. I ! t.0 o. f Y "Ready, aim, fire," reverberat- ed around North University Bldg. today as the new ROTC rifle range was opened. A group, led by Maj. Gen. George E. Bush fired the opening salvo to cut the ribbon, disdain- ing traditional scissors. The range was formerly located in a building of its own, adjacent to the Undergraduate Library, but this building was torn down last summer;- Col. Earnest A. H. Woodman, professor of military science and tactics, said the new range was a big improvement over the old one. He pointed to better lighting, larger storage and classroom fa- cilities and more room as primary ingredients in the improvement. Col. Woodman said that all three ,ROTC units - Army, Air Force and Navy - would use the range, in addition to the Univer- sity Rifle Club and several other civilian groups. The range is open to all ROTC students and members of the par- ticipating organizations. ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39cs shorts 69c;, military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. W1 ROOM AND BOARD UPPER CLASSMEN or grads, linens furnished, also board. 1319 Hill St. near Forest, NO 2-6422. El REAL ESTATE HOUSE-AVAILABLE IN DEC. Comfort- able five-room house with large living room, tile bath, and basement. Near North Campus. Reasonable-will ne- gotiate. Phone owner-NO 2-8137. R4 BUSINESS SERVICES 2 3 4 ONE-DAY .80 .96 SPECIAL TEN-DAY RATE .9 .47, .54 THESE TWO EXTRA SPECIAL BUYS With Any In Town! '55 Chevy ..........$445 (V-8, standard shift, radio) '55 Pontiac ..........$425 (8 cyl., radio, Hydra-Matic) Call and Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified between 1:00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 and 11:30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786 -Daily-Selma Sawaya BANG, BANG-UniverSity Vice-President Williams E. Stirton, director of the Dearborn Center, and Maj. Gen. George E. Bush, commanding general of the U. S. Army Sixth Corps, practice firing rifles on the ROTC range which was dedicated yesterday. lilE~ l+ M |~ E*~l iiitlii WOLVERINE CYCLE SHOP Sales and Service. 611 S. Ashley-down Madison Pick up and Delivery 'NO 3-7733 Z7 BIG BRASS ... doff hats r TW VV VVVW VVVV~V TVVVVVVVVVVT V V Vl A AA e.._-X A S. ¢ iA g '.::!.! . 4. AA AA_.~f.b . ! = f s . A .A41L 3 L4... Quality Service A Must 314 S. State NO 3-2481 I ..I:. i 7l r s r, t The rsocial season seems to be marking time this weekend with many housing units busy putting finishing touches on their Home- coming plans. Then too, the Wolverines play away tomorrow, and it seems this' has removed the impetus to cele- brate. But several houses have found time to plan social events for this weekend. Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity plans a SouthSeas party for 8 p.m. to midiight tomorrow. The basement of the house will be dec~- We ore pleased to have MR. MAPLES with our staff of fine barbers. 'He is speciaizing in crew cuts and is one of Michi- gan's best. - TRY HIM! Yours for Pennies! ad Ioed Only 30c Each orated with palm trees, flowers, sand, water and nets. South Seas record music in the background will provide even more atmosphere, while upstairs there will be dancing to regular recorded music. * * * The Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity will have a Roaring Twenties par- ty at 9 p.m. tomorrow. The house will be decorated in accordance with the theme, and a. skit will highlight the party. * * * The Delta Sigma Phi fraternity will have an alumni banquet at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the house. The Delt Sigs are expecting over 100 fraternity alumni from the Detroit and Ann Arbor area. A meeting will follow the dinner. Profs. Dolph, Grace Discuss Conformity Prof. Charles L. Dolph came "just to hear what Prof. Frank Grace had to say" about "The Lonely Crowd" at the recent sem- inar entitled "The Individual and the Mass Society." And so the discussion, sponsored by Student Government Council's Reading and Discussion Commit- tee, brought together a teacher of engineers and a political scientist to jointly examine the problems arising from the regimentation of the person in a large and pros- perous society. Prof. Grace noted that the term "person" connotes two roles: one as a part of the social group and one which is private and apart from his society. Prof. Grace averred that today the role of the person as an entity apart from society is being sacri- ficed to his role within society. Both he and Prof. Dolph agreed that increasing regimentation has not stopped short at the univer- sity level. Prof. Dolph said, "The univer- sity grows more like industry; in- dustry grows more like the univer- sity. Pretty soon there will be no place left to hide. "Look at the marking set-up," he continued. "If your bell curve is inbalanced towards the 'E' level, there are no ends to your troubles. 'Being reasonable' and 'not rock- ing the boat' are making the marking system meaningless." But students attending the sem- inar were interested not only in defining the problem but in at- tempting to pose a few solutions to the problem of remaining a strong person in the midst of mass society. Prof. Grace noted that people should be less willing to reveal too much about themselves too quick- ly. Prof. Grace . asserted that one solution lies in allowing people to learn to "make a mistake" and work with its consequences at any early age. One student suggested an indi- vidualism which accepts "the ex- ternal signs of cohesiveness" so that the person's "vital interests can be preserved." "The problem here," Prof. Grace said, ,"is that the line de- fining 'vital interests' is hard to draw." The student replied, "But most of us aren't even trying." (See our miscellaneous gifts and office supplies too!) J49 FAST, ACCURATE TYPING at reason- able rates. NO 3-9104. J45 FOR PERFECT PAINTING the push button way, beautify in minutes with Krylon spray paints. Dries in minutes. For your painting needs we carry a full line of paints and accessories. MUEHLIG and LANPHEAR 311 S. Main J46 and defend yourself Student Bike Shop ONE-DAY SERVICE AT SANFORDS... ShoeRepairing Hat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street Open T11 8 P. M.- Also Sundays & Holidays (Opposite court house since 1927) NO 8-6966 J2 WASHINGS and/or ironings. Free pick- up and delivery. Specializing in cot- ton dresses. NO 2-9020. AAl SORORITIES AND FRATERNITIES - We have favors for parents' weekends. Burr Patterson and Auld Co., 1209 South University. NO 8-8887. J47 5-4-3-2--1 PREPARE FOR THE' BLAST-OFF THIS WEEKEND by purchasing your "fuel" at RALPH'S MARKET (Formerly Freeman's) 709 Packard NO 2-3175 "Just two doors from the Blue Front" J2 HELP WANTED Secretaries and Stenographers: Openings for experienced, qualified secretaries and stenographers in- terested in seeking a position with challenge and opportunity for growth. Excellent salary, fringe benefits and good working condi- tions. Apply in person. BENDIX SYSTEMS DIVISION Mr. Lawrence Smiley 3300 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor H43 WANTED: Part-time male or female telephone operators. Arthur Murray's. NO 2-5539. H27 WANTED-Experienced Arthur Murray teachers, full or part time. NO 2-5539. 1311 S. University. H10 HELP WANTED-Male Excellent CAREER Opportunity Married or engaged male grftduating seniors or grad students, any'field. Write Box 1, Michigan. Daily. Yl ,BUSINESS PERSONAL' HEY BOODY-ever wan' have aigs in, the middle of the day? Wal, the oney place we know of is Lumbards for that. 1225 S. Univ. FF30 PERSONAL DOES YOUR CAR need a bath? If so, come to 800 Oxford Sat., Oct. 24, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and A O Pi will make your car clean again. $1.00 for char- ity. F82 LAUNCHING of interplanetary missile today at 12:50 on the Diag. Be there for count down. F84 "It has often been ambiguously report- ed that certain intangible xoids are present in. our academic background. It is rather doubtful that these short- comings will be overcome by in- creased educational pursuits; how- ever, the long-run solution lies in the procurement of the STUDENT DIRECTORY" Bob Wells, APB & RSVP. F78 FOR THE BEST in the WEST Wear a vest. (Other, hints available in "Michigan Daily Fashion Supplement, coming soon), F80" TO THE DEAREST from her nearest, Happy Birthday Buffie (21) . From the Four Nicest Guys on Cam- pus. P71 3345 Washtenaw Phone NO 3-4197 Il V1 Come in and See for Yourself . . THE NEW 1319 S. University N EUROPEAN CAR CORP. Soles and Service 303 S. Ashley NO 5-5800 V5 Z9 LINCOLN * MERCURY * EDSEL y ENGLISH FORD 1958, MGA COUPE. One owner. 77,00 miles, radio and heater. $1850. NO 8- 9738 after 5 P.M. Nt 51 MG, new motor, excellent condi- tion. Call NO 2-0972 after 6 P.M. N29 JAGUAR XK 120. The finest in sports cars. Perfect condition. Must sell $1175. 100 Michigan Hse., W.Q., N2 '52 PLYMOUTH 4 dr., heater, radio, low mileage.$175. NO 3-1857 after 5. N27 RENAULT DAUPHINE '57, Black. Ex- cellent condition. GL 3-1072. )18 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES NEW ATLAS TIRES "Gripsafe" In sets of 4; 4-6703:0,; $58.75; 750x14, $74.95; (plus recap- able tires and tax). Other. siZes comparably low. Tune-ups. Brake service. HICKEY'S SERVICE STATION Cor. Main & Catherine NO 8-7717x Protect your carl . Fall Changeover . Antifreeze Winter Lubrication Complete Tune-up Service Available GOLDEN'S SERVICE STATION 601 Packard NTO 8-9429 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business, Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- les. Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires: Road srvice-mechan°Io on duty. ' "You expect more from Stndard and you get it!" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 " WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-335d 5 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Woman's Bucher watch. .Brown strap. CU, Ellen Lewis, NO 2-4514. A25 LOST: Gold ring with pearl and dia- .monds. Sentimental value. Reward. Call 13-4559. A2 i LOST: 2 silver bracelets with n a * 7895 after 6:00. A26 LOST: Chas. McIntosh trench coat at Phid House . Saturday. Name-I aye S. Baker inside. Please Call NO 5-8661. A23 LOST: Tan jadket on third floor of Undergrad Library. Reward. NO 2- 4864.A FOUND: Ladies' Bulova watch. Call 419 Lloyd, West Quad. )A13 WANTED TO RENT GRAD. COUPLE desire apt., Jan., 1- June ist, in exchange part-time work. Exper. general maintenance, light consruction. Box 6, Mich. Daily. L TRANSPORTATION RIDE TO MINNEAPOLIS this weekend. Will share driving and expenses. Cal NO 3-1531, ext. 383, or NO 2-9381 after 6 p.m. 0 RIDE WANTED: to Chicago (preferably to Aurora). Any weekend and espe- cially Thanksgiving. Call: Howard So- bel,, NO 5-6063, 914 S. State. 04 FOR SALE TWO WHITE net formals size 9. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reasonable. HU 2-4431. 845 TENOR SAX, CONN. Very good condi- tion. Call NO 5-5802, 6:30-8:00 eve- ° nings. 48 GIRL'S FISCHER SKIIS. Marker safety bindings -poles. Used twice. Boota size 6-6%. Call. NO 8-6157. B4' STUDENTS-I will give you a 25% dis- count on a name brand portable type- writer, backed by Ann Arbor's most reputable office supply company. For demonstration, call Ralph Frederick, 3-3839, 5-9 evenings. 844 PRACTICALLY NEW sportcoat costintg $46. Will sell for $25. Call NO 3-8965! 514 East Washington. Phone NO 3-4126 J6 TYPING: Theses, term papers, reason- able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590. JIB. FOR RENT 2 LARGE well furnished rooms, double or single. Twin beds. Call after 5, 807, West Liberty, NO 8-8278. C93 I NEED A ROOMMATE. Male student, graduate or undergraduate, to share 3-room apartment with graduate stu- dent. Only 800 yds. from Angell Hall. Quiet, modern, no lease required. NO 3-9464 after 10:30 P.M. or before 8:00 A.M., or write Box 309, A.A. 'C85 UTILITY APT. with stove, refrigerator and Murphy bed. $85.00 per month with- eat. Call Mr. Rose-mornings .--11-12 a.m. at NO 3-1531, Ext. 7233. C92 HALF of two-family, 5 rooms, stove, refrigerator, basement, garage. Newly decorated. On busline. NO 3-4035 or 3-7851. C90 FURNISHED: '2 bedroom home, avail- able until June, oil furnace, complete. bath, washer, 433 E. Shore Dr., Whit- more Lake. NO 8-6931., C91' MALE GRAD STUDENTS-Newly dec- orated home near St. Joseph's Hospi- tal available in December. Write Box 4, 420 Maynard. C82 GRAD WOMEN wpnted to share inex- pensive large Apt. 1 block from Rack- ham. Call NO 5-7958 after 5. C80 DOUBLES ONLY. Linens furnished. Only % block from Law Quad at 804 S. State (at Hill). C64 AVAILABLE ,IMMEDIATELY-3 rooms, furnished, private bath. Right, next- door to campus. $85 month (pay gas only). 1003 East Huron. C86 CAMPUS ROOMS, large quiet singles, doubles, linens furnished. Reason- able. NO, 3-4747. C2 ON CAMPUS 'One block. Modern apartments,. 514 S. Forest. Also rooms. NO 2-1443. C25 PARKING Space and garage. 514 S. Forest. NO 2-1443. C26 LARGE ROOM, single 8 per week. HU 2-4959, 5643 Geddes Road. C35 FURNISHED campus apts. for 3-4 single students. Pvt. bath. $105-$150 per month.,344 S. Division St., NO 3-8134. C30 627 S. Main St. 1023 Ann St. Phone NO 3-4185 l I J ff TAPE RECORDERS $79.95 UP Revere, Telectro, WebCor and others. Accessbries. Music Center SAMMIES: Have you been mugged? P81 ~1 I 5 . 300 S. Thayer NQ2-50 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 X14 Join GRINNELL'S Piano Rental Club. $20. gives you the use of the piano with lessons for 30 days. From then on only $10 a month-up to five months. GRINNELL'S J.K.P. I'm waiting. E.M.P. P83 GRADUATES TO BE: Have you made your Senior Picture Appointment yet? Better HURRY - the photographers are leaving Campus this Friday. N.C.N.: F75 CINEMA GUILD announces that peti- tions for movie sponsorship now are available at S.A.B. Interviewing Sat., Oct. 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. F65 ATTENTION: recognized student organ- izations currently registered with of- fice of student~ affairs. You are eli- gible for consideration -as movie sponsors. Cinema Guild will be inter- viewing Saturday, October 24, from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Pick up your petition Oct. 19-23 S.A.B. .F62 323 S. Main NO 8-7312 X13 w ____________________________ Need that extra radio? Special on Olympic electric radio 5 Tube, AM $14.88 GRINNELL'S 323 S. Main NO 8-7312 X11 I 1 PIANOS-ORGANS NEW &' USED Ann Arbor Piano & Organ Co. 213 E. Washington NO 3-3109 Si Complete line of HiFI components including kits; complete service on yarain nhonogrmnhs and HiFI equip- I If S/ I !1'R s l - I U A