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October 21, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-21

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Seventieth Year

The Responsibilities-and What Now

then Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions' of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

)AY, OCTOBER 21, 1959


Time Running Out
For 'U' on Discrimination

'OURTEEN California college presidents have
agreed to try to band discrimination in
mpus organizations on their campuses by
64. This action is in keeping with a trend
ward liberality which has shown itself in
ucational institutions for some years.
Affiliates attending the "liberal" Eastern
hiools have bucked their national organiza-
ins in selecting their members. Now university
esidents in the West are fighting discrimina-
What is being done at the University?
OR THE history-minded, a similar proposal
agreed to try to ban discrimination in
rsity's Student Legislature only to be vetoed
University presidents twice in one year.
iident leaders called the action regrettable;
esident Hatcher didn't say much of anything
cept "no," to the proposal.
The Sigma Kappa fiasco last year has heated
mpers to the point that any sensible action in
is area will have to wait for some time.
What action, then, can the University-a
±te-supported institution-take regarding dis-
niination in campus organizations?
'OLICY to date has been one of going slow
on the issue and hoping things will work

themselves out. There is little doubt that in
time things will work themselves out one way
or another. But the University should take
another stand on this issue rather than saying
"We're up against it." It is no credit to an
institution if it sits back and lets time run its
course without doing anything to help move
things along,
THE FACULTY has shown ihterest in action
as have the students. All that is wanting is
a nod from the administraiton and the Re-
gents. Although no Big Ten schools have
adopted anything comparable to the California
action, this is no reason why the University
should not lead the way.
There should be no place for discrimination.
in a university community; and the University's
policy seems inadequate to meet the pressures
being brought to bear from various sources.
The Regents shgould adopt a definite policy-
which would call for the withdrawal of Univer-
sity recognition from any organization, regard-
less of the time it came onto the campus,,
that restricts membership on the basis of race,
religion or nationality. And the rest of the
University should carry it through.
This school should lead the way; we are now
too many years behind.

(Continued from Page 1)
THEREFORE, if the entire show
were to be held as an adver-
tisement, to stimulate the sales
of a commodity, the FTC could
easily exert the necessary author-
ity to handle quiz shows, as an
infraction of the Federal Trade
Commission Act, because of the
failure to reveal the material facts
pertaining to the representation
that all is above board, notably
that the show is "Fixed."
Prof. S. Chesterfield Oppenheim,
a member of the law school fac-
ulty, and an expert in the field of
Federal Antitrust Laws, feels that,
contrary to Chairman Earl Kin-
ter's opinion that the FTC now
lacks the proper authority to
police quiz shows, by the necessary
interpretation of the Federal Trade
Commission Act, all quiz shows
failing to reveal the material facts
that they are rigged, and deemed
to be an advertisement, could come
under the jurisdiction of the FTC.
However, even if the FTC could
police the programs, it would do
so only after the networks had
failed to impose self-restraints.
The Na'tional Association of
Broadcasters now polices the sta-
tions throughout the country, giv-
ing out equivalent seals to those
of "Good Housekeeping," for keep-
ing within proper bounds on ad-
BUT THEIRS is the subjective
opinion of six men, tried and true,
who, from their position of chair-
men, could easily become a cen-

sorship board, and invade the
sacred province of freedom of the
press and speech. Anyway, the
National Association of Broadcast-
ers is, of the moment, too pos-
sessed with their innermost morals
concerning the advertisements of
personal commodities, to take on
any battle of greater significance.
Of late the NAB has refused or
withdrawn its seal to stations
carrying ads which are not within
the bounds of "good taste," in-
cluding those advertisements for
hemorrhoid cures. This continued
policing has brought many angry
retorts from local stations, and
might dull the initiative of the
NAB to take on the larger net-
a * *
THE PROBLEM of internal reg-
ulation lies with the advertisers
and the advertising agencies, and
not in the production of the pro-
gram content of the show. How-
ever, according to Kintner, the in-
dustry has failed to combat the
falsification of programs and com-
mercials, and a threat is posed,
"brought on by too much lip serv-
ice to high principles and not
enough diligence in enforcing com-
pliance with them." The proper
organization to encourage an ad-
vertising code is the American
Association of Advertising Agen-
cies (the 4 A's), which does, at
times, promulgate codes which are
adhered to within the advertising
fraternity. Assuming it can be
effective, internal controls appear
to be the best answer.

However, the question of what
can be done about the quiz shows
resolves itself to the moot question
of the necessity of advertising, and
such is not the point for the in-
vestigatory committee or the au-
The answer seems to lie in
proper internal controls before the
government is to enter the picture
in the proposed "policing" role.
THE FINAL question to the en-
tire quiz show disturbance appears
to be "So what?" What if the
shows were fixed? Who was hurt?
The "$64,000 Question" gave away
$2,106,800 in cash and twenty-nine
Cadillacs before CBS took it off
the air on November 4, 1958, ac-
cording to the New York Herald
Tribune, and invites an investiga-
tory committee to spend all of its
time and the nswspapers to devote
most of their space to its happen-
The parasitic Mafia sucks the
bloodstream of Americans for bil-
lions annually and receives no
more than a glance from investi-
gators. The reason for the investi-
gations must lie in the desire for
publicity, the mainstay behind the
American politician. Publicity
"made" Charles Van Doren; and
well might break him, as well as
the modern-day quiz show, but
where will all of this stop?
Frank Stanton, CBS president,
has just announced that a ban has
been placed on all deceits common
to television, including the canned
applause and laughter, and "spon-



ON THE AIR-The author (left) Is congratulated by a contestant
after bringing his winnings up to $6,000. Sugar has noted that the
girl (who missed two questions out of three) was only able to be in
New York for one day.

taneous" interview shows that are
actually, rehearsed. This madness
must stop somewhere before "Mav-
erick" is taken off the air because
he fires blanks, while critics holler
The rationale behind quiz shows
has never been anything but "en-
tertainment," and the American
public surely enjoyed just that.
Then what is that is so bad about

quiz shows, canned applause, etc?
The bromide of P. T. Barnum is
undoubtedly eschewed by network
executives with integrity, that
there's "a sucker born every min-
ute," but there remains little doubt
that now and in the future all of
us adhere at one time or another
to Mike Todd's statement that
"People are impressed with big-
ness, regardless of content."



Steel Strike: The Big Threat


[CHE DEED has been done. President Dwight
Eisenhower has finally asked for the cooling
f period in the steel strike.
Now what?
Steel workers will return to work, but noth-
g has been solved. However,-let us hope that
ow that the Taft-Hartley Act has been put
to effect, the collective bargaining it allows
me for will accomplish something.
It is generally accepted that neither the un-
n or management is completely in the right
i this controversy - a situation usually true
i all disputes.
TOWEVER, up to now management has been
egotiating with the union with one big trump
ird up their collective sleeves - the Taft-
artley Act. Now that this card has appeared

out in the open, maybe the negotiators will get
down to business and reach a fair solution.
A bigger problem than the present negotia-
tions now hangs over the horizon. If the talks
get nowhere - and there are still no promises
for an early settlement - Congress, and the
people of this nation for that matter, may get
so fed up with the mess that legislation may
be passed that neither side will want - com-
pulsory arbitration and price fixing. Some have
spoken in veiled terms of nationalization of the
If management and unions don't become
more reasonable soon, someone may have to
take them by the hand and lead them to ac-

By Any Other Name .. .
Y=j " a,,, !!
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at. 4} ".17 'it'; Yr -.

Is NehruIndispensable?



Honestly .
To the Editor:
I SYMPATHIZE with poor people
because there are many neces-
sities they cannot afford to buy.
I would defend a man that stole
food or clothing because he was
hungry or cold. I do not, however,
condone stealing anything else.
I had just completed three years
of active duty in the Army when
I came to this University. I was
impressed by the high level of in-
telligence among students as com-
pared with the decidedly low in-
telligence level in the Army.
I have found, though, that some
students at the University are no
brighter than some of the morons
I met in service. Last week a stu-
dent stole my bicycle but he
claimed to have "borrowed" it I
never knew that "borrowed" is a
synonym for stole. Today anoth-
er ignorant student stole my bi-
I was lenient with the first stu-
dent that stole my bicycle. I could
have placed him in jail but I let
him go.
Fortunately for him, I didn't
catch the second 'thief.
X sympathize with this poorer
element in the University. .1 pro-
pose that a collection be taken up
so that we can give them bicycles-
for Christmas. Yes, I really sym-
pathize with their money prob-
lems but I pity their ignorance. I
pity even more the next student I
catch with my bike.
Lawrence L. Cutsinger, '63
To the Editor:
IF ALL the drivel published on
the subject of jazz in one year
were laid end to end, it wouldi

'forma yellow page,'five columns
wide, stretching from here to New-
port, completely engulfling Free-
body Park, and postponing panel
discussions indefinitely.
Didn't you omit the photo of
Bud Freeman with his arm around
Lennie Tristano? Please tell us
fans when we can expect more of
that ". . . jazz favored by Chi-
cago," or maybe a reprint of that
classic halftone of Duke Ellington
wearing a sequined-and-satin suit,
which also failed to appear in your
You have scored a solid hit for
the Kingston Trio.
"Man," "like" I'll "dig" you
-Bob "Fingers" Molay



NEW DELHI - With Nehru approaching 70
(his birthday falls on Nov. 14) there will be
the inevitable question of what India would be
without his leadership, who would succeed him
and whether the nation would indeed survive
as a nation.
If ever the term "indispensable" had any
meaning it applies to Nehru. As the leader of
a democratic India his faults have often been
discussed - a measure of vanity, a willfulness
about his own perspective, a naivete about
world communism as a naked power system,
verbal fluency so great that he tends to take
the word as the reality. But they are genial
faults and are far outmeasured by a brilliant
vision, energy, tactical shrewdness and charm
that are rarely combined in a single leader,
Rarely has so much in a nation so large hung
on the thread of one man's mind and life.
IDON'T MEAN that if anything happened to
Nehru, India would be swept by violence and
civil war, although unquestionably' there is a
treak of suppressed hysteria and violence even
n the peaceful Indian character. But the prob-
ems are all around and they would mount -
Food, landlessness and overpopulation, mass il-
iteracy, superstition, rural backwardness, a
>abel of tongues, a myriad of regional walls,
he threat of Communism and (even worse)
he rivalries and hatreds of Communalism, the
ncrusted traditional divisions of language and
religion, and most of all, the terrible shadow
f passivity which history and tradition cast
ver the present.
The problems would mount and there is no
ne on the political horizon of India today who
ould deal with them and keep the basic trust
f elite and masses alike as Nehru does.
VEN INDIA achieved its independence,
there was a group of remarkable national'
eaders available, Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, Raja-
opalacharia, Jayaprakash Narayan.,
Gandhi was assassinated. Sardar Vallabhbhai
'atel, who was the practical man and boss of
he Congress Party, performed-one of the hard-
st tasks of the new nation when he managed
o dissolve the princely states and pensioned
iff the maharajahas and the nizams, mostly
'ithout violence except for the tragic attack
n Hyderabad. But he too died in 1950. Rajago-
alacharia, the last governor-general of India,
s still in Madras, past 80, a bitter opponent of
rehru and one of the founders of the new Swa-
antra Party.
Two other men have shown a capacity for

boundaries to the various language groups in
India. The announced splitting-up of Bombay.
into two states is an instance. But Pant also is
an elderly man and must husband his strength.
THERE REMAIN two men, both in Nehru's.
cabinet, whose names come up in most dis-
cussions of his successor. The more obvious one
is the Finance Minister Morarji Desai, who has
been in London and Washiligton discussing
Western aid to India.
A former governor of Bombay, Desai was
largely respnosible for the prohibition law
which affects that state. He has great ability
but is a colorless figure. On his arrival in Lon-
don he was almost ignore dby the British press
while Krishna Menon was surrounded by news-
The second is Food Minister S. K. Patil, a
newcomer to India's top governing group, who
has the least enviable job in the whole govern-
mental array. Under the present system India
is fragmented into a number of 'food zones' in
which controls can be imposed in case of emer-
gency food shortages. Patil is determined to re-
move these zones gradually and have a single
all-India food zone and a single food-bank so
that surpluses can be moved to deficit areas
and controls imposed by the central govern-
But this would mean the overriding of the
state governments and Patil knows it would
mean making enemies. As a food minister he
must also make enemies when he moves against
profiteers. He has the further disadvantage of
not being close to Nehru as Desai is. But I
should not write him off.
"rHE PRIME MINISTER," one of Nehru's
colleagues has remarked, "is like an oak.
Nothing grows under his shade." Certainly the
great Indian national leaders were the earlier
ones who flourished under Gandhi, and in the
past decade few younger ones have grown to
The most tragic story is that of the split be-
tween Nehru and Jayaprakash Narayan, whom
I mentioned earlier. Educated in the U.S., Jaya-
prakash came back to India a Marxist and
worked with Nehru to build a socially conscious
wing in the massive nationalist Congress Par-
ty. But their paths parted.
Nehru became increasingly absorbed with the
burdens of great decisions while Narayan in-
creasingly turned against what he saw as a too
rapid effort at industrialization, a rigid bu-
reaucracy, an inherent corruption, a neglect of
+1% , AneYn ~r -rl fV 1-nm

Hlerblock is away du~e to illness Com"K vlsbt 1q5 Te PllmerPub~lme CaG

Financial Woes Not Solved by New Tax Plan

Daily Staff Writer
ANY DAY NOW the State Su-
preme Court will tell the state
whether or not its new taxes are
legal. The decision on the emer-
gency tax package created late
last summer was expected by the
middle of the month. It didn't
come, and the hush with which it
has been awaited all month has
become an expectant panting.
But although the tricky bit of
patchwork looms all-important, it
is not. No matter what the deci-
sion, the state is. still a financial
Use and business activities tax
returns have been coming in-still,
yesterday State Treasurer Sanford
A. Brown and State Controller
James W. Miller said the cash
crisis is worse now than it was last
year when payments to the Uni-
versity and Michigan State and
Wayne State Universities were sus-
* * *
THE STATE is in debt to the
tune of $96 million, as compared to
a general fund deficit of $21 mil-
lion a year ago.
And the new taxes will in no
way ease this deficit, which one

to Michiganders whose senses have
been blunted with repetitions of
crises and debits.
Few blink now when it is said
that local and municipal govern-
ment is in serious difficulty be-
cause it lacks the usual state aid.
And it is not impressive to say
the state already owes the public
schools $30 million for this fiscal
year, not counting $24 million still
due from last year.
* * *
IT IS DIFFICULT to tell whether
or not the University is numb to
the problem. Yesterday Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont, along with
officials from MSU and Wayne
Statei demanded that the univer-
sities' future finances be clarified.
Pierpont told the state adminis-
trative board, "Another black mark
in this fiscal year could not be
erased," and, "We suffered damage
last year when our monthly share
of state funds was withheld."
When the universities did not
receive their monthly payments at
the State Ad Board meeting sev-
eral weeks ago, the officials figured
the payments would come at yes-
terday's meeting. They went to
Lansing to pressure for the pay-
ments But the 6.5 million did not

"future financial clarification,"
rests an assurance that funds will
be found.
No such faith is justified. The
money will not come from taxes,
at least not enough to bolster the
deficit and at the same time allow
for a hundred and one expenses,,
of which the University is not the
most important.
Even State Treasurer Brown was
no* as confident of the state's
ability to pay the universities as
were University officials. "We hope

there will be sufficient money," he.
All lobbyists in Lansing might
stop agitating for their particular
payments and start asking how
these payments will be financed.
They might discover this is a
loaded question.
The University will probably re-
lease its budget request Friday..
There is a chance the state will
never find the money to fulfill it,
despite use and business activities

The Daily Official Bulletin is as
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which Tho
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form *
Room 3519; Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, N O. 26
General Notices
International Student and Family Ex-
change: in Ems. 103 and 528 in the
basement of the Student Exchange
Bldg. on Wed., Oct. 21 from 7:30 to 9.:00
p.m. and on Thurs., Oct. 22 from 10:00
to 11:30 a.m.
Research Club of the University: First
meeting for the year will be on Wed.,
Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. (Council at 7:30"p.m.)
at the Rackham Amphitheater. Papers:
Robert M. Thrall, "some Examples of
Operations Research" and Rbert R.
White, "The Institute of Science and
,Technology." Members only.
Playbill1959/60:The Department fd
Speech is now accepting mail Orders
for season and single tickets at$6.00,
$4.50 and $3.00; single tickets for the
major plays at $1.50, $1.10 and 75c;
major opera, $1.75, $1.40, $1.00; single
tickets (general admission unreserved
seating only). for Don Pasquale, $t.00;
single tickets for the premiere per-
formance of the original, 75c. Orders
should include first, second and third
preferences of performance dates.
Checks payable to Play Production.
Productions will include: horse Eats
Hat ("An Italian Straw Hat") by, Eu-
gene Labiche and Marc-Michel, Wed.-
sat., Oct. 28-31; Don Pasquale by Doni-
setti (With the School of Music),
Thurs.-Sat., Nov. 19-21 Epitaph for
George Dillon by John Osborne and
Anthony Creighton, Wed.-Sat., Dec.
9-12; Das Rheingold byWagner (with
the School of Music), Tues.-Sat., March
1-5; The Way of the World by William
Congreve, Wed.-Sat., April 6-9; Look
Homeward, Angel (if available), Ketti-
Frings'aadaptation of Thomas Wolfe's
novel, Wed.-Sat., April 27-30; and the
premiere performance of an original
play, Fri.-Sat., May 13-14. Orders should
be mailed, with a self- addressed,,
stamped envelope, to: Play Production,
Box Office, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Mendelssohn box office open 10-5 start-
ing Mon., Oct. 26.
International Center Tea: Thurs., Oct.
22, 4:30-6:00 p.m., at the International
Center. All students welcome.
University of Michigan Non-Academ-
ic Employees Local Union No. 1583,
AFSCME, AFL-CIO will hold a regular
meeting Thurs., Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. in
Em. C204 of the Ann Arbor High School.
Besides regular business including., se-
lecting permanent stewards and offi-
cers to fill vacancies, representative
Douglas Cook will report on the Michi-
gan State Employees Union Conven-





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