E irl~igait Second Front Page October 25, 1959 Page 3 ARTS AND LETTERS: r Contenders For 1960 Tour U.S. Rockefeller, Johnson Act Like Candidates No As. Progress Indicatioi Strike Talks Re sum Best Choral Music Is Sacred ., I By CAROL LEVENTEN According to Prof. Maynard Klein, director of University Choirs, "the market for choral music is greater today than at any other time in history." Yet the greatest choral music was produced under the auspices of the church, and choral produc- tions today draw most heavily on its fund of sacred music. Contemporary choral 'composi- tions "superimpose an instrumen-. tal technique on choral groups," rathe than employing a vocal technique itself; because of the complexity of modern choral works, written by avant-garde composers, the average choir finds them difficult or almost impossible to perform, Prof. Klein explained. Market' Limited Although the mass market for contemporary works is limited, there is, nevertheless; extensive activity insthe singing of past. compositions:; Referring to this, Prof. Klein noted the growth of the music ed-E ucation movement as a contribut- ing factor. "Thousands of fine high school choirs rehearse every, day," he said, and commented that when he was in school, only. one folio of music was available to high school groups as contrasted to the 100. publishers currently furnishing folios of the same type. Listening to a Schubert choral work, he explained that "any country with a real choral art al-- ways has a great number 6f people singing it. In the early 19th cen- tury male singers simply got to- gether and sang, and Schubert had to write music for them." Renewed Interest Also, the "Back to church" movement is significantly related to the renewed interest in choral music, Prof. Klein said. Since the majority of outstanding choral works are sacred, the growing ac- tivity of church choirs increases the possibility of their being sung and heard by. more people. Furthermore, community choral groups are on the upswing; for example, the Rackham Symphony, Choir in Detroit, which Prof. Klein organized 10 years ago, is a "dra- matic example of new interest," he said. Composed of 320 adults, its plans for this year are ambi- tious: it will perform Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis" and Bizet's "Carmen." Be Artistic "It doesn't matter what music you sing," he decided. "The im- portant and significant thing is that people are doing something artistic together, expressing them- selves and making sounds in con- junction with other people, with a' very wholesome and therapeutic effect," "We believe in'togetherness', es-. pecially at our concerts - we al- ways hope the choir will decide to stop and start together," he in- jected. :s MUSIC -- Prof. Maynard Klein, director of the University Choirs believes that the demand for choral music is greater today than ever before. Most of the greatest choral music was produced under the auspices of the church, he said. Associated Press writer WASHINGTON (P) - The big news in politics this week: Nelson A. Rockefeller stuck a foot in the door to the Republican midwest, and Lyndon B. Johnson began to look like a real presidential con- tender. Johnson's all-but-official entry into the Democratic race won, among. other things, some warm reaction from former President Harry S. Truman. Rockefeller's best friends would probably concede the New York Governor didn't get far in his sounding-out visit to Chicago. There wasn't any organized poli- tical support, for example, there were no cheering crowds. Were Impressed Still, some influential midwest politicians and editors put it this way afterwards: we weren't what you'd call sold on him, but we were impressed. Rockefeller himself said hisChi- cago visit had done nothing to speed; up hs decision on whether he'll go after the Republican presi- dential nomination next year. Chicago and the whole midwest are counted on strongly by Repub- licans who want to see Vice-Presi- dent Richard M. Nixon move into the White House. Nixon Rests Nixon rested this week in Flor- ida, no doubt putting together additional strategy for his drive to nail down 1960. convention votes all over the country. In Texas, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn had most to do with getting the Democratic nomination campaign for Johnson off and roll- ing-to a good beginning, anyhow. A Washington check of John- son's Senate pals provided grounds to believe he can depend on con- siderable support from western states-Washington, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho and Arizona.] Carry Weight Separately, these states wouldn't count for much in a national convention but together they would, especially when added to the southern 'states which might be expected to favor Johnson. Sen. Gale McGee of Wyoming 'carried on the Johnson camp 'technique in identifying the Sen- ate Democratic leader with the 'West, rather than the south. * Johnson, McGee said, is held in 'great admiration "not just in the 'west, even though he belongs to 'us in the west, but all over." Fomer President Truman, be- 'loved by the Democrats for his 'come-from-behind victory in 1948, spoke warmly of Johnson. P "I'd come out for him too if I come out for him too if I were a 4 Truman is expected to give his 'first allegiance to his fellow Mis- 'sourian, Sen. Stuart Symington. I Symington, who makes a spe- 'cialty of offending nobody but Re- 'publicans, spent the week talking 'to voters from New England to 'Ohio, and welcoming their good 'wishes. "Nobody is ever hurt by good words from his friends," Syming- ton remarked at Danbury, Conn. STAY OF INJUNCTION-Federal Judges Herbert F. Goodrich, John Biggs and William iHastie granted an indefinite stay of an injunction against the striking steel workers. The steel workers union is contesting the constitutionality of the Taft-Hartley injunction. PLAN IN ACTION: Will Blame U.S. if Disarming Fails' '' ' And there is still more activityl on the community- level; mostc communities have choirs, some1 have small groups; which "get to; gether to sing madrigals." The great amount. of choral. music written in the 16th century reflects, naturally, the character of Renaissance music: it is linear,f predominately polyphonic, with each voice enjoying equal import-l ance in the composition. This epitomizes choral singing and op- poses a strictly harmonic treat- ment in which the melody is car-i ried by one voice. Professor Explained Therefore, Prof. Klein ex- plained, with the advent of secu-, larism and the rise in importance of the individual, we see the rise; of virtuosity and the ide-emphasis of polyphonic choral presentation. This, too, coincides with the birth of opera which originally em- ployed the homophonic line to present individual characters in the plot, something that-early op- eratic composers found awkward with polyphonic treatment. And even before this, non- sacred choral music was so influ- fluenced by the church that] it couldn't avoid a liturgical sound. Later, however, with the, defi- nite establishment of secularism, the pendulum took the opposite turn. Prof. Klein cited Haydn who wrote for a prince who had a chapel. "The prince liked secular1 music, and Haydn's masses which were performed in the chapelo have a sound which is much more operatic than liturgical," he ex- plained. Pattern Different Today, however, the pattern of music is completely different "20th century compositions are characterized by the use of aton- ality,. highly complex dissonant chords, melodies defying vocal production, and overcomplex rhythmic patterns." This repre- sents the modern mood of "un- rest, the present feeling of grop- ing, trying to do something dif- ferent and of being avant-garde," he said. "A great respect should be shown for artists who grope to ex- press themselves and their times, although their job is often thank- less in the eyes of their contem- poraries," Prof. Klein commented. The technical problems of per- formance will relegate their ch6r- al worksto a very few specialized groups, however. But the "hi-fi craze and the availability of re- cordings of music from all periods will bring the highly specialized masterpieces of both the past and present into more general con- sumption, he suggested. Interest to Scholars Pre-Renaissance music is, how- ever, stil mainly of interest to scholars. "We pick up at the 16th century and let the 14th century boys go," Prof. Klein offered, "be- cause we are interested in pre- senting music for the public." By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst Communist propaganda seems to be preparing Soviet public opinion to receive a shattering disappointment for which the United States can be blamed. By party order, propagandists paint the rosiest of pictures con- cerning prospects for Premier Nikita Khrushchev's total world disarmament proposal. If this proposal is accepted, the public is told; then nations can compete "to see who will build more houses, who will produce' more grain, milk, meat, clothing and other consumer goods, instead of competing in hydrogen bombs and rockets." Other Obligations But there is an accompanying minor key obligation. Newspaper cartoons are pictur- ing United States capitalists as trying desperately to hide preda- tory natures under new labels, as preoccupied with miiltary alli- ances and atomic bases, as delib- erately stirring international trou- ble for fear of losing war industry profits. The campaign goes to great lengths to picture Khrushchev as a peace hero. Party organizations have been instructed specifically to conduct a systematic agitation on the theme that his visit to the United States was, as Pravda sad, "one more important victory for Soviet foreign policy." On party instructions, meetings are staged all over the country in farms and.factories, "devoted to the historic visit." The official party newspaper tells party mem- bers to stress that the visit was a "most important event which' further raised the international prestige of the Union of Soviet So-, cialist Republics and made an im- portant contribution to the cause of lessening international ten-. sions." . Party organizations are told to conduct "broad discussions of the results of Khrushchev's trip to the United States. As a 'mighty vic- tory for the consistent peace-lov- ing policy of the Communist Party and Soviet Government."' In the background, Pravda fre- quently sounds this note: Can't Disregard "The peace-loving people can- not disregard the fact that oppo- nents of disarmament are step- ping up their activities . . . people' are still found in the West who, contrary to the will of the people, are putting forward the outdated slogan: Let us arm! As would be expected, the arms manufacturers are anxious about their profits from war orders and are fanning a campaign to hinder realization of the idea of general disarma- ment." The Khrushchev proposal for total world disarmament by stages within four years probably sound- ed' attractive to the Russians. Without the enormous investment now made in the military, there would be a prospect of a rapid rise in Soviet living standards. But actually there was nothing new about the Khrushchev pro- posal. In various forms it was made a number of times in the past under Lenin and Stalin. Khrushchev calls himself Lenin- ist. One Leninist principle is that disarmament "is impossible under. conditions of capitalism." When the first- total disarma- ment proposal was made at Genoa in 1922, Lenin told his party this did not contradidt his professed convictions. On the contrary, he said, the proposal "served as plop- aganda for this principle, with the world's .toiling masses." That is, rejection of the proposal by the West was supposed to help con- vince workers that while capital- ism existed' disarmament was im- possible. Concerning the possibility of dis- armament, Lenin said, "Only after it has disarmed the Bourgeoisie (Capitalists) can the Proletariat, without betraying its tasks in world history, scrap all its weap- ons. This the proletariat will do, but only then, and in no case. before." Companies Union Talk, Then Reeess_ No New Proposals Released to Public PITTSBURGH (P)-Negotiator bowed to a court edict and re sumed contract talks yesterday Ii the costly 102-day steel strike. If they made any progress ther' wasn't a sign of it. If any ne proposals were laid on the tabli no one was saying. President Dwight D. Eisenhowe urged the negotiators to kee hammering away to get a settle ment. The negotiators made n comment on the President's re quest-but they agreed to mee here at 2 pan. today. Spokesmen Meet' David J. McDonald, president al the 'United Steelworkers, led hi four-man bargaining team in th talks at a suite on the 16th floo of a, midtown hotel. R. Coiraid Cooper, the chief industry spokes man,, was on the opposite side o the table with three companion who have met periodically wit the union since last May. The meeting, lasted About hours-and-45-minutes. The industry representative spoke for the "big 12"-the 1 major steel. companies in the na tion. Issue Statement When the negotiating sesslo broke up a joint' statement wa given to waiting newsmenb Cooper.He said merely the negoti ators did not care to answer n questions. Then h announced th negotiations will resume today, The negotiations yesterday cam as a direct result of orders b the United States Third Circi Court of Appeals at Philadelphi2 The Court, which has stayed a 80-day Taft-Hartley rinjunctiox directed that negotiations be re sumed. 'Before the meeting McDonal told newsmen his team was "goin into collective bargaining-that all." "We're always hopeful,- alwa striving," Cooper declared. But at the end of the meeti no one expressed hope. No one ha comment. Y'''<'{ ik d , J g{ F-. e5~ I Perfect Teamwork ... to herald the winter season! W ool scarves... luxuriously soft and -warm... of wool or mohair knits.,.. plaids, checks and plain colors ... from: 2.00. I t 44 II 1 * scarves by I SPECIAL PURCHASE! quilted nylon chiffon duster 10.98 welcome savings on ouO oudsoft, quitted nylon chiffon duster! weightless warmth in a misty floral print with satin. tied tommy collar, side slash pockets, and three- quarter sleeves. blue or rose. s,m,l sizes. yCUO ,: . i y. x , .:r, ' :s.._, 4 ! * Gloves ... durable and warm. wools, leathers (I pigskins lined and unlined) and string gloves. from: 2.00 . "'""° * Be prepared for cooler days 1 l° ? r 2 ORV V/ ' jmM OPrl , wvvr; vr c a +