Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN n r UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS n Opinions Are Free uth wu Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Hungarians Mark Anniversary of .1 e OCTOBER 23, 1959 ' NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER iserble State Condition Threatens University The New Era NOW COMES the era of the Denial of it, all perhaps is better, dwarf-brained monsters, Repudiation of your human kin; A new triassic age, devoid of man. Be clever, but the dinosaurs will The raging saurians, orin-beaked, get you - brass-sinewed, Even a flock of sheep could Crawl barking -forward run you in. like Leviathan. And laugh at us, who still persist W6uld you discuss with tanks in fighting. the aims of ethics? Surely in vain are will and 'Twere better, you kept mute power to scan, and gazed apart. Now comes the era of the The virtues you possessed dwarf-brained monsters, have all been, murdered - A new triassic age, devoid of man. Conscience, the plighted word, -Gyorgy Nagy, the Christian heart. trans. Watson Kirkeonnel AT CINEMA GUILD: Marx Brothers Save 'The Day at the Circus 'HE STATE of Michigan yesterday descended to a financial and political nadir, and the ture of the University inevitably fell with it. In the wake of the Supreme Court's Use Tax ,cision it is difficult to predict when either stitution will be back in comfortable opera- on, but only .an optimist would predict quick covery. The evidence supporting a pessimistic view, overwhelming: the ,state is now $100-odd illion ; in the red and steadily slipping. It has en estimated the state will lose $80 million ' June if no new tax measures are found., Financial losses are, only part of the misery,. >wever. Michigan's national prestige has been verely tarnished by a year of political confu- n, and now further damage seems likely. T IS NOT wholly fair to say the University situation parallels that of the state, but an alogy does exist. The University's financial ndition has been shaky for three years. Little no money has been allocated for buildings, d it now seems certain that the much-de- ed Institute for Science and Technology will without buildings for at least one year.. More important, occasional faculty unrest ,s been prompted by the threat of no monthly ychecks from the State Administrative Board. ie University has not yet failed to provide yroll funds for, its staff, although borrowing - om banks and dipping into student fees has en necessary. How much longer the University can con- iue meeting payrolls without depleting its re- urces is debatable.. MORE FRIGHTENING question is " this: How much longer can the University main- n its position as perhaps the greatest of the ite universities with only anemic support from e Legislature? A similar situation exists all ross the state. Colleges are suffering from ,1k of buildings and classrooms, while the llege-age population is mounting with fright- ing speed.' Without even laying blame, it is legitimate say the state is at present utterly unprepared meet the rising needs of its schools. 'his does not mean the University is through a major institution. It is simply too great too many ways to quickly fall apart. How- er, it was two full years ago that University icials feared becoming a "second-rate univer- y" if state support was not boosted. That tement was admittedly made in a time of sis, but the present crisis is probably greater. O MATTER what the proportion of the present problem,. the crisis of 'tomorrow ich the state and University must face is n greater. If party lines hold in the Legis- Lre, a new tax plan could easily be fore- fled-some 'say until next June. Phis is admittedly a gloomy prediction, but it comes to be true, the state will face a icit of around $200 million, and the Univer- sity can look forward 'to perhaps the meagerest of days. Two more important questions are finally raised. First, should the Supreme Court have ruled the Use Tax unconstitutional, since the result seems to be only further troubles? Sec- ond, what can be done to mitigate these future problems and to lead Michigan out of its miser- able wilderness?y THE FIRST question must be answered with an affirmation of the Court's stand, al- though the Court's motives might be ques- tioned. The Use Tax, in the opinion of most. objective observers, was unconstitutional. It was, moreover, unfair in placing the burden on low-income, larg. family groups. It was also inadequate, since any form of sales tax Is unstable and fluctuates with the level of: prosperity. However, the Court vote (five Demo- crats against, three Republican' for) seems to indicate that party interests overrode judicial interests in the decision. The Court decision, in turn, hinges on the second question: What can be done to improve the future situation? For the Court decision prepares the path for a better tax solution )than the use-business tax abortion which emerged from eight months 'of bitter feuding in the Legislature. IT SEEMS possible now-although no one predicts anything about the Legislature- that some form of flat-rate income tax on individuals and corporations will emerge from the session which opens this week. Such a tax form would be a step towards equity and stability, and is levied in the great majority of states.' Need- for a new tax structure is not the es- sence ,of the crisis of tomorrow, however. The needs for reapportionment of state electoral districts and revision of an anachronistic con- stitution are primary and inescapable. The need is also great' for the present Legislature to for- get petty dislikes, party hatreds, personality clashes--out of a sincere desire to resurrect Michigan from the land of the fiscal dead. Non-partisan committees of interested citi- zens are already forming, and their aid could prove invaluable in settling the situation. Study groups are needed to report on the complexities of the taxation problem, the present appor- tioning of political districts, and the actual industrial climate of the state. The University, in the meantime, can do lit- tle more than wait, continuing to explain its needs and purposes to the public. But it should' be emphasized that the waiting can not go on too much longer. A state university is by /definition intimately tied to its state. If that state breaks down or drags its feet, the state university cannot func- tion with full efficiency. Michigan has clearly broken down and is dragging its feet. How much longer can the University continue on the momentum ,of its great reputation? --THOMAS HAYDEN HUNGARIANS RIDE CAPTURED RUSSIAN TANK DURING HEIGHT OF REVOLT By PETER DAWSON Daily Contributing Editor N THE DIAG today several Hungarian students will put up' a Hungarian flag with the ham- mer and sickle torn out of the center. They will be recalling the third anniversary of the Hungar- ian rebellion. University students and teach- ers will many of them give' the Hungarians a moment's thought and pass on. They will think, "Oh, look at that," or perhaps "good for them," or perhaps "gung ho." Hungary is a long way from here, and it is hard for students to get wrought up over it during the fifth week of classes. Yet they might give it a good, long thought. THREE YEARS ago the secret police fired on a group of un- armed students who wanted to broadcast on the radio the sixteen demands of the students of the University of Technology in Buda- pest. A crowd of 1200,000, which had collected at Parliament, went to the radio station; and found machine guns in the windows and dead bodies in the street. After a while, industrial workers came in trucks bringing guns. Within a few hours thousands of Hungarians were shooting from doorways, ducking around corners,; and throwing Molotov cocktails at tanks. TIRE ,HUNGARIAN students in I I their action today are not trying. to act heroic, though they may have been brave if they were pres- ent during the fighting. They want to remind the West of Hungaryls plight. Executions are still going on, and demands of the rebels have not been met; they believe that no summit solution is com- plete unless it cleans up the Hun- garian situation. Secondly, they want the West to remember that Russia has broken many promises in the past, and that she may or may not follow her promises in the fu- ture. We might give them and their ideas a good, long thought. HE COMEDY STYLE of the Brothers Marx is one that oc- cupies the historical niche re- served for team comedy 'of the, punch-press/variety. . . . Harpo offers charming pantomime (and an occasional brilliant harp num- ber), Chico plays a piano with a technique almost too fast and fas- cinating to be captured in cinema, and Groucho constantly edits in his well-chosen one-liners. So goes "At the Circus." The film itself belongs to an era a weak-legged musical haircurlers.- Unfortunately, there's a plot that keeps getting in the why: Boy can't marry Girl 'until he pays off the Mortgage on his circus. Enter Villains. (Why is it that Villains are always minority-group mem- bers? In this one, they're a strong man and a midget.) Villains steal loot needed to Save The Day. En- ter legal-eagle Grouncho to Con- quer All. * '* * GROUCHO AND company man- age to get off a series of hilarious scenes, but Boy and Girl must get their licks in too, and the result is a "run-like-mad-stop-for-a- love-song" duel. He stops every- thing to sing "Three Blind Mice" or something to her (with an ele- phant in the background for mood), and one can im gine the brothers panting at the cutting' room door. If you can out-wait the songs and production numbers, you'll be rewarded with a pain in your side from, laughing at the better scenes. Eve Arden makes a brief ap- pearance here and there as a hu- man fly, and makes the comment: "Who ever heard of anyone sing- ing with a horse act?" M-G-M has, and if the picture has a prob- lem, this is it. A fairly competent shooting of a Tolstoy short story provides the opener for the program. You can't miss with God in the title role of "The Guest," as a religion-deny- ing cobbler, heckled by his friends, awaits a holy visit. Cinema Guild has done worse, and when the projector isn't flick- ering, it's pretty good entertain- ment. -Ted Kyser LETTERS to the EDITOR . Thanks .. . To the Editor: I AM writing this letter as a means of expressing my appre- cition to the Ann Arbor City Bus Co. I was given an assignment in student teaching. at 10:50fat Ann Arbor High School. For about my first week I had to take a cab out to school because ordinarily there are no buses running in Ann Arbor from 10:15-11:15 a.m. This caused a great financial hardship., I was delighted when Mr. Arvin Marshall offered to run a special bus out to Ann Arbor High School for the benefit of another girl and me. Lysbeth Hoffman and I wish to say thank you. -Marilyn, Carlsen Quietly To the Editor:' BRASS BAND, you cannot blast your way to Beauty, Nor will the battled beat of drums be there. It is a finer fury - a subtler symphony Of strange intensity of harmony. Kathleen Dunne, '60 itY S memb the m He tions leastf cided The C execui ous el electe only t But proble sufferi lack o asm b memb at an AN was 8 agend hurrie the ch an ea it at' Deb ent. T tionsl out a cussio' The WITH THlE tWS. GOLLY, what's wrong?" a the evening came on a proposal tudent Government Council , by John Feldkamp, SGC treasurer, er asked Wednesday after to establish a committee to study eeting. campus discriminatory practices. was referring to the elec- He proposed a committee of five situation. Incumbents, or at Council members. Several mem- a majority of them, have de- bers objected to this committee not to run for re-election. het o e council will lose a president, set-up. tive vice-president and vari- Jim Martens, Inter-Fraternity ected members. Of the eight Council president, said his group d to the Council next month has a large file of information on two will have had experience discriminatory p r a c t ic e s and should be consulted m any study. his hardly states the GC Many Council members seemed to ing. The Council has been favor making the IFC and Pan- ing from lack of leadership, hellenic presidents members of3 >f issues and lack of enthusi- aygop y many of its members. One any group. er, in fact, has not been seen AL HABER brought up a pro- e posal for a board containing * * * Council members, the IFC and OBVIOUS demoralization Panhel presidents, representatives een Wednesday night. The of the three fraternities on cam-o a was bare, discussion was* pus that still have written bias 'd, and it was apparent that clauses in their national constitu- lief goal of the members was tions and other interested parties,I rly adjournment. They got including Administration mem- 10:15 p.m. bers. ate was almost non-exist- The proposal ended up being the tail end of the regula- tabled rather than fully discussed. booklet sailed through with- At least preliminary discussioni hitch, and with little dis- was needed in the philosophy of ' n or questioning. the group, as Haber suggested. most extended debate of Should it be a fact-finding boardi By ROBERT JUNKER or a group which would be lead- ing toward a definite policy on discriminatory practices? No one really seemed to care, at least enough to discuss it fully. Other action was routine, except a motion by Dick Ugoretz to ask the University to stop impound- ing bicycles as a corrective mea- sure to the parking problemh. Ugoretz believed that student pressure would effectively solve any bicycle problem there may be. * * * HIS MOTION was sparked by having his own bicycle impounded. The Council treated the discus- sion in a, light tone and failed to take it as anything but a personal gripe. Whether it did have any merit was not fully discussed. The Council session was admir. able in one respect: the recent. tone set by certain members of gay and witty fun was missing. What little the Council did was done in a somewhat serious tone, a change much for the better. The Council needs a shot in the' arm badly. It does not seem that more than two or three candi- dates now running for the eight- vacant seats will be able to proL- vide this. i . i' I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TODAY AND TOMORROW Opers By WALTER LIPPMANN FTER THE, TALK with Mr. Khrushchev at Camp David, it was believed in Washing- that before the Presideht's visit to Moscow. he spring, there would have to be a meeting the summit. But before there could be a eting at the summit there had to be an un- standing among the Western allies, includ- West Germany, about the position to be m. Berlin and the German question are, of rse, the sticky point, on which a.9 under-, iding is needed. For it is plain that if and n Macmillan, de Gaulle, and Eisenhower. t Khrushchev, they must have a common cy on how to stabilize the situation in West lin. ut this is easier said than done. For there' n important difference of view between Ger- ay and France on the one hand, Britain and U.S.A. on the other. The basic difference iat we are prepared to negotiate about Ber- whereas our continental allies do not wish negotiate anything which would alter the us quo. his difference explains the reluctance of .. de Gaulle td accept the President's pro- al for a summit meeting of the Western s. Such a meeting would be a failure unless ' nce and Germany yielded to the President agreed to treat Berlin as a negotiable tion. The President would have to insist. if he yielded to Gen. de Gaulle and Dr. nauer by agreeing that the status of Berlin xed, unalterable, and non-negotiable, the omatic venture on which he embarked last mer would be wrecked. ALL PROBABILITY the difference among ie Allies cannot be resolved quickly. Dr. nauer is preparing for a crucial election in , and he cannot voluntarily agree to any- g which recognizes the legal existence of French national interest. At least until that election is over, until Dr. Adenauer has a new political mandate, Bonn and Paris have a strong interest 'in not engaging in a serious negotiation about Berlin with the Russians. In this country there exists the same differ- ence of opinion about negotiating. It is led by members of the Truman administration, by Mr. Truman himself, Mr. Acheson, and Mr. Paul Nitze. Their thesis is that the status of West Berlin is not a negotiable question, that the right policy for this country is to refuse to discuss the status of West Berlin, and to. defy the Soviets to do anything about West Berlin. 'They think, it would appear, that tie Soviet government will be over-awed by our firmness. And if it is not over-awed, they are prepared to fight some kind of "limited" war. These retired Truman officials, like old sol- diers, are in my view trying to relive the battles in which they won their fame and their glory. But while they are right in insisting that the cold war will go on, their preoccupation with their own past history is preventing them from grasping and dealing, with the new phase of the cold war. A rigid and unchanging diplomacy. which is what they advise, will not work in the present phase of the cold war, IT WILL NOT WORK because it compels the country to oppose all moves toward accom- modation. This is an impossible platform from which to exercise world leadership. Moreover, this negativism contains within it an ugly thing, which is quite evident and quite well know. everywhere. This ugly thing is the belief that without perpetual tension and fear the democracies cannot be'induced to support the necessary armaments, or trusted not to appease the adversary and to sink into cowardice and. lethargy. What lies at the root of this thing / The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- city of Michigan for which The. Michigan Dailyassumes no e1- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room, 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO. .2 1 ,. General Notices University Convocation in recogni- tion of the ;100th anniversary of the Lw School will be held Sat., Oct. 24 at 10:30 a.m., in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Speaker will be the Honorable John, M. Harlan, Associate Justice, Su- preme Court of the United States. There will also be a presentation of honorary" degrees. Members of the dean's 'conference andthe, law faculty are invited to attend in academic cos- tume. Other faculty members need not robe. The public is invited. Notice: Philosophy 61 make-up exam will be given Sat., Oct. 24 at 9 a.m. in Rm. 2401 Mason Hall. Pharmacy Day: A program designed to introduce high school students and interested University students to the profession of Pharmacy will be held on Sat., Oct. 24. Interested students should !contact the College of Pharmacy Office, 1525 Chem-Pharmacy Bldg. for further details. Choral Union Members are remind- ed that passes to either of the Boston Symphony Orchestra concerts will be issued on Fri., Oct. 23'between 9:00 and 11:30 and 1:00 to 4:30. After that date no tickets will be given out. Members may have a choice of one of' the two concerts - Sat., Oct. 24 at 8:3Q or Sun., Oct. 25, at 2:30. Benjamin F. Moore, president of the University Non-Academic Employees Local Union No., 1583, AFSCME, AFL- CO, has called a special meeting of the local union, Sun., Oct. 25,. at 5:00 p.m. in Rm. 3R of the Michigan Union. Summary of action taken by Student Government Council at its meeting Oct. +21, 1959. Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. Approved the following activities sponsored by student organizations: Nov. 10, 1959, Christian Science Or- ganization, lecture, S p.m., University Elementary School Aud. Nov. 12-14, 1959, Women's League, Sophomore Show "One Touch of ye Sling of petitions for SC electlons to Oct. 22 at 6 p.m. College of Architecture and Deslgu: Freshman 5-week grades are due on Wed., Oct. 28. Please send them to 207 Architecture Bldg. The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office will open Monday to sell ,season and single tickets for the Playbill 19$9/60, 10-5 p.m. Productions include: "Horse Eats Hat ("An Italian Straw Hat"), "Don Pasquale" "Epitaph for George Dillon," "DPas Rheingold," "~The Way of the World," "Look Homeward, Angel"(if available), and the Premiere performane of an original play. Sea- son tickets at $8.00, $4.50, $3.00. Single tickets. "Dao!Rheingold, .$1.75, $1.40. $1.00; "Don Pasquale,.$1.00; Premiere Performance, 75c; al lotheta, $1.50, $1.10 75c. The following student-sponsored so- cial events have been approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded.that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the event. Oct. 23: Alpha Rpsilon Phi and Sig- ma Alph Mu, Beta Theta Pi, Chicago, Hse., Fletcher Hal,7 Jordan .and.Cooley se., Pershing Rifles, Phi Delta 'h1, Winchell Hse. Oct. 24: Rumsey He., Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Chi, Anderson Hse., Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi. Delta 'Chi,' Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Evans Scholars, Graduate Student Council, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Tau,. Reeves.Hse., Scott lite., Theta Chi, Zeta Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Epsilon ]i, Alpha Epsilon P1., Oct. 25: Phi Delta Phi. Concerts The Boston Symphony Orchestra, will be heard in two concerts this weekend -Sat., Oct. 24, at 8:30 (second concert in the' Choral Union Series); and on Sun.. Oct. 25, at 2:30 (first concert in the Extra Series), in Hill Aud. The Saturday evening program: Brandeno- burg Concerto No. 6 (Bach); "Schelo- mo" for cello and orchestra (Blochi) with Samuel Mayes, soloist; and the Brahms Symphony No. 2. The Sunday evening program: Mozart Symphony No. 38 in D major (Prague); Party Scene and Finale from "The Tender Land" (Copland) and the Beethoven Symphony. No. 5. Academic Notices Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Donald E. P. Smith, Reading Improvement Service, Bureau of Psychological Serv- ices, University of Mich. will speak oi "Rea~ding Disaility: A Psychological f 9' , Y -' ,- -7" -