Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ben Opinions Are F UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Women WHY DO THEY COME? and Higher Educ. / F Women's Reasons Vary For Attending College AY, NOVEMBER 1, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH McELDOWNEY SGC CANDIDATES THE FIELD of 12 candidates for Tuesday's and Wednesday's Student Government .Council election does not seem to include eight qu lified to sit on the Council. Nonetheles, eight will be elected, and it's up to the voters ~to make the best ofr it. * * NANCY ADAMS is a senior in the literary college. A transfer from Albion' College, she Is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Since Aprilshe has put in considerable time on SGC's administrative wing. As chairman of the Student Activities Committee, she did a line job with the bicycle auction, and is cur- rently planning a student-opinion poll to guide SGC'3n future projects. Miss Adams has proposed some curious ideas in the course of this campaign: the Board of Student Health, for example. Her notion that traveling nurses should be available -to supple- ment health-service facilities is probably valid, but she should be proposng an investigation of the area of student health, to determine just rhat the inadequacies of the.present setup are. V Miss Adams has perhaps tried too hard to come up with original ideas. But she has shown concern with student problems and a willing- ness to work hard for SGC which would make her a valuable Council member. * *. - LYNN BARTLETT; a pledge of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity,.is only a first-semester fresh- man. His knowledge of the University is rather spotty, but since deciding to;become a candi- date, he his applied himself diligently to fill- ing the gaps in his knowledge by reading SGC minutes and other materials. The ideas ,Bartlett presents are none too thoughtful or original: increased parking fa- cilities, expansion of Student Book Exchange, expansion of Bicycle Auction, promotion of Spring Registration and "Planning of Long- Range programs." But he presents them intel- ligently, and there is reason. to expect him to sharpen up, since he's only a freshman.. * . * RON BASSEY Is an incumbent, one of two' seeking ;e-election. He is a junior, and a mem. ber of Tau Delta Phi fraternity. A year ago Bassey told constituents that as SOC's public-relations chairman he came to the Council meetings every week, was called to the. table and asked to participate in dis- oussion, and should therefore be given a vote. He was elected..6 Since that time, Bassey has told open-houses this year, he has served "conscientiously" though he is the type that "takes an idea and builds on it" rather than developing original ideas.' He is being somewhat unfair to himself, since two of Bassey's original ideas come clear- ly to mind: buying an "SGC car," and stamp- ing all the examsx in the Exam File in the Un- . dergraduate Library "This is a service of your Student Government Council." He gave evidence of his conscientiousness several weeks ago when he became the first SOC member in recent years to pass ten min- ates of neeting time asleep in his chair. More- Dyer, he was out campaigning last Wednesday, Instead of coming to SGC.. Bassey has done some work on the driving problem, but his performance in general 'has been more routine than original, and he has shown little concern about doing more than seming to fill his job adequately. In general, de has given little reason why he should be eturned to the Council. CHARLES FRANZBLAU is a junior transfer rom Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a science school back East." He has been on campus onhly since Septem- er, and admits unfamiliarity with all Tni- ,ersity affairs. Nonetheless, he has proposed "that the Stu- lent Government Council petition the Board >f Regents for lowering of the student driving e from 21 to 19." "Michigan University's (sic) present driving- 4ge is clearly inconsistent with the policy of nost American colleges and Universities," he ontinues, listing 18 institutions of higher edu-1 ation in various parts of the country. He seems not to realize that crowded streets nd parking lots in Ann Arbor prevent a sub- tantial increase in the number of cars per- nitted, and that while investigating what the' Jniversity is doing with the thousands of dol- ars accumulated from driving permits and' ines is a -relevant action for .SGC, petitioning ' hie Regents is not.l Franzblau has taken most of the. space al-Z otted him in SGC's Daily supplement to dis-, iss lowering the driving age. He does not ap- ear to understand that, this is but one small oint in the totalarea of SGC's problems. JOHN GARLAND is a literary-college senior,t member of the Political Issues Club. SGC's only value, he has said, lies in stim-C lating, encouraging and evaluating student pinion on the one hand, and providing "a line ' communication with the Administration"p ni the other. "To date," he continues, "this line of com-f iunication has been blurred by the dual eno- erns of the Council, trying to legislate and ;ate student npnin." seems to have a fair amount of ability, it is hard to imagine what contribution he could make within the context of his idea of the Council's role. * * * AL HABER, the other incumbent seeking re- election, is the only candidate of 'the 12 who has the qualifications to really deserve a place in the student government of a university as fine as this.' He has consistently demonstrated a wide- ranging, imaginative view of SGC's position in the University community, and has backed this up with a great deal of very solid preparatory work for his motions. Last year, his tendency to talk almost entirely in abstractions made his communication with some difficult. He ap- pears to have solved the communication prob- lem this year, and has developed a political sense hitherto lacking. * * * JEFF JENKS is a. junior and a member of Pi Lambda Phi. He has had extensive experi- ence in student activities prior to his candi- dacy, having served as a personnel director of the Union, co-chairman of the Michigras bands committee, co-chairman of the Homecoming tickets committee, co-chairman of the Spring Weekend tickets committee,. chairman of this year's MSU pep rally committee and Wolver- ine Club pep rally co-chairman. Jenks pointed out at Adelia Cheever that there are currently 120 campus events sched- uled per semester, and that SGC should cul down on this number so that worthwhile events will be really successful. He told Chi Omega that there are 120 events per year, or60 per semester, but that this still represented too many. At; Sigma Phi Epsilon he said SGC shouldn't interfere with groups wanting to hold events. Asked twice at Chi Omega what academic areas SC should consider Jenks mentioned only increased communication with the ad- ministration and continuing the Reading and Discussion program. Now that it's successful, Roger Seasonwein's Reading and Discussion Program seems, to 'have been adopted by a number'6f candidates as an "idea" in the aca- demic area. The note of "sincerity" in Jenks' voice hard- ly makes up for his obvious confusion and lack of ipformation. CHARLES KLINE, a junior, i a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. "The most important role of the Council is in the regulation and coordination of the in- terests of the many different student groups and organizations on campus," he said in his platform statement. Throughout the platform Kline stressed giving each segment of the Uni- versity community a fair shake. He has dwelt on this point to the 'extent that one wonders if it might not be a rationalization to cover lack of dynamism. BABS MLLER is a senior; she transferred from Cedar Crest College to the University a year ago. Miss Miller ran for election last spring, con- tributing the phrase "Stu G to. the campus dialect. She has another this time, "S.B." for suggestion box. She thinks SGC should have one. Miss Miller's platform lists a great number of ideas, some of which might be helpful here. These include language-houses (for example, a F;ench House, in' which only French may be spoken on the first floor), a junior year abroad, a program to make students aware of cultural opportunities here, and more outside lectures.7 While none too profound, Miss Miller has done some good work for SGC committees, and would probably make a conscientious Council member.. M. A. HYDER SHAH is a graduate student from Pakistan, president of the International Student Association: If he is elected, he will be1 elected because he is a foreign student. There has always been some sentiment for including the ISA president as an ex-officio Councils member; now, with the sympathy his organi- zation gained from the calendaring disputek with Hillelzapoppin', his election seems likely. Shah is conscientious, though lacking knowl- edge of campus affairs. ELLIOTT TEPPER, a sophomore, began his platform statement as follows: "As brevity en- hances any formal 'document, I will try to make this statement as concise as possible." Three pages later, he had made no specific pro-1 posals of ,any sort.1 Sample Tepper discussions, include: "Off- campus housing - SGC has made a fine start7 in this area. I'd like to see this work con- tinued and expanded." "Rushing -- Another area which is pertinent to the campus. Not only rushing time, but method should be dis- a cussed and debated openly." Speaking in open-houses, Tepper committed himself no more than this, even when asked direct questions. His glibness is no substitute s for well-informed opinions. BILL WARNOCK is a junior in the business, (Continued from Page 1) marriage in their near future plans. Several planned' marriage im- mediately upon graduation and many said it would probably hap- pen after working for a few years or going to graduate school. The surveyors linked this reaction to the woman's internal desire for security . . . and probably rightly so. But what about the minority who don't use college as a hunting ground? What are they to derive from college and what .can they contribute to the sphere of higher education? The women students who want to extract a purely practical edu- cation-such as nursing--strive to gain a skill to be used the rest of their lives, whether married or not. Education students gain essen- tially 'this same type of skill. * * * THE LIBERAL arts student's gains are difficult to define in such concrete terms. A liberal arts edu- cation provides one with a broad knowledge of several fields which, even if not used in future jobs, gives the student an awareness of the world and culture in which he or she lives. The woman student can use this education in a career as a mother or as a 9-to-5 worker. In this day of improving education on elementary and secondary lev- els, she will be raising children whoserknowledge and learning will be far more complex than that which she received at the same level. Consequently, an ability to keep abreast of events around her will help her intelligently raise a fam- ily. Many will scorn and laugh at this idea, but psychologytexts and,. others continually underline the need for mothers to be adequately prepared to answer all their chil- dren's questions. Still, not all liberal arts women. students plan to use their educa- tion in raising a family. Some will probably achieve fame in their field of endeavor-be it creative writing or historian. * * '*. WOMEN ARE fast invading all areas of formerly "men's work." To dio so they must have an equal, if not superior, education to compete with them. These, then, are rea- sons why a minority of women are. in college. The contribution of women to .he college atmosphere, and par- ticularly to the University of Mich- igan, is widespread. In the classroom many women are far better students than the men, contributing a great deal to' class discussions. SPONSORED BY LEAGI AND SOCIALLY, too, the wom- en's contribution has been positive rather than negative. Some call women a distraction, but many will admit that the social situa- tion found in the campus com- munity provides the student with a good idea of social pressures out- side of college. And the sharing of campus positions by both male and female gives each some practical experience in administration which will be used in later life. Perhaps all these reasons ad- vanced by the industrious woman college student as to why she is here are really masks for the goal of a Mrs. degree .. . but who but the woman 'student herself can judge this? Not her female col- leagues and certainly not the male students around her. The tone of - comment has changed ... the woman at college is no longer considered an unwise, rash thing. Today, she is the butt of many jokes and sarcastic com- ments to which she has no really complete and adequate answer.. . unless it lies in what she does after graduation. ,. r A MARRIAGE, JOBS: women Increase Independence By JEAN HARTWIG Daily Staff Writer WOMEN all over the world are becoming more independent. Maithili Raghayan, Grad., a na- tive of India, explained that the status of women in the United States and her country are diffi- cult to compare because they are based on two entirely different standards, While the opportunities avail- able to Indian women may ap- pear fewer than those for men, women are regarded as separate, not inferior to men and enjoy cer- tain privileges that men don't have. "In India we feel that if you let women go out;and work in the services, such as nursing, you deny her the special privilegs of wo- 'men," she said. Adding that this increases men's respect for women, she said that the women themselves enjoy'the position'of "protection and hon- or" accorded them. *' * * SHE CONTINUED that women have equal opportunities with men" to reach high offices in govern- ment and the professions. As ex- amples, she cited Madame V. Pan- dit, who was Indian ambassador to the United States and a well- known early Indian Queen, Lani of Jhansi. Although women have equal op- portunities for jobs and education, most upper middle class women would not consider working in an office as a career. Miss Raghavan explained this feeling is "one of the sad features of Indian so-; ciety-the dignity of labor is not appreciated." "I could never conceive of be- coming a nurse," she said. "It would never be accepted by either my family '.or my society." Because of this "lopsided view of values," upper middle class wo- men become doctors, university in- structors or white collar positions in the government. She noted,' however, that many lower middle class women are entering, the busi- ness fields. * * * ASKED IF INDIAN women con- tinue their careers after mar- riage, she answered "no," ex- plaining that India's principal dif- ficulty today is an abundance of manpower and a shortage of jobs. Usually a male applicant will be chosen before a woman of similar qualifications. '"i'or instance, I applied for a very good job at home. My quali- fications were the best, but the man asked me if I didn't think the man should get the job because he had so many mouths to, feed. Nat-' urally, I thought this was fair," she said. She explained that approximate- ly 90 per cent of Indian marriages are arranged by parents, adding that "it is an absolute oddity to see an Indian girl of 16 or 20 years old who is not married." Young Indian women cannot understand the' American dating system. They feel that arranged marriages protect them from the "embarrassment" of attracting a husband. In contrast to our sys- tem of competition, the Indian,, system assures even the most timid, girl that she will not be left out. MISS RAGHAVAN attributed the success of most Indian mar- riages to the fact that Indian wo- men enter marriage with the idea that it will last. Until two .years ago, when divorce was legalized, marriage was permanent. Even. now divorces are frowned on by society and remarriage is not pos-, sible. She added that Indian women have a spirit of resignation that is not acceptable to American wo- men. As a result of this, many women who experience unhappy marriages suffer in silence to pro- tect the honor of the home. Since Indian women are now taking advantage of their increas- ed opportunities, they are provid- ing more competition for men. E This has led, to the difficult prob- lem of a double set of values pull- ' fng women in opposite directions. "Even though more Indian wo- men are being educated, the val- ues. of our old society still have a strong hold on us," Miss Ragha- van said. "We want to break through, but we just don't think it's right to break with tradition." * * ,,. CARMENZA MEJIA, '63, ,who came to this country from Pereira, Columbia, two and a half years, ago, said that most young wo- men from the upper and middle classes attend either college or specialized business schools in her country. While the older people follow the traditional custom that the woman should remain in the home, she predicted that in 50 years con- ditions will be the same as in the' United States. Asked about marriage customs, " she said that arranged marriages have never been prevalent in Co- lumbia, although the choice of marriage partners was "very re- stricted" in the past. . * * * - 'THE ONLY RESTRICTION now is that girls don't go out on single dates," she explained, noting that the young people go to night clubs in large groups and sometimes dance until 5 a.m. Miss Mejia also noted that Co- .lumbian women never consider leaving their parents' home uh- less they are married. A native of a suburb of Manila in the Philippines, Rosario Santos, Grad., thinks women in her coun- try "could do with a little more in- dependence. We are sort of tied to' our .mothers." Explaining that educational op- portunities are equal for both men and women, ,she continued that people .in her country also be- lieve in the "courtship method" of choosing a marriage partner, al- though the rules are stricter than in the United States. "For example, in our family none of thegirls are allowed to go out alone. They must go either on a group basis or with somebody older or a younger member of the family,'" she said, admitting that this is "sometimes uncomfortable." Economically, politically and so- cially, women are taking their rightful place in the world. DEAN: Discusses Purposes (Continued from Page 1) the "overwhelming majority'" of female graduates. This must prove that one of the four goals is more predominantly in the foreground at one time or another, Dean Bacon attested. She described academic responsibility as "typical" of University women. "Anyway I don't see the birth rate of America slackening." There is a subject "rarely brought up by men which is true throughout America," she con- tinued: the fact that for 50 years, women have consistently shown a higher academic average than men." AS EVIDENCE, Dean Bacon opened her top drawer, reached into a well-organized file, and re- vealed the University's officially published facts: a July, 1959, re- port from the Office of Registra- tion and Records lists a 2.73 as the over-all average for independ- ent women-.58 for independent men. Freshmen women maintained a 2.38, with freshmen men five hun- dredths of a point behind. And in a listing which trended from high- est to lowest overall grade-point averages, married women in apartments topped the sheet with a 2.99 while the word "men" did not even appear until half-way down the list. Women make their mark in the Scampusand world communities too, Dean Bacon asserted. Of course, there has only been one female managing editor of The Daily and never a woman presi- dent of Student Government Council, but "All ladders are emp- ty at the top." * * * "LOOK AT the queens and em- presses across the centuries be- ginning with Cleopatra, who, in- cidentally, .was a more successful administrator than a lover," Dean Bacon said. "You rarely find a mediocre one; they're usually either outstandingly brilliant' or impossible." Whether or not their reigns were the cause of it, Dean Bacon pointed out that the ;three high, spots of British history were reached under Queens Elizabeth I, Anne, and Victoria. Women are "very good" in im- mediate, practical, and local mat- ters, but "not so effective" on a continental, interplanetary scale, she advanced. Whether a coed is affiliated may or m'ay not affect the student's extracurricular life, Dean Bacon affirmed. "Remember, gold is where you find it.' During the ten years she has been with the University, Dean Bacon counted up a total of six affiliated and four independent League presidents. Six were bi- netted, one blonde, one redhead, and one half-and-half, she in- serted. "It's like throwing dice. If you throw enough times, eventually it will come out even." With Women's Week approach- ing and the coed, having the pre- rogative to ask out d'ates for the weekend, would Dean Bacon agree that it is a sound policy for wo- men to be aggressive? She smiled again. "Are women's withdrawal and passivity forms of aggession? In judo, what is aggression and how is it achieved?" F .> ' 4 4 'Women's Week' To, Be Held- By STEPHANIE ROUMELL Daily Staff Writer "WOMEN'S WEEK" extending. from Monday through Fri- day, is an experimental attempt to create an awareness of a problem, rather than a week of special and social events. "The program is new this year," Sue Deo, '61,League chairman of special projects, said recently. "It is being sponsored by the Women's League and thereby, all under- graduate women." "It is not a turn about week where girls ask boys for dates," she continued. "Rather the main objective of Women's Week is to create an awareness and provoke. thought about the problem of the women's place in today's techno- logical and constantly changing society." "It is a chance to look at our- selves and see how we fit into the current pattern. The image of wo- men has always been in the home, but now education and vocation leads her to other areas." THE PROGRAM. planned by the League is one emphasizing the conflicting goals of marriage and career of today's college women. Hyde Park, the event that met with good response last year, will take place on the diag. A discussion and book review of the "Second Sex," liy Simone de Beauvoir, will be held at the League. A ,panel discussion, "A Looking Glass of Conflicting Goals," will also be held at the League. Those participating will be President Harlan Hatcher, Dean of Women Deborah Bacon, Dean of the liter- ary school, Roger Heyns, and As- sistant Dean of Nursing, Mrs. Nor- ma Marshall. And a group discussion, "A World of Women," will be led by Anne O'Neal, '60, chairman of League inter-national committee fore be interesting to hear about their culture pattern for women as contrasted to ours." "We can. better understand our problems when contrasting our culture with others, since certain elements of society that we feel are international in scope, are found by contrast to be unique and lim-. ited." Although the purpose of Wo-' men's Week is primarily to en- courage reflection- on. a problem, many coeds will also repay the men for social courtesies at this time. Various women's housing units have planned parties Fri- day night for their dates. "Naming the week and plan- ning a program merely provides definite time and space to look at a problem more thoroughly," Miss Deo explained. "It is a chance to elow down from the academic surge and think about something we very rarely do." "Frankly, I feel that a similar program could prove valuable to the men." '1 EVALUATION OF PRACTICE: President A ngelli Disc uss es Co-Education ( (Continued from Page 1) IT IS NO LONGER the case, as in a large degree it was twenty years ago, that nearly all of the women in college were preparing themselves for teaching or some form of professional life. A consider- able proportion of them are studying merely for the sake of culture which may enrich and adorn their lives. Whatever may prove to be' their sphere of activity, it seems not improbable that before many years the number of college bred women in this country will equal that of college bred men. Thus far the theory that women ought to have or would desire an intellectual training essentially different from that usually prescribed for men has found but slender support. The elasticity afforded by the modern elective system, introduced into most American colleges and universities seems to furnish a suf-, ficient range for a wide diversity of choice. When left to themselves, It is clear that a good number of women achieve success in the practice of medicine' and a few in surgery. We could point to some ex- cellent illustrations among our graduates. They have in this country generally overcome the opposition of medical societies to their entrance into the profession and often take a creditable part in the proceedings of such bodies. A certain number of women have also succeeded well in the pro- fession of dentistry both in this country and in Germany. SOME WOMEN have beengraduated from the school of pharmacy and have found a congenial and remunerative career as pharmacists, but 'whether, owing to the disinclination of men in the business to employ women, or to the fatigue of the continuous labor in the office, not many remain in the occupation. The number.of women in the law school is always small. Of those wh ',n A'n 4'a on'd ,_yra *n,., _' __r'n m .m _ .' Gin + .- _ , _. 4. , 4 O,' nma