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November 05, 1959 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-05

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November 5, 1959








and Front Page

Panama Anti-U.S.



Page 3

Eisenhower Announces Plans
For Nine-Nation Goodwill Trip

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower announced
yesterday he is undertaking an
unprecedented 20,000-mile goodwill
mission next month to nine na-
tions on three continents.
The pre-Christmas tour will take
Eisenhower to Europe, Asia and a
corner of Africa.
No president ever has attempted
anything like this 19-day expedi-
epd-tion to the capitals of Italy, Tur-
key, Pakistan, Afganistan, India,
Iran, Greece, France and Morocco.
To Leave Dec. 4
Eisenhower told a news confer-
ence he will be off. Dec. 4. He
expects to fly back to Washington
Dec. 22.
He also did a bit of traveling
around at the news conference,
touching on developments both at
home and abroad. For example:
The President said everyone was
astonished and almost dismayed by
the TV quiz show scandals and
"nobody will be satisfied until this
whole mess is cleaned up."
FTC Investigating
The Federal Trade Commission,
he said, is looking into the possi-
bility there was deceitful adver-
tising and the justice department
will .report before the end of the
year on whether laws were violated
and new laws are needed.
The Communist menace, Eisen-.
hower said, was an obvious topic
to raise in protesting anti-United
States demonstration in Cuba be-
"We know that the Communists
like to fish in troubled waters and
there are certainly troubled waters
Panama 'Puzzling' -
An attack on the United States
embassy in Panama yesterday and
the ripping, down of the stars and
stripes is puzzling, he said, when
his Administration has tried with
considerable success to build better
understanding within Latin Amer-
This was really only an inci-
dent, Eisenhower said, and should
* not be used for breaking up a
relationship which he said -has
worked so well in the past.
But this country hopes, he said,
that every civilized government
will make certain that law and
order are preserved.
Not Committed
Then there was the matter of.
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New
Yoik and the way he is eyeing the
Republican presidential nomina-
tion. Rockefeller spent 70 minutes
with Eisenhower last week.
*eWithout making any commit-
ments, ;the President commented-
"it happens that I like Mr. Rocke-
feller," who served for a time in
his Administration.
For a good portion of the time,
Eisenhower said, they talked about
civil defense, a common interest.
But also on that visit "we talked
politics all across the , board,"
Eisenhower said. He added, though,
that "I could not' possibly remem-
ber any kind of conclusion we

U.S. Arrests
For Cubans
Accused of Murder
During Plane Raids
MIAMI (A) - United States au-
thorities jailed Major Pedro Diaz
Lanz yesterday on Cuban charges
of murder and attempted murder.
"I'm thankful to God . . . I'm
not in Cuba at this time," the for-
mer head of Fidel Castro's revolu-
tionary air force said as he was
The murder charges - to be
documented with formal evidence
within two weeks-apparently arise
from an Oct. 21 incident in which
snall planes dropped anti-Castro
leaflets over Havana.
Say Explosives Dropped
The Cuban government said ex-
plosives also were dropped from
the planes, killing Joaquin Fer-
nandez of Havana and injuring 24
others. Some Havana witnesses
have insisted the death and in-
juries were caused by Cubans at-
tempting to shoot down the planes.
The FBI said Diaz Lanz admitted
piloting One of the planes and
reported the leaflet-dropping flight
originated in Florida. Cuba and
Florida are separated by only 50
miles of water.
Diaz Lanz fled Cuba in June
after resigning as air force chief
and calling Premier Castro a Com-
munist. Castro in turn branded
Diaz Lanz a traitor.
Sets Bond
A federal judge acting on an
extradition warrant in which Diaz
Lanz was called a fugitive from
Cuban justice, set bond at $5,000.
Diaz Lanz' attorney, E. David
Rosen, said his client would not
be able to post the sum. The
Cuban was taken to the Dade
County jail.
The extradiction was asked un-
der a 1904 treaty between Cuba
and the United States. By the
treaty's terms, murder is an ex-
traditable offense.
Diaz Lanz was arrested by United
States deputy marshals this morn-
ing. He has been living here in
seclusion since fleeing his home-
land but has met newsmen fre-
quently at the home of Carlos.
Echegoyan, once intelligence chief
of the Cuban air force.

"The terrifying thing is that
the horrible is not occasional
but institutional," Prof. Gerhard
Weinberg of the history depart-
ment commented, on German so-
ciety during the Nazi era.
Prof. Weinberg, having chosen
Russian-German relations, 1939-
1941, as his dissertation topic, re-
ceived his Ph.D. from the Uni-
versity of Chicago in 1951. He then
went to Alexandria, Virginia,
where under the government-
sponsored War Documentation
Project, research was conducted
on the immense number of docu-
ments taken from the files of
German military, party and pri-
vate agencies.
Although most of the resulting
studies are classified and are not
available to the public, Weinberg's
"Guide to Captured German Doc-
uments" has been published.
Explains Documents
Prof. Weinberg went on to ex-
plain that "even the evidence of
the most sordid aspects of the
Third Reich" was not "unrepre-
sentative . . . the fuller the rec-
ord, 'the deeper the darkness" . . .
He went on to give examples:
"The 'welfare' organizations get
involved in murder through the
so-called mercy killing of people
entrusted to their care, and the
'cultural' organizations take their
members and guests on tours of
concentration camps."
Mapai Party
Leads Israel.
Voting Returns
TEL AVIV, Israel (A")--Premier
David Ben-Gurion's Mapai (la-
bor) Socialists strengthened their
position as Israel's number one
political party in election returns
They expect to control 47 seats
in the new parliament, against 40
in the old.
Communists, General Zionists,
independent Arabs and the left-
wing Achduth Avodah laborites
lost ground in a 24-party race.
Still short of a majority in the
120-seat, one-house legislature,
Ben-Gurion must enlist allies for
a continuance of coalition rules.


Weinberg Talks on German Society

.-Daily-David Cantrell
GERMAN DOCUMENTS-Prof. Gerhard Weinberg of the history
department said that collections of Nazi papers reveal the terror
and bureaucratic waste of the Hitler regime,

'IKE VOTES - The nation's number one citizen records his vote.
Eisenhower revealed plans at a press conference yesterday to tour
foreign capitals.,He will begin Dec. 4 making the rounds of nine
nations' capitals on three continents. -
Nineteen-Day Goodwill Tour
Heraldedb World Diplomats

The German government, ac-
cording to Prof. Weinberg, was a
maze of "bureaucratic waste and
fuiiy"Anarchy and "internal
struggles for power" reigned
throughout, "The organizational
structure .. was so complex
that the people originally involved
often cannot themselves have
known their position in the hier-
archy," he observed.
Advice on Mushrooms
As the rule-proving exception
to anarchy, he cited the well-de-
fined duties of the "Pilzfachber-
ater:" "to advise the district chief
on all matters pertaining to
"The Germans were w grim lot
and saw no humor in anything,"
said Prof. Weinberg. "All was ac-
cording to order." The corruption
was "fantastic," he remarked.
Huge fortunes were made over-
night, and "business placed profit
above all national considerations."
When the American Historical
Association received funds in 1956.
to microfilm the documents, Dr.
Weinberg was asked' to conduct
the project.
At present, some five million
frames have been produced, and,
it is hoped that in the future 5,000
pages ofn "Guides" will lead the
way through 11 million frames.
Prof. Weinberg observed that the
project provides an "excellent
basis for scholarly study."

Steel Talks
WASHINGTON iP-Steel indus-
try and union negotiators met
face-to-face yesterday but parted
as deadlocked as ever in the 113-
day-old strike.
Federal mediation director
Joseph F. Finnegan, who called
the negotiators together, told
newsmen "the eyes of both sides'
are focused on the Supreme
Court." He recessed the talks in-
The court has under study a
Steelworkers Union appeal from a
distdict judge's order that 500,000
strikers return to the long-idle
steel mills at least for 80 days.
There was no word when the
court may announce its decision.
At issue is the order itself and
the emergency machinery of the
12-year-old Taft-Hartley law un-
der which the injunction was is-
sued two weeks ago. The union has
challenged the constitutionality of
that section of the law. While the.
Supreme Court considers the case,
the back-to-work order remains

Note Claims
United States
Demonstrators Also
Set Fire to Car
PANAMA P-) - Demonstratora
stoned the offices of the Ameri-
can-owned light and power com-
pany yesterday in Panama's cap-
ital city in the second day of anti-
United States violence.
They also set fire to an automo-
bile parked in front of the offices
on the city's central avenue.
Panama army troops broke up
the demonstration.
Panama's government said
meanwhile in a note the United
States was at least partly to blame
for the current trouble.
Give Counter-Protest
A counter-protest over Tues-
day's rioting was delivered by
Foreign Minister Miguel Moreno
Jr. to United States Ambassador
Julian Harrington.
Moreno said the tearing down
of an American flag at the United
States embassy Tuesday came
after similar acts against a Pan-
amanian flag in the Canal Zone.
He gave no details in his refer-
ence to the Panamanian flag.
Harrington handed Moreno a
note from Washington Tuesday
p rote st i ng destruction of the
United States embassy flag and
American property. More than 80
persons were injured in Tuesday's
incidents during= celebrations of
the 56th anniversary' of- Panama's
'Laments Occurrences'
Moreno's note said Panama "la-
ments Tuesday's occurrences and
ihi no way can accept or approve
the acts of the type that motivat-
ed your protest."
"Nevertheless," the note added,
"I must say that in relations toa
the ocurrences Tuesday at the
Canal Zone boundary, my govern-
ment has information about cer-
tain unjustifiable acts, such as fir-
ing on groups of unarmed Panla-
manigns and throwing tear gas
bombs on various sectors of the
"These have left more than 40
Panamanian citizens wounded by
actions of the armed forces of the
United States."

LONDON R) -, Diplomats of
free nations last night viewed
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
coming journey to India as a bold
stroke on the world political front.
The visit, some said, will dem-
onstrate America's friendship and
support for India's uncommitted
role at a moment of national crisis
in the face of mounting pressures
from Red China.
The 19-day good will tour, the
most extensive such trip by a
United States President in office,
could'have far-reaching effects on
U.S. Launches.
Space Capsule-
From Rocket
cury space capsule was hurled 35,-
000 feet high yesterday by a Little
Joe rocket "- moving America one
step nearer getting a ran into
Within 45 minutes of the firing,
the one-ton caplsule was scooped
from the .Atlantic by the Navy
salvage vessel Preserver about five
miles offshore from the takeoff
point on Wallops Island, Va.
It .was the second such test in
perfecting the escape mechanism
it's hoped will save the Astronauts'
lives if they run into trouble dur-
ing launchings.

relations with the non-Communist
nations in that area, these ob-
servers said.
Anticipate Talks
And the smaller countries in
the Western alliance looked for-
ward to the opportunity of dis-
cussing their problems with the
President on their , own home
Italy's premier Antonio Segni
said the news of the Eisenhower
visit was received with enormous
satisfaction by the Italian govern-
"This meeting is highly import-
ant as it will be held when all ef-
forts are doubled to foster com-
prehension among the various na-
tions of the world," Segni added.
Welcome Ike,
The Greek government an-
nounced it would welcome Eisen-
hower with great pleasure.
The independent Athens news-
paper Ethnos said: "It is useful
and correct for the U.S. President
as leader of the free world to conme
into direct contact with the gov-
ernments of smaller allies, and
other countries exposed to the
Communist threat, in order to
hear their views ."

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