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October 22, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-22

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Scattered showers expected
near nightfall.

See Page 4

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Hannah Backs




MSU President Urges Expansion
In Areas with Sufficient Students
By. The Associated Press.. !
Envisioning a continued growth of junior and community colleges
in Michigan, Dr. John A. Hannah, Michigan State University presi-
dent, declared recently they should be given every encouragement to
increase capacities and. enrollments.
"We're not carrying the torch for a lot of branch colleges,"
Hannah commented.
But "the ideal situation," he asserted, "would be to have a junior
or community college in every area of the state that has enough
students within driving distance to

Meet Await,
- Tax Decision
LANSING (P) - Michigan's
stop-and-go Legislature, still
awaiting Supreme Court word on
the use Isales) tax increase, con--
fined itself to odds and ends for
four hours yesterday and quit un-
til Oct. 29.
Acting Chief Justice Leland W.
Carr said yesterday the State Su-,
preme Court will hold a confer-
ence today to consider the use tax
But he did not promise a final
No Decision Promised
"I suppose the matter will come
up in the usual way," Justice Carr
said. "An opinion or opinions may
come down or may not."
The brief legislative meeting
produced these, main develop-
1) The Senate, reversing a pre-
vious decision, approved qualify-
ing Michigan for $4,100,000 in
benefits under the National De-
fense Educatioi Act. House agree-
ment next week will be needed to
clear the bill.
2) Ar additional $9,000 was vot-
ed to finance an investigation of
State Highway Department land-
buying practices led by Sen. John,
H. Stahlin. (R-Belding).
Set Study Groups
3) Set up 11 more special study
committees to look into assorted
problem areas, including unfair
trade practices in the dairy indus-
try, public pension system, high-
ways and state fiscal reporting.
4) The Senate passed and re-
ferred to the House a bill to bring
Michigan law relating to unem-
ployment compensation into con-
formity with federal statutes.
State Predicts
'U' To Receive
Payroll Funds
Though the State Treasury was
emptied Tuesday, Acting Gov.
John B. Swainson said yesterday,
"We anticipate we will be able to
pay the universities next Tuesday
in the full amount we owe them.:"
"Sales and new 'use tax collec-.
tions for the month are just ar-
riving," State Treasurer Sanford
A.Brown added, assuming these
will provide money for payment
to the universities.
He promised that if other state
payrolls are met, the. University's
needs will be met also.
Brown said the universities told
him they could operate until Oct.
28 without state money, so their
'allocation was deferred.
The Administrative Board met
Tuesday and distributed the $9
million in the State Treasury, in-
cluding 41/2 million for today's
state payroll.
Appraising the -present financial
picture, State Contrqller James W.
Miller commented, "We have a
X 100 million deficiency in cash and
the situation is steadily deterior-
'r he Administrative Board will
meet again next Tuesday, at
which time allocations to univer-
sities will again be considered.
Members Tap
New V ulcans
Mighty Vulcan, holding court
on his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat em-
'+i v,.3 a+ m n , mimen of hit h-

support it."
Establish Branches
Michigan State and the Univer-
sity have both expanded into the
branch college business in recent
Some legislators have expressed
alarm over the growing trend-
their main concern is the added
drain on tax dollars.
And the legislative study com-
mittee survey of higher education
in Michigan directed by Dr. John
Dale Russell came out in opposi-
tion to the wholesale spawning of
branch colleges.
Sees Adequate Number
Hannah emphasized that he saw
no need for more than three major
state universities offering courses
for graduate degrees in the state.
"The most sensible 'thing," he
said, "is to have the brightest
possible people think through on
what kind of a program of higher
education would best serve the
citizens of Michigan in the next
50 years., So far, there has been a
lot of talk but not much has been
done about it."'
The future of branch colleges,
he went on, would probably be
decided by the Legislature or by an
over-all planning committee for
higher education.'
Should Begin Task
"If the decision in Michigan is
to be that existing institutions are
to assume responsibility for the
development of branches offering
work at the junior and senior level
in conjunction with locally spon-
sored junior collees where addi-
tional four year colleges are justi-
fied, we should be getting at that
task," Hannah said. s
The current problems of higher
education, he continued, should
not be settled on a piecemeal basis,
since an emergency situation of
increased enrollments resulting
from the, high birth rate during
the war years of the '40's is al-
ready facing the universities.
The main question demanding
an answer, Hannah asserted, is
how to coordinate the state's edu-
cational institutionsso that there
will not be a 'duplication of effort.
Foresee More Enrollments
All educators foresee a tremen-
dous increase in college enroll-
Inents by 1970 because of increase,
in school-age population, higher
level of prosperity and require-
ment for college training in a
variety of career areas.
Grand Rapids is actively plan-
ning a new four-year college. Both
the University and MSU have
been approached as possible spon-
The Saginaw-Bay City-Midland
area wants a college of its own.
Other communities have similar
ambitions. .
Among well-established colleges,
the trend has been to reach for
university status; there has been a
concomitant mushrooming of jun-
for and community colleges.

Student Government Council
yoted last night to table a motion
to establish a committee on "re-
striotive" practices.
John Feldkamp, '61, treasurer,
in moving to establish the com-
mittee, said he expected it to be a
fact - finding body which would
gather information from various
sources such as Interfraternity
Council and the administration,
for the purpose of recommending
to the Council specific action to
be taken concerning discrimina-
This committee would consist
of five Council members and
would submit a monthly report to
SGC. Ron Bassey, '61, moved to
amend the motion to include the
presidents of Panhellenic Associa-
tion and IFC in the composition+
of the committee.
Asks Objective Work
Feldkamp further declared that
the committee should not include
vested interestsbut should work
objectively toward recommenda-
tions. He did say that interested
groups would be coiitacted and
asked to present information and
suggestions to the committee.
James Martens, '60BAd., IFC
President, urged the committee to
consider the whole problem logi-
cally, not to just argue their per-
sonal feelings.
He also supported the inclusion
of Bassey's amendment because it
would allow affiliates to present
the committee.
Requests Clear Aims
Al Haber, '60. asked that. the
committee's aims be clarified be-
fore establishing it and that it be
decided whether the group was a
fact-finding or policy formulating
body. He agreed with other mem-
bers that the group should co-
ordinate its efforts with IFC and
The new Regulations Booklet
was finally approved, ending sev-
eral weeks of dicsussion.
The question of whether recog-
nition of a fraternity by SGC was
recognition of the local or the na-
tional organization was clarified.
Tom Patterson, '60, Union presi-
dent, explained that SGC recog-
nizes the local but also realizes
that it is part of the national
group when it approves the fra-
In other action SGC considered
a motion to suggest to the admin-
istration that impounding of bi-
cycles as a corrective measure to
the parking problem be stopped.
Group To Talk
About Welfare
The second meeting of the
seminar group discussing "Social
Security and its Relationship to a
Free Economy" will be held at 4
p.m. today in the Honors Lounge
of the Undergraduate Library.
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department will lead the
seminar sponsored by the SGC
Reading and Discussion Com-
The primary book for the semi-
nar is "The Affluent Society."
The 'ieeting, which is open to
the public, will begin with ques-
tions on the notes from the first
seminar. These notes are available
in the main lobby of the Under-
graduate Library.

Court Suspends Injunctiou


Questions 'U'
Rental Policy
Urges Positive Moves
Against Housing Bias
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis received a
letter yesterday from the executive
committee of the Ann Arbor Hu-
man Relations Commission saying
it "is interested in a more positive
(University) policy towards land-
lords who discriminate on the
basis of creed, color or national
Copies were sent to University
President Harlan Hatcher, the
Board of Regents, and Ellen Lewis,
'60, chairman of the Student Hu-
man Relations Board.
The letter referred to a policy
which permits Ann Arbor land-
lords to post "for rent" notices
on University bulletin boards if
they do not contain discriminatory
No Follow-Up
It is not the University's policy,
however, to follow up these notices,
checking whether or not discrimi-
nation is actually practiced.
The executive committee letter
said that the Human Relations
Commission" continues to receive
reports of discrimination by land-
lords who have the privilege of
posting vacant rooms and apart-
ments on University bulletin
The specific case cited in the
letter involved a Negro woman
student who rented an apartment
through a notice posted at the
Dean of Women's offices.
Paid Deposit
She went to see the apartment,
agreed to rent it, paid an $85 de-
posit and was given the key.
Several days later she received
a call from the landlady who said
her husband had previously rented
the apartment. Return of the key
was asked, and a refund of the
deposit was promised.
The refund was not received for
several weeks, the letter noted.
"By this action on the part of
the landlord she was not only
humiliated and discouraged but
put to the additional expense of
long distance phone calls, the
letter continued.
According to the executive com-
mittee, this landlord is permitted
continued use of University facili-
ties to advertise vacancies.
"In view of the stated policy of
the University of non-discrimina-
tion in University housing .. . the
executive committee of the Human
Relations Commission would ap-
preciate a meeting at your con-
venience to discuss appropriate
action with the proper University
officials," the letter concluded.
Richard J. Mann, a member of
the executive committee, said he
thought the move fell within the
investigatory powers assigned to
the committee.

Bryan Cites Desire for Aloneness

"The 'oppression of one room' is
the greatest problem of the Rus-
sian people today," Julien Bryan,
photographer-journalist and 12-
time visitor to the Soviet Union,
"There are five million people
in Moscow and four million of
them live in one room each; they
cannot stand this. There is no
sense of being alone-even to read
a poem," Bryan said recently.
He is in Ann Arbor as tonight's
first speaker in the Platform At-
tractions Series.
Privacy a Symbol
The wish for privacy becomes a
symbol of every thing desirable,
especially to the students, who
have no home life as such and
accordingly are almost forced to
find privacy-and personal identity
-in going to parks and walking
alone, Bryan explained. "You see
them everywhere-so many thou-
sands all keep walking up and
He attributed this to the singu-
lar history of Soviet values.
Even before the military comes
propaganda, he said, and personal
considerations are inevitably at
the bottom ofthe pyramid: even a
college professor, who makes five
times as much as a worker, will be
unable to find proportionately
better housing.
"They don't even use steel in
their apartment houses!" he said,
-Play Series
To Open With


Judge Grants
Needed St
USW Must Appeal
Within 24 Hours
To Prevent Order



-Daily-Jim Warneka
and photographer, gives personal views of Russia and tells of his
experiences in Poland. He will speak at 8:30 tonight in Hill Aud.

The speech department series of
admission-free one-act plays will
begin with act two of Giradoux's
"The Madwoman of Chaillot" at
4 p.m. today in Trueblood Audi-
The play is a philosophic fan-
tasy-comedy, featuring chats with
non-existent dogs and individuals
addressing absent audiences.
Giradoux asks (and answers)
the question of how evil is to be
met and greed dealt with in his
development of the "madwoman,"
a frumpy manager of a Paris cafe
in the Chaillot neighborhood, who
gets involved with plutocrats con-
spiring to dig for oil under Paris.
Set in cafes and cellars, the play
has been analyzed as Giradoux's
reaction to the war economy; it
was written in 1939. His charac-_
ters are type-symbols in curious
juxtaposition - he pictures the
insane and the misfits as saving
the world and the normal element
of the population as predators.
Other up-coming one-acts in
the weekly series include Moliere's
"Les Femmes S a v an t.e s" a n d.
"Rouge Atomique" by N. Richard
Nash on Oct. 29 and Chekhov's
"The Boor" on Nov. 5. "Rosen-
crantz and Gildenstein" by W. S.
Gilbert will be featured Nov. 12.

almost irascibly. "And you can;
drive 200 miles without seeing a
paved crossroad."
Bryan first went to Russia 30
years ago, and returned from his{
most recent visit last week. .
"I was very young, handsome
and thin then; I went with a
friend, Morris Hindus, a great ora-
tor and writer, who was born in
a Russian peasant village and we
spent two months visiting his
relatives," he recalled.
Punctures Notion
He punctured the widely propa-
gandized notion of the superior-
ity of the Russian student. "Nine-
ty per cent of them don't go on
to college and many of those who
do have a terrible time with cal-
culus and flunk advanced physics,"
he said..
"Absurd educators come back
with absurd reports," he suggest-
ed. Students go to school at a
great sacrifice, "living on 30 dol-
lars a month," and do so "in the
hope that if they're very brilliant
they'll make four or five times the
average wage," Bryan explained.
Russian propaganda convinces
students that the Soviet govern-
ment wants them to study in the
United States but that we won't
welcome them, he said, suggesting
thta "if everyone were sent out as
an exchange student, half would
probably defect." ,
'Like College Yell'
"Like giving the old college yell
to the football team - very col-
legiate and adolescent" was Bry-
an's description of the govern-

approximated, and commented
that if a Russian farmer has "his
own house, an acre of land, a cow
and a pig or two, he's called a
capitalist - and can never make
enough to survive."
Bryan, who will give an illus-
trated lecture on Poland at 8 p.m.
tonight in Hill Auditorium, was
the only foreign correspondent in
Warsaw during the 1939 Nazi in-
vasion. He took extensive photo-
graphs of its results and returned
last year to trace his original sub-
Recalls Trip
He recalled being surrounded by
300 journalists and photographers
when he arrived in August, but
"by the fifth of September they'd
all left.
"Frankly, I thought I'd run like
hell - and maybe I stayed only
because I was actually cowardly.
Now, I tend to talk about it all
like a civil war veteran," he re-
flected, and said that he wa~s ar-
rested on the average of four
times a day.
He has given his films and stills
'of this period to the archives of
the Polish government, and has
also compiled them in a book and
documentary film, both titled.

States District Court Judge yes-
terday issued a Taft-Hartley in-
junction to halt the 99-day steel
strike for 80 -days.
However, a stay of the injunc-
tion was granted by the United
States Third Court of Appeals -
meaning that the strike continues.
The injunction was issued by
Judge Herbert P. So g of ; the
United States Distric, Court in
Pittsburgh. The United Steel-
workers Union immediately ap-
Within an hour. Judge Austin
Staley of the United States Third
Circuit Court stayed execution of
the injunction until the three-
judge circuit court can hear a
United Steelworkers' appeal.
Judge Staley said the union had
challenged the constitutionality of
a section of the Taft-Hartley Act
granting courts the right to ban
strikes. He added, that the con-
tention merited further explora-
Must File Appeal
Staley said that the legal papers
for the appeal must be filed by. to-
day or the stay will be voided.
However, if the appeal is filed the
stay will be in effect, until the
court rules further.
Judge Staley said his stay would
remain in effect until i.0 a.m. to-
"After that it will remain in
effect until the Third Circuit Court
rules," the jurist added.
Court Will Sit
Judge Staley declared the cir-
cuit court will sit today in Phila-
delphia to accept the union's ap-
peal. Thy union counsel, Arthur
Goldberg, earlier had indicated
the USW was prepared to act im-
Staley said he felt sure that the
circuit court judges would arrange
to hold a hearing on the appeal
Goldberg said Judge Staley's de-
cision would be "an important de-
cision for both the industry and
the union."
Government attorneys objected
to a stay of execution.
Judge Staley recessed court
about 3:45 p.m. and promised a
decision within a short time.

Law Centennia To - Feature
Justice Harlan as Speaker

i 7
t' 1







Speculate on 'Place of God' in

ment's enthusiasm for its agricul- Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court John
tural system. Harlan will be'the featured speaker at the Law School CentenniE
"The collective farms I saw in convocation at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Siberia this summer were poor
and inefficient, hersaid. An Amer- The three-day Centennial will begin today and will' include a
ican farmer produces probably five dresses by visiting dignitaries. Gov. G. Mennen Williams and, I
times as much as a Russian, he Hon. John R. Dethmers, chief justice of the Michigan Supreme Cot
are slated to speak at a lunche
tomhorrow afternoon at the Uni
/ 'ballroom. (However,' Dethmers
presently hospitalized and'it
not known. if he will attend.)
toderClt rGriswold To Talk
loder culuff Following this, Erwin M. Gr.
wold, dean of the Harvar~d L
School, will discuss "Frontiers
A dapt tion Legal Education," at Rackham.
M end nhal Ass rtsThe outlook for' federal-stE
Mendenhall Asserts Adaptationrelations and individual liberty
41111 "the next cerntgry will be discuss
Of Religion to Cultural Changebe, Hon"JohnR. Boy
. Uni1ted States Circui* Jud
By STEPHANIE ROUMELL (Houston, Texas) and Ralph

Rapoport Denies Role of God
In Moderit Thought, Culture
"God cannot play any serious role in culture, and it is a mistake
to try to make him assume such a role," Prof. Anatol Rapoport said
recently in introducing his views on "The Place of God in Culture."
Speaking at the faculty symposium under the auspices of the SGC
reading and discussion committee, Prof. Rapoport said the more
clearly God is described the more preposterous He seems.
Faith and ethics are indispensible "even to the most rigorously
scientific thinker," Prof. Rapoport averred. "But neither need be
bolstered by divine authority."
He noted that there are several "acts of faith" upon which he
h.e- hi life

"Whatever else it may be, religion is certainly, in almost all
cases, man's hope of salvaging something of permanent value in the
midst of change," Prof. George Mendenhall of the near eastern studies
department said yesterday at SGC's faculty symposium.
Religion has continually faced crises and has adapted itself to
ithe most far reaching changes in culture, the professor continued.
"And presumably it will continue to do so."
Prof. Mendenhall said his meaning of the word god is radically
a4-f . mn.r nnnwot' ."TProf. Ranonort begins his concept

Carson, a New York attorney.
Judge To Speak
Browr will speak tomorrow
9:30 a.m. and Carson at 10:45 a
at the Rackham Auditorium.
The Right Hon. Lord Har
Shawcress will also speak tom
row at a banquet in the Un
ballroom at .7 p.m. on "The R
of Law in World Affairs."
University President H a r I


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