See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
A f Hlgh-58
Clouds, light fog and drizzles
may dampen Homecoming.
_.. .
VOL. LXIX, No.35
Groups Charge
Entertains H
Homecoming Committee Accused
By 'U' Housing Units, Honorary
Two housing units and Sphinx honorary have accused the Home-
coming Central Committee of mismanaging display choices and con-
cession grants.-
However, David Beste, '60E, chairman of the committee, said "we
had a definite policy set up to cover all aspects of the weekend, and}
this policy was followed completely."
Besteadded that the.Central Committee would be glad to talk
directly to any-person or persons interested in the matter.
Wants No Controversy
"We want to avoid a controversy in The Daily similar to the
State 's Needs
Sigma Kappa issue or affiliate
.. .Institute director
White Says
'U' Institute
To Operate
Lack of immediate capital out-
lay funds will not cripple the Uni-
versity Institute of Science and
Technology, Institute Director
Robert White of the engineering
college said yesterday;
In Lansing, the Legislature has
pparently dropped plans for ap
propriations for new construction
tils year, including $500,000 for
the Institute.
Prof. White warned, however,
notwithstantling the state finan-
cial condition, continued delay of
the appropriation would not be
good, as the Institute will soon
need' space.
Using 'U' Facilities.
At the moment, he said, plans
call for using departmental facili-
ties for Institute research when it
Prof. White anticipated little
trouble in getting room since, he
said, researchers who come here
will be definite assets to any de-
He said the departments them-
selves had recommended many of
the prospective appointees.
Prof. White said that at pres-
ent the staff was still in the for-
mative stage, with talks being car-
vied on with many men. He de-
clined to, name any, but stressed
their international standing. ,
Space research will be their
main concern, he said, with re-
searchers coming from all related
fields including mathematics, as-
tronomy, engineering, and even
Logicians, Prof. White ex-
plained, are eminently suited for
work in computer logic and sys-
tem design.
Emphasie Recruiting
At this time, Prof. White said,
the principle activities of the In-
stitute are recruiting and setting
up administration. Research is
not yet being carried on, but is
due to start as soon as possible.
Principle ,activities now, Prof.
White continued, are two semin-
ars, "Trajectory Analysis, Guid-
ance and Control of Space Vehi-
cles," in progress now, and "Space
Astro-physics," set to start Tues-
Two years were spent in plan-
ning for the Institute, for which
the L e g i s la t u r e appropriated
$500,000 for operations this year.
Red Telescope
discrimination policy," Beste said.
"~ Sphinx has' charged -the Home-
coming Central Committee, specif-
ically Beste, with showing favorit-
ism in selection of a group to run
the soft drink concession at the
Homecoming Dance.
The concession is worth ap-
proximately $300, Harold ,Apple-
baum, '61, Sphinx secretary said,
and has been the sole source of
outside annual income.
Expected Concession
Since the soft drink ,concession
had been awarded to Sphinx each
year .since World War II, the
honorary expected to be awarded
the booth again this year.,-Apple-
baum was put in charge of the
"On the 26th of September, I
was contacted by Chuck Judge,
who is Buildings and Grounds
Chairman for Homecoming," Ap-
plebaum said. "Chuck wanted to
know if we were interested in the
Homecoming booth for this year."
Judge told him there were cer-
tain concession reforms that had
to be accepted before the booth
could', be awarded. Applebaum
promised to bring the subject up,
at the Sphinx meeting that eve-
Accepted Unanimously
"That night we voted on the
concession booth question, and it
'was accepted unanlmously, with
the changes," Applebaum reported.
Applebaum relayed the decision to
Judge who told them to keep work-
ing on it, and later said they would
be handling the concession.
Judge asked some specific ques-
tions about the preparations, and
the honorary began to set up com-
mittees to work on the booth.
"Then, on October 16th, I re-
ceived a call from Beste," 4pple-
baum continued. ".I hear you've
been interested in concessions,'"
he quoted Beste, "'I'm sorry
there's been a mixup.'":
See SPHINX, Page 2
SteelShorta ge
Slows Detroit ,
Car Assembly
DETROIT - General Motors
Corp. car production virtually
halted Friday because of the 108-
day steel strike.
GM reported 185,000 hourly-
rated workers idle, with thousands
to be laid off soon.
Ford Motor Co. also announced
yesterday that the steel' strike
would force it to curtail production
in some manufacturing and as-
sembly plants.
Only the Buick, GMC Truck and
Coach, and Chevrolet Divisions
maintained some degree of pro-
duction in the face of rapidly
dwindling steel stocks.
GOP Ready
To Liquiate
Trust ,.Fund
Williams Asks Higher
Sum Than Senators
{ B'y The Associated Press
LANSING - Republican Sena-
tors seemed willing to cash the
$40 million Veteran's Trust Fund
3esterpay, but a new disagree-
ment over Michigan's fiscal needs
boded more trouble in the 10-
month state tax dispute.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams and
Republican lawmakers got off to
a bad start in hurry-up efforts to
write a new tax program for debt-
ridden Michigan.
Senate and House Republicans
set- 70 million dollars as the
amount of emergency taxes need-
ed annually to meet the state's
money needs.
Asks 110 Millions
Gov. Williams called for 110
million dollars, the amount struck
from the revenue structure by a
State Supreme Court decision
throwing out the increased use
(sales) tax.
The Democratic governor as-
sailed the GOP proposal as "sim-
ply preposterous."
Unless Republicans raise the
figure "substantially," the state
won't be able to pay for legisla-
tive appropriations and "drastic
cuts" in state services will follow,
Williams said.
No Cutbacks
Republican tax leaders asserted
their proposal would not necessi-
tate any sizable cutbacks in ap-
propriations or state services.
Seventy millions- in new taxes,;
coupled with a steady growth in
tax collections, another mora-
torium on new construction and
various economies, should carry
the state for a year, they said.
The new plan does not contem-
plate any sizable payment for. re-
tirement of the state debt.
Some House Republicans, con-
sidered the. figure inadequate and
cited '°it as "the absolute mini-
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St.
Clair), Senate majority leader, in-
dicated the Veterans Trust Fund
probably would be released as a
condition of any bipartisan agree-
ment on new taxes. The 50 million
dollars worth of securities in the
fund could be sold for about 40
millions, taking care of the state's
most pressing cash needs. (Rep.
George Sallade, Ann Arbor Repub-
lican, said there, was "no ques-
tion" about cashing theI Trust
Fund once other disagreements
are ironed out.)
Critics Rap
As Useless
Six living units or campus
organizations at Northwestern
University have decided that pre-
paration of Homecoming floats
and decorations is neither worth
their time, efforts, or money.
Consequently, the groups will
not prepare expensive decorations
for this weekend, but will continue
with traditional plans to otherwise
entertain alumni.
The move to de-emphasize floats
and decorations originated in
action by the Theta Chi executive
council, Jim Eckelberger, president
of the fraternity, said.
But a meeting of representatives
from both men's and women's or-
ganizations at the Theta Chi house
to consider discussion of the move
was cancelled Wednesday, Oct. 14,
when the Northwestern adminis-
tration decided it would have to
be chaperoned.
Theta Chi then revealed their,
intentions to determine the all-
campus fraternity feeling.
Following Theta Chi's sugges-
tion, one other house decided to
withdraw from float and house
decoration competition. Pi Kappa
Alpha, winner of Homecoming
trophies in both 1956 and 1957,
issued the following statement:
"Pi Kappa Alpha has decided to
withdraw this year's homecoming
"We have taken this stand in
Daily-Michael Rontal
THE DISPLAY'S THE THING-These are the times when students build, paste, trim, and put up
Homecoming decorations. Cutting up reportedly goes ont in a number of ways. The above scene is
from South Quadrangle.
W~olverines To Face
Big Wisconsin Line
Elliott's Squad at Full Strength
In Renewal of Big Ten Rivalry
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan's small line will get its biggest test of the year here
today when it is matched agaixist Wisconsin's forward wall in a game
that should prove whether the Wolverines have a good football team.
Game time at Michigan Stadium is 1:30 p.m. A Homecoming
crowd of 85,000 has been predicted for the day, which could be rainy.
The Wolverine line - with its average of 202 pounds per man ---
must match the experienced, talented and' heavy (average: 221)
Badgers if Michigan is to have
any, success.
Boast Hlonor Players
Wisconsin's inner line boasts
potential honor players such as ,
co-captain Jerry Stalcup, a fast-
moving 217-lb. guard who is con-i l s
sidered All-America material;
tackle Jim Heineke, who is fast
and hard-hitting at 227 pounds; U nderg ad
and Dan Lanphear, a 22-pounder
who was named "lineman of the
week" for his efforts in the Badg The University's oldest under-
ers' 12-3 victory over Ohio State graduate student,'Philip R. Bang-
last Saturday. hart, '60, died 'Thursday.
Also facing Michigan will be Banghart 'leas 63 years old when
234-1b. center Bob Nelson, 225-lb. he collapsed at the University
guard Ron Perkins and a pair of Health' Service Thursday after-
fine blocking ends, Al Schoonover noon. Cause of death was attrib-
(209) and Menry Derleth(215). uted to a cerebral hemorrhage.
The local eleven got its first He had planned on going to the
good news regarding the game law school after completing his
when it heard that Badger sec- undergraduate work next June.
ond-stringers Chuck Sprague, a A bachelor, he first enrolled at
guard, and Terry Huxhold, a the University in the engineering
tackle, will not see action today. school in 1919, but was forced to
Depend on Noskin drop out because of financial rea-
To counteract this great line- sons.
one of the finest inner lines to en- After leaving the University he
ter Michigan Stadium in years- had two careers - one in the in-
the Wolverines must turn to an vestment field for 10 years and
offensive weapon that has been the other as deputy clerk of the
hot and cold all season. circuit court in Wheaton, Ill. for
That's the passing of quarter- 20 _years.
back Stan Noskin. Shortly before his death he was
Statistics have shown that asked why he returned too school.
while Wisconsin's line has been "Because I was in a rut," he re-
impregnable this year, its defen- d4ied. '
sive backfield can be penetrated "The students treat me just as
by" a good aerial attack. Almost if I were one of them," he said
60 per cent of the first downs re- recently, "but the competition for
corded against Wisconsin this sea, grades is tough."
son came on passes. This past semester he took
Weak Pass Defense cotirses in English history, Mich-
Opponents have rolled up 853 igan history, speech, meteorology
yards on passes compared to 651 and astronomy.
on the ground as W is c o n sin Banghart's other friends in-
notched four wins in five games. cluded a host of University stu-
To add further punch to his dents, professors and employees.
passing attack, Michigan Coach He was very active with the for-
Bump Elliott has been working eign students, even going on a
Paul Palmer, a sophomore quar- trip to Puerto Rico with a student
terback from Toronto, into his group- last spring vacation.
second unit. The regular second- He was known never to have
stringer, Don Hannah, has ,co- missed"a class or een late fora
pleted only two. of: 13 attempts, lecture.
A lot of Michigan hopes, how- Banghart's body will be shipped
ever, will depend on its line play. from Staffan Funeral Home in
The only team to defeat Wiscon- Ann Arbor to his native .town of
sin has been Purdue, which boasts Hinsdale for' burial services. His
one of the finest inner lines in the only survivor is a brother, Luzon
nation. W. Banghart of Hinsdale.
Daily-,Michael Rontal
SKELETON-It looks like an all-night job as these two students
work on the rudiments of what should become a homecoming-
display by 8 a.m. today.
HomecomnDisplays Rise
Around University, Campus
School spirit reached fever pitch here in the earliest hours of
this morning as sororities, fraternities and men's and women's housing
units prepared displays for Homecoming festivities.,
Unusual problems were encountered, as Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority discovered in working out last-minute details on their display,
"KAT on a Hot Tin Roof." The girls had the cat, they had the roof--
tall that remained was the engi-
Headlhess Horseman Still Rides at EMU
Special to The Daily
YPSILANTI-The dark quiet of the Eastern Michigan University
campus was shattered last Thursday night by the thud of horses'
hooves and the cries of two black-cloaked riders.
One was dressed in high-button shoes with a name-brand paper
wrap serving as silver buckles. White high-top socks rose under black
knickers, which contrasted with a white ruffled blouse.
Onthe rider's head were a woman's wig and a plumed hat, on
his nose a pair of spectacles, and on his lapel a Delta Sigma Phi pin.
Behind him trotted a black plug, ridden by a black graduation
robe which carried a lighted pumpkin under its right arm. (The
pumpkin's glow, incidentally, did not flicker; a flashlight protruding
from the back of its head served its purpose.)
The riders began their chase around the university grounds to
publicize an all-campus dance.
neering problem of getting the
huge papier-machecat over the
roof . . . How did they solve its
You guess."
Bardot Figure Built
Anderson House, East Quad-
rangle, had envisoned a theatre
marquee reading "Losing is My
Profession, starring Badger Bar-
dot." The tableau ideologically.
calls for a figure partaking of the'
physical qualities of a badger re-
sembling Brigitte Bardot in a foot-
ball uniform. Good luck, boys .. -
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity
showed characteristic optimism in
choosing between alternate titles
for their display; at 9:30 last night
they settled on "Derailed Badgers
Kwai" as their motif, rather than
"Kwai Me a River"--dedicated to
Bump Elliott..
Steal Lumber
Enthusiasm broke all bounds-
even legal ones. Two fraternity
men were picked up by Ann Arbor
Starting Line
Elliott plans to start ends John
Halstead and Bob Johnson, tackles
Tom Jobson and Jerry Bushong,
guards George Genyk and Alex
Callahan, and center Gerry Smith
in the line. The biggest man in
this group is Bushong- a 212-
But this is the same group that
did creditable jobs against North-.
western and Minnesota in the last
two games, and both of those op-
ponents boast rugged forwards.
Michigan must also give weight
in the backfield. Wisconsin, led by
quarterback Dale Hackbart, aver-
ages 198. But it is reportedly slow-
Michigan's quartet, depending
on whether Darrell Harper or
Bennie- McRae starts, will range
from 178 to 185.
MSU -Student
At 'U' Hospita
A.T Called Critical
A Michigan State Universit
student who suffered burns ove
80 per cent of his body as the re
sult of '.a laboratory explosio
Thursday was listed in "critical
condition at the University Hos
pital late last night.
The chemical explosion touche
off during what MSU official
called a "routine distillation exi
periment" critically burned thre
graduate students and injure
three others.
Harlow M. Mork, Grad., wa
transferred here from Sparrom
Hospital yesterdAy morning.
Mork's burns are, getting pri
mary attention, William Bende
of the' University Hospital said
The swelling caused by the burr
is considerable and must 'be re
duced before eye damage can b
The other two graduate stu
" .r