14 THE MICHIGAN GAILY THURSDAY, NOV Eit,5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5. ,- .., a r,. ...rr .. USNSA Sets, Bi-Regional Conference By MICHAEL BURNS The first U. S. National Student Association cross-regional assem- bly will be held at the University Nov. 13-15. Approximately 150 delegates from the 80 member schools in the Michigan and Ohio-Indiana re- gions will meet together in a series of discussion groups and plenary sessions to discuss mutual prob- lems and plans. Normally, each region holds a conference in the spring and in the fall. This year the two regions decided, for the first time, to hold a joint assembly instead of a fall regional conference. This meeting will definitely be of benefit to the University, John Feldkamp, '61, conference chair- man, said. To Talk to Others . The University will have the opportunity to talk to more schools of its own size such as Notre Dame and Indiana univer- sities. Wayne State University is the 'only other large university in the Michigan region which is a member of USNSA, Michigan State University only having recently joined the association. Registration will begin on Fri- day and at 9 p.m. Saturday the Keynote address will be given by Curt Gans, USNSA national af- fairs vice-president and a former. editor of the North Carolina Daily Tarheel. List Sections Discussion groups will be di- vided into four sections for Satur- day afternoon. These will be: Stu- dent Government, Educational Affairs, International Affairs and Student Body Presidents. An evening banquet will be held in the Michigan Union. Following the closing on Sunday morning, the Michigan region will hold a special meeting to discuss the role of the student in the financial crisis. Plenary sessions are open to all interested persons and will be held in Aud. A, Angell Hall. The cross-regional assembly can make recommendation to the Na- tioial Congress of USNSA and can pass regional resolutions in the plenary sessions. COLOR FILM PROCESSI NG: _______Fast Service Boyce Photo Co. 723 N. University URBAN RENEWAL: Mayor Creal Defends Policy Mayor