THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY NOVEMBE R1, council Candidates lesignations Raise Number 'of Openings; 'welve Students Try for Eight Positions A record low of 12 candidates e trying for eight Council seats the Student Government Coun- t election to be held Tuesday id Wednesday. The abnormally high number of cancies on the Council was ,used by the resignations of Jo ardee, '60, executive vice-presi- nt, and David Kessel, Grad. This hen combined with the expired e semester term of Richard Ugo- tz, '60, upped the number of ats, open from the usual five for, 11 elections. Last fall, a total of fourteen ,ndidates campaigned for five ats. Close to 6,000 students voted that election. This year Roger asonwein, '61, elections director, edicts that about 5,000 students Discuss Candidates For Office Questioned In order to compare the various candidates who are running for office, all were asked to answer the following questions: 1) In casting your vote on SGC, which will be of primary concern to you; the aims of a particular group you represent, or the aims of the University, or your own personal aims? 2) What is the most iiportant point you are making in your cam- paign? 3) What impact should SGC have on University policy and planning? These two pages of The Daily were purchased by SGC in order that their answers, or any com- ments they wished to make, would !"iuiiii have a good chance of reaching students on campus. The questions were chosen by SGC from a list of six that were i compiled from the suggestions of POLLING Daily staff members. Though the majority of the the Diag, candidates chose to answer the The booth questions, others felt that it would 4:30 p.m. better serve their purpose by is- a.m. to 3:( suing a general policy statement. on the Dia Major Issues il go to the polls. This he ex- ained is about 40 or 50 per cent all undergraduates. 200 Polls Workets A total of close to 200 polls )rkers have signed up to work the five balloting stations that e located at the Engineering 'ch, the Undergraduate Library, e Diag, Business Administration illding, and in front of the' pion. Most polls will be open. om 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on aesday and from 8:00 a.m. to 30 p.m. on Wednesday. The poll the UGLI will be open from p.m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday. In this election, Seasonwein said e candidates' pictures and cam- ign statements will be available all polls. A group _of five, in- iding me~abers of the Council, 11 serve as supervisors for the rious polls during the two days elections 'he only incumbents running r reelection are Al Haber, '60, d Ron Bassey, '60. The other uncil members whose seats were for reelection decided not to' n. This group of members in- ded Ron Gregg, '60, the presi- at of SqC. Reduce:Booths The number of polling booths; s been reduced in the last few ct'iops so that all booths could fully manned, and also so 'there uld be less chance of illegal )cedure. It is felt that with the e booths, all of the undergradu- I EMPTY SEATS-Eight Council positions are open in the election to be held on Tuesday and Wednes- day. Besides the five normal vacancies caused by the expiration of terms, three more were caused by the resignation of Jo Hardee, '60, and David Kessel, Grad., and the ending of an appointed one semester term. Only a total of 12 students returned petitions and will have their names placed on the ballot. This is the lowest ratio between candidates and open Council seats since SGC began. BOOTHS-For this election the voting locations will be at the Undergraduate Library, the Engineering Arch, in front of the Business Administration Bldg., and at the Union. at the UGLI will be open'from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday and from 3:00 p.m. to on both Tuesday and Wednesday. The one at the Engineering Arch will be open from 8:00 .00 p.m. both days. The union booth will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., as will the one ag. The one at the Business Administration Bldg. will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. -4. > - Po-tential Council Members 4 Give Views on ates and many of the graduates will be able to vote without having to 'be inconvenienced. There is one less booth this semester. In place of the one' located at the Natural Science Mu- seum and on the Slab, a booth will be set up in front of the Union. The elections committee felt that this arrangement would make more economic use of the polls workers. Council Aids U' Students With Service This semester Student Govern- ment Council has completed, started or worked on many pro- grams of value. One of theprograms- received with good response was the Read- ing and Discussion Program. Under the program, students' signed up in the. spring for one Dr more major topic of discussion,. The topics included "An Analysis of the Image," "An Analysis of1 Culture," "Social Security and Its Relationship to a Free Economy,"1 'Journalism: Its Social Relation- ship," "The Individual Within aI Mass Society," "A Discussion ofI Dr. Zhivago," and "Darwin's In- fluence on Culture." Mailed Lists During the summer the students who had signed up for the pro- ,ram were mailed reading lists for- he topics they had signed up for. n each case there was one pri- nary book to be read by all those who were interested in the pro- ;'am and also additional books to e read if time permitted., At the beginning* of the fallk >emester, seminars were set upc n each of the areas between the tudents who had read the bookst luring the. summer and an inter-t sted faculty member. The first neeting in each area was plannedc ,nd run by SGC, but the followinge nes are merely being administra-a ed by SGC with the actual plan-s ing being left to the student andr hie faculty member.p Other programs are being plan-t .ed for the rest of the'school thata i'll have shorter reading lists dueh o the tpressure of academic work. Sell Bikesp In another program that wast ompleted this semester, SGC helds i first bike auction. Under thew ,uction, students brought in theirr km. in t+P nrin ' a . na raa v~ Nancy Adams SGC, chairman of the Student Activities Committee; J-Hop, chairman of the display com- mittee; Asian book drive chair- man; transfer student from Albion College. 1)As a member of-Student Gov- ernment Council elected through an all-campus election, I would vote -according to the aims and opinions of the campus commun- ity. This is a responsibility of every elected SGC. member. The present Student Govern- ment is relatively new-only four years old. It takes time and ex- perience to make an organization with such broad responsibilities effective. Improvements have been made, but there is still much to be done. My main criticism of SGC is that there is very little communi- cation between the Council and the student body. This results in several misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding SGC; as+ where the bikes came from for the Student Bicycle Auction. I would propose two remedies for this situ ation. a) Each council member shoul speak, on his own initiative, toa housing group at least once a month. This would give his con- stituents an opportunity to meet the Council member, learn what the Council is doing, and to ex- press their views and opinions. b) An article in The Daily, ap- pearing every one to two weeks written by a Council member, ex- plainingdwhat the Council is doing or considering. 2) There are several program and areas in which I believe that Council should take action: a) Concern with-the application of the students' classroom educa- tion, especially at the introductory Slevel. The. forum program needs expanding and departments should be encouraged to hold more in- formal seminars. b) Reconsideration of the drink- ing regulation with the intention of changing the word "prohibited" back, to "not desirable" as it was before -1947. c) Expansion of student parking facilities. d) Delegation of the functions of calenda-ing and approving events to a Student Activities Board. However any organization which disputed the decision of the board could appeal the decision to the council. e) Implementation of the Junior Year Abroad program. 3) Student Government Council is the representative body for all students. As such it is their re- sponsibility torepresent the stu- dents and their opinions to the administration, the faculty, the city of Ann Arbor, and to the state of Michigan. Neither the students nor the council has the experience nor the facilities that the above groups have, but these groups are primarily concerned with the stu- dents' welfare. Therefore in pre- senting student views Student Government can perform an ex- tremely valuable function in Uni- versity policy and planning. - o retary WCN noprsn d 1 ; r W t s 3 " , ite 95;.ICcara A ,dzsS t' .JeffJenks ' Michigan House Council, sec- retary; WCBN; Union, person- nel director; Michigras, co- chairman of the bands com- mittee 1958; Homcoming, co- chairman of tickets committee, 1958; Spring Weekend, co- chairman of the tickets com- mittee, 1959; JIFC, chairman of the fraternity relations com- mittee; 1959 Michigan-Michi. gan State pep rally chairman; Wolverine Club, co-chairman of pep rallies. I feel if the Student Govern- ment Council is to remain on this campus, respected by you, the stu- dent body, it must show respon- sibility and maturity. Its purpose must be to promote a healthy co- operation between all segments of the academic community. It should support those programs and initiate those policies which will stimulate the student envir- onment. It must recognize and ex- press student opinion based upon careful consideration of all sides involved. I will represent as best I can student opinion. I will carefully try to listen to all sides of an is- sue and judge what is best. I am an open-minded person, I have al- ways been open-minded, and I will be glad to represent any interest- ed person or groups and allow them to present their viewpoints. I feel that SGC should concern itself with, and I will support: 1) A junior year abroad pro- gram: 2) Issuance of a course evalua- tion booklet; 3) Supporting a more accurate marking system in the literary college.. 4) Working with the adminis- tration and faculty to find out and solve some of the problems that confront us; 5) Working with the city of Ann Arbor and the Chamber of Com- merce to revise and bring up to date the bicycle and parking regu- lations of the Police Department. 6) A broad program of public relations for Michigan. To maintain student govern- ment we must have all of your support. It will be my objective to generate th eenthusiasm neces- Babs Miller SGC, education committee; ordientation leader; Fortnight, chairman; Gilbert and Sullivan; Folklore Society; Generation; transfer student from Cedar Crest. Education is a maturing proces s through which a schoolboy be comes a student becomes a think ing individual. Student Govern ment should act as a liasion grouj to represent the views of an in telligent and informed studen body to the faculty and adminis- tration. These views must be well-formulated and presented i a fashion to command the respec that thre students of a school o our calibe deserve. 1) It seems that any intelligent well-thought out answer to th question would have to include al three of the choices mentioned Naturally I would be concerne with the aims of the group ] represent-the student body of the University of Michigan. I do not favor segmentalism on campus. I seems that every council member should consider the welfare of th student body as a whole when he votes. When the problem in ques- tion intimately concerns the wel- fare of certain groups on campu without distinctly involving other elements, the welfare of the parties most directly concerned should be considered. A special committee composed of the relevant opposing parties should be set up under the auspices of the Student Govern- ment to work in conjunction with the student government on the particular problem area. the aims of the University as it affects the students and as the students affect the University should be carefully weighed. However, what I consider the most important aspect of a council member is an intelligent, fair, and objective attitude when casting his vote and considering the issues at hand. 2) There are so many areas which SGC encompasses, it is diffi- cult to present a solitary panacea for its legislative ills. However, I would like to propose a few basic suggestions.. As students, our primary con- cern should be with education in the areas of orientation, course evaluation, reading and discussion, outside lecturers, cultural aware- ness, and the Junior Year Abroad program. Orientation- more pointers on how to study; habits such as note- taking, reading improvement, and writing exams should be included in the orientation program. Also some emphasis should be placed on the multitudinous cultural op- portunities on campus. Reading and discussion Program -would like to continue and ex- pand to include more programs with reduced reading through the winter and more fdculty sym- posiums which require no read- ing, like the recent one on "The Place of God in Culture." Outside lectures- develop pro- gram to bring more outside speak- r and fims sne,,a -h r,,Ane groups on campus to correct the situation. Announcements of the various cultural events on campus should be included in the SGC newsletter sent to all of the living groups. The two main points of this program are more adequately publicity and introduction through the orientation program. Honors evaluation-the honors program at the University offers an unusual educational opportuni- ty to certain students of the University community. This pro- gram is presently being evaluated. I would like to see some of the advantages of the honors program (eg, seminars, more freedom in course planning, opportunities for independent initiative) made available to a wider group of stu- dents. Other important areas of inves- tigation: .Off-campus housing-The for- eign students are an extremely important part of our University. It is important that, as guests, they be treated with the courtesy they deserve. Discrimination in housing and in other areas should be strongly investigated and acted upon. Also investigation of living conditions. -Drinking-Is it fair to prohibit drinking in fraternities where all of the members are over twenty- one? Driving regulations-If the pur- pose of the "E" sticker is to help alleviate the parking situation, why should four people sharing the same car be required to buy four stickers? (This would result in a total cost of $28.00 rather than the original $7.00.) The pos- sibility of buying one sticker for each car should be investigated. We park cars . . . not people. 3) I do not believe in a puppet student government anymore than in a puppet regime. If we are sup- posed to be-a student government our voices should be heard. There- fore, an informed SGC deserves to have an influence, on University; planning and policy. In many in- stances no one knows better than objective students what is best for students. However, respect and 'authority must be earned. To1 'prove the right of self-governmenta should be one of our major tasks. The Council Clarification Plan, Rule Booklet Revisions, and the new Referral Procedures are im- pottant steps in this direction. Charles Franzblau Gargoyle; transfer student from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As your representative in the Student Government Council, I will represent what I feel are the aims of the entire student body of the University. I believe that the Student Gov- ernment Council, while mainly legislative in function, should be a sounding board for student problems - problems such as edu- cational facilities, student parking permits, or dormitory late-break- fast proposals. If a problem arises and remains unsolved despite, Michigan University's present driving age is clearly inconsistent with the policy of most American colleges and Universities. A mini- mum age of 18, or one commen- surate with state law is univer- sity policy in most colleges in the East (for example, Harvard, Yale, NYU, RPI, MIT, and Penn State), in the West (California, Stanford, UCLA, Oregon State, Washing- ton), and in the Midwest (Chi- cago, Northwestern, Illinois, Ohio State, Western Reserve; Iowa). The percentage of colleges allow- ing student driving varies region- ally from 70 per cent to 88 per cent. Students, through Univer- sity corporation taxes certainly support the government equally with any population group, and in addition, represent an inpouring of money for Ann Arbor mer- chants and retailers. Thus, they should receive the benefits of our laws as well as meeting the re- sponsibilities - at least to the same extent as Ann Arbor High School students and Detroit sales crews. A lowered driving age will be of advantage to: 1) Independent students just within the two-mile limit; 2) Independent and fraternity students dependent upon car- pools and rides; 3) Michiganders who cannot go home every weekend (e.g., Sagi- naw, Bay City) because of prohib- itive costs and inconvenient trans- portation; 4) All University students who cannot properly receive visiting parents; 5) Undergrad international stu- dents, familiar with many Amer- ican campuses, to whom such a rule must seem unnecessarily re- strictive; ' 6) Sponsors of University aca demic and social activities whose audiences diminish in cold weath- er because of transportation in- conveniences. 7) All University students who cannot fully participate in aca- demic and social activities. I promise to see that this pro- posal will be responsibly placed before the Student Government Council for petition to the Board of Regents and, within my ability and the scope of my student gov- ernment experience, to see that its merits are fully presented. & Chuck Kline Delta Kappa Epsilon, secre- tary,, athletic chairman, .his- torian. The University of Michigan is extremely fortunate in having the degree of self government afforded by the Student Government Coun- cil, but the apathy apparent on the part of a large percentage of the student body partially negates the great values in this system. A governing body such as the Coun- cil presents an opportunity for the expression of the various interests and desires of the whole Univer- sity, but thus far the Council has not realized this goal. SGC should provide a further opportunity for the carrying out of the educational aims of the University, particularly in respect to developing informed and responsible citizenship on the part of the students. It is unfor- tunate that a large number of students don't even seem to know what the Council is or what its responsibilities are. rr-o , _; F u- b_ .- - . properly channeled petitions, stu- dents should present their peti- tions to SGC. University students would know that any petition they. submitted, if responsible and well- supported, would be welcomed by SGC. Thus, in areas not directly under SGC jurisdiction, the Stu- dent Government Council would file its own petition to the Re- gents, or to the proper authority, for a specific improvement. As a member of SGC, I will pro- pose that the Student Govern- ment Council petition the Board of Regents for lowering of the student driving age from 21 to 19. student driving age from 21 to 19. Imerits are fully presented. Lynn Bartlett only be made after careful con- sideration of the merits of both sides an dthe resultant effect it will have on the student body. As an affiliate living in a residence hall I feel, that I will be able to get an accurate appraisal of two major segments of campus opin- ion. 2) The Student Government Council plan makes it potentially one of the most effective and pow- erful student government organi- zations in the country. A major part of the campus community has not taken advantage of this oppor- tunity for student representation and policy making. An individual is often concerned only with cir- cumstances that will directly affect hi Td, _ .:_hrtia m nr _ a nn_ +{ gible projects, but I am strongly in favor of a greater concentration in this field. Not only could the students derive greater benefits for themselves, but also, in turn, would have a greater understanding of and support for Student Govern- ment Council. 3) Ideally the Student Govern- ment Council is a group of selec- tive students representing their various interests. SOC is a student organ, thinking as students and acting for students. It is one of three areas of the campus com- munity, the administration and the faculty being the others. I feel that only with good communi- cation between these groups can the interests of each be best served. Communication can take 4 With these ends in mind for SGC, the responsible Council mem- ber must consider all decisions in the light of three factors: First the interests of the University and the student body as a whole, sec- n A fh f-ttni - - -_ -4 - -,.' I