LASTING TAX SOLUTION NEEDED L Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom D~Ait CLOUDY, RAIN High-S0 Low--5 Mostly cloudy today with rain in the late afternoon. See Page 4 VOL. LXIX, No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES S R Oilsi ers By NAN MARKEL average and stood thi: Michigan's expenditures for higher education "should be large expenditures by both if educational opportunities here are to be roughly equivalent to education. those available in other states," a recent University report con- 4) "Roughly half the cludes.stitutions of higher The study, compiled by the Institute of Public Administration, legislative appropriatio Studyr considers axpa objects to reports that Michigan taxpayers spend more on higher for by Michigan taxpa education than do citizens in other states. It finds: The report objects 1) Michigan public colleges and universities enroll three times penditure for public hig as many students as do private Michigan colleges. But in neighbor- the nation's highest. ing and competing states public institutions' enrollments are less The rate, determine than the enrollments of private colleges and universities, used by the. Citizens Re, Ranked Higher expenditures, is based 2) Michigan has ranked far behind the seven competing states 1957), not "state suppoi and the national average in total expenditures for higher education 5) "Currently Micl by private institutions. one-half the cost of su (The seven competing states are Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, gan, and in fiscallyear Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.) each resident decreased 3) Michigan has ranked only modestly above the national priations to Michigan c Support for Higher Jiducation rd among the eight states in per capita private and public institutions of higher reported expenditures by Michigan public education in 1957 were not derived from ns, but from sources which were not paid yers." to figures setting Michigan's rate of ex- gher education at $25.3 per capita in 1957-- ed by the United States census bureau and search Council on Michigan's governmental on "expenditures" (some 190 million in rt" (about $95 million in 1957). ligan residents pay somewhat less than pporting public higher education in Michi- r '1958-59 the cost of higher education to by $1.78 because of decreased state appro- olleges and universities." 6) "Comparatively Michigan ranks only modestly higher than neighboring states in appropriations per capita to public colleges and universities." 7) "Measured by appropriations per student, Michigan public institutions receive somewhat less state support than do institu- tions in some neighboring states, and only modestly more than the national average." U' Expenses Diminish 8) "Despite substantial increased expenditures for higher edu- cation in Michigan in the past few years, University expenses constitute a steadily decreasing share of the rising total." Previous statistics "fail to make the distinction between public and private education-lumping potatoes and apples together," Prof. John Lederle, director of the Institute of Public Administra- tion, said. For instance, in Illinois there are a great many medical schools not supported by the state. In Michigan there are no private medical schools. But few statistics take this into account, he said. Over and over, the Institute of Public Administration reiterates Michigan's dependence on public universities and colleges. Seventy-seven and a half per cent of all 1957 enrollment in higher education in the state fell to the state-supported institu- tions. Of seven other comparable states, this is the highest-ten per cent more than Wisconsin, which is next in line. More Private Schools Six of these states, excluding Wisconsin, maintain a higher percentage of private institutions. Michigan ranks over Wiscon- sin's 43 per cent with 53 per cent private. Indiana is highest with 85 per cent. So, the report insists, "these circumstances show that Michigan must support, in public institutions of higher education, a much greater proportion of the total college enrollment of the state than do neighboring and competing states because Michigan is much less extensively equipped with private institutions of higher edu- cation." NON-COMPULSORY-The University does not require two years of ROTC training of entering freshman men, as do many other large state universities. Movements are now afoot at many of these other universities to adopt a program similar to that used here. Groups in U.S. Universities Attack CoipulsoryROTC By PHILIP SHERMAN The current controversy over compulsory ROTC at Michigan State University is part of a national trend toward attempted aboli- tion of the program. At such universities as California, Lehigh and Wisconsin move- ments are afoot to drop the required two-year military training re- quirements. Uusally, agitation is started in the student government I or newspaper, and proposals are INFECTIONS': Educators 'Rap 'Mill Systems WASHINGTON OP) -Federal education officials set out yester- day to turn the full glare of pub- licity on "Diploma Mills" - or- ganizations that hand out college degrees without requiring much study to earn them. Secretary of Education Arthur S. Flemming told.~a news confer- ence the campaign is intended to eradicate what he termed "per- sistent low grade infections in the American education system." Start List The first step, he said, will be to draw up a list of all institutions whichi purport to grant degrees "without requiring the usual aca- demic performance." The Office of Education will able institutions, Flemming said, publish the list of such question- but not until there is careful checking to avoid doing an injus- tice. Enroll 750,000 The federal action was an- nounced nearly four weeks after the American Council on Educa- tion reported that diploma mills enroll as many as 750,000 students a year and take in an estimated 75 million dollars a year. The council - a private organi- zation with a claimed membership of 1,046 educational institutions- said a year-long study spotlighted at least 200 degree mills operat- ing in 37 sttaes. At his news conference, Flem- ming listed several examples of; what he called "enterprises illus- trative of those that do a disserv- ice to American education." The examples he named: The College of Divine Metaphy- sics, Indianapolis; Neotarian Col- lege of Philosophy of the Neotar- ian fellwoship, Kansas City; Mid- western University Inc., St. Louis; and Metropolitan University, Glendale, Calif. Quick Degrees Offered Flemming said the Indianapolis organization offers mail courses leading to "degrees" of doctor of psychology, doctor of metaphysics, and doctor of divinity. The doctor of psychology de-. person who may have had no pre- gree, he said, is conferred on a vious college work, upon comple- tion of only two courses, +each of which can be covered in about 30 lessons by mail. Legislature Resumes Tax Discussion Reconvenes, . . ,See Interest In Teaching Studies Here Dean Lists Reasons For More Students By NORMA SUE WOLFE "Multiple causation" is the ex- planation for the sudden jump in education school enrollment, Dean Willard C. Olson said yesterday. With total undergraduate en- rollment in the school up 15 per cent over last year and total male enrollment up 30 per cent, there must be a variety of motivating factors, he said. Among these, Dean Olson listed: 1) "The recent awareness of the importance of education, 2) "An increase in economic re- ward, 3) "The uncertainty in the labor market, and 4) "The facility with which un- dergraduate students can acquire financial assistance if they are going into the teaching profes- sion." In the undergraduate division, a 70 per cent increase in male en- rollment has occurred over the past two years. But there is still a majority of coeds matriculated in education school, Dean Olson said. .:nd more than, twice as many University students are going into teaching careers than did five years ago, he continued. The number of provisional teach- ing certificates granted to the University's education students has more than doubled-from a total of 387 in 1954 to 950 last year. Graduate interest in education courses is also increasing. Last year, the University awarded 596 master's degrees and 25 doctoral degrees in the field. Of the undergraduate students, approximately one-third are going into elementary and the remain- der, secondary school instruction. i, GOP Senate Holds Power 'U' LECTURER:-* Discusses Economics By JEAN SPENCER Thereh isnobprescription for solving the problem of economic A backwardness, Prof. Harvey Lieb- enstein of the University of Cali- forniadeconomics department said yesterday evening. Speaking in Rackham Amphi- theatre, Prof. Leibenstein gave three viewpoints on the problem and possible solutions for it, The view of "neo-classical grad- ualism" sees analytical techniques applied to a narrow range of vari- ables as a partial answer for eco- nomic backwardness, emphasizing utilization of resources and insti- tutions for distribution to solve short-run problems. Seeks Per Capita Rise In reducing government inter- ference with free market proced- ures, the theory seeks to increase the chance per capita rise in in- come. Another explanation of econom- ic development is the "wage-goods bottleneck" theory, Prof. Leiben- stein noted. According to this view, economy must expand in a bal- anced fashion and car, progress no faster than the rate of the slowest sa:tor. Thus, if population is heavy and little land available for agricul- ture, economic backwardness re- sults, not from lack of capital but from lack of land. Agricultural Revolution The solution offered, he contin- ued, is to foster an agricultural revolution before increasing indus- trial output, since there could be no market demand for more goods until this is done. Thp t+ird: thenrv ntlned by made to governing boards for dropping. In Washington, Rear Adm. B. A. Clarey said the determination in' such cases is always left to the in- dividual institution. The Defense Department, ac- cording to acting personnel policy director Clarey, will support eith- er a compulsory or a voluntary program. Compulsory ROTC programs are most prevalent in the land-grant colleges. ' The Morrill Act, which started the land grant institution:, it must be pointed out, never required compulsory military training. The situation at MSU is pin- pointed in a controversial report of the Committee on the Future of the University, accepted by the student government, which pro- posed dropping the requirement for the first qugrter next fall. The committee called compul- sory ROTC an "intrsion on the educational process. See OPPOSE, Page 3 -Daly-Thomas Hayden RECONVENES--The State Legislature formally returned to the search for an end to Michigan's tax troubles yesterday. Tax legislation is not expected for two or three weeks. ECOXNOSMIC PREDICTION: Expr*-ects More Soviet ,Growth Although Russia's rapid econ- omic growth may gradually slow in the next five to 10 years, she will still remain well ahead of the United States, according to Morris Bornstein of the economics de- partment. In a report prepared for Joint Economic Committee of Congress, Bornstein estimated Soviet econ- omic growth at about a seven per cent annual rate between 1950 and 1958 -- about twice the U.S. rate. In addition, total production of goods and services in Russia rose from one-third to nearly one-half the U.S. level. He predicted that Soviet expan- sion may, in the next decade, de- cline to an annual' rate of six or six and one-half per cent, which 'THE TOWN CRIER' APPEARS: Students Pioneer Paper on Mackinac means that by 1965 Russia would pass the half-way mark in the ef- fort to match U.S. production. Bornstein pointed to several fac- tors accounting for the Soviet Un- ion's recent increase in growth rate, notably the fact that Soviet investment has been directed mainly towards heavy industry rather than to agriculture, hous- ing or consumer goods and serv- ices.; The industrial work force has grown rapidly, he said, reflecting population increases rather than a shift from farm to factory em- ployment. Furthermore, adoption of Western and Soviet techniques has been included in continuing technical progress. Production Increases Since Stalin's death, agricultural production has "increased notab- ly." This results from an increase in cropland, greater agricultural investment and greater production incentive for peasants, Bornstein claimed. Behind all of these lies the de- liberate Soviet policy of restrain- ing production of consumer goods to achieve their dual objectives of a rapid economic growth rate and a high level of military spending. But Bornstein backed up his prediction of a'coming decrease in thie former with the claim that Khrushchev's promises to aid con- sumers may involve some shift in the type of investment to be made over the next decade. Exploitation of natural resources will require heavy invesmtent, as will replace-~ ment of obsolescent equipment. Work Force Declines Heavy wartime casualties will have their effect, reflected in a lower grwth ite for the indus- Eastern Europe and under-devel- oped nations outside the Commu- nist bloc. But there will be no dramatic reduction in the rate of invest- -ment nor marked changes in its composition, due to the Soviet leaders' continued interest in maintaining high economic growth rate. LSA Group Asks Action Procedure for meetings with the University curriculum committee and the student committee of the education school were discussed yesterday by the literary college steering committee. Sanford Holo, '60, proposed sev- eral joint meetings with the Cur- riculum Committee and a system to have one to three steering com- mittee members serve in a liaison capacity at other meetings of in- terest.. Next week Carol Hgndschum- aker, '60E, will sit in on the steering committee meeting. As president of the education school Student Council,' she will answer questions concerning curriculum posed to her by steering committee members. The curriculum of the education school comes under the scope of the committee because approxi- mately '500 of the total 7,500 liter- ary school students take up teach- ers' programs, the committee decided. The topic of discussion switched to University growth and the On Proposals Williams Asks Speed As Parties Disagree On Financial Needs LANSING (A) -- The Legislature cautiously came to gripsswith Michigan's newest cash crisis yes- terday. Lawmakers resolved to meet continuously, except on week- ends, until a solution is found. The best guess is that it will take two to three weeks. Already 70 million dollars be- hind in payment of bills, the state is further losing ground at the rate of 10 millions monthly. GOP Holds Power Majority Republicans held the- whip hand in framing measures to offset the revenue loss from the invalidation of the 110 million dol- lar use tax increase voted Aug. 29. This was readily conceded by Gov. G. Mennen Williams in a special message that refrained from any specific tax recommen- dations and strongly urged speedy action. First GOP caucuses produced little more than a decision to, set up a 12-member joint Senate- House committee to break ground on a solution. A long list of tax possibilities was only scanned. New Proposal However, one new tax proposal bobbed up to go along with a list of more than two dozen possi- bilities drawn up in advance - by state revenue officials and trans- mitted to the legislature by Wil- liams. Thrown out in the Senate GOP caucus, it called for quick raising of up to 35 million dollars by put- ting a $10 tax-a one-shot affair -on the privilege of operating a motor vehicle. If adopted, the levy would prob- ably become part of a patchwork program including other "cats and dogs," such as new or increased levies on beer, property transfers, tobacco, telephones and the like. Hold Vets' Fund Republican Senators, while con- ceding the need to utilize cash locked up in the Veterans Trust Fund, nevertheless gave little heed to Williams' urgent plea for prompt action. As to the overall outlook, Wil- liams told lawmakers: "Today we are forced to legislate taxes 'under the brutal pressure of necessity'. Our state services are threatened with stoppage, our credit is endangered and our bills are piling up with no prospect of payment." He reiterrated his preference for an income tax solution but said he was prepared to approve any bills that came to his desk other than that would be "obvi- ously unconstitutional or grossly inequitable." Mui1 cGrUDn By SUSAN FARRELL Mackinac Island, site of so many pioneering ventures, was the scene of yet another one last summer. The Town Crier, most recent addition to the University's Journal- ism Department's internship program, was published there. Earl Gottschalk, Jr., and William Bradford, graduate journalism students, tested the theories they had learned in four years of classes in a weekly routine of writing, ad selling, bookkeeping, typesetting, cart driving and newspaper selling that produced the eight-page Town Crier every week last summer. Prof. Maurer Confers Prof. Wesley Maurer, chairman of the University's journalism de- partment and publisher of The Town Crier, visited the Island occa- sionally to confer with the editors and make suggestions. "Our decisions were pretty unanimous," Prof. Maurer said. "But the students took full policy responsibility." One of the first problems was an analysis of their audience, com- ........ ..... .