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October 31, 1959 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-31

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LSU Battles Mississippi
For National Prominence

For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786

Louisiana State and Mississippi
meet tonight in a contest that can
easily be called THE top game of
the 1959 college football season.
At stake is the mythical na-
tional football ghampionship, the
Southeastern Conference title and
a Sugar Bowl bid. LSU's Tigers
won the coveted title last year
and this fall they are unbeaten
once again and are rated the
country's top collegeiate eleven.
Ole. Miss' Rebels are also unbeat-.
en this season and are ranked as
the nation's number three team.
High Scoring Squads
The Tigers have scored 103
points against. five opponents
while allowing just two field goals
td be scored against them. The
Rebels record is even more im-
pressive. Against- a similar num-
ber of opponents they have rolled
up 189 points with the opposition
scoring just seven points.
There will be individual stars
galore at the 'crucial fzcntest that
will be played before a turnaway
crowd of 67,500 at 'Baton Rouge.
For the Tigers there will be ev-
erybody's All-American last' fall,
Billy Cannon. To accompany Can-
non's ferocious running, the Loui-
siana squad has All-Southeastern
Conference quarterback .Warren
Flowers Leads Mississippi
However, Ole Miss is not lack-
ing stars. They have the nation's
seventh leading. ground gainer in
hard-running fullback Charlie
Flowers and one of the South's
outstanding passers, Jake Gibbs.
These top-rated offensive stars
may have to take a back seat in
tonight's contest for both teams
have "brick wall" defenses,-LSU
is the nation's number two de-
fensive team and Mississippi holds
down the number three slot.
Also in the South eighth-ranked
Auburrn plays Florida while ninth-
rated Georgia Tech meets Duke.

The top game in the East fea-4
tures the Army and Air Force in
the first contest of what should
become a great traditional series.
A capacity crowd of 72,000 is ex-
pected to fill Yankee Stadium for
the inter-service clash.
Syracuse at Pitt
Also in the East, the nation's
number one offensive and defen-
sive team, Syracuse meets unpre-
dictable Pittsburgh. The Big Or-
ange are rated fifth in the coun-
try. Another unbeaten Eastern
power, seventh-ranked Penn State,
meets West Virginia.
Unbeaten and unscored 'upon
Yale meets Dartmouth in an Ivy
League contest..
In the Southwest, fourth-rated
Texas faces a major test ;against
Southern Methodist and lts great
passing quarterback, Don Meri-

ONE THREE ROOM, one five room,
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... leads LSUin THE game

Oklahoma's Wilkinson
Mentioned for New Posts

By The Associated Press
HOUSTON-Oilman Bud Adams
said yesterday his Houston .entry
in the new American Football
League would be coached by either
Bud Wilkinson of Oklahoma, For-
est Evashevski of Iowa, Sammy
Baugh of Hardin-Simmons or ex-
Baylor coach George Sauer.
Adams named names at a press
conference to which he introduced
the first of his staff, outlined a
million-dollar plan for the 1960
season and labeled his charges-to-
be the Houston Oilers.
The youthful franchise owner
declined to discuss the 'coaching
;candidates except to say that no
decision would be, made until after
the college season.

And at Illinois
CHAMPAIGN - The Athletic
Director of the University of Illi-
nois, seeking a new football coach,
said yesterday he visited Thursday
with "an old friend," Coach Bud
Wilkinson of Oklahoma.
The Illini director, Doug 'Mills,
said he was in Norman, Okla., for
a meeting.
"As long as I was there," said
Mills, "I just visited with an old
friend of mine, Bud-Wilkinson."
Mills declined to say: Whether
the .discussion involved the Illini
grid coaching post being vacated
after this season by the retirement
of Ray Eliot.

SELL ON CAMPUS, unusual personalized
bracelet and cuff link. Excellent for
Xmas, prom, birthday gifts. Highco
mission. No Investment. Send for free
brochure. Terrimar, 707 Cornell Road,
Franklin Square, New York. H44
Secretaries and Stenographers?
Openings for experienced, qualified
secretaries and stenographers in-
terested In seeking a position with
challenge and opportunity for
growth. Excellent salary,. fringe
benefits and good working condi-
tions. Apply in person.
Mr. Lawrence Smiley,
3300 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor
WANTED-Experienced Arthur Murray
teachers, full or part time. NO 2-5539.
1311 S. University. H10

Purdue Falinois in topGame;

Indiana Eyes Wildcat Homecoming

The smoke has cleared from last
week's blasting and five teams still
remain in the running as the Big
Ten enters its sixth week of com-
With Northwestern leading the
pack and Michigan State, Wiscon-
sin, Purdue and Illinois chasing
the Wildcats in the race for the
roses, this week's games could go
a long way toward determining
the eventual champ.
Michigan's Sailing Club will
split up the sexes this weekend, in
order to compete in two separate
This weekend will be somewhat
of a breather since the Wolverines
worked for the domination of last
week's regatta.
The Wolverines, with 95 points,
took command of the two-day
meet by leading Wisconsin, one of
the midwestern sailing powers, by
12 points.
Other competing schools placed
in the following order: Wayne.
State, Michigan State, Northwest-
ern, Notre Dame, and Detroit.
Notre Dame, who is rated as an-
other top sailing team in the mid-
west, was minus one of its skip-
pers and this was probably the
cause, for a poor showing.
Oddly enough, Wisconsin, too,
has a female member on its team,
Ruth Hibbard. Miss Hibbard fol-
lowed right behind Miss Schneid-
er, in "B" division with a 40-point
Both these female skippers have
been providing stiff competition
for their counterpart male oppo-
nents. But today and tomorrow
they will be able to battle their
own sex in the Midwest Women's
Championships at Ohio Wesleyan.
Meanwhile, the male represen-
tatives will gather at Indiana this
weekend. The Wolverines will send
Jim King as their representative
and possibly one other team
VMI 28, George Washington 6
Boston Conege 21, ]Detroit 9
Kentucky 22, Miami 3
Syracuse 136, Cincinnati 127

Purdue is at Illinois, Michigan
State travels 'to Ohio, Northwest-
ern has its homecoming as they
play host to Indiana, and Wiscon-
sin is here to face the Wolverines.
In two non-conference games Iowa
takes on Kansas State and Minne-
sota's forlorn Gophers are hosts
to Vanderbilt.
Top Big Ten'
The top game as far as the.
conference is concerned probably
will be the game at Champaign.
Purdue's hoti and cold Boiler-
makers with bruising Bob Jarus
running at fullback again appear
to have the mateial to beat Illi-
nois, but the Illini seem to have a
knack for winning at home.
The Illini have a tremendous
line and if their sophomore backs
have a good day they could upset
the 11th ranked Boilermakers.
Over at Evanston the unbeaten
Wildcats hope to celebrate their
Homecoming with a victory over
Indaina's Hoosiers. Coach Ara Par-

seghian seems to come -up with a
quarterback for every occasion and
today probably will not be an ex-
ception. Sophomore John Talley
has led the Cats the past two
weeks against Notre Dame and
Michigan and will.sta t again to-
MSU-OSU Rated Even
At Columbus, the game between
Ohio State and Michigan State is
rated a tossup. The Buckeyes have
been a surprising football team
this fall. After being rated a con-
tender by sportswriters before the
season started they have flopped.
The. only game in which they
looked good was their 15-0 upset
of Purdue.
In the two non-conference
games, Iowa, despite the fact that
they have already lost three
games, is rated a 35-point favorite
over Kansas State and Minnesota
is a, single touchdown choice over

phurs, jacket-size 11. Boots size 12..
Phone NO8-8382. B51
TENOR SAX, CONN. Very good condi-
tion. Call NO 5-5802, 6:30-8:00 eve-
nings. B48
STUDENTS-I will give you a 25% dis-
count on a name brand portable type-
writer, backed by Ann Arbor's most
reputable office supply company. For
demonstration, call Ralph Frederick,
3-3839, 5-9 evenings. B44




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