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November 03, 1959 - Image 1

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXIX, No.37


Negotiators Fail.
To Settle Strike
Steel Union Appeals Legality
Of Taft-Hartley Court Injunction
WASHINGTON P) -Federal mediators shuttled between steel
industry and union negotiators yesterday.
Bitter words from both sides, however, showed a settlement of
the,111-day-old steel strike is probably a long way off.
Government mediation chief Joseph F. Finnegan met separately
with both sides yesterday morning and arranged more such confer-
ences yesterday afternoon. Finniegan didn't indicate any optimism,
and neither did the leaders of the union and industry teams.
Report Layoffs
The renewed Federal peacemaking effort came as the Labor
Department reported strike-caused layoffs rose to 837,000 as of Oct.
21. The total included 500,000
r,-.,r _ striking mill hands and 337,060

.. . still missing

Castro Names
Missing Ml.M's
Repla cement
HAVANA, Cuba (A) - A new
commander was appointed in
Camaguey Province yesterday to
assume part of the duties of Major
Camilo Cienfuegos, the army chief
missing since Wednesday on a
plane flight.
The new Camaguey military
leader, Major Pedro Garcia Pe-
laez, flew to Camaguey with Prime
Minister Fidel Castro to assume
Castro directed Cienfuegos to
take over in Camaguey Province
after Its commander, Major Hu-
bert Matos, resigned with a blast
at Communist influence in the
Cuban government. Matos was ar-
rested and charged with treason.
Resume Search
The search for Cienfugos and
two companions, who never
reached Havana on a flight from
Camaguey, was resumed by navy,
army, commercial and private
planes. Two United States Air
Force helicopters from Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina, in Cuba
on another mission, joined the
Havana radio stations quoted
Castro as saying that if there were
any United States planes aiding
in the search for Cienfugos, "I
have not seen them."
This brought a , prompt state-
ment from the 'United States em-
bassy saying American Navy
planes had concentrated their
search over intprnational waters
and land areas outside Cuba "as
suggested by the Cuban govern-
Planes Search
The statement said United
States Navy planes had searched
100,000 square miles outside Cuba
Saturday and Sunday.
Havana radio called lies reports
in Miami that Cienfuegos had
been kidnapped by anti-Castro
groups who were offering to ex-
change him for Ernesto de la Fe,
former Press Minister for exiled
President Fulgencio Batista.
De la Fe is serving a 15-year
sentence .for taking part in the
1952 coup that put Batista back in
No Comment
On Rome Visit

workers in firms dependent on
This was an increase of about
57,000 in a week's time, and the
department forecast a further very
sharp rise in layoffs this month.
Meanwhile, Steelworkers union
and government lawyers filed
briefs and got ready to argue be-
fore the Supreme Court today on
the union's appeal from a back-
to-work order issued under the
Taft-Hartley Act.
Questions Constitutionality
As before, the union questioned
the constitutionality of the order,
which would send the steel hands
back to the mills for 80 days. And
as before, the government de-
fended the order as legal and
needed to avert "great economic
The back-to-work order, issued
by Federal District Judge Herbert
Sorg in Pittsburgh and upheld ,by
a Philadelphia appeals court last
week, is suspended while the
Supreme Court considers the case.
Union and management talks
moved here yesterday after they
ran aground again in Pittsburgh.
Negotiator Comments
R. Conrad Cooper, chief negoti-
ator for the industry, said the
union clearly is interested "only in
perpetuating inflation in America
and wasteful practices in the steel
Union President David J. Mc-
Donald said top industry officials
are "waiting impatiently for a
Taft-Hartley injunction so they
can continue their strike against
the American people."
Cooper, a vice-president of the
giant United States Steel Corp.,'
told newsmen it is apparent the
union is determined to force on the
industry at large the settlement
reached last week between the.
steelworkers and the Kaiser Steel'
Corp., the nation's ninth biggest
Covers Next Year
This settlement, covering the?
next 20 months, provides what the,
union estimated as 221/ cents an
hour more for the workers in ;
fringe and wage benefits. Before
the strike began on July 15, steel
hands averaged $3.11 an hour.
Last week, spokesmen for big;
steel producers said the Kaiser,
package would be bigger when
applied to their operations, and
they rejected it as too expensive.
McDonald said it wouldn't takea
long to reach a Kaiser-type settle-1
ment "if some of the great bankersc
would give the signal."s
At the Supreme Court, the Steel
Union filed a 97-page brief under-
scoring its contentions that the<
Taft-Hartley law improperly as-
signs to the federal courts powersl
outside the scope of the Consti-i

GOP Asks
For Help
LANSING (A') - Majority Re-
publicans in the Legislature gave
up last night on writing an emer-
gency tax program in Michigan's
cash crisis and asked Democrats
to share responsibility.
The decision represented an
about face from last week's Re-
publican determination to fix the
size of the package and then fill
in tax program details.
Democrats reacted cautiously
but agreed to select members to
serve on a 16-man, bi-partisan tax
writing committee. The special
committee will hold its first meet-
ing at 10 a.m. today.
Leader. Comments
Said Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski
(D-Detroit) Democratic floor lead-
er in the House: "We will not
meet them (the Republicans) for
the purpose of negotiating.
"If the Republicans seek our
advice in council," Kowalski con-
tinued, "we are prepared to give
it. But we will not haggle with
them while the state goes broke."
The developments looked like an
attempt by each party to throw
the hot potato of new taxes into
the lap of the other.
Republican Explains
Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair),
Republican majority leader, had
this explanation of the Republican
change of heart: "We decided
that after all it's a bi-partisan
Beadle continued: "We had
hoped to get something all our
boys could agree on. It turned out
to be too big a job and in the last
analysis we're going to have to
Lave bi-partisan agreement to
pass anything."
Last week an all-Republican in-
ter-House steering committee de-
cided on 70 million dollars as the
size of the tax package required.
Williams Asks
More Money
To Aid Schools
LANSING (A) - There's no
chance of paying out 1959-60
school aid obligations if Republi-
can lawmakers refuse to levy 110
million dollars in new taxes to re-
place the defunct use tax increase,
Gov. G. Mennen Williams said
Williams sent up the new storm
signal as the Legislature returned
for: another try at writing a new
tax program to curea the state's
rankling money troubles.
An 11-man GOP steering com-
mittee, representing the House'
and Senate, met early to go over
prospective taxes that would net
70 million dollars. That was the
figure Republicans in both houses;
agreed, last week was needed to
carry the state for a year.
The Democratic governor said
lawmakers must allocate 110 mil-
lion dollars to balance the 1959-
60 budget, the amount lost when
the state Supreme Court threw
out the use tax boost. The school
aid formula can't be paid if they#
don't, Williams said.
Williams conceded that drastic
cuts in the state payroll and state
services would not result if schools
bore the full brunt of the reduced
revenue program proposed by GOP



tView Issues
Of Election
Plans, Projects
Of SGC Expressed
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
last of two articles in which the
ideas and programs of the Council
candidates has been presented. The
information for this article was
compiled from the platform state-
ments of the candidates.)
Candidates for the eight avail-
able positions on Student Govern-
ment Council have been discussing
a variety of ideas and projects in
their platforms and at open houses
from a rehash of the parking
problem to the institution of a
suggestion box.
The revitalization of the course
evaluation booklet and the Junior
year abroad program are sup-
ported by Jeff Jenks, '61, in his
platform. He is also concerned
with parking problems and a more
accurate marking system in the
literary college.
Ron Bassey, '61BAd, wishes to:
see the publication of final exami-
nation schedules before registra-
tion and the reinstatement of the
honor system in the literary col-
lege. He is also in favor of the
return of the course evalua-
tion booklet. Parking regulation
changes and longer library hours
are also a part of his platform.
Favors Human Relations Board
Al Haber, '60, would initiate a
humanrelations board to investi-
gate discrimination in off-campus
housing and a more liberal policy
for granting apartment permis-
sions. To improve SGC-student
body communication he suggests
holding some Council meetings in
the various reidence halls, frater-
nities and sororities and a sug-
gestion box for constituents.
Year-long orientation for fresh-
men rather than the present week-
long program is another plank in
Haber's platform.
Lowering of the driving age for
students from 21 to 19 years is
the concern of Charles Franzblau.
'61. The use of SGC as a sounding
board for student grievances is
also included in his campaign
Presents No Specific Plan
John Garland, '60, presents no
specific project in his platform but
he does urge that the Council not
legislate in areas where it has no
authority but provide a line to
represent student opinion on mat-
ters to the administration.
Nanlcy Adams, '60, wishes to im-
prove SGC-student body commun-
ication by the publication of an
article written by a Council mem-
ber which would appear weekly in
The Daily and by having each
member of the Council speak to
at least one housing unit a month.
She urges expansion of the
Forum program and of Health
Service facilities. Reconsideration
See COUNCIL, Page 2

EARLY VOTES--Poll booths will be located at the Union, UGLI, Diag, Engineering Arch, Business
Administration Building and Couzens Hall for Student Government Council elections taking place
today and tomorrow. Election workers predict a student vote of 4,200. Eight positions open on the
Council will be filled from the field of twelve candidates.
Van Doren onesses Loses Job'


Van Doren confessed yesterday
that he was deeply involved in
rigging the defunct "Twenty-One"
quiz show.
In a matter of hours, Columbia
University accepted Van Doren's
resignation as an assistant profes-
sor of English, effective immedi-
Van Doren also faces possible
perjury charges in court, for ad-
Israel To Vote,
On Parliament
TEL AVIV, Israel ) -- Israeli
voters in today's parliamentary
elections are expected to give Pre-
mier David Ben-Gurion a man-
date to head the government for
another four years.
Ben-Gurion's Mapai Labor Par-
ty is expected to win the largest
number of seats in the 120-mem-
ber Knesset (Parliament). But as
in the three previous elections his
forces will probably have less than
a majority in the legislative body.
Ben-Gurion will probably be
called on by President Izhak Ben-
Zvi to form another coalition gov-
Chief opponents of the Socialis-
tic Mapai is the right-wing Herut
(freedom) Party under its leader
Menachem Breigin.
At most, Herut is not expected
to gain more than four or five
seats more than the 15 it had in
the last Knesset. Mapai had 40.


mitted misstatements to a New
York Grand Jury investigating the
rigging and perhaps an end to his
$50,040-a-year television career.
For three years Van Doren had
concealed that the $129,000 he
won on "Twenty-One" were dis-
honest dollars.
Producer Coached
The man who coached him, he
told a House Commerce Subcom-
mittee, was Albert Freedman, the
producer of the show. Freedman
already is under indictment on
charges of lying when he denied
to a grand jury that the program
was fixed.
In New York, the National
Broadcasting Company, said it
was withholding comment on Van
Doren's testimony for the present.
Freedman could not be located for
his reaction.
Van Doren's 90-minute session
on the witness stand of a House
Commerce Subcommittee was as
tense as any of his 14 appear-
ances in the NBC isolation booth
back in late 1956 and early 1957.
Instead of millions of television:
viewers - the House allows no
televising.of hearings - 500 spec-
tators packed elbow to elbow.
Knew Answers
Van Doren ,said he knew ahead
of time what he was going to be
asked. He was coached on the an-
swers' and how to deliver them for
maximum entertainment impact,
he said, and was even given scripts
to memorize in advance.
,"I was involved, deeply involved,
in a deception," he testified.


Various committee members
bored in with questions as to
whether NBC officials had asked
him to tell the truth, or to come
to Washington and testify 'to the
truth, once the rigging charges
against "Twenty-One" came into
the open.
Council Denies
Kappa Delta
Zone Petition
Kappa Delta's petition for re-
zoning of the lot at 1024 Baldwin
for use as an annex was denied by
the City Council last night.
Passage of the ordinance re-
quired nine votes, since a formal
protest to the zoning change had
been filed by Prof. and Mrs. James
C. O'Neill of the romance langu-
ages department, 1025 Baldwin.
The vote was only 6-4 in favor
of rezoning.
Concerned About Zoning
Objections to the rezoning were
based on concern with present
piece-meal zoning in the area, lack
of a comprehensive city zoning
policy in regard to affiliated hous-
ing, and possible change in the'
character of the neighborhood due
to increasing fraternity and soror-
ity usage.
The Council action concurred
with the recommendation of the
City Planning Department for de-
nial of the rezoning petition.
City Administrator Guy Larcom
presented a report on the city's
capital improvement needs which
he termed a ,"preview of the' Plan-
ning Commission's report" in Jan-
Proposes Road Repairs
Larcom proposed widening of
several roads in ::2e Ann Arbor
area (some of them in conjunction
with the county) and construction
of others, including a boulevard
from the University to North Cam-
pus, to be undertaken in coopera-
tion with the University.
Larcom also recommended ex-
pansion of sewer and water facili-
ties and the purchase, of Barton
Pond from the Detroit 'Edison Co.
Recommend Improveme-'
His recommendations for im-
provements to be made out of
general tax revenues included pur-
chase of other Edison Huron River
properties, a new city hall (pos-
sibly within three years), con-
struction and rebuilding of fire
stations, parks and recreation im-
provements, and airport expansion.

Twelve Run
For Eight
Open Seats
Director Predicts
4,200 Student Votes
At Campus Polls
A predicted 4,200 students will
troop to the polls today and, to-
morrow to elect eight Student
Government Council members
from a field of twelve.
Roger Seasonwein, '61, elections
director, said that this total would
represent about 35 to 45 per cent
of undergraduates. Last fall about
6,000 students voted withfourteen
candidates running for five seats..
Only two incumbents, Al Haber,
'60, and Ron Bassey, '60, are run-
ning for re-election. Four Council
members, Richard Ugoretz, '60,
who was appointed last spring for
one term, David Carpenter, '60,
John Quinn, '62, and Ron Gregg,
'60, Council president, decided not
to run for re-election.
Members Resign
Two other Council members,
David IKessel, Grad., and Jo Br-
dee, '60, executive vice-president,
resigned before the elections.
Besides the incumbents, Nancy
Adams, '61, Lynn Bartlett, '6a,
Babs Miller, '60, M. A. Ryder
Shah, Grad., John Garland, '60,
Charles Franzblau, '61, Jeff Jenks,
'61, Charles Kline, '61, Elliott Tep-
per, '62, and Bill Warnock, '61BAd.
are running for election.
Approximately 200 polls workers
have signed up to work at the.
polls which will'be located-at the
Union, Undergraduate Library,
Diag, Engineering Arch, and Busi-
ness Administration Bldg. In ad-
dition, a special booth will be lo-
cated at Couzens.
Polls To Be Open
The poll at the front of the,
Union will be open from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. today, while the one on the
Diag will stay open from 8 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. At the Business Ad-
ministration Bldg. voters will be
able to vote from 8 a.m. to 11:15
a.m. The one at the Engineering
Arch will remain open from 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
The only poll that will open at
night will be the one at the UGLI
which will stay open from 7 to 11
tonight as well as being open dur-
ing the day from 1 to 5 p.m. The
hours, with the exclusion of the
evening hours, will be the same,
Outside of these five booths
that will be manned by SGC polls
workers a booth will be set up at
Couzens Hall this afternoon and
tomorrow morning.
Officers To Attend
This poll will be manned by of-
ficers of Couzens. Seasonwein said
that this booth was opened be-
cause nurses were unable in past
elections to get to the main cam-
pus in order to vote. This poll will
be open to all those on the Hill.
In case of rain, alternate loca-
tions have been provided for the
voting booths. Thes one at the Vn-
ion will be moved around the cor-
ner and placed under the over-
hang outside of the cafeteria.
The booth on the Diag will be
moved into the Fishbowl, and the a
one at the UGLI will move under
the overhang.
To Move to Porch
The one at the Business Ad-
ministration Building will be
moved up on the porch and the
booth under the Engineering Arch
will remain where "it Is.
The elections committee warned
polls workers not to leave their
polls until relieved. If this is done

it will serve as a check to any bal-
lot box stuffing, they said. Besides
this, a committee of five Council
members and elections committee-
men will supervise all the polls
'U' HydePark

Jordan, Phi Mu Take Top Honors in Lantern Night

Last night for the first time in the 23 years of Lantern Night, an
independent house, Jordan Hall, carried off the first place trophy
singing the Negro spiritual, "All Night, All Day."
Phi Mu sorority won second place singing "May Day Carol," an
English folk song, and Alpha Phi sorority won third with three ex-
cerpts from the "Peasant Cantata" by Johann Sebastian Bach."
Alpha Phi also won the posture cup for the second time in a row.
Wear Simple Costumes
The twenty-eight Jordan girls stood on stage at Hill Auditorium
in simple but effective costumes appropriate to the spiritual of white
gloves, black skirts, black ties and white blouses and received the
pitch from one of the singers without the use of a pitch pipe.
Directed by Ellen Gustafson, '61SM, the girls practiced three
weeks before the performance, and they managed to work in several
song practices last weekend in spite of Homecoming festivities.
The singers were selected from sixty members of the Jordon
glee club with personal tryouts, and about eight of them were also
in last year's Lantern Night when Jordan placed second, Miss Gustaf-

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