the House was de-
cided by population. The represen-
tatives in the Senate are selectec
by area.
"One of the most importani
powers of any government is the
power to tax. No government car
l be effective without this important
ability. However, a very confusec
1 part of the Michigan Constitutior
is the section dealing with fi-
nance," Pealy said.
Sale:; Tax for Schools
The sales tax is one of the more
productive levies set up by a finan-
cial amendment. In the current
three per cent levy, two cents goes
to the school aid fund; one-half
cent is designated for the coffers
of the State, treasury, and one-
half cent is for the municipalities.
Commenting on the Judicial ar-
ticle of the Constitution, Pealy
stated that members of the Su-
preme Court are nominated in
partisan conventions. But then
they are selected in non-partisan
elections. "This is not sensible. If
you want partisan judges, run
them on partisan tickets."
He pointed out to the YRs that
in some states, judges are ap-
pointed to their posts. Proponents
of picking judges by appointment
say that quite .often a potential
judge does not have the desire or
ability to campaign for the job.
Pealy commented at the end of
the discussion that he doubted
whether there -would be a success-
ful bid to organize a constitutional
revision committee this year. f
For .revisions
KALAMAZOO, Mich.(OP) - Only


To Attend 'U'
For Sessions
Top economists from govern-,
ment, business, education and
banking will attend their seventh
annual conference on the Econ-
omic Outlook at the University

Nov. 12 and 13.
known economists,
the meeting.
1 The conference9
the University's
partment. It will

100 nationally
will convene for
is sponsored by
economics de-
be held in the


Jobless areas, and that there was
no extension of the civil rights
commission, not to mention the
lack of any civil rights legislation..
Party Unity Questioned
During the question period Hart
was asked if he thought the large
number of Democratic aspirants
for the nomination would hurt
party unity.
He replied that the party should
decide on an explicit platform,
then invite those who agree with
the platform to stay and the others
to go.
Picking a man who will stand
or the party should be the chief
convention goal, he said.
In regard to labor legislation,
Hart maintained that it was the
verwhelming conviction of the
American people that there were,
oo many violations of the law by
labor unions.
The bill the Senate passed fitted
he need of stopping - the main
problems of embezzling by union
officials and the need for guaran-
eeing a secret ballot, he felt.
However, the Senator continued,
when the bill got to the House it
bogged down and the Landrum-
Griffith bill was substituted. Hart
attributed this action to the work
of the Southern Democrats who
%ere anxious to put down the un-
ons since the South was to be
tie next area of mass organiza-
Some of the bill's bad points
were removed but to determine
ts final effect on Labor would re-
uire much more time.

Rackham Amphitheater.

U' Gou o Fire Rockets

Give .Firm
Audit Time,
LANSING MP)-An agreement to1
keep Michigan Surety Co. out of
the hands of the receivers while
its books are again audited was
reached here yesterday.
Ingham County Circuit Judge
Louis E. Coash said he would post-
pone a scheduled hearing on the
petition to put the insurance firm
into receivership for 45 days.
Under terms of the agreement,
a three-man operating committee
will handle the affairs of the firm
until the independent audit is
Company 'Not Solvent'
Frank Blackford, State Insur-
ance Commissioner, started the.
receivership action against the
firm. He said he still felt the com-
pany was not solvent and needed
about $1,800,000 to "put it on an
even keel."'
"Our first interest is in preserv-
ing the company," Blackford said.
"We feel procedures have been set
up to protect the interests of the
public, policy-holders and credi-
tors and that the matter has been
put into the hands of those who
will best preserve those interests."
Blackford had charged Mark H.
Kroll of Cincinnati, company
president and son of CIO-PAC di-
rector Jack Kroll "manipulated
the affairs of the company for
personal profit" and diverted its
funds into other holdings.
Millions in Premiums
The company, 'with offices in
Lansing, writes 'about seven mil-
lion dollars in premiums a year-
mainly on bail, surety and per-
formance bonds.
Named to the three-man oper-
ating committee were Blackford,
C. W. Draper of Lansing, Execu-
tive vice-president and a director,
and R. E. Reichert of Ann Arbor,
also a director: Reichert is presi-
dent of the Ann Arbor Bank and,
a director of the City Bank of De-
troit. .
It was announced that Kroll and
three out-of-state directors have
MSU Dorm
Plans Passed

Over Financial Needs
LANSING (M) - Tempers flared
in Michigan's cash crisis row yes-
terday and legislative tax writers
found themselves boxed in by an
Attorney General's opinion block-
ing another use tax increase.
Climaxing a political squabble
on the Senate floor over the
state's cash troubles, Sen. John .
Smeekens (R-Coldwater) accused
Gov. Williams of "contriving" a
payless payday for state employes
Nov. 19. ,
Countered Williams: "Non-
Earlier, Sen. Stanley Novak (D
Detroit) asserted Republicans
have "crucified an individual and
wrecked a state," the individual
obviously being Williams.
Income Tax Plan
Smeekens, an outspoken critic
of the Democratic governor, said
Williams' strategy was to ram
through a state income tax by
stepping up payment of some state
obligations, leaving the state trea-
sury all but bare.
Williams and Democratic legis-
lators have tried futilely for a
personal and corporate income
tax package.
When the hassle ended, a bi=
partisan steering committee of
the Hous and Senate resunted
efforts to write a ip tax prog
to replace the use (sales) tax in-
crease tossed out by the State Su-
preme Court.
Adams Rules Out
Atty. Gen. Paul L. Adams nar
rowed the field, ruling out a GOP
proposal to repeal the three-cent
tax and replace it with a four cent
use tax.
Adams, a Democrat, said it
would violate the three-cent ceil-
ing the Constitution sets on the
sales tax.
His opinion cut the Legislature's
choice to a patchwork of nuisance
taxes or a state income tax.-
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R71Hol-
land), chairman of the steering
committee, said the 16 taxcwriters
-appeared to be approaching agree-
ment on a package that vould ex-
tend the sales tax to service firms,
like dry cleaners, bringing in 30
million dollars a year, and in-
crease the beer tax by at least
seven million dollars.
Money for Police
Geerlings also voiced encour-
agement for a plan to divert 8%
million dollars in state highway
monies to the state police force.
He and Sen. Carlton H Moris
(R-Kalamazoo) yesterday jointly
introduced a bill authorizing the
The committee earlier discussed
a proposal by Rep. Willard I. Bow-
erman (R-Lansing) to levy a $5
tax on every moving violation'In
traffic. He estimated it would yield
six million dollars.
Democrats on the committee
conceded Republicans probably
could call the shots on the size of
the new revenue program.
Republicans contend 70 milion
dollars a year is enough; Demo-
crats want 110 millions, the
amount lost by the supreme court
use tax decision.
Won't Sponsor
"We'll"take whichever of these
'cats and dogs' taxes you want,
but we won't sponsor them," Rep,.
T. John Lesinski (D-Detrot) told.
the GOP delegation.
"And if you say we're to get only
70 or 72 million dollars, that's all
we're going to get. But It's better
than nothing which is what we
have right now."
"If you stick with 70 millon,
we're going td be back here early
next year passing new taxes," said
Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-De-
troit), House Democratic floor
Taking another tack, Sen.

University engineers will fire two five-stage rockets 1,000 miles
high this month in order to measure electronic density in the ionos-
The rockets will be fired Nov. 10 and 17 from Wallop's Island,
Va., a facility of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration.
A team of engineers headed by Leslie Jones and Nelson Spencer,
of the University Research Institute, developed the rockets from mili-
tary hardware.
Participate in 75 Launchings,
In the 14 years since World War II, University engineers have
participated in over 75 rocket launchings.
The five-stage rocket assembly is designed to carry a 20-pound
payload and reach a maximum speed of 12,000 miles per hour.
The missile consists of an Honest John rocket for the base
booster. Topping this are two Nike intermediate boosters and a
Yardbird rocket.
The payload will be carried by a Scale-Sergeant, the same rocket
used for the final stage of the Explorer satellites. All five have solid
propellant fuel. -
The payload consists of two radio transmitters which will send
signals on two frequencies. Spencer said that by comparing the two
signals, the electron density of the ionosphere can be determined.
Add to Space Knowledge
The determination of the electron density in this region will
contribute new information furthering man's knowledge of the ionos-
The Ballistic Research Laboratory of Aberdeen Proving Grounds
asked the University to prepare the five-stage rocket.
The Laboratory, which is in charge of the experiment, is taking
the responsibility for receiving the signals at the ground and for

Tenor To Sing'
Diverse Bill
Here Tonight
Metropolitan opera tenor Rich-
ard,. Tucker will give the fourth
Choral Union Series concert at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Aud.
Tucker will sing 'Recitative and
Aria" from "Joseph" by Mehul;
"An die Musik" and "Rastlose
Liebe" by Schubert; "Wie bist Du,
meine Konigen" and "Wie fruh
und' Frisch" by Brahms; "Turri-
da's Farewell" from "Cavallerla
R u s t i c a n a" by Mascagni and
"When I Bring You Colour'd
Toys" by Carpenter.
He will complete his program
with "The Abbot of Derry" by
Weaver; "How Do I Love Thee"
by Lippe; "M i d s u m mier" b y
Worth; "Le Manior de Rose-
monde" by Duparc; "Tes Yeux"
by Rabet; "je Crois Entendre En-

- . - . >

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