u y. .... Reds Accuse Diplomat; Say He Bought Secrets Fake Ghost Comes, Gets No Attention Cambridge Researchers Evoke No Emotion from Staid British Washmgton SYs USSR'. Framed Hip Reds Claim Langelle Caught Paying Agent On Moscow Bus-Ride 'r , MOSCOW .()-Soviet newspa- per sources asserted yesterday that Moscow bus riders caught Russell A. Langelle of the United States embassy handing over money to a Russian for -secret intelligence data. Ordered expelled by the foreign pministry, Langelle, the embassy's Chief Security Officer, left last night by plane for home with his wife and three children. The dead- line for departure was yesterday. Washington has denied that Langelle, 37, engaged in espionage. The State Department charged he was abducted, manhandled, threat- ened and framed. (The State De- partment also said the Russians tried to get him to spy for the Soviet Union -and lie refused.) Story Unpublished The story has not yet been pub- fished in the Soviet Union. But this is the version Soviet newspaper sources say has been distributed to newspapers for later publica- tioro. At about 9 ajn. Friday, passen- gers on a bus noticed two other riders exchanging something The passengers saw one man give the other man a large package that appeared- to contain money. ' Suspicious, they seized the two 4 men and handed them over to authorities. One Is Citizen Officials found one of the two to be a Soviet citizen. He had the package, which contained 20,000 rubles ($5,000 at the official rate). He also had material for making secret ink. Retaliatnl Overruled WASInfGTON (M) -- The State Department yesterday ruled against , the idea of expelling a Russian diplomat in retaliation for the ouster of an American em- bassy official from Moscow. The American, 37-year-old Rus- sell A. Langelle of Los Angeles, was accused by the Russians of spying and hiring a Soviet citizen to spy for the United States. While rejecting the Soviet charges, and counter - charging that Russian agents.tried to bribe ol scare Langell into spying against his own country, the Unit- ed States had no alternative under diplomatic custom but to accept the expulsion. Leave Moscow Langelle, his wife and three children left Moscow for home last night by plane. .He had served there as chief security officer of, the embassy, a job requiring that he protect the embassy and its staff from Soviet espionage. On the point of kicking' out a Russian diplomat on a tit-for-tat basis, press officer Lincoln White said for the State Department: "In cases involving an expulsion of an American diplomat, the pol- icy of the United States govern- ment is not to expel an official of the copntry involved without hav- ing grounds for such action that are good and sufficient in them- tselves." Follows Precedent There have been cases in which expulsion of a Russian from Wash- ington followed closely the expul- sion of an American from Moscow. White was asked Whether any niember of the Soviet embassy staff here might be guilty of vio- lating the diplomatic rulesunder which they are accredited. He de- clined to answer. { yea WORLoof FANI Trave/ with iTA Unbelievable tow Cos! ur0U P t 60 . D ow. tQM fk.n $675 - Oet S OIR 43-65 coe p from $99s RUSSELL LANGELLE-Chief security 'officer of the United States Embassy in Moscow strolls down a street in the Soviet Capital, The state department charged "unidentified soviet authorities with seizing Langelle and attempting to force him with violence to spy against the United States." LONDON (M)-Cambridge Uni- versity researchers reported yes- terday they sent a phony phantom out to see if people can recognize a ghost when they see one. The answer: they can't. Psychic researcher Anthony Cor- nell played the part of the spuri- ous specter in this scientific experiment to study people's reac- tions. Figure Appears As dusk fell over the city, his hooded figure garbed in white mysteriously appeared and disap- peared in the middle of a field, 50 yards from a main road. Cornell "appeared" by simply walkinig up from behind a mound in the field. After raising his arms in the form of a cross he "disap- peared" by backing down the mound, which hid him from the road. _ On six succeeding nights the artificial apparition appeared in full view of 80 people. No Sounds Made No one screamed. No one ran away. Members of the University So- ciety for Psychic Research, who hid in bushes to observe the re- actions of passersby, reported: Gives Conclusion "It must be concluded that though a sufficiently striking imi- tation of an apparition walked in a fairly unusual area for any liv- ing person to frequent at that time of, night, it was not seen, or, if seen, was not considered abnor- mal." Cornell, who organized the ex- periment, had hoped that several accounts of the "ghost" would be reported. He then intended to check to see how much they varied. But he hasn't received even one report. Professors- Go On Strike VIENNA () -- Austria's 30,000 university students and professors went on a two-day strike today to demand more government spending for higher education, Now he suggests that if real ghosts exist they may have some psychic powers of drawing atten- tion to themselves. Without these powers, it seems, they don't stand a ghost of a chance of being no- ticed these days. Study 1VeS Tax Statistics WASHINGTON (A)-What does the average taxpayer look like, in dollars and cents? No one has ever come up with a precise answer but the internal revenue service yesterday provided a few clues. The service made public a study of income tax re- tu'ns filed last year. Americans filed a record 59,825,- 000 returns in 1958 covering in- come earned in 1957. Of the total, 46,865,000 returns s h o w e d taxable income. The amount was $149,400,000,000--also a record. Individuals paid income taxes totaling $34,400,000,000. This was another new high, topping the previous year by $1,662,000,000. Mr. Average Taxpayer reported a gross income in the $4,500- $5,000 bracket. This was the me- dian bracket, with about half the returns showing less income and half showing more. Receive your MS in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Physics at RCA's expense, through the RCA Graduate Study Program. At the same time, you're beginnmng your RCA career as an engineer on a fully professional level, getting a head start in the field you prefer. RCA pays the full cost of your tuition, fees and approved texts while you take graduate study part-time at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania or Rutgers University. Or, your may prefer a different path ahead .. . RCA Design and Development Specialized Training. here is another of RCA's pro. grams for careers, in which you begin by' working full-time on planned technical assign- ments. Experienced engineers and interested management guide your progress. You may receive assignments in design and development. Right now, see your placement ofcer. Get squared away on a specific time for your interview.' And get your copies of the brochures that also help to/ill you in on the RCA picture. If you're tied up when RCA's representative is here, send a uresune to the address shown at right: of radar, airborne electronics, computers, missile electronics, television, radio and other equipment fields, as well as in electron tubes, semiconductor materials and devices, and space electronics. Your experience or advanced education may "point your way to direct assignment. Dozens of RCA engineering fields lie open to the man who's thoroughly acquainted with the direc- tion he wants to take and whose qualifications open this path to him. There's a lot more that's extremely interesting about an RCA engineerihg career. You should have these facts to make a wise decision about your future. Get them in person very soon when an RCA engineering management repre- sentative arrives on campus- Mr. Robert Haklisch, Manager College Relations, Dept. CR-5 s Radio Corporation of Amereii s Camden 2, N. J. :.. As an RCA Engineer The other man voluntarily handed over a notebook in which was found secret data written in invisible ink. (The State Department said the notebook was suddenly produced while Langelle was being,forcibly held- and the embassy official said he never had seen it before.)' Produces Documents The man later produced docu- ments identifying himself as Rus- sell Langelle of the United States embassy. He then was released. The Russian, whose name was not given, still is being held. A foreign ministry statement, distributed later by Tass news agency, did not go into detail in charging that Langelle "used his stay in the Soviet Union for in- telligence activity." The statement, said he was of-' fered (presumably "ordered") to leave the Soviet Union since his activity was incompatible with the status of an accredited diplomat." Statement Continues "On Oct. 16," the statement con- tin-ued,-"Langelle iad,°asecret meeting in Moscow with an Amer- ican agent . . . and to whom he handed over instructions on fur- ther espionage work, the means of steganography (secret or coded writing) and a big sum of money. "During this meeting, both of them were apprehended by Soviet (competent organs and the es- pionage materials were confiscated. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the U.S.S.R. called the attention of the embassy of- the United States to the impermissibility of such actions by members of the embassy diplomatic, staff." Journalists Explain The Soviet journalists said pub- lication of the story in the Soviet Union was withheld to avoid any hot controversy in the midst of a cold war thaw. These sources said' the foreign ministry told the United States there would be no publication of the incident in view of the friend- lier trend in United States-Soviet relations-a trend that began with Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's visit to the United States. (Soviet censors spermitted the first Associated Press dispatch on the Langelle affair to leave Mos- cow only Monday.) BIKE PROBLEMS? 24-hour Service STUDENT BICYCLE SHOP" 1319 South U. ut -s-n-e-- -n -a - - ------- - Tomorrow is here today at RCA RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA i . . ,. r ____________________________a QI ie £irdigan DaiIh Second Front Page' October 19, 1959 Page 3 e*- - - - - - - - - - ---- ~~~ ~~ ~~"'-- e ---------------1 A Campus-to-Career Case History 4 A r Bill Dugan goes over work schedules with Chief Operator Merle Brauch in the Des Moines toll center. i Bill Dugan wanted responsibility. See how he's done in just four years. f? When William P. Dugan graduated from State University of Iowa in 1955, he had a degree in business administration, a wife, and a firm resolution to get ahead in business. , Bill went to work with Northwestern Bell Telephone Company at Des Moines. "I wanted to work where I'd find real opportunities for advancement and get the training necessary to take advantage of them," he says. "I couldn't have made a better choice." Ten months of diversified training taught Bill the "language" of the business and gave him the know-how and self- room procedures, force scheduling and training and in supervising operating personnel. He returned to Des Moines and in February, 1959, was promoted to District Traffic Supervisor there. Today, Bill heads up an organization of ten supervisory people and about 230 telephone operators who handle approxi- mately 42,000 calls each day. He is also responsible for auxiliary services such as Information and the Telephone Company switchboard. "This is a booming business," says Bill. "There are new problems coming up every day to keep my job interesting and . smoothest bust"ia.fxg fina = .. :c,? ' e