Sulky with the Fringe on Top Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 SPEECH PLAYBILL. Zany Farce Features Horse-Eating Hat "WhenOpinIons Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mnust be noted in all reprints. MRSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER Classroom Attendance Need Not be Required AS SHOWN by students' displeasure with class performance, as well as high scholas- tic attainment in independent study, classroom attendance at the University need not be man- datory. The ruling on the number of classes a stu- dent may cut in any one course now depends largely on the decision of the teacher. Some clearly indicate that class attendance is not mandatory as long as the student assimilates the knowledge on his own; others take roll regularly. And those who take roll may limit the num- ber of cuts permissible per semester to the number of class hours the course involves per' week. A greater number of cuts means a drop in the student's grade. SOMETHING else reportedly occurred in a. University language department. A student who cut classes consistently but managed to maintain his A was given an A. But he was granted only two hours' credit for the four- hour course. But just like the recent Student Government Council proposal which would permit all stu- dents to work on activities whether or not their academic standings were satisfactory, a plan of non-compulsoy classroom attendance would serve to weed out poor students. Those who cut classes merely out of laziness, or because they realize they are too far behind in the course to catch up, should be allowed to go to as few classes as they want. And even- tually, If they are poor students, this fact will reflect in their test grades and general knowl-' edge about the course. If they follow a similar pattern in all their courses, they may be elim- inated entirely from the 'University scene. ON THE OTHER HAND, some students cut classes because they are too far ahead in the course. Often, they are so well prepared that they not only can anticipate a class dis- cussion, but derive no sense of academic ac- complishment from it. For the well-equipped and eager student, there is a wealth of information beyond what is uncovered in class discussions or yielded through reading and underlining the text. There are campus libraries with volumes that delve more deeply into a subject than group discussions or required readings. There are individual conferences or chats with the course instructor. There are student seminars. If the eager student can prove through test grades and knowledge of the course that he is capable of assimilating the information with- out attending class, he should not be penalized when he may be devoting his time to outside efforts. Aside from the factor of teacher stimu- lus, a student is good or bad largely depending on his own attitude toward and self-applica- tion to the work required. To avoid confusion, there is a need for cam- pus-wide consistency on the cut system. The decision to eliminate compulsory class attend- ance could well be academically the wiser choice. -NORMA SUE WOLFE PRICELESSLY absurd is possib- ly the best description of "Horse Eats Hat" produced by the speech department. Once the audience accepts the premise that farce is meant to be incredible, it remains convulsed with laughter for the remainder of the play. Not only is the plot unbeliev- able, but the action is exaggerat- ed, characters suddenly burst into song or dance, and. sets appear and disappear before the audi- ence's eyes. It is a totally delight- ful two hours away from any sem- blance of reality. Farce requires a very special treatment in all phases of its pro- duction. Characters must be hu- morous, improbable; they must do unbelievable things, but they can- not be ridiculous or boorishly overdone. * * * THE ENTIRE cast performs with an enthusiasm and a buoy- ancy that captures the audience and makes it a part of the insane world of the play. Scenery, cos- tumes, music, highly simple, but effective choreography embellish the charmingly zany plot. Direc- tion by William P. Halstead kept the farce moving at the required high speed. As the bridegroom plunged on his wedding day into hot pursuit of an Italian straw hat, Don Lov- ell is adaptable to the myriad of expressions his role demands. His asides to the audience are well managed as he juggles outraged fathers, shy brides, old girl- friends, and an entire wedding party which wanders through the scene periodically singing joyous- ly. (----" VI -- eK" - I - 'mw, i. ;i," r Herblockes away due to siless G U. Lewi1torMPeM LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Column on Crisler Draws Praise I TODAY AND TOMORROW -The TV Problem, By WALTER LIPPMANN TELEVISION has been caught perpetrating a fraud which is so gigantic that it calls into question the foundations of the industry. The fraud was not the work of a few cheats who had wormed their way into the company of honest men. The fraud was too big, too ex- tensive, too well organized to be cured or atoned for by throwing a few conspicuous individuals to the wolves, and by putting on a pious show of scrupulosity about the details of the produc- tions. There has been, in fact, an enormous con- spiracy to deceive the public in order .to sell profitable advertising to the sponsors. It in- volves not merely this individual or that, but the industry as a whole. This is the judgment of the leading professional critics of television on both the "New York Herald Tribune" and the "New York Times." Mr. John Crosby has said that the "moral squalor of the quiz mess reaches clear through the whole industry." Mr. Jack Gould has said that the fraud could not have been carried out without "the constant in- volvement of representatives of networks, ad- vertising agencies, and sponsors." The size of the fraud is a bitter reflection on the moral condition of our society. But it is also sure proof that there is something radically wrong with the fundamental national policy under which television operates. The principle of that policy is that for all practical purposes television shall be operated wholly for private profit. There is no competition in television except among competitors trying to sell the attention of their audiences for profit. As a result, while television is supposed to be "free," it has in fact become the creature, the servant, and indeed the prostitute, of merchandizing. Television is expensive and the available channels are few. These channels are possessed by a few companies who are in fierce competi- tion among themselves. But what are they com- peting about? About how to capture the largest mass audience which can be made to look at and listen to the most profitable advertising. IN THIS ,COMPETITION, as in Gresham's famous law of money, the bad money drives out the good. In order to capture the largest mass audience the companies have resorted to fraud as in the case of the quiz shows. But, reprehensible as it is to play the gullible public for suckers, that is not the worst of their of- fending. The worst things they do are first to poison the innocent by the exhibition of vio- lence, degeneracy, and crime, and second, to debase the public taste. According to "Newsweek," the television net- Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor PIILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER Editorial Director City Editor CHARLES KOZOLL .............. Personnel Director JOAN KAATZ ....... .........Magazine Editor BARTON HUTHWAITE .............. Features Editor JIM BENAGH ........ ...........Sports Editor SELMASAWAYA...... Associate Personnel Director JAMES BOW .........Associate City Editor SUSAN HOLTZEr.........Associate Editorial Director PETER DAWSON........... Contributing Editor DAVE LYON............Associate Sports Editor PRED KATZ ................ Associate bports Editor CA . - * works decided about a year ago that in the com- ing season, during the prime evening hours which draw the biggest audiences, they would devote to violence a total of twenty-four hours a week. "Heroes and villains crumple under the impact of blackjacks, whisky bottles, wrenches, and even gold-headed canes. A goggle-eyed public sits by while its fellow humans are pistol-whipped, stabbed, garrotted, mugged, and mussed up." What to do about it? The great offense of the television industry is that it is misusing a superb scientific achievement, that it is mono- polizing the air at the expense of effective news reporting, good art, and civilized entertain- ment. The crux of the evil is that in seeking great mass audiences, the industry has decided from its experience that the taste of great masses is a low one, and that to succeed in the competition it must pander to this low taste. Quite evidently, thisis an evil which cannot be remedied by a regulating commission or by some form of government or self-constituted censorship. The alternative, which is practiced in one form or another in almost every other civilized country, is competition-competition not for private profit but for public service. The best line for us to take is, I am convinced,; to devise a way by which one network can be run as a public service with its criterion not what will be most popular but what is good. No doubt, this network would not attract the largest mass audience. But if it enlisted the great talents which are available in the in- dustry, but are now throttled and frustrated, it might well attract an audience which made up in influence what it lacked in numbers. The force of a good example is a great force, and should not be underrated. WE SHOULD NOT, I believe, shrink from the idea that such a network would have to be subsidized and endowed. Why not? Is there any doubt that television is a mighty instrument of education-education for good or education for evil? Why should it not be subsidized and en- dowed as are the universities and the public schools and the exploration of space andi modern medical research, and indeed the churches -- and so many other institutions which are essential to a good society, yet can-' not be operated for profit? They are unwise friends of our system of private capitalism who do not recognize the fact that the higher life of our society depends on respect for and support of non-commercial institutions. It is true that the best way for this country to produce wealth is by private enterprise for private profit. But there are a lot of other things that need to be done besides producing wealth and selling ' goods. One of them is to inform, instruct, and entertain the people through the media of mass communica- tions. And among these media there must be some which aim not at popularity and profit but at excellence and the good life. That it is possible to operate non-commercial institutions is attested by the fact that we do operate successfully schools, universities, hos- pitals, laboratories of research. Harvard and Yale and Princeton and Columbia and Dart- mouth and so on are not operated for profit. Their trustees do not play politics. They are concerned with excellence and not with making money. Why should not people of this sort be To the Editor: JIM BENAGH'S article in the Tuesday, October 20th issue of The Michigan Dailystruck such a responsive chord that I could not resist the temptation to write and congratulate him on the finest, most pungent and discerning ar- ticle that has appeared on The Daily sport page in many a year. As a former Daly Sports Staff writer many yeai ago, I feel I am somewhat qualified to make the above statement. Harold Wilson, of the Michigan Alumnus, will verify the fact that periodically I have sounded off to him about what I believed to be a deplorable situation, responsibili- ty for which can be attributed to only one individual; namely, His Honor, Herbert Orrin "The Lord" Crisler. People who have followed the destinies of Michigan athletics since Crisler assumed the athletic directorship certainly must be cognizant of what has been trans- piring. Admittedly, during this period, we have amassed our share of Big Ten titles in most sports, with the exception of basketball which is a pet peeve of mine. However, these achievenients have been attained in spite of Mr. Crisler and, as you have indicated, he certainly can- not take any particular bows in this respect. Football, by the very fact that it subsidizes the other sports, is naturally of prime con- cern when any evaluation of the current situation is made, and here Mr. Crisler should bow his head in shame. AS YOU DOUBTLESSLY know, he literally ran Biggie Munn out of our Athletic Department after faithfully promising him that he would inherit the Head Football Coaching job when he, Mr. Cris- ler, retired to the sidelines. Pre- sumably this was to have taken place in 1946. However, "The Lord," being the vain man that he is, sensed that he had the making of a potential championship team in the nucleus of the 1946 squad. Consequently, he reneged on his promise to Munn and the after- math is now history. A man admittedly as smart as Crisler must have sensed Bennie Oosterbaan, with all due respect to him as an individual and as Mich- igan's greatest all around athlete, was definitely not qualified to act as a Head Coach in a sport where a big percentage of the job calls for selling and merchandising ability, which Bennie never pro- fessed to have. Certainly, Bennie's first year in 1948 was a glorious one, but you and I could have taken that mate- rial and done equally as well, I am sure. The true test started in 1951 when all of the great postwar ath- letes had long since graduated. A_ glance at Oosterbaan's record does not necessarily reveal what was fore-shadowed and has now come to pass; namely, the gradual debii- itation that has definitely priaced Michigan in the ranks of a second- rate football power, and it is ques- tionable in my mind whether a chap even as personable as Bump Elliott will be able to surmount the obstacles that he is now con- fronted with. During this period, from 1951 to 1958, anyone at all familiar with the football picture in the Big Ten could see that Michigan was gradually being sub- jected to a cancerous growth that has finally completely undermined our gridiron efforts. During this time Crisler, in characteristic fashion, assumed an indifferent and autocratic attitude FROM 'TIMES OF HAVANA': Cuba's New Inferiority Complex and made no effort whatsoever to intervene and rectify his initial error; namely, that of appoint- ing Oosterbaan, together with his lackadaisical associates, Blott, Webber and company. Conse- quently, young Elliott is faced with a monumental task of mend- ing fences all over the country, not only with high school coaches but also Michigan's alumni group. * * * IT GALLS ME to think of the potential, as you have pointed out, that has been dissipated as far as the alumni is concerned. No other school in the United States has the tremendous alumni group that Michigan possesses, and if they had been handled properly who knows but what a dynasty that no one could have offset could have been established. However, it is so apparent now that irreparable damagenin so many respects has been committed that the future to the most optimistic is dismal to say the least. So my most fervent hope is that "The Lord" takes himself away from Ann Arbor and seeks greener pastures, from his standpoint. I also hope that any talk of his successor being named in the per- son of Bennie Oosterbaan is strict- ly. hearsay. We have currently in athletic directorships around the country three good alumni; name- ly, Ernie McCoy, at Penn-State, Bill Orwig at Nebraska, and Ivan Williamson /at Wisconsin, plus Forest Evashevski, any one of which is well qualified to help pick up the pieces, as it were, and carry on. I appreciate the fact that this has been a very rambling disserta- tion, but Jim's article is respon- sible for my expression and my feelings because it coincides so thoroughly with what I have thought for many years. My one regret is the fact that, unfortu- nately, not enough really respon- sible Michigan men will have the opportunity to read it. In closing, just let me say again, congratulations on having the. "guts" to write the truth. Best wishes to Jim and his Side Lines, Column the balance of the year. Robert J. St. Clair Solution . . . To the Editor: I T HAS BEEN reported that the real purpose of Governor Wil- liams' recent trip to Europe was to study the effects of American foreign aid. Without the use-tax Soapy believes that ;Michigan's (and his) only hope is to secede from the Union and apply for for- eign aid. A hopeful and thankful Illinois Republican "It's all off" is the most repeat- ed line of the farce. Repeating it is the bride's father (Don Ewing) who cannot decide if a property- owning son-in-law is quite worth all the trouble it takes to get him. Mr. Ewing has played similar roles in "The Rivals" and in "The Matchmaker," and handles it with practiced competence. * * C FREYDA Schultz as the "blush- ing bride" is hilarious even when merely standing and twitching - a pin in her wedding dress pricks her. Greatest scene-stealer of all is Richard Levy, the bookkeeper and member of the militia (he's only sixty-two). "Horse Eats Hat," in which the horse unfortunately never ap- pears, has no message, it is not even social comment or satire. It is gay and sparkling jolly-good- fun. One suspects it is as much fun for the cast as for the audi- ence, at least it would appear so. In farce, this is half the battle. --Jo Hard. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Louise Heeney Pawl, Psychology; thesis: "Some Ego Skills and Their Relation to the Diffreences in Intelligence Be- tween the Middle and Lower Classes," Fri., Oct. 30, 6625 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. S. Bordin. Placement Notices Contact the Bureau of Appointments, General Division, 4001 Admin. Bldg. for additional information. Phone Univer- sity extension '3371. McKesson & Robbins, Lansing, Mich- igan. Pharmaceutical Sales, will call on drug stores, hospitals; and pharma- cists. Some travel, but will never be away from home more than one night per week. BA, no specific school or major required. No experience neces- sary, but will consider man with some experience. Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit, Mich. Several openings for management trainees. Location: Mich. area. Trainee is placed in the department where his talents and education will be best util- ized, usually in plant, traffic, engineer- ing dent. or the co~tptroller's group. BA or MA in Economics, Mathematics, or Bus. Admin. Man not over 27 year of age. Ernst & Ernst, Detroit, Mich. Client firm opening. Location: Detroit area. BBA or BA in Liberal Arts with an a- counting major or minor. Must be per- sonable. Prefer a new or Zecent grad. with 0-3 yrs. of experience. City of New York. Contact the Bu- reau of Appts. for a copy of Career Op- portunities. This is a listing of Exam- inations to be held, the salary rate and the last date for filing. Sarkes Tarzian, Inc., Bloomington, Ind. Supervisor of 'Internal Audit and Office Procedures. Must have experience both in public and industrial aceount- ing and should be a CPA. Responsibi- ities include supervising the internal audit program; working closely with outside auditors in the development of procedures designed to improve Intern- al control and reduce cost of audit; making a cojtinuing survey analysis and improvement of officeprocedures throughout the company; supervising Multilith and Stationery Stores Dept. with particular emphasis on standard- ization and improvement of forms de- sign; also special assignments which involve budgeting, cost control, etc. 1) TV Time Sales Manager. Should have experience as a time salesman and either have experience or potential for managerial responsibilites. 2) TV Time Salesman, Should have experience in TV, radio, or newspaper advertisement sales. 3) Transmitter and Studio Engi- neers. Responsible for adjustments to insure correct transmitter output and signal within specifications required by FCC, etc. Openings in Fort Wayne and Indianapolis. 4) Continuity Director. Writes original description advertising copy, extolling the merits of products for presentation to the buying public; must have creative ability and unique- ness of expression, etc. 5) Film Editor (male or female). Duties Include build- ing and tearing down syndicated and feature film products; should have abil- ity to evaluate story content; typing ability preferred. 6) Art Director. Pre pares commercial art work as required; creates posters and special signs, scen- ic designs; should be able to use air brush and do hand lettering. 7) Direc- tor-Producer. Responsible for produc- tion of individual programs and com-, mercials as assigned; must be capable of lighting, staging and directing, in- cluding actual switching of video; must be capable of creating and producing basic copy; must procure and assemble sets, properties and talent for execu- tion of program and. commercial con- tinuity. 8) Studio Assistant. Respon- sible for obtaining and constructing props for studio use; must organize and maintain order in prop room; re- sponsible for handling of property be- longing to clients; must set up and take down stage props; must be able to perform as cameraman; sets up, maintains, and checks on microphones, transmits cues from director to per- former. Summer Placement Service: Though the Summer Placement serv- ice is not opening until Dec. 1, two ex- cellent camps will be interviewing in Rm.' D528 of the SAB. Nov. 2: Camp Indianola, 'Wisconsin, will interview for men counselors in all fields of camping. Nov. 6: Camp Mataponi, Maine, will interview women counselors for all camping fields. Married couples may apply as there is a brother camp. Call Bureau of Appts., Ext. 3371, and ask for Ward D. Peterson, for inter- view appointment. Student Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non- -Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg., during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30 A { (EDITOR'S NOTE: Carlos Todd, a Cuban, is a columnist for the Amer- ican-owned "Times of Havana." This article is reprinted from the "Times" of October 15.) By CARLOS TODD SOMEONE said recently that we Cubans have operated under a national inferiority complex that was finally "liberated" in this "Year of the Liberation." It is the illusion of many today in this country that since they think in a certain way, it follows that everybody thinks or must think in a certain way; though it be in direct contrast to a national character that has been with us a long, long time. And that state- ment about an inferiority complex is a direct attack on the friendly, gregarious and uninhibited people of my country. That there are people here-as well as any place in the world-- that operate under an inferiority complex, no one can attempt to deny. To state that the whole na- tion is suffering from that ailment is a willful distortion of its people and its history. To deliberately endeavor to inject that complex- a breeding ground of hate-into us is nothing less than a crime, , * , ACCORDING to recent, if im- provised, "historians," our past is something to be thoroughly ashamed of. Columbus, who was responsible for our being here was carefully ignored on October 12th. Spanish colonizers, our forefath- ers, are accused of shamefully stealing the land from the Indian. They did, of course; but we still would not be here had it not been for those colonizers. The U.S. Wild West would still be exactly anniversary conveniently ignored this year in official circles), Ces- pedes started a ten-year rebellion that eventually marked the doom of Spanish colonialism. Years la- ter a group of patriots at Baire, on February 24, 1895,~renewed the struggle under the leadership of such patriots as Jose Marti and that peerless warrior Antonio Ma- ceo. The enormity of their courage and audacity can only be under- stood when you realize that a small group of men were fighting for their lives and their country against thousands upon thousands of well organized, well armed Spanish troops. * * * - THE PROCESS of thrusting that complex upon us continues. Now we are told that imperialistic United States troops invaded Cuba in 1898 with the sole purpose of enslaving the population. Ac- cording to these "historians," the tyranny of Spain was exchanged for the tyranny of the U.S. The fact that American intervention saved thousands of Cuban lives has nothing to do with it. On May 20, 1902 (another date purposely ignored this year by the official), Cuba was dignified as a nation. Then, we still had the Platt Amendment (which granted the U.S. the right of intervention in Cuban affairs) hanging about our necks. Today, we are well rid of it, have been for many years. Ignored or belittled by these "historians," are the great men who crowded Cuban history in the fields of the military and the in- tellectual. Their deeds and words, are being subjugated or distorted to a hideous caricature of our na- things did not exist in our ances- tors, who are presented to us as muddled, dishonest, dishonorable, politically cynical, and falsely pa- triotic. Fortunately, it is very difficult to wipe out the high sentiments, the love of country, the applica- tion, the work, the struggles and the aspirations of an entire people since their very beginnings. Never- theless, there is a subtle, deliber- ate, cynical and cunning cam- paign to inject us with ideas and complexes that we have never had. Look to other "sister nations" for complexes. Anyone of us who has traveled in other Latin Amer- ican nations is struck by their very real, ingrained inferiority complexes. Mexicans are begin- ning to emerge from a heavy com- plex where everything was "de- nigrante al pais," were noted for violent objections to tourists tak- ing pictures of something "deni- grante." The Puerto Ricans, 'with- out a history, hate just about ev- erybody. Colombians look down upon their neighbors because their Spanish is more precise in its ac- cents. And so it goes. We never had complexes here. The people of Cuba, in their to- tality, were the only Latin Ameri- cans who could and did stand up to their, neighbors, North and South, without fear, without shame, without inferiority, with- out intolerance, without hate. * * * INDIFFERENCE, say our new "historians." If it is indifference to be kind, friendly, tolerant, un- derstanding and, above all, hu- morous, then I am all for that kind of indifference. : ,