THE MICHIGAN DAILY ck on Black Denotes Fashions Bearded, Bored, Beatnik Set Some Coeds Favor Jeans; Others Like Collegiate Look Men's Topcoats Getting Shortei Herringbone, Camel Stay Popul the clothes question as in areas of stimulating conjec- the beat generation is grop- or the light of truth. e look for beatniksthis sea- the epitone of the search; is interpreted solely as a [on of line and the outfit is -s color-cued to negativism: on black. ce beatness entails motiva- ,empered by withdrawal, cre- y without articulation, the casual the better where dress ncerned - somebody might you cared. e slick black look in separates underlined by matching leo- for cold weather (soiled 'al legs will do when it's , or inside). :essories stress simplicity -- heer, stark drama of a green ag with that lived-in look, to the costume look. The ori- ginal Harvard Coop label has now been duplicated by local ready-to- wear houses, putting this little touch within range of any bank- book (an artifact that few beats seem to lack). Working from these wardrobe hints, any budding existentialist can pattern a new (if not indi- vidual) personality.-If she's lucky enough to resemble the ideal - gaunt, black-tressed, with that hunted look in her eyes - her in-' tellectual blossoming may . occur quite rapidly indeed. Practicality, while not imme- diately evident, plays a subtle role in dictating style for the discrim- inating beatnik (if the adjective and verb aren't mutually incom- patible). Appropriate dress for classes can be adapted for party wear by the simple addition of a guitar (p r e f e r a b ly not steel-string) around the neck. In fact, canny coeds don't even change out of this all-purpose en- semble at night. A representative, campus beat notes that commer- cial all-black sleepwear too often bears the stigma of blatant capit- alism. Summarizing the fashion pic- ture- for the beatnik, the watch- word in graphic terms is this: to thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day thou canst not. And where else but in Ann Ar- bor are umbrellas better justified?. But the somber black of the um- brella seems to reflect the stu- dent's attempt toward dignity. For the black umbrella goes not only to Hill Auditorium, but to the library, class, and football game as well. Nine out of every ten male col- lege students dress well, and the tenth needn't be identified. Certainly University coeds do not expect camel's hair overcoats, dress suits, white button-down shirts; ivy ties, and muted-tone crewneck sweaters clothing every man on -campus. But a well-co- ordinated outfit would not drive the coeds away-especially when contrasted with black turtle-neck sweaters and bluejeans. What is the beatnik movement? One coed described it as no more than an excuse to dress sloppily but give an aura of disciplined mental 'faculties at the same time. Another.cited the unshaven look as a mark of laziness, excusable because'a beard marks the wearer as being intelligent. As for dungarees and their place on campus, University coeds in- terviewed rebelled. "Blue Jeans? They're good for geology field trips, canoeing, and the Arb. "But on campus?" one coed shuddered. "Never, never, never." If so many articles of clothing appear unacceptable to University, women, what would they like to see the men model? "I like a clean-colored, button- down shirt under a dark, well- made sweater," a coed replied. "Khakis or wool pants are fine." "I'm not particular," another answered. "A muted green crew- neck, a tie with the same colored stripe, a soft brown suit-that'll do." Another hung her philosophy book on a branch, climbed down from a tree and said, "Like men swing. Clothes? Hair'll do." The discriminate male will take his topcoat out to be shortened one and a half inches this year. In fact, in less conservative areas, it willrise to knee length. The trend swings away from the sporty, football-weekend topcoats to a much more conservative and classic line. Herringbone, the prevailing pat- tern, makes a strong appearance along with the set-in sleeve. The combination gives a trim, tailored line which coordinates well with the natural line in clothing. Making a comeback in the top- coat class is the double-breasted camel's hair polo 'coat. The raglan sleeve is popular too, offeting more freedom of movement than the set-in variety. Its appearance is marked by a fuller cut and less tailored look in thee body of the coat. Here, a very conservative "Bar- ley-corn" pattern features a nubby wool weave. Those who can afford individu- al ity will replace the outdated sporty overcoat with new and im- ported spoi't coat. Outstanding examples feature unusual woolens, Bavarian ant. Italian fabrics, and appear often in checks, large her- ringbones or similar patterns. Some have fur collars, some color- ful linings. For campus wear the loden cloth coat is king. Its attributes are warmth, flexibility, excellent style and element - repellence. Other casual styles include the poplin coats, less expensive, which have the same outer shell as a trench- coat but are reinforced with hoods and orlon pile linings. The British styled short poplin jackets are as popular this year as last: they are identified by a but- toned collar and knitted cuffs and waist, and, this year, appear in a variety of mutations. The newest adaptation of the jacket features a cape shoulder with a seam running across the sleeve. It is a season of good taste this year in campus clothes that are casual yet sophisticated. Male Waists Growing Thin LET'S DEFINE our TERMS .0 SENSIBLE'PRICES: One look at J. B. Towne price tags is the best definition of "sensible prices" we can think of. We could call them "Discount," "Cut-rote/' or "Sale Priced," but we're just not that type of shop-much too tweedy, you know! QUALITY MERCHANDISE: What good are sensible prices if you haven't got high style, high quality merchandise? We carry a complete line of authentic easternand traditionally Michigan furnishings, sportswear, and interesting accessories. LATEST STYLES: This sort of speaks for itself! Like it says in the ads, "Since 1959" ... so everything is brand new. No left-overs from last season can be found at J. B. Towne. Come to think of it, if business continues at this rate, we may run out of stock! INTIMATE LITTLE SHO: That's what everyone is calling J. B. Towne. In truth, if more than six people are in the store at any one time, we're violating the fire laws! It makes for Togetherness, though. Rememberthat old saying, "Nice things come in small packages." SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS: Referring to money, of course! You'll find that you can buy so much more, yet spend less at J. B. Towne. A welcome relief to every allowance! Now that we've set it down in black and white, isn't it time you stopped in at J. B. Towne to see for yourself?t I " The American male is growing bigger and smaller at. the same time, according to' anthropologists, clothiers, and manufacturers. - For while some of his measure- ments are getting broader, 'other parts of him are decreasing. A United States Army survey compared studies made of the measurements of thousands of soldiers after World Wars I and II. It was found that in thirty years the American fighting man had grown three-quarters of an inch taller, weighed ten more pounds and had a one and one- half-inch larger chest. His waist, however, had slimmed some .03 of an inch. It is further reported that while stature is increasing and shoulders are widening, the region around land below the waist is getting relatively smaller. The recent decline of the male waistline has been attributed to diet-conscious wives and the Pres- x -ident's heart attack in 1955, which has made businessmen aware that fat is dangerous. The changing male measure- ments have led many clothes man- ufacturers to change the propor- tions in the clothes they make. Although many manufactureres - make a size 37 suit with a 37-inch chest and a 3i-inch waist, others nowhmake the waist 30.h inch since it's easier to take it in than to let it out. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily' US s ' Phone SWISS. We'll You fill it. We'll store pressed and held 'tilI moderate cleaning cha 210 SOUTH 5th AVE. Calling for BOX,. STORAGE deliver o box for $1.50. it. Contents will be cleaned, Fall for $3.50 storage plus arge. NO 3-4191 * refer to McCalls Towne Topics Shown: Striped Shaggy Crewneck . . Umbrella . . Corduroy Slacks Adler Sweat Sox . . ..$10.75 . . . $3.25 . . . . $4.55 . . . . " r " f " r " 5 * 0"*" .75 Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 .". "1.25 . .. . $3.75 Dress Shirts. .. I. .owtw~n