: SHOP AROUND .. . then try 6 GOOD BARBERS for SATISFACTION 715 North University Battle Continued from Page 4 tuted an ever-present threat to the left flank of the German thrust. There could be no success without Bastogne and the Nazis could not take Bastogne even when Hitler ordered its capture at all costs the 3rd of January. When PIPE CENTER " Ten of our own custom tobacco blends " We do our own PIPE REPAIRS " Smokers gift items " Imported and domestic tobaccos'and cigars always humidor fresh Largest selection of GBD pipes in Michigan COME IN AND BROWSE Ask for our Mail Order Blanks General McAuliffe was summoned to surrender, his reply which ist now famous in American historyt was a laconic "Nuts." T HIS DEFIANCE has thrilled Americans ever since but itI baffied the "Agence de Presse +Francaise" at the time. The French journalists decided that the proper rendition for the information of the French public was "Vousy n'etes que de vieilles noix," that+ is, "you are nothing but old nuts!"+ Says Toland "The Bulge was an unorthodox battle. Lines were nonexistent or fluid. It was a series of isolated actions, connected only by the direction of attack. Ameri- cans were surrounded. A few miles away, Germans were surrounded. Communications were unreliable. Divisions, regiments, battalions, companies, at times even one or two men fought lonely battles that determined great issues. In this kind of fight the American soldier excelled. The independence which got him in trouble in camp paid off in the Bulge." Through it all General Eisen- hower kept his calmness and cool- ness. He shows up extremely well in the book. Also General Patton, "blood and guts" Patton (as the GIs said cynically at the time, "Yeah, his guts and our blood") is shown to be a real tower of strength and courage. The Incredible. Otto Skorzeny, the liberator of Mussolini in 1943, appears in the story. He led para- troopers in operation "Grief" which was a landing behind Amer- ican lines by troops in American uniforms to spread confusion in the rear. The operation was suc- cessful only in so far as it caused anxiety among the American com- mand and the French Police in Paris. The rumor spread that some of these commandos were to pro- ceed to Paris to assassinate Eisen- hower. The rendezvous was to be the Cafe de la Paix. (Skorzeny has' since denied this part of the oper- ation.) So all over the Ardennes American MPs were questioning other Americans to determine if they were Germans in disguise. One was an American only if he knew the capital of Pennsylvania, the identity of "Pruneface" or how many homers Babe Ruth had hit. Even General Omar Bradley's staff car was stopped by MPs who ac- cording to Toland "seemed to like stopping generals." ACCORDING to Toland it was in the Battle of the Bulge that a new GI emerged. The good na- tured, supremely confident, rather careless GI was a thing of the past. The air support and air cover he had taken for granted was not always there. He had learned bit- ter lessons of cold, hunger and de- feat. Now he was tough. What about the German Land- ser, his opposite number? "The will of the German soldier was broken. No one that survived the retreat (German) believed there was the slightest chance of Ger- man victory. Each refugee of the Battle of the Bulge brought home a story of doom, of overwhelming Allied might and of the terrible weapon forged in the Ardennes: "The American fighting man." --Karl H. Reichenbach Assistant Professor History Department Hips terism Continued from Page S further admits that ". . . it Is tempting to describe the hipster in psychiatric terms as infantile, but the style of his infantilism is a sign of the, times. He does not try to enforce his will on others, Napoleon fashion, but contents himself with a magical omni- potence never disproved because never tested. . . . As the only ex- treme non-conformist of his gen- eration, he exercises a powerful, if underground, appeal for con- formists." In short, Hip doesn't give a damn whether you dig him or don't dig him. He is fed up but he is not beat. There's a differ- ence. "Them beats, they go on poppycockin about how wrong they been done while the squares kick them down more and more and laugh in their faces. Me-- I'm intact, Jack." Old Hip-he's getting back at the squares by lying low, by refusing to be ac- knowledged. YOU CAN'T corner a hipster. He won't come on. "Too hip to let you pin me down, baby." He might very well have been the man who collected your garbage last. But you'll never catch him teaching Psychology 315 ox what- ever it is. "I'll scrub their floors and paint their houses, but I won't sell them my brain. Never." This is why Hip moves further and further away from Academia. Look for him to show up in Scol- lay Square in Boston, or in the Bowery, or on Clark Street in Chicago but never in one of those big, shiny duplexes ten miles out- side the city. "Tangiers is fine but Middle- town brings me down like nothing else." 1209A S. University Opposite Campus Theatre PHONE NO 3-6236 . . Today's New Hipster He Walks, A One-Way Path To. Nowhere By AL YOUNG TRIED LOOKING for a hipster lately? i don't mean these sickly looking kids in funny cloth- ing who hang around the local cof- fee house, or that bearded imbecile who has everything Miles Davis has ever recorded and who could not talk if you took fifty words out of his vocabulary. I mean old Hip himself, that evasive little man who really knows what it's all about and who isn't especially ea- ger to prattle about his awareness. Chances are you never suspected him of being hip at all. Just an- other five-a-day square treking down a one-way path leading no- where. Well, that's exactly what H-ip would want you to think. To move unnoticed, unseen - that's the essence of Neo-Hipsterism, if you must stick a tag on it. Remember Hip in the old days, a little further back in the cen- tury? Remember how eager he was to let everyone know how "aware" he was? How much he dug that nobody else dug? Remember how you used to see him in the after- noon breakfasting at a cafeteria-- dunking that pound cake in that coffee? Hip rarely saw the 6 a.m. 'til noon world in those days. Re- 3nember how he used to race around the country on motor- cycles, in stolen cars---anything he could get his hands on-beating the drum for bop or for weed or for existentialism? REMEMBER running into a Hip on a streetcorner in Philly one night. His beard was unkempt, his beret was motheaten, his T-shirt was yellowing and his jeans were unmentionably filthy. He had lost a lot of weight. "Down to 110 pounds, man. Fuzz closin in right and left. Mind pushin this pre- scription for me? A little drugstore stuff would come in nice? Por- trait of a sad cat. Kicks -- it was always for kicks. "The squares, like they goofin the world right into another war. I just finished one war. I ain't got eyes for no more wars. All I want's a few kicks. You dig, don't you? Just something the squares ain't got, something way out." He may not have said it in ex-c actly these words but that's whatt he meant. Kerouac in On TheI Road and Clellan Holmes in hist novel Go both painted a passion- ately accurate picture of Hip andt the way he looked back then: in a word-frantic. A plexus of ener-7 gy. Hip was indefatigable in those1 years of The Search. Norman] Mailer gives you a good idea of the mechanics of postwar hipsterism in his remarkable essay The White; Negro-in case you've forgotten. But that was 1947 or '48 or '49 -long ago, at any rate. Today Hip laughs his head off just1 thinking about those frantic times. He would no longer be caught dead hitchhiking or jock- eying a cycle any more than he'd be caught listening to poetry and jazz in an espresso joint or men- tioning Charlie Parker's name of- tener than twice a month. As for ngarcotics-"Well, it's good for a bang every now and then but only the squares get hung up. It's a bigger kick digging the high school Theda Baras, the dormi- tory virgins and the suburban hippies playing Dean Moriarty. Ever dug the young Madison Ave- nue set on their night off? A gas." WHAT ABOUT this change? Was it fatigue? The eco- nomy? Just downright maturity? No, you're starting wrong. Hip's changed all right but not basi- cally. He has evolved, undergone the transistion to a new, qualita- tive state. Graphically, this is difficult to show. Let's just say that you'll rarely find him in "un- conventional" attire, making a spectacle of himself in some pub- lic place. He is much too cool for that. In fact, the poet Kenneth Rexroth (who bears quite a re- semblance to Hip) remarks that there are hipsters around who are so cool that they get married, hold down jobs and raise kids. What hasn't changed about Hip is the fact that he's still a mem- ber of .that notorious fringe group that operates just this side of the arts. He's not a practising artist himself though he tries awfully hard to live the "esthetic" life. CAROLINE BIRD, writing in Harper's Bazaar, gets at the core of neo - hipsterism in her article, "Born 1930: The Unlost Generation." She makes the hip observation that "The hipster may be a jazz musician; he is rarely an artist, almost never a writer. He may earn his living as a petty criminal,, a hobo, a car- nival roustabout, or freelance moving man in Greenwich, but some hipsters have found a safe refuge in the upper income brack- ets as television comics and movie actors. (The late James Dean, for one, was a hipster here.) ... she Concluded on Page 10 The new .Hip' in fir--- ='- - - I 0 Lanz fashion and other cam omwn=NMNWWMNNMMM 7 i " ,Search no, furl/cr You will feature our LATEST and GREATEST selection of Jazz Recordings. U* u/er* Perfect weather -f 4<1. .. . ' " A for slacks . And perfect slacks for the weather 11 .. .in authentic Klan Plaids of Worsted Wool Sizes 8-16. 10.95 MANSMOOTHS GO TOGETHER SPORTSHIRTS 100% cotton...need no ironing F r The fun is in the wearing of these handsome ombre plaid sportshirts, with the woven over-stripe. His is the bolder, more masculine plaid... hers the smaller, more delicate. But both are in matching Fall shades and feature MANHATTAN quality styling and shirt tailoring! Best of all -they're Mansmooth*, the 100% cotton that-washes in a wink, drips dry to a smooth finish and needsno ironing. They stay neat and wrinkle free all dayv ", ter:'. . ' 11 TICE & W REN M.U S C -IJJ S "Clothes For Men" 1107 South University -Across from Ann Arbor Bank 340 Maynard Street NO 2-5579 THE MICHIGANDAI Old 'Hip' Al Young is co-Editor of Generation magazine. He is a junior in the literary college and is presently working on the completion of, his, first novel. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 195 1212 Soum UNIVERSITY - Campus Their, Building A slim sheath, p gay puff sleeves, all wool novelty u Many others in o see them soon. shop .., monday thr:h COL state at I IEL a ZINE I 2 Y