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October 21, 1959 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-21

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allahan May Sit Out Contest
pith Minnesota This Weekend

Phi Sigs Keep Rolling in Playoffs



olverine football coach, Bump
ott, has another problem on
hands following yesterday's
xthy practice session.
irst-string guard, Alex Calla-
, was forced to leave before
start of the scrimmage. Calla-
Min esota
las Problems
[INNEAPOLIS {P)-- Two first
ng Minnesota linemen, guard
n Brown and tackle Arnie Os-
idson, missed practice with in-
es today and were ,listed as
btful for the Michigan game.
rown, a 225-pounder who is
sidered one of the strongest
men in the Big Ten, suffered
h1oulder separation in the Illi-
is game and Osmundson
ined an ankle.
ophomore John Mulvena filled
for Brown and Frank Brixius,
efensive star, in the Gophers'
6,loss to Illinois, took over for.
oach Murray Warinath con-
brated on defense, sending his
rn through a long drill against
ected Michigan patterns.

han suffered a knee injury in last
Saturday's game with Northwest-
ern, and despite its being heavily
taped, was unable to withstand the
full practice.
It is possible that Callahan will
miss this Saturday's "Little Brown
Jug".game at Minneapolis.
Also retiring early yesterday was
third-string fullback, Paul Raeder.
Raeder, who has seen consider-
able action with the "defensive"
unit since Elliott began his pla-
tooning of players, came down
with what was described as "mus-
cle spasms" of the back. He is
expected to be ready for Saturday,
Elliott put his crew through a
practice that ran nearly three
hours as.-he hoped to prepare the
Wolverines forthe behemoth-like
Gophers of Minnesota.
Since this will be the first ex-
cursion for the Wolverines outside
the confines of Michigan Stadium,
Elliott ran practice with the team
wearing white traveling uniforms
that will be worn this Saturday
against Minnesota.
The Wolverines topped off the
day with a 45 minute, full-speed
Official Statistics released to-
day show halfback Darrell Harper

in second place In the nation in
punting with 48.3 yards per try
average. Leading is Joe Zuger of
Arizona with a 50.3 average.
To Manage
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Birdie Tebbetts,
who - once said he would never
manage again, very likely will be
drafted to pilot the Milwaukee
Braves in 1960, an informed source
told the Associated Press today.
Tebbetts, who was hired as ex-
ecutive vice - president of the
Braves exactly a year ago after
he resigned as manager of the
Cincinnati Reds, is Milwaukee
owner Lou Perini's personal choice
to - succeed the departed Fred
Perini,. a long time admirer of
Tebbetts both as a man and as a
field leader, has been using his
best salesmanship, it has been
learned, in an effort toconvince
Birdie that his move from the
front office to the field would be
an asset to the organization.
DETROIT-- Lou Creekmur, re-
tired Detroit Lion tackle, has re-
turned to the football wars.
Lion coach George Wilson, in
desperate need of offensive line-
men, called-on the veteran of nine
campaigns to return to duty.
Creekmur expects to be ready for
this Sunday's game, at Los An-

-Daily-Selma Sawaya
IN FAMILIAR HAUNTS-Dick Kimball, former Wolverine diver,
will be returning to the scene of his former exploits as he takes
over the coaching of Wolverine divers for the coming season.
Km alToCoach Divers
. In1 Coming Swim Season

In a battle of undefeated frater-
nity "A" football teams, Phi Sig-
ma Delta won a thriller over Chi
Psi 1-0.-
Phi Sigs gained the victory it
overtime by outgaining their op-
ponents. Gil Asher intercepted a
pass deep in his own territory and
ran the ball back to mid-field.
Jordan Waldman then ran for ten
yards over the mid-field line to
give Phi Sigs the win in the open-
ing of fraternity playoff action.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon's power-
ful "A" team led by quarterback
Jack Mogt defeated Tau Delta
Phi with ease, 36-0. Mogt, who"can
run and pass equally well, tossed
for four touchdowns and ran for
one himself.
Sigma Chi Rolls
Sigma Chi, another undefeated
"A" crushed Tau Epsilon Phi 42-6.
Steve Graves ran for two scores
and Guy Briggs followed.with an-
other touchdown run. Sigma Chi
scored two other TD's on run-
backs of intercepted passes.
Alpha Epsilon Pi won 14-0 over
Phi Kappa Tau. Mike Kroll scored
two touchdowns for Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu's undefeated
The Associated Press top 10,
points based on 10 for a first place
vote, nine for second, etc. (First
place votes and won-lost records in
1. Louisiana State (68) (5-0} 1,238
3. Texas (8) (5-0) 1,010
2. Northwestern (23) (4-0) 1,171
4. Mississippi (18) (5-0) 989,
5. S. California (12) (4-0) 769
6. Syracuse (4) (4-0) 673
7. Auburn (5) (3-1) 462
8. Penn State (3) (5-0) 313
.9. Georgia Tech (4-1) 280
10. Arkanasa (1) (4-1) 213

squad defeated Alpha Kappa
Lambda 18-0. Steve Wittenberg
had 12 points to his credit. Zeta
Beta Tau beat Trigon 26-6. John
Harris had two. TD's for the win-
DU Over Sigma Nu
In other 'A' games, Sigma Nu
lost to Delta Upsilon 6-0, and Phi
Kappa Sigma won by a 12-8 mar-
gin over Kappa Sigma.
John Miller's touchdown gave
Delta Sigma Phi an 8-2 win over
Theta Xi, 8-2. Lambda Chi Al-.
pha routed Acacia 20-0; and Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon won by a forfeit
over Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Trigon capitalized on a bad hike
from center and turned it into a

safety to defeat Tau Kappa Ep-
silon 2-0 in their "B" playoff game.
Sigma Chi's "B" team beat Phi
Gamma Delta 12-8. Mike Williams,
Sigma Chi back, proved his ver-
satility by catching a touchdown
pass from quarterback John Mc-
Guire ard then changing roles by
throwing a pass to Tim Heinle for
Sigma Chi's second score.
To round out "B" action Lamb-
da Chi Alpha'defeated Acacia, 6-0,
and Chi Phi won by the same
score over Delta Chi. Tom Martin-
ek threw Chi Phi's winning touch-
down pass to Paul Babas.
Sigma Alpha Mu won by a for-
feit over Delta Sigma Phi and Phi
Delta Theta also won by forfeit
over Alpha Delta Phi.

at Bus Fare-or lower!
1 $C $ 60
Enjoy the finest streanminer train serve-
ice at the lowest cost ever! Complete
meals, too, for only $1.25 in the Diner.


As usual, the tough games to pick are in the unpredictable Big
i. The highlights of conference play will see Purdue entertaining
va and Ohio State at Wisconsin. Illinois will step out of Conference
y to face the undefeated Nittany Lions of Penn State in a top inter-
tional clash.
The game to watch in the West is Kansas at Oklahoma in a show-
wn that could decide the Big Eight crown.
With Michigan playing away for the first 'time this season,
tball fans will be able to sit back and listen to all the scores
ne in from around the nation in their own easy chairs.
So try to pick those games ahead of time, and two tickets to
e Michigan Theatre will be yours. Mail this entry blank to Grid
ks, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. Ann Arbor, or come to The
ily and fill out a ready-made blank.
MICH. at Minnesota (Score) 11. Cornell at Princeton
Indiana at Michigan St. 12. LSU at Florida
Penn St. vs. Illinois at Cleve. 13. Arkansas at Mississippi
Northwestern at Notre Dame 14. West Virginia at Syracuse
Ohio State at Wisconsin 15. Baylor at Texas A & M
Iowa at Purdue 16. TCU at Pittsburgh
Kansas at Oklahoma 17. Washington at Oregon
Nebraska at Missouri 18. N. Carolina at Wake Forest
Dartmouth at Harvard 19. Vanderbilt at Virginia
Navy at Pennsylvania 20. Duke at North Carolina St.

Dick Kimball, former Wolver-
ine diver and gymnast, was chosen
yesterday to take over the position
of diving coach for this year.
Kimball, who graduated last
June in physical education, has
remained on campus to do gradu-
ate work in physical education ad-
ministration. He will work with
Michigan's divers for, at least the
coming season.
This was a temporary appoint-
ment to fill the shoes of Bruce
Harlan, who was'killed in an ac-
cident last summer.

'wait a year to decide on. who he
will hire as full-time coach," Kim-
ball said.
Kimball was chosen for the post
because of his availability on cam-
pus and the fact that he has
worked with the present members
of the diving squad previously.
"I've dived with Bob Webster
and the others and I feel that I
know their styles and can help
them," said Kimball.

"Gus (Stager)

will probbaly

Kenton, Christie, and the Freshmen
Hill Auditorium 7:15 and 9:30 P.M.
(Tickets at filAud.)
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