Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Quiz Pro rams Revisite en Opinions Are Free 'ruth WiU Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff 'riters or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, OCTOBER 20, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN HARTWIG U' Should Clarify Philosophy in AUPCase, I :E MOST TURBULENT local story of the decade came to a quiet, but expected, close week when the American AsspciatiQn of rersity Professors removed its 18-month ure from the University. he ending, however, was unsatisfactory. e, the AAUP got the University to revise >olicies regarding dismissal and severance But in doing so, many of the basic issues e been smothered and the University has i given an opportunity to claim the five- dispute was "mostly a technical one, deal- with procedural matters." here is little doubt that technicalities did ' an enormous part in the troubles following 1954 firings of two University faculty mem- -Mark Nickerson and H. Chandler Iavs-- refused to answer questions about their,, tions with the Communist Party., SPENSION procedures, faculty interroga- tions, and University bylaws were tangled ianageably in the case. Then the AAUP ed further confusion by coming up with port which some UniVersity professors called neous and invalid. Li the complexities of the procedure leading he dismissal of the professors may never be avelled. So indeed, President Hatcher is ially justified in calling the matter a "tech- J one." ut he is not justified in implying that the c issues of the matter were merely techni- Nor is President Hatcher (and other'Uni- ity officials) justified in shrugging off the sure as having "no special effect" on the versity. Nor is he justified in claiming that the University' is in complete accord with the AAUP regarding questions of academic free- dom. THE "TECHNICAL" matter is actually a mat- ter of immense importance. It strikes deeply Into the relation of the administration to the faculty, and the University to the state. Since the ideology of teachers is perennially questioned by legislators, churchmen and other noble Americans, the Nickerson-Davis affair could occur here again. Before it does, it would be wise for the Uni- versity to clarify its position on certain matters. SHOULD THE TEACHER be allowed to be- lieve what he believes, so long as his teach- ing, his research, and his associations, he retains individual integrity and academic com- petence? Should the University stand in open defiance of the Legislature and the taxpayers for some- thing he believes, or should it tune its opera- tion to bigger and better appropriations? Does the University still agree with the Association of American Universities' conten- tion that being a Communist is in itself grounds for dismissal? If it does, the conflict over academic freedom still remains, for the AAUP contends that being a Communist is not in itself grounds "for dismissal. The University has already made necessary, Tand appreciable strides in clarifying its- pro- cedures. Now would be an appropriate time to clarify its, philosophy. -THOMAS HAYDEN (Continued from Page 1) the show directly exists in repeat- ing the questions asked in the warm-up session during the show itself. When the questions were recognized and answered during the dry run by the contestant, and the producers deem the party a, likely candidate to continue audi- ence appeal, then he is apt to re- ceive the same question, or at least questions from the same general area in which he has exhibited his strongholds of knowledge. ' * * * ANOTHER MANNER of obtain- ing and catering to a contestant's preferred realm of knowledge as well as determining his specific weaknesses, is from the original test taken in the offices of the producer. The test is a necessary implement forreach prospective contestant, in order for the.'pro- ducers to ascertain the mental capacity of the applicant. Then, all that is necessary is for the pro- ducers to scan the answer sheets, taken from the applicants after, their gruelling two to three hour examination. He can then select the few who satisfy their I.Q. de- mands of the moment, or he can doctor up the questions so that their chosen contestant appears to have a more acute sense of the subject matter. Conversely, those contestants that the producers deem unworthy of continued viewer attraction and sustained appeal, are purged effec- tively from the show by framing their questions in the areas they evinced an inadequacy in, or es- chewing them any second oppor- tunity at the questions answered correctly in the pre-show warm-up or on the original exam. A more subtle method of directly fixing the show is either to use the questions from the warm-up for the actual show, when known and answered during the dry run by the contestant, or to ask those questions answered correctly on the original test given to prospec- tive contestants in the closed con- fines of the producer's office. Conversely, those contestants that the producers deem unworthy of continued viewer attraction and sustained appeal, are eschewed any second chance at those ques- tions they answered correctly, but receive solely the questions or the areas they showed concern with previously. * * * , A WORD ABOUT the propriety of warm-ups is necessary at this juncture. Inasmuch as the make- up and camera angles of contest- ants must be checked prior to air time, and their voice range and pitch must be communicated to the handler of the boom-mike, these are *a prerequisite to any television show. However, there exists some doubt as to whether the proper manner of achieving this can only be exhibited through" the means of a warm-up in re- sponse to questions, or whether the contestants would serve these functions just as well by simply appearing in their places and speaking their names and ad- dresses. Rev. Charles "Stoney" Jackson, a contestant on "$64,000 Ques- tion," charged, "They never told me what they were going to ask me on the show. They just asked me about fifty questions before- hand and if I missed fifteen they'd never ask me one of the fifteen. I never got a ,question that I hadn't already answered." IN ANOTHER incident, the pro- ducers of "Dotto" approached one of the "chosen few" and asked him if he would "recognize any of the present-day television stars, like Garry Moore." The contestant, who was busy with' his make-up answered he would, and the pro-' ducers told him they just wanted to make sure he could recognize the dots, when placed together to form the outline of a caricature of a contemporary personage, such as a television star, and more specifically such as someone like Garry Moore. The contestant, when he sub- sequently appeared on the- show, signalled to interrupt the connec- tion of the dots, and answered that he believed the person de- picted was "Arthur Godfrey." The emcee was visibly affected, because the plan was not progressing ac- THE SECOND method of rigging a show was usually less evident to the contestant in whose favor sucit fixing was attempted. However, those members of the viewing audi- ence who were perceptive might have seen this type of subtle fixing at various times. They consisted of allowing the favored contestant extra time, rereading the question, replaying:the nerve-wracking mu- sic over again, or giving him ques- tions in his favored category more often than not.. - They could also give him credit for his answers, and deny it to his opponent,' when the answer, did not conform -with that printed on the answer card 100%. An example of this latter type of fixing' concerned the author. On "Ti - Tac - Dough" my op- ponent was asked the title Hof the book written by Booth Tarkington, in 1918. He replied, "The Mag- nificext Andersons," when the cor- rect answer was "The Magnificent. Ambersons," and his anlswer - was disallowed. However, when I was asked the. capital of Nepal and answered, "Katmansu," they accepted it, though in reality the answer should have beon "Katmandu," This type of fixing does not directly concern the contestant as the actor, and with no implication in the fixing does not cause him any deep moral pangs, as does the direct fixing. However, in neither case, strangely enough, has a con- testant refused his pay for in- volvement,,in either a direct or in- direct fix, because his conscience began to smart. * S * TO RETURN TO the subcom- mittee and its investigation of the shows, notably its subpoena of Van Doren. Van Doren's ascend- ency was at the benefit of Herbert Stemnpel who, in the parlance of boxing fans, .took a dive." Mr. Stempel has testified under oath to the Legislative Oversight Corn- mittee that not only did he know the questions and answers, but he also knew what questions to miss, even if he did know the correct an- swers on his own. . He said he also knew the score at the end of each round, which is 'an impossibility, unless both dsies are "in" on the fix. It is impossible, because the contestants are firmly tucked away in their own private Isola- tion booth, unable to see the op- posing player through the kleig lights and because of the angle of the booths, and unable to hear the audio part of the program,'be- cause of the "supposed" rigid rules, of silence, aided by cutting the sound off from the contestant's earphones. Mr. Stempel also maintained hey knew upon which night Mr. Van Doren would lose and by what score, and placed a wagerat 5 to 1 - odds upon his inside knowledge.' This, indeed will' be a difficult thing for Van Doren to explain away under subpoena. ,i cording to Hoyle and he had to rule the answer wrong. So the sequence of the contestants devi-' ated from the plans of those in power, because of one contestant who had not paid attention to the answer given in advance. However, these occasions were very few, and the "rigging" con- tinued, without many serious in- terruptions until one, Edward Hil- gemeir, the boy who cried wolf on the quiz shows, stated in the New York Herald Tribune in Au- gust of 1958, that "Dotto" had been fixed, with the contestants usually having the answers beforehand. ACCORDING TO Time Maga- zine the answer Van Doren missed, in naming the crown heads of Bel- gium, caused quite a furor in Bel- gium, for there is some doubt whether a man as learned as Van Doren could have incorrectly an- swered Leopold when he meant Baudouin. Perhaps the testifying of Van Doren might be anticli- matic to what. has preceeded it, but the analogy to the 1919 Black Sox Scandal is quite alarming, down to the quote of the young fan of "Shoeless" Joe Jackson, when he cried out "Say it ain't so, Joe!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Intransigence Hurts VESTIGE of the poorly planned Atnerican foreign policies of the last decade burst 'th again into 'the limelight last week. A, Ljority of the nations' represented at the' idted Nations met the United States pressure keep Poland off the Security Council with a m disdain. But the United States led the nority, keeping the General Assembly dead- ked for days, in the Turkey versus Poland atest for Security Council membership. What is most-striklng about the Amiercan sition is the tenacity; with which our State partment clings to the notion that our posi- n Will bring us a prestige victory over the, mmunists. Such policy most have seemed licrous. to those uncommitted nations which rsevered in opposition to the United States. ind through twenty-five ballots during two sted days of Assembly debate. [OST NATIONS have hopes of seeing the United ,Nations serve thie cause of world ace rather than serve the United States in e causes of the cold war. Their opposition ests to the loss of American prestige in' this tance. The principle of regional representation on e Security Council has been adhered to since e beginnings of the United Nations. In most ses a nation ,nominated, in turn, hays no >uble in achieving a two-thirds majority on e first ballot. Regional representation is intended to give ne limited voice to the interests of nations t currently represented on the Council. It ems obvious that Turkey, which is tradition- y Near-Eastern rather than East-European, less representative of the area than is Poland. >reover, Turkey is one of the' pro-Western tions, allied with NATO, which has accepted ssile bases on its soil. As such, Turkey seems a poor choice to represent the many Com- munist governments of the area. HE POLISH government, which has gained the greatest measure of independence from the Soviets of all nations still within her orbit, seems an ideal choice. We certainly could have increased United States prestige among the people of Poland by making that choice. The ability of Poland to muster a majority, even if less. than two-'thirds, against United States .opposition is doubtlessly a prestige victory for the Communists. Chester Bowles has recently pointed a finger at the United States for using the United Nations only -when' it fits American purposes and ignoring or bypassing it at other times. The effectiveness of such policy in the cold war is, at least, questionable. THE TASKS of the next decade call for more petty victories and minor rivalries with Communist countries. These policies too fre- quently backfire, as in the case of Poland. And while they backfire, the major changes of the balance 'of power move in the direction of the Soviet's rockets and the Chinese army. The tasks of our generation call for a more genuine greatness. Leadership in the search for peace requires far greater moral recognition than does leadership in hot or cold wars. We need the widest possible basis of international cooperation in the implementation of such policies as disarmamernt agreements. The possibility of destruction is too seriods to allow us to say, "Let it happen; it will be the Communist's fault." We cannot gain the prestige needed to support effective disarma- ment with the present strategy. The United States must be willing to forsake its policy of refusing to give an inch, and by so doing, lose miles of prestige. -MARC PILISUK -Daily-David Cornwell TO THE EDITOR: VDiary'R eview Draws Comment INTERPRETING THE NEWS: The Soviet New Look To the Editor: jIURING my two years at the University I have often been struck by certain articles which have appeared on the editorial page under the misnomer of "re- views." The futile attempt. of reviewers to, imitate Time maga- zine reviews is most obvious in al- most every issue -of The Daily. Even if it is true that imitation is the most sincere form- of flattery, I don't think Time would care for the flattery when the attempt is so weak. Although few letters appear criticizing the reviews (probably because they can't be blamed on apathy), I am aware of a certain feeling among a number ofustu- dents: (list furnished on request), who like myself, feel that the re- views should be more honest and' less "clever." The popular method of ridiculing (made popular by Time) everything that comes along is effective only when the .reviewer does a great deal of re- search. and thinking upon the subject matter involved. Also re- views of movies or theatrical pro- d u c t i o n s assumes some prior knowledge of the medium in- volved. Most of the reviews in our paper seem to lack all these quali- ties. Of course, The Daily cannot possibly staff itself with profes- sional reviewers, this is not even to be expected. But why must those students who insist on re- viewing art forms pretend unlim- ited knowledge of the field? Now to the case in point, Mr. Forsht's review of "The Diary of Anne Frank." * * * TO BEGIN WITH, I wonder if Mr. Forsht even saw the movie. From the first paragraph, which insults any reader's knowledge, to the last absolutely pointless sen- tence, nothing is said which couldn't have been written by one who simply walked by the Michi- gan and looked at the posters. Mr. Forsht's first paragraph would be meaningful only to an individual who had spent his en- tire life locked in a closet. But as every writing must have some kind of an introduction, I will let this pass. "Thesucess of such a nicture a failure. If this is the case I sug- gest that you refrain from writing to the common masses who are unable to make such a clear cut distinction. * * * IF MR. FORSHT is going to call Millie Perkins' acting "uneven," I wish he would make some attempt to support his argument. Where was it uneven? Or was it uneven just because Time-said itswas un- even? Would you, Mr. Forsht, or some- one over there please explain to me what is meant by the follow- ing statement: "Shelly Winters, in the role of'a disillusioned, middle- aged Haus-Frau, is better than perhaps she herself realizes." An actor's art is based necessarily up- on his own realization of what parts he can and cannot play. There is no profession more de- manding as far as self-criticism' is concerned than acting. If an ac- tor is not able to realize when he succeeds and when he fails then he will never "make the top." Ask any director! To end his article Mr. Forsht says that the newsreel shows Northwestern getting ready 'for' the big game. So what! And what has this got to do with "The Diary of Anne Frank?" Irony:, The best review to' ap- pear in The' Daily is also in this. issue. Congratulations, Jo Hardee! -Jack Rquse, '61 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The niver- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITT'EN form to R06m 3519 Administration' Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO. 25 General Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The freshman Ave-week' progress reports Will be due FI., Oct. 23, in the Faculty Counselors Office for freshmen and sophomores, 1213 Agell Hall. Research Club of the University: First meeting for the year will be on Wed., Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. (Council at 7:30 p.m.) at the Backham Amphitheater. Papers: Robert M. Thral, "Some Examples' of operations Research" and Robert R White, "The Institute of Science and Technology." Members only. "Albert S&hweitzer," Documentary film, to be shown at 8:00 p.m., Tues., Oct. 20, Rackham Lecture Hall. Spon- sored by Student Government Council and the Office of Religious Affairs. Ad- mission fre. Women of the University Faculty, First meeting of the year will be held at the Michigan. Union on Wed., Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m. For dinner reservations, call Marguerite Hood, University Ext. 2552 by 3 p.m. today. Playbill 19590: The Department of Speech is now accepting mail orders for season and single tickets at $6.00, $4.50 and $3.00; single tickets for the major plays at $1.50, $1.10 and 75c; major opera, $1.75 $1.40, $1.00; single tickets (general 'admision unreserved seating only) for Don Pasquale, $1.00; single tickets for the premiere per- formahce of the original, 75c. Orders should include first, second and third preferences of performance date. Checks payable to Play Production. Productions will include: Horse Eats Hat ("An Italian Straw Hat") by Eu- gene Labiche, and Marc-Mihl, Wed.- Sat., Oct. 28-31; Don Pasq ule by Doni- zetti (with the School of Music), Thurs.-sat., Nov. 19-21 Epitaph for George'Dillon by John Osborne And Anthony Creighton, Wed.-at., Dec. 9-12; Das Rheingold by wagner (with the School of "Music), Tue-Sat.,March 1-5;. The Way of the World by William Congreve, Wed-sat., April )-9; Look Homeward, Angel (if avalable), Kietti Frings' adaptation of Thomas Wolfe's novel, Wed.-Sat., April 27-3d; andthe premiere ,performafloe of ,an Aoiil play,Pr -Sat., May 13-14. Orders should be mailed, v ith a self-a d.d r e aBaed, stamped' envelope, to: Play Production, Ben o Me ndelssohnboxoficeoen10-5 start- ing Mon.,, Oct. 26. Leetures Lecture by Dr. George Seaver, Albert Schweitzer's biographet, On "Reveene for Life: A Philosophical Approach." 4:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 21, Aud. A, Angell Hal. sponsored by Student Govern- ment Council and theIOffice of Rel- giouts Affairs. Social Work and Social Science Collo- quium: Mon., Oct. 21, 4:15 p.m. Au6 . 2065 Frieze Bldg. Prof. Norman A.P- hu'sky of 'the school of Soial Work and., the Dept. of Psychology, Western Re- serve University will speak on "Acce- sibility to Treatment in a Children's Institution: A Resarch deport.". Foreign Visitors Folo'ing are the foreign visitors who will be on the campus this week on the dates indicated. Program rraflgemenlts are being made by' the International Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller. Miss Naomi Fukuda, LibrarianlInter- national House of Japan,' Oct. 19-21. Haruki Anatsuchi, Chief of, the Si- ence and Technology Reference Sec- tion - National Diet Library, Japan, Oct. 19-20. Sumio Gotb, Asst. to the Director, Ni- hon Univ. ~ibrary. Tokyo., Ast. Prof. of Library Science, Nhlon University, Japan, Oct. 19-20. Masao Hayashi, Asst. Librarian of Osaka Prefectural Library, Japan, ot. 19-20. Toshio Iwazaru, Assoc. Director, Kyc- to University, Japan, Oct. 19-21. Yasumasa Oda, Chief,. Humanities Reference Section, National Diet Li- brary, Japan. Oct. 19-20., Takahisa Sawanoto, Admin. Asst. to the Director, Japan Library School, Oct. 19-21. Shozo Shimizu, Librarian of Koiwa Public Library, Japan, Oct. 19-20. Heihachiro ,Suzuki, Chief of the In- ternationalService Section, National Diet Library, Japan, Oct. 19-20. GertHelmer Hornwaily yleiLibrar- ian,. Stockholm Public Library System Sweden, Oct. 18-20. Dr. Margarita Muruzabel, Director of the Library of the Odontological Assoc. of Argentina, Oct. 18-21. Mrs. V'era Chang Wang, Member, Control Yuan, Republic of China, Tai- pei, China, Oct. 21-26. Dr. Pedro Jose Quintanilla Jarquin, Vice-Minister of. Education and Presi- dent of the Nicaraguan UNESCO Com- mittee, Nicaragua, Oct. 22 or 23. Edward Rock,Escort-Interpreter, Oct. 22 or 23. Mr. Shigeo Kurebayashi, Deputy Man- ager, Research Div. of the Fuji Bank Ltd., and lecturer at Musaski Univ. and waseda Univ. In Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 23-25. I 4 r, -- r r r By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst, ['HERE IS A great deal of speculation these days about whether Nikita Khrushchev sin- erely wishes improved relations with the 'nited States when the real questions are why rid for how long. Most students of Soviet Communist tactics em agreed on the Premier's sincerity. But international Communism is in. somewhat he same position as the racketeer who, having ime to a time when illegal practice is no long- r profitable, decides to set up in legitimate Lisiness with the idea of absorbing competing usinesses which he formerly sought to burgle. If the new project fails to accomplish its pur- ose, will he return to the use of the strong arm, rid how much time will he consider a fair st? FTER WORLD WAR II the Communists saw the world's pell-mell rush for disarmament nd the beginning, through such things as then unable to play any role in such a move- ment, and feared being left on the sidelines as a nonentity. Unhampered by military expense, the free world promised to carry itself, by its own boot- straps, beyond the appeal of Communism. The Marshall Plan had this very direct effect in both Italy and France. Responding to this and to a very real desire to protect herself against any possible repetition of the foreign invasion of 1941, the Soviet Unio ion assumed a belligerent' military posture and an aggressive acquisitiveness directed against her small neighbors. T HE WORLD WAS forced to turn from peace- ful reconstruction and economic develop- ment to defense. This gave the Communists time to prepare for participation in the race for political align- ment through economic association of nations which is now under way. Now that they think they can compete, they tyawa%-Nw,;, W-111kis