To Host Humanist Council Law School Nine Students Win Awards Nine University students have versity will be the scenend received a total of $500 in the 1959 W h ., won $50 in the W EL hC VM E STU ernational gathering of Folklore and the International Frederick Burkhardt, president of Summer Avery and Jule Hopwood John 0 M then the International Committee for the History of Art. the American Council of Learned ward.f. onaghan , '60, wn $75 r Philosophy and Hu- Also on the member list are the Societies and William DeVane, {1' rAwad. D "ton ."Eoheridgeo, Spec, adFre-eas ou ciences meets today at International Association for the dean of Yale College, Yale Uni- leIwCFacultyEr Cinest Zaplitny, Grad., of BayDonrdgehSenres Library through next History of Religion; the Inter- versity. City, was the only double winner, $50 awards for their entriesee your hair ne and w national Federation for Modern Others serving on the commit- The law school will welcome 12 receiving $50 for an essay, "The in the fiction contest. delegates and observers Languages and Literatures; the tee include Prof. Rensselaer Lee, professors and researchers as spe- Art of Comedy," and $25 for a dUring You 4 Yearson g about 15 nationai- International Union of Oriental- of the fine arts d e p a r t m e n t, cial personnel during the coming, drama entitled, "Games." xpected to attend the Ists; the International Society of Princeton University and Prof. academic year, Prof. Allan .F.. Robert C. Davis, Grad., won $75 W ANTED in our air-conditioned neeting, the first to be Musicology and the International Gerald F. Else, chairman of the Smith, director of legal research, in the poetry division. Other poetry le Paris. Union for Prehistoric and Proto- University classical studies de- announced recently, contest winners were Christian 1000 HEADS historic Sciences. partment. Prof. Kenneth H. Lawson, of Raisner, Spec., $50, and John L. assemly wi be given Besides Prof. Marckwardt, the A dinner hosted by the Univer- Brasenose College, Oxford, Eng- Foster;Grad., $25 be they square, fat or rounded discussion of the place arrangements committee handling sity will be held Monday at which land, will be teaching comparative Winners of the essay contest for that crew-cut ianiies in a world that the Council's meeting program participants will be welcomed by law for the first semester of the were William D. Elliott, '61, $50 at mn g s anz h as members Charles E. Ode- Vice-President and Dean of Fac- year. for "Symbolism and Theme," and a t715 North Un ers ct to technological gaard, University of Washington ulties Marvin L. Niehuss, Gov. G. One of the positions of visiting Zaplitny. rof. Albert H. Marck- president who- invited the Coun- Mennen Williams, Rep. Gerald B. professor of law will be filled by "The First Day," by Frank W. Near Michigan Theatre the English department cil to meet here when he served Ford and Robert Thayer, special Prof. Richard R. B. Powell, of gements c o m m i t t e e as dean of the literary college; assistant to the secretary of state. Columbia University, during the for the event, said. second academic semester. the eesnot Visiting Lecturer eesforte U' Announces 21 Promotions, Vladimir Iblerg, of the ivs bheld Wednesday and 9 .E..t y of Zagreb, Yugoslavi, has F L are Prof. Emeritus * een named visiting research rographiceeds Jas, of the' history de- e ations in A cademicT ie scholar and lecturer in interna- Johns Hopkins Univer- _tional law. ,harles Webster, British Among the year's visitors to Law philologist and writer; chanes in academic title were Frederick E. Moncrieff, who has School will be two Japanese law 1 Ifo m111 Hakim, Egyptian writer n nbeen an editor handling engineer- professors from Tokyo University. atist and Takeo Kuwa- announced by the Unviersity re- made picture editor of the Infor- Prof. Shigemtsu Dando will teach anese author. cently ing and science news, has been in the field of comparative crimi- elve member organiza- Prof. Muriel C. Meyers . of the In the Mental Health Research nal law as both teacher and re- the Council, which is Medical School, a research asso- oration and News Service. searcher during the second se- a l1 y supported by the ciate in the Simpson Memorial Institute, seven changes were mester. Prof. Junichi Nakata will tions Economic, Social director of the institute until. a made affecting research asso- also be in residence, doing re- ural Organization are: successor to the late Dr. Frank become research historian, Caxton search sponsored by a Rockefeller rnational Ac a d e m i c Bethel can be appointed. C. Foster is associate research Foundation grant. he International Feder- Ray E. Kehoe, formerly an as- ard L. Meier is now a research Prof. Yu-kun An, of the Nation- Societies for Philosophy ed to associate director of the social scientist, Renta Taliacozzo al Taiwan University, is the recipi- :nternational Committee sistant director, has been promot- Is assistant research scientist, and ent of a special research fellow- ical Sciences. Bureau of School Services. Merlin sociate research psychologist, ship for the first semeste ronly. include the Internation- W. Miller has been promoted from Robert M. Caddell has been Two-of the Law School's senior ent Committee of Lin- rector of the Office of Registra- made a lecturer and Herman research fellows, Prof. Bulent e International Federa- tion and Records. department of Mechanical Engi- Davran and A. Selcuk Ozelik, oietes of C l a s s i c a 1 Francis A. Hartman, supervisor neering. In the Medical School, are coming from the University of he International Union of firemanship training, has been Dr. Henry C. Bryant, Dr. Sylves- Istanbul, Turkey, for the academ- ; opological and Ethno- given the additional title of super- ter E. Gould, and Dr. Fred Holtz ic year. The Michigan-Columbia- z ences, the International visor of civil defense and disaster have been made lecturers in Istanbul project, supported by the n for Folk Arts and training in the Extension Service, pathology. Ford Foundation, is sponsoring Peter C. Briant, an instructor, their visit. has been made a lecturer in the Awarded Fellowship School of Business Administra- Prof. J. Keith Mann, of Stan- the himalacs tion. George W. Saunders, an in- ford University, has been awarded structor in zoology, has been made the Sunderland Research Fellow- mmu .mmm a research associate in the Great ship and will remain on campus w Lakes Research Institute. with his family for the entire There were two promotions in year. weater to top all sweaters . .. literally. Loose the University Library with G. The relation between Interna- Raymond Nunn being made Divi- tional law and United States for- sd v and a wol... backi$hed'95 sional Librarian and Agnes N. eign policy will be the subject of a side, vents and a new lapped boatneck. In Tysse being advanced to Refer- a study by Prof. E.-C. Hoyt, of , Black, Cognac, Olive, Charcoal, Heather, ence Librarian. Hamilton College., His work at the MarI, Brown Marl. H aLaw School will be supported by Alum nia special research fellowship. Thoms L. Nicholson, who was at the University of Hamburg, Art Exhibits Germany, last year, has been r, ~~named to the position of research ' oen;||s~tAnn A'rbor's Only Exclusive Camera Shop assistant on legal problems of the 1 Stress History EuropeanCommon Market. Prof. L. Neville Brown, of the Four new exhibitions will be University of Birmingham, Eng- Autfhorized Dealer featured starting Monday in the land, will be in residence with his galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall wife during the first nine months by the University Museum of Art. of 1960 using a senior research Museum Director Charles Sawyer fellowship he has received. -...s.' .:: said, "We are trying to include Merchandise works that fit into historical se-O e quences from oriental, Indian and Positons Open Persian civilizations and the west- ern art of the early Middle Ages cu 1 through the Renaissance.n The West Gallery, supplemented > by loans from Cranbrook, Detroit The University Symphony Or- ANSCO GRAFLEX POLAROI -. and Toledo Museums, will be de- chestra will start its season this voted to recent acquisitions and week when its conductor, Prof. Al RES HElLAND PRAKTIFL other objects from the permanent Josef Blatt of the music school, collection. IF R E LS w "nalcove section of West holds auditions. ARGUS ILFORD REALIST Open to all University students, Gally Il coan grashicta the try-outs will be held from 9 BELL and HOWELL KALIMAR REVERE and ornamental drawings of the to 10 a.m. and 1:30 to 4 p.m. Sept. as 1 nd rnam entrwis of the 6rto 18, in Rm. 214, Hill Audi- BESEL ER KALLO FLEX ROLLEIFL =; t17th and, 18th centuries will betoum exhit e wil eLast year, under Prof.' Blatt's th Gry w b over baton, theasymphony played such DU PONT KEYSTONE VIEW-MA to modern sculpture ande sculptors' woksMusrsys"itrsDU P N drawings and South Gallery to a s EASTMAN KODAK .EICA WOLLEN "'contemporary paintings, at an Exhibition," MozartSTsANKyDA- MINOLTAOASHENC The fourth exhibit is "Eskimo phony Number 34 and Beethovens X K AM N LAAS IC W I T Ar of Gat Canadian EasternArc- Eroica" smphony. It aso played EXAKTAN i."Gathered and sponsored by for the operas, "The Barber of DE NTS issmates fell groomed campus shop. pity D EX EX STER AK Vl Y a .,..1..E WJJA Eskimo Art, Inc., Ann Arbor, It Seville" and the "Masked Ball." Statewill be circulated by the Smith- The small beginning of the or- Prompt Photo Finishing Camera Repairs Equipm Street on the Campus sonian Institution of Washington, chestra took place one hundred D._C.,tothermuseums._Yearsago with the formation of "Les Sans Souci," an ensemble. From this beginning, the or r --u Cmra h chestra has developed into a 117 piece symphony, the largset in University history. NOrmandy 5-601116 South Themusic and speech depart- mentsrstage an opera each se- ken of West and South Quads t 4 [A liet ~t have been used mn these sweaters NT EDUwhich re the most'comfortable and best looking UDE.N ~ , -that it has ever been our pleasure to offer. YI ELC§CThey are made in Great Britain of Sc iv"ait1pure cashmere, cashmere and wool, Sl H 0° P>$=flambswool, and Shetland. All are hand-fashioned -,to assure you of a perfect fit. There is a tremendous range of colors and styles to satisfy the tastes of the most discriminating . .*.....* $10..50 nent Rentals OP University