1~ w s, Second Front Page ER 23, 1959 Page 3 Administration Pessimistic OCTOBI ~13 resident Seeks Onl Steel Strike East-West Talks Western Unity Deemed Necessary For Success in Summit Meeting AUGUSTA, Ga. (') - President Dwight D. Eisenhower came out publicly yesterday for an East-West summit conference by the year's end. But he said he has no strong feelings regarding timing and won't attempt to dictate to Western. allies.. Eisenhower added emphatically at a news conference that in ad- vance of any such conference he and the leaders of Western Europe must meet to coordinate policy and position. Stressing importance of such coordination before any summit session with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, Eisenhower asserted Tthat without Western unity: "It MohUrge s Missile Ban I N Tls UNITED NATIONS (P)--France proposed yesterday that the com- ing East-West disarmament con- ference put top priority on banning- intercontinental missiles and other new devices for carrying nuclear weapons. Jules Moch, the French disarma- ment expert, made the pr posal in a speech to the 82 - nation UN Political Committee during debate on various approaches to the dis- armament problem, "We deem it necessary, in any disarmament program, that high priority be given to measures pro- hibiting first the development, then the manufacture and posses- sion of all vehicles for nuclear devices,". Moch declared. Mentions Missiles He mentioned specifically satel-' lites, rockets, supersonic or long- range aircraft, submarines, air- craft carriers, and launching pads. In outlining what he considered the top issue for the 10-nation conference in Geneva early next year, Moch said: "We suggest :calming anguish and distrust by starting disarma- ment efforts with elimination of the most dreaded vehicles for the materials of universal destruc- tion. Such an action should be studied first and foremost." Asks Program Once this priority has been ae-. cepted, he added, this three-stage approach might be studied at Geneva: 1) A declaration of programs and existing weapons to a inter- national disarmament organiza- tion. 2) Prior notice and control of tests. 3) Prohibition,- destruction and control of .stockpiles and muni- tions factories. All that would re- main would be air and naval equip- ment sufficient to meet needs of internal security and obligations imposed by the UN Charter. Moch said he was familiar with the Soviet thesis(that control, far from establishing confidence, would multiply suspicions while disarmament operations were be- ing carried out, and ought not to function fully until operations were.completed. He noted the So- viet position was entirely opposed to .the West's.in this position; would be just a donnybrook." In popular usage "donnybrook"; means a .lively quarrel - even a chaotic situation. Grants Conference The President, in Augusta for a vacation of golf, told the approxi- mately 50 reporters on hand for his conference that he thought he owed them a chance to fire ques- tions at him because he had can- celed a meeting with newsmen in Washington Wednesday.. A good part of the news confer- ence dealt with prospects for a meeting of Western leaders and an East-West summit conference. The first question was whether the President wants a pre-summit meeting in the next few weeks with French President Charles de Gaulle, British Prime Minister Harold Macmnillan, and West Ger- many's Chancellor Konrad Aden- auer. Question Coupled The question was coupled with an, inquiry on whether the Presi- dent feels an East-West Summit should be held this year. Eisen- hower has reportedly been urging a December conference with' Khrushch . "I stated that I would Abe ready at any time. from now on to go to a Western summit because I thought, preceding any meeting, with the .Soviets, there should be' an examination of our several po- sitions together, so that- we could have position papers, so called, that we would coordinate. "I said I was ready to go ... to a major summit meeting,...,with the Soviets whenever we could all agree. that we had a chance to study and get ourselves all pre- pared. In other words, I was thinking that we could do this by the end of the year. 'Not a Proposal' "But it was not a proposal, it was a statement of my position. That still remains my position." But the President added that the longer a Western meeting is postponed, the longer a summit conference will have to be de- ferred. The Soviet Ambassador to France said in Paris yesterday that Eisenhower had proposed a summit meeting by the end of the year -- and that Russia's govern- ment agrees. to that timetable. The Frenc h cabinet said Wednesday that France is for an East-West meeting in principle, but it should not be held until next spring. ANNIVERSARY: Unit Seen In Chinese Meeting TOKYO (P)-Red China's recent tenth anniyersary celebration un- derscored a reality of international life - the tremendous worldwide scope 'of Communist organization. From 61 nations on six con- tinents, the dlegates poured into Peiping. Each represented a party in his homeland dedicated to the cause of the Communist nations against the non-Communist coun- tries, Each group was met at the air- port or railroad station. Each was entertained. Each had his say about his own corner of the world and the pro- gress of Communism there. Nearly every spokesman for all these delegations said the same things, Peiping radio reported: China is good, China is growing in power and prosperity, the farm communes are a brillant success despite 1958 production failures, China belongs 'n the United Na- tions, it must free Formosa from Nationalist China, the unity, of all Communist nations is unshake- able. Much was written of the hints Red China's leader, Mao Tze- Tung, did not see eye-to-eye with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- chev's professed drive for easing world tensions. This may be only window dressing to fool the non- Communist world. What they said in private remains secret. But the thousands of words voiced by the delegates and broad- cast by radio Peiping made clear the tremendous, monolithic struc- ture of thought of worldwide Com- munism. Those words show a unity of purpose. They disclose a tightly organized network, embued with a missionary-like fervor, spread throughout the world. Peiping's rapturous descriptions seemed to point up one of the great facets of Communist appeal-the psychology of belonging' to a giant team, of being repeatedly reas- sured that what you have been taught is right, and of dedication to a faraway goal. Perhaps it is the same psychol- ogy that grips a college cheering section when it exhorts its team in unison. The monolithic unity was on display through all phases of the celebration. The top leaders spoke first at every important occasion. The lesser leaders followed in strict descending tiers of impor- tance. The-delegates' ego was soothed again and again in the days that followed. The delegations broke up Into groups touring Peiping's scenic wonders, then model com- munes .and factories and finally the capitals of Red satellite na- tions bordering China, where they received more of the same lavish treatment, Significant to the West was the presence of delegations from stra- tegic area. WASHINGTON '() - President Dwight D. Eisenhower and h Secretary 'of Labor said yesterday they have little faith in the Ta: Hartley Law as a me.ans of dealing with such situations as the ste strike. But where Eisenhower indicated plainly he doesn't plan now ask for any new legislation, Secretary James P. Mitchell announc he intends, to recommend'changes in the law to allow earlier use national emergency machinery, including the fact-finding process. Both Eisenhower and Mitchell ruled out any new laws to set strikes by compulsion. Nonetheless,' Eisenhower made what appeax to be a veiled threat of possible action in this direction if the C poens n ~e i~e1~L±dXuui . Settlemen Ike Dissatisfied By Taft-Hartley . 4. ;] HAPPIER DAYS-A paper mache statue of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro (left) was erected by his supporters early in the year. The country is now threatened by civil war from counter-revolutionaries which the Castro government claims are working out of the United States. Planes flew over the capitol building '(right) yesterday to shower it with anti-Castro leaflets. Castro Defends Matos Arrest Mitchell Wants New Legislation To Include Earlier Use of Powers HAVANA W-) - Fidel Castro fought back yesterday against hit- and-run opposition and a critical reaction to his arrest of a Oro- vincial army commander, Maj. Hubert Matos, as a traitor. The bearded Prime Minister used what he called his new wea- pons - the Cuban people -- for a one-hour strike to demonstrate public support of his regime. Work was ordered halted from 3 to 4 p.M. Exempted from the strike call were hotel and restaurant workers and others serving 2,000 American travel agents in Havana for their annual convention. Cubans hope the convention will revive their dwindling tourist traffic. Takes to TV coincidence, followed hard upon Matos' arrest: Submits Resignation Suspicious of Communism and critical of the administration of the agrarian reform program, Matos had submitted his resigna- tion as the commander of troops In Camaguey Province. Castro flew to Camaguey, 300 miles east Swedes Object To Nobel Prize Award Winner STOCKHOLM, Sweden (P) - The Swedish Academy drew Swed- ish criticism yesterday for award- ing the 1959 Nobel Pribe in Litera- ture to Italian poet Salvatore Quasimodo. The Stockholm newspaper Af- tonbladet suggested there are sev- eral, more -deserving writers around. "After- its incursion into the heroic with last year's prize .to Pasternak, the Academy has re- turned to a safe middle position," the influential Socialist organ com- plained.I of Havana, to arrange the arrest and denounce the Sierra Maestra. veteran as a treacherous ingrate. Associates here said Castro was shaken by the day's events. The question of Communism popped up repeatedly in the, Matos case. Castro mentioned it angrily when he told the Camaguey crowd those in his regime who complain about Communism should quit be- fore they are fired. 'Must Leave' It appeared in Matos' letter of resignation to Castro, written in the knowledge "that everyone who has the frankness to raise the Communist problem with you must leave before they are re- placed." "Permit me to return to civil life without the necessity of my (four) children hearing in the streets that their father is a de- serter and a traitor," the .major urged. Matos and 18 of his officers are held at Havana's La Cabana Fort- ress, military headquarters. A spokesman said no charges have yet been filed against them. The pro-Castro press and radio appeared to be building up an ef- fort to hold the United States re- sponsible for the bloody develop- ments in Havana. ponents in the steel strike con , make peace on their own. Speaks at Augusta The President spoke out at a news conference in Augusta, Ga. Mitchell was interviewed for a television program here. The in- terview was taped before Eisen- hower held his news conference. Eisenhower appealed - as he often has before during the long steel dispute - for a voluntary agreement between union and management. The President urged this for the sake of the nation. After his news conference, Ei- senhower got out a statement say- ing steel supplies are nearing ex- haustion, threatening delays in. space and missile programs and causing ever-widening layoffs thpt already total 780,000 workers. Need Activities "The national good requires that our space activities, our mis- sile programs and all our other defense programs go ahead with- out delay,",Eisenhower declared., "They are now being delayed-= and will be further delayed by this strike. .. "The hardship which this strike' has caused-and could' cause-is tremendous." In discussing the 12-year-old Taft-Hartley Law with newsmen, Eisenhower said he doesn't think it has a very brilliant history. "I do not believe it is pecessarily good or adequate legislation," he said, adding: "But on the other hand, I am not so sure that addi-- tional legislation is going to do exactly what we 'want." The President voiced opposition to any punitive laws, or laws of' compulsion. He said they only tend' to worsen a situation. "I don't think Taft-Hartley is necessarily any cure for this thing," Eisenhower said. "I be- lieve that self-discipline ... is the only thing that ever will do- it." JaanP Pans For, Futurse TOKYO () - Japan's militar chiefs are preparing a new five year defense plan aimed at mod ernizing this nation's air and ne val defenses. The five-year Dian calls for th acquisition of the Bomare, th Hawk and the Nike-Ajax from th United States, all. ground-to-ai missiles, for use by the Japanes air self-defense force. The onl guided missile Japan has now : the air-to-air Sidewinder. f For the navy, the plan calls fa the construction in Japan betwiee 1961 and 1965 of two anti-subma rine helicopter carrier groups t counter the'threat of up to 150 So viet and Communist Chinese sut security officials believe opera in Far East waters. Each "hunter-killer" g r o u would be composed of seven 4 eight ships centering around or helicopter carrier. The force woul also include one guided missilE equipped destroyer and one regu lar destroyer. w Japan is interested in negotiai ing with the United States fi technical assistance in buildir the carriers and in arranging the production'on a cost-sharing ba is, a defense spokesman added. Defense planners also hope i build up to 20 submarines. .apa now has two. The ground force target is 180 000 men, roughly 10,000 more the at present. Castro scheduled another vision marathon last night. tele- He passed Wednesday through the blackest day of his 10-month regime. There was bloodshed in the streets of Havana, showers of anti-government leaflets from aer- ial intruders and damage to one of his B26 bdmbers by Cuban ground fire, along with controver- sy over the arrest of the widely respected major. Havana counted two dead and 46 wounded from grenades and gunfire that accompanied the aerial action which, by design or . t U -V.-- A STORY* I Belle-Sharmeer leg-Size Nylons Every time you smooth on a pair of Belle Sharmeers you'll marvel at their fit! No sagging. No bagging. And joy of joys . no crooked seams! For seams stay straight in Belle-Sharmeer leg sizes. 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