' Eliminates Sammies in I-M
play was good for fifteen yards
and the big TD.
SAE's class B team was also
successful in the first division
playoffs as it downed Delta Sigma
Phi by a score of 12-6. Jerry Lew-
andowsky and Bill Kile were out-
standing as they each scored a
Phi Delts Win
Phi Delta Theta just squeaked
by SAM, 7-6, in the other first
division "B" game'*played yester-
day. The game required overtime
play. Pat Cushiwu scored the
touchdown, and Jim Boyce was
the man to get the all-important
one point in the overtime play by
a 15-yard run to put the ball in
the Sammies defensive zone.
In second division "B," Phi
Gamma Delta defeated Phi Sigma
Delta 14-6. Theta Xi won over
Delta Chi 26-8, and Lambda Chi
Alpha defeated Zeta Beta Tau by
a score of 14-8.
In "B" third-place playoff, it
was -Phi Kappa Psi over Alpha
Epsilon Pi, 14-0, and Delta Upsilon
whipped Acacia 14-8. Chi Psi won
by forfeit over Trigon.
Independent Action
The Canadiens were eliminated
from the Independent League, first
place play-offs as the Blue Devils
romped to a 16-8 victory. The
game was rough and hard fought
all the way. John Sparks starred
for the Blue Devils as he scored
both touchdowns on passes from
quarterback Dave Cook.
In the other first place playoff,
in an Independent game played
last night, the Cooley Elders were
victorious over the Actuaries, 8-0.
GOE tromped CMS 44-0 in the
only third place Independent play-
off game last night. The big differ-
ence was probably due to the fact
that CMS played the entire game
with only four players.
Managers Wanted
Second semester freshmen
and sophomores are needed as
managers for the Michigan
hockey team.
If interested, call Barry Cut-
ler, NO 5-5369, any evening this
week for further information.
Will this be the Saturday that
Dale Hackbart makes his bid for
all Big Ten and All America
Bump ' Elliott and Michigan
football fans are hoping it won't
be - for if the Wisconsin quar-
terback has his first real big game
of the '59 season this Saturday, it
could be a pretty unpleasant
Homecoming for the Wolverines.
An all-around performer, Hack-
bart is in his third season of ter-
rorizing Big Ten o p p o s i t i o n.
Sparkling play during his sopho-;
more and junior years earned him
a place on .several pre-season All
America's this fall.
No doubt, Wisconsin Coach Milt
Bruhn would like. to see the big
quarterback really break loose, for,
he has. often said that Hackbart,
is the key to the Badger offense.
And that offense has been sur-
prisingly weak this season, forcing
the Wisconsin defense to carry the
load. in the, team's last two vic-
tories over Iowa and Ohio State..
The fact that Hackbart hasn't
really been spectacular this fall
didn't seem to cheer up Michigan
Coach Elliott who said, "Hackbart
Now...0 0
is the best quarterback in the Big
Ten. His only close competitor
was Dick Thornton of Northwest-
ern and he is out for the season
due to, an injury.",
"Hackbart is a good runner in
addition to being a fine passer,"
added Elliott. Statistics seem to
bear this out for the Wisconsin
signal caller is the third leading
runner on the team and has
scored more touchdowns (four)
than any other Badger.
Talented Hackbart also shares
the Badger kicking chores and is
described as a strong defensive
player. However, his talents are
not all confined to the gridiron.
He also has played basketball and
baseball for Wisconsin. And his
diamond performances are said to
have raised the eye on many a
major league scout.
But this Saturday the many-
talented Mr. Hackbart will be in
football regalia and he will be try-
ing to come up with that big per-
formance - the one that labels a
player "All-American."
Toronto 1, Montreal 1
Detroit 3, New York 3
-Detroit 117, Syracuse 102
"Looking for a
Good Haircut"
0 1 1Haircutters
0 No Waiting
near Michigan Theatre
Wyoming, currently leading the
Skyline Conference in football,
drew a one-year probation sen-
tence, and its football team was
declared ineligible for any post-
season bowl games. As Skyline
Conference champion last season,
Wyoming played in the Sun Bowl
game at El Paso, Tex., and was
considered a likely candidate for
invitation this year.
With the first meeting in history of the two service schools, the
game between Army, and Air Force poses just one problem among 20
in this week's contest for a pair of free passes to the Michigan
Theatre, showing "Pillow Talk," with Rock Hudson and Doris Day.
If you think you have the answer to this and the other 19 ques-
tions listed at the end of this. article, simply clip and send it or a
facsimile to Grid Picks, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor,
or come to The Daily and fill out a ready-made blank.
In answer to an inquiry on how ties are broken by checking the
score of the Michigan game, the following is a brief explanation.
For example, last week's winner, Tom Le Mieux picked the score
to be 9-7, Michigan, while the actual count was 14-6. Therefore, he
was off five points on Michigan's score, and one on Minnesota's, mak-
ing a total of six,.while runner-up Bruce Larson was seven points off
by virtue of picking the score 15-0.
One other contestant, Virgil Hutton, omitted from Tuesday's
round-up, also had a 17-3 mark, but his 7-0 pick was 13 points off the
correct score. In deciding the score in the above way, the margin
picked makes no difference.
Please remember that your entry must be postmarked by mid-
night Friday night, and that you may only enter once.
14,l e l t -te t
1209-A S. University
NO 3-6236
Wisconsin at MICH. (Score)
Indiana at Northwestern
Kansas State at Iowa
Michigan State at Ohio State
Vanderbilt at Minnesota
Purdue at Illinois
Florida at Auburn
Mississippi at Louisiana St.
Tennessee at North Carolina
Duke at Georgia Tech
Texas A & M at Arkansas
Missouri at Colorado
Air Force vs. Army at N. Y.
Texas at SMU
Washington at UCLA
Washington St. at Oregon St.
Syracuse at Pitt
Navy at Notre Dame
Iowa State at Kansas
Mississippi St. at Alabama
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