STUDENTS s i:1 Oppose Compulsory ROTC Ike May (Continued from Page 1) It also said compulsory ROTC' is a "negative factor in career mo- tivation." The object 'of ROTC, it averred, is to provide officers to fill the regular army, and this is not served by the compulsory program. In this, many of State's ROTC students disagree. Cadet Co.'Doug- las W. Smith, USA-ROTC, claimed he would never have become in- terested in it were it not for the compulsory program. "During the first two years, I Stel Strike Negotiations Still ontinue PITTSBURGH (W) - Top-level negotiations to end the 107-day steel strike resumed yesterday with government mediators ready to step in immediately if the peace talks collapse. Four-man teams representing the country's top 11 basic steel producers started the negotiations shortly after 2:30 p.m. (EST) at a midtown hotel. David J. McDonald, president of the United Steelworkers, led the union team. The industry group was quarterbacked as usual by R. Conrad. Cooper, a vice-president of United States Steel Corp. Joseph F. Finnegan, chief of the Federal Mediation and Con- ciliation Service, said bargaining will switch to Washington next Monday if nothing is accomplished in Pittsburgh. Meanwhile, the USW announced indefinite extension of contracts with Aluminum Co. of America,' Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp. and Reynolds Metals Co. Also, Bethlehem Steel Corp. said it had dropped into the red ink column with most other big steel producers in the three months ended Sept. 30. came to like it, and I learned pa-, triotism for my country." Wouldn't Have Entered The ROTC cadre commanders agreed that 5 per cent of ad- vanced cadets would never have entered the military. The committee cited two other reasons for altering the program. It said voluntary programs pro- vide almost as many officers as compulsory for the services, which depend on ROTC as principal source of officers. President Han- nah has stressed need for officers to meet United States commit- ments as principle justification for ROTC. Costs High The committee also listed the high cost of ROTC as another negative factor. To substitute for the program, the committee suggested a stu- dent-faculty committee look into a new voluntary approach to mili- tary ,education. A special concentration pro- gram of equal weight to other aca- demic areas would be established. Students enrolling in ROTC would take courses related to military training, with possible require- ments in languages, geography, international relations and econ- omics. The ROTC situation at the Uni- versity of California was recently highlighted by the hunger strike of 18-year-old freshman Freder- ick L. Moore, Jr., against compul- sory service. In a referendum two years ago, California students voted two to one against compulsory ROTC, but their vote has been ignored so far by the University Regents. A campus political party recent- ly held a rally in which student criticized compulsory ROTC from several _viewpoints: one speaker n o t e d conscientious objection, while another cited Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Curtis LeMay's comments on the lack of worth of "weekend warriors." At privately endowed Lehigh, a similar situation' exists. Robert Walters, editor of the "Brown and White," the student paper, said there were six seniors left in Air Force ROTC from a 350 man group that started three years ago und'er the compulsory program. He pointed to the justification often used by upperclassmen: "I know I'm going to have to go into the Army sometime, and I'd rath- er be a second lieutenant than a buck private." The Lehigh student government is looking into the matter. Wisconsin Acts At the University of Wisconsin, in contrast to the other attempts at abolition, something concrete has been done. Last year, the Wisconsin Stu- dent Association (most of the pro- tests seem to arise in either stu- dent government or newspapers) asked the 17-year-old state 'law for compulsory ROTC be repealed. The university (faculty) commit- tee agreed. The WSA; in the meantime, pushed a bill through the legisla- ture abolishing ROTC at the Wis- consin campuses, though the bill was amended to be contingent on faculty and regental approval. The faculty has put off deciding on the matter until December, though rumors have been circulat- ed that it will be decided Monday. Raise Arguments In the discussions of ROTC, several points were raised at Wis- consin: two-year ROTC was said to be advantageous to students who would later be drafted; money saved from the smaller voluntary program would be used for more vigorous recruiting of ROTC ca- dets. The Wisconsin effort is, how- ever, the exception, rather than the rule. But student pressure is building up. Lehigh editor Walters editor- ially asked a question sympto- matic of-the present trend. "Rather than take the typical University Long Range Attitude ("we'll get around to it one of these years"), would it not be pos- sible to see the obvious inadequa- cies and faults of a compulsory ROTC program and remove it as soon as possible?" On Khrushchev PRESIDENT EISENHOWER ... Western meeting CUBA: Taxes Hit In'dustries H A V A N A (P) -Confusion gripped Cuban mining and oil in- dustries last night over their fu- tiure. While petroleum men fretted. about implications of a minerals tax measure announced Tuesday night, director Cesar Rodriguez of the Cuban Department of Mines, told inquiring newsmen a separate law is being drafted to cover pe- troleum concessions. The first announcement from President Osvaldo Dorticas' pal- ace on the minerals law-whipped out at a cabinet meeting which rejected a United States protest at rising anti-Americanism here - said it covered both minerals and oil. U.S. Stake High Consultation Spearheaded By de Gaulle Asks Ike, Adenauer To Meet in December WASHINGTON () - President Dwight D. Eisenohwer may fly to Paris one week- before Christmas for a Western summit conference to weld a solid front for negotia- tions next spring with Soviet Pre- mier Nikita S. Khrushchev. President.Charles de Gaulle of France was reported to have writ- ten Eisenhower, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer suggesting that Western consultations begin Dec. 19. The talks would last three or four days. Eisenhower told a news confer- ence Wednesday the Western leaders had agreed they should meet but that the timing was still to be worked out. He said de Gaulle's schedule would permit a gathering in mid- December. NATO Ministers Talk However, foreign ministers of the 15-nation North Atlantic Treaty Council will confer in Paris for three days beginning Dec. 15 and Eisenhower and other gov- ernment heads want to meet sep- arately from NATO . Eisenhower apparently would prefer an opening date for the Western summit less close to the Christmas season. Some consideration has been given tochanging the time of the NATO meeting to make an earlier s u m m i t session possible. The NATO council's schedule could be advanced, for example, by a week or could be set back until after Christmas. Doesn't Want Haste Eisenhower reportedly would prefer not to be under heavy time pressure when he meets with his allies. They face tremendously com- plicated problems because not only do they have policy differ- ences, but they are not even in agreenent on what they should discuss with Khrushchev. Macmillan believes it is possible to make a deal with Russia for a provisional arrangement on the future of West Berlin. Eisenhower Is very skeptical about this and Adenauer has tak- en the position it would be much better to seek agreement in 'some other field, particularly disarma- ment. Macmillan is reported by diplo- mats here to believe the East- West discussions next spring should not be drastically limited as to scope but should range over all kinds of international prob- lems. r Favor Careful List Eisenhower and de Gaulle, on the other hand, are represented as favoring a much more careful- ly worked out list of topics to be discussed with Khrushchev. U. S. officials are concerned that Macmillan may be willing to make concessions to . the Soviet government on the status of the Western powers in Berlin - con- cessions which would be unaccept- able to Eisenhower, Adenauer and de Gaulle. They want to get all differences on this critical matter ironed out in advance. GOVERNOR, LEGISLATORS CONFER-All agreed money was needed at Tuesday's tax session, but couldn't agree on a program. Facing Gov. G. Mennen Williams, left to right, are Reps. Russell H. Stange (R-Clare), Albert R. Horrigan (D-Flint), Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan), Allison Green (R- Kingston). Z C1 P irhigttn P3aiti Second Fron tPage October 30, 1959 Page 3 -t PERSONALIZED k, ;G IFTS for Christmas COASTERS PENCILS MATCHES PLAYING CARDS NAPKINS STATIONERY f RAMSAY PRINTERS 119.East Liberty Hand nittipg with 201 American investors have a heavy stake in both. It is believed the new petroleum law will be similar to the one for minerals. This confronts mine op- erators with a tax of five per cent on production, 25 per cent on ex- ports, $20 per hectare (2.47 acres) annually for mines not considered adequately exploited and $10 per hectare for those in full operation. Before Rodriguez made his statement, petroleum experts pre- dicted the minerals law would drive out dozens of oil firms big !and small which, have been seek- ing to expand the island's current production of 600 to 700 barrels a day. High in Crude Oil Against this trickle of domestic petroleum, of such low grade that it cannot be processed in Cuban refineries and is largely used for !fuel oil, Cuba is estimated to con- sume 50,000 barrels of crude oil daily. The latest list of oil exploration firms active in Cuba shows 35 companies and four individuals, most of them from the United States and Canada. "If the law means what it ap- pears to," said a representative of one company, "most of us will pack up and go home." In another economic field, the American-owned Cuban Electric Co., drew attention. A group of workers headed by Luis Simon Garcia circulated for signatures a petition asking that the government nationalize the company or take over its direction. -We've got it, got itl Don't dtalty, gats, 'cause everybody wants IN the bac-toced Iofl Fleet, forward fashion with a collar flipped and stitched dow. .Lace it loose-or close-up Read and Use Michigan Daily Classifieds exceptional savings... SPECIAL PURCHASE fall and winter wool dresses for juniors and Two groups of designer originals from our leading makers of better junior dresses-now at a fraction of their regular prices, just when you want them the most. Choose several from a wide assortment of street and l __.._.__..._ ._._.,_ ___