"If They Start Comparing Grocery Bills We're Sunk" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT THE STATE: Moving 'Nun's Story' One of Year's Finest When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, OCTOBER 16, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN HARTWIG Urban Renewal Needs. More Constructive Approach IT IS POINTLESS to argue further the bene- fits of the government-subsidized Urban Re- newal program vetoed by Ann Arbor's mayor last June. But some attempt should be made to devise a workable alternate plan. Mayor Cecil 0. Creal proposed an alternate plan when he vetoed the federally-supported program in June. Committees of architects, bankers, builders and other interested citizens were to be appointed by him to a citizens' com- mittee for voluntary rehabilitation. Committee members were to encourage resi- dents of the blighted area to repair and reno- vate their homes. Banks or a private loan fund would give people funds when they..needed them. Everyone was to be encouraged to paint, his house and fix his yard. A blighted area would become habitable and pleasant. UNFORTUNATELY, this plan has all the characteristics of a jolly barn-raising party. In the mid-nineteenth century, barn-raisings worked. Kind, interested neighbors could-and did-work together to help a friend build a barn, or rebuild a house destroyed by fire. All it involved was hard work and Christian char- ity. It did riot involve sums of money larger than a, city could afford, party politics, fear of ra- cial integration or protection of real-estate in- terests. The problem of urban rehabilitation does. Frankly, the city cannot afford to sponsor a rehabilitation program. Federal agencies are1 not overly anxious to spend their money. They would not have approved Ann Arbor's Urban Renewal plan if it could have been done with- out federal aid. Even an attempt at city-spon- sored rehabilitation would 'involve an increase in taxes. HE ENTIRE Urban Renewal prpblem .has been a party-splitting issue for many months. The six-to-five City Council vote in favor of the Urban Renewal resolutions which the mayor vetoed included three Republican= votes. When an attempt to override the veto became clearly futile, they switched their votes and thereby went on record as being in favor of Urban Renewal but recognizing the futility of trying to push through a government-sub- sidized program. SO WHEN the mayor, leader of their politi- cal party, proposed an alternate plan, they were obliged to go along, rather than seem to oppose a substitute. So far the plan has produced a chairman and neighborhood groups making surveys that no one knew about. In fact very few people know anything about, what is happening but the mayor. Taking a less harsh tone, one is forced to ad- mit that the plan is the mayor's, the commit- tee he appoints will be his, and it need be re- sponsible to no one but him. But the evasion and doubletalk he gave at last Monday's meet- ing to Council members asking about what ac- tion had been taken on the problem is hard to justify inthe highest elected official of the city. Admittedly, a comprehensive plan that would effectively organize all elements of the com- munity in such a program takes a great deal of time. But a neighborhood survey to find out what needs to be done seems pointless when the problem has been a matter of public rec- ord for at least three years. THE MAYOR will present a report to the City Council some time in November. If it con- tains evidence of serious thought, constructive suggestions for improvement that go beyond painting houses, a workable scheme for fi'nanc- ing the plan, and sincere interest in improv- ing the area for the benefit of the people living there, the mayor and the people he chose to work with him are to be commended.- If it does not, the City Council will have to take action. Urban rehabilitation is important to Ann Ar- bor. Too much time that could have been spent for other things has already been wasted in emotionalism. A rational, disinterested ap- proach is needed. --SUSAN FARRELL 4THE NUN'S STORY," in the capable hands of Fred Zinne- mann, turns out as one of the most beautiful, moving offerings Hollywood has created in years. It is exquisite pageantry, dra- matic intensity and superb cine- iatography wrapped into a pro- found package. The story of the girl who enters the convent and then discovers that she is not cap- able of being the perfect nun she desires, is emotional drama at its best. Audrey Hepburn portrays with great sensitivity Sister Luke, the worldly nun to whom obedience to the holy order is too difficult a task. Her handling of the role is almost faultless; she carries all of the emotion, the tension and struggle of a nun trying to find serenity in her chosen life through a series of memorable facial sym- phonies. Since the habit is worn by Miss Hepburn almost through- out the film, all of her expression must be conveyed through the face. She performs admirably. Peter Finch as Dr. Fortunato, the Congo physician who knows Sister Luke better than she knows herself, is more than adequate for the role. The remainder of the cast is above average, and the drama moves sometimes,- slowly, oftimes more stately, to the final crushing moments. * *-* THIS PICTURE is more beauti- ful to behold than any in this reviewer's memory. The color pho- tography is superb. From the sub- tly multi-colored stones of the Brussels convent to the lush heartland of the Congo-the color camera captures it all. Especially memorable are the interior scenes 3 ., , 3 t '' 4 4 R l E 1, i t t of convent life, which have ex- tremely, subdued coloring. The movie frequently is beautiful in its austerity; sometimes glorious in its luxuriance. "The Nun's Story" is transfer- red almost unchanged from Kath- erine Hulme's best-selling book. The film captures the subtle ten- sion and movement which the book often misses. The story of the nun struggling with her conscience is potentially overpowering drama. The film reaches memorable dramatic heights. , Totalling the results: Audrey Hepburn makes a beautiful nun: the mother superior is statuesque and awesome. The film is perhaps the best of the current season. -Robert Junker CINEMA GUILD: 'A geltika' Gruesome" -i MAUb.s Herblock is away due to illness Copyright,959, The Puitter Pubishi C0., SL Louis Post-DisPatch SGC IN REVIEW: Prospective Candidates See Good Meeting By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Daily Staff Writer AWAVE of election fever seems to have rolled over the campus. Instead of the usual one or two students who mistake the Council room for the meeting place for Homecoming or pep rallies and soon leave, the room was almost filled for the meeting Wednesday night. Though it would be nice to assume that they were all inter- ested constituents, many probably weren't. Women's rush or Sigma Kappa wasn't being discussed. Only the routine business that occupies much of SGC's time was on ,the agenda. About the only conclusion that can be reached is that many in the audience were prospective candidates for seats on the Coun- cil. This in itself is a good sign that many people are interested. IN MANY WAYS it was a good meeting for prospective candidates to attend. For the most part the meeting was orderly; and even though no world-shaking issues were discussed, enough routine business was brought up, and taken care of in a business-like manner. to give a fairly favorable impres- sion of the Council. Much of this good impression was caused by a discrimination re- port complied by members of the SGC Committee for Student Af- fairs. Unlike the usual committee report, with its hasty thrown to- gether aspects, this showed thought. Over a year was spent sending out the questionnaires, compiling the replies and writing the report. This discrimination report is not one that should be merely praised then placed in the files. The in- formation about the conditions in other universities is of great value. But possibly the most important aspect of the report are the state- ments from university officials telling how they managed to re- move written and unwritten dis- criminatory practices of their fra- ternities and sororities. THE PROBLEMS of discrimina- tion has also been under study by a SGC committee. But it, the com- mittee on the 1949 ruling, seems to have.disappeared into the walls of the Student Activities Build- ing without leaving any tangible solutions. Perhaps this report is needed to provide the committee with ideas applicable to the Uni- versity. Even the discussion of the Regu- The Customers' Unneeded Needs THE HIDDEN persuaders have had a hayday since the motivational research units pre- dicted that the year of '60 would be ripe to sell cars. Ads gleam and glisten from Life magazine pages rivaling their overchromed subjects themselves. Chevy threatens from a full page spread, "if you can drive this one and not want it, you're a born pedestrian-;" Chrysler taunts from its laquered page, "Exciting Es= cape! . . . this lion-l4earted call to the open road;" while Cadillac avers, "In a realm all its own . .. For every walk of life, now there is a car. For manufacturers have bent backwards to create one for every possible need, taste, and then some. AND HERE lies the problem. Does the con- sumer create the demand for the product, or is it largely created by Madison Avenue techniques? ,Theoretically the manufacturer takes his cue from what the consumer needs and supplies him with it. But in practice, it seems that manufacturers realize buyers' needs are ill determined and open to suggestion. Contrary, to conventional economics, the manufacturers, by making their prodcts attractive enough and by boosting them with skillful advertis- ing, can create in the customer a totally new INTERPRETING THE NEWS I Summit Dr By 0. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE UNITED STATES is beginning to put the brakes on Britain's headlong rush to- ward a summit conference. There have been repeated expressions in Britain that Khrushcbev is in a mood which should be investigated before it has any time' to evaporate. Prime Minister Macmillan appears to believe that the re-election of his party was in good part due to public confidence in its foreign policy and its near approach to the summit, and is anxious to carry on the popular effort. There are differences in viewpoint which, though they will not ultimately affect concert- paglia i 91anuo '93Ua.9aIuoo aGt ! , Oga pal States to go a little slower.1 and unnecessary need or needlessly increase one already in existence. This year Detroit auto manufacturers are striving with all their might to make car sales soar. They have put out an array of autos bound to tempt anyone who likes cars at all- which includes practically everyone of driving age. Smaller cars, bigger cars, more chrome, less trim, more room inside, less bulk outside, station wagons, imported cars, basic trans- portation, or luxury on wheels--anything, any one could want will be on display at the neigh- borhood auto dealers. RESEARCH HAD the cue, manufacturers pro- duced an endless variety of cars, and Madi- son Avenue is pushing them. Such strident motivation is bound to persuade Middle Class Harry, whom the research boys say will have a few extra dollars this year, that he just has to have a new car. But if more people drive to the new car deal- er in their perfectly good '58 models than walk there, manufacturers and advertisers will have accomplished only one thing-gross waste. And when advertising stimulates purchasing above and beyond any normally determined need, the economic picture is distorted, and the general public may find itself in a capitalistic puppet state with hidden persuaders pulling the strings that dictate their needs. -STEPHANIE ROUMELL tI i Slowing Their chief emphasis is on Berlin. The United States, on the other hand, has for months been pursuing a Berlin policy di- rected at something it believes to be more attainable-stalemate. Washington puts, its chief emphasis on ob- taining even an infinitesimal start on disarma- ment. President Eisenhower is talking again about the world economic progress which could be made with the funds now going into military preparations. Khrushchev played this point heavily in his grandiose appeal before the United Nations. THE UNITED STATES is starting some dis- cussions in the United Nation designed to bring the force of world opinion to bear on the topic. President Eisenhower has a' commission at work looking for suggestions, and this com- mission will not report until after the first of the year. Thus, being less sanguine than the Bh-itish about the Berlin issue, and being determined to take the time necessary for thorough prenara- BRITISH ELECTIONS: Peace, Prosperity Major Factors. lations Booklet, while it was dull at times, was handled in such a way to be fairly painless. If the whole Booklet had been discussed at one meeting or if unlimited de- bate had been allowed on any one word change the boredum - and futility-would have been unbear- able. But through the use of sug- gestions and recommendations in- stead of motions the ideas of the Council were heard and discussed without much meaningless debate. THE JOINT International Stu- dents Association-SGC essay con- test is basically a good idea, 'if it is handled properly. But its tim- ing was 'so poor as to be unbeliev- able. The suggested topic of "What can be done to improve the rela- tionships between international and American students", seems to be almost a slap in the face follow- ing the scheduling of 'Hilleliapop- pin' on the same night as ISA's Monte Carlo Ball. The main reason that ISA did not want any other student ac- tivities on the night of their dance is that they were hoping to im- prove the relationships between in-' ternational and American stu- dents. Since the essays are not due until next spring, it seems that even if the announcement for the contest were held off for another week,, things would have been much better. But even with the essay contest, the meeting was one that can serve as a fine example of student government. The horseplay and the meaningless debate was held to a minimum. All in all, a good show for the candidates. " A NGELIKA"is one of those melancholy Teutonic imports of lugubrious intent and incalcul- able dullness. The director has taken an empty story and simply drenched it with all the 'damp dank darkness ofha German mau- soleum; the result is very nearly intolerable. "Angelika" (the word "is from the middle German "Angeilch," meaning anguish) concerns a lonely girl who is dying. Maria Schell (known in America for her leaden frown) takes the role, play- ing it with that peculiar hangdog expression which cleverly conceals from the audience the problem of whether or not she is crying. But this, is picky since there i no real problem involved-her cry- ing jags occur at such neatly periodic intervals. Her long and lingering illness (in which some critics have discovered a symbolic parallel to the film itself) is finally cured by a dedicated and rather occultish, young doctor-one Stef- an Haulm. * * * STEFAN IS a pithy fellow who spends the' very best and sweetest hours of youth -vacillating between his Vesalius texts and his Verdi, arias. One of Stefhan's more mem- orable scenes, the one in which the most hair is ripped from his head, occurs, naturally, in the laboratory. There he sweeps away his homunculi, looks askance, at his philosopher's stone and shrieks "I must isolate those wretched germs somehow, I must." These three characters may well represent, the pinnacle of the drama, yet, they are surrounded by such a swarm of "minor" char- acters that the audience is literally stricken by the author's fecundity. MOSES FINLEY, a few years ago, wrote a brilliant book in whichhe tried toirecreate the "world of Odysseus" through a consideration of the values, hints and allusions which he picked out of the Homeric poems. "Angelika" begs for a similarly clinical ap- preciation in terms of the social sciences One would find, I guess, that the society which produced such a movie holds certain basic aspects in common with the society which has been producing, for some years now, the horror films. It is not "escapism, not vulgarity, not a fear of the bomb, not even plain stupidity." It is something further and even more malignant. I don't know what. -Eli Zaretsky 'fi i I1 By ARNOLD SAMEROFF Daily Staff Writer ON TUESDAY a new British parliament will meet for their first session in order to elect a new Prime Minister, and the man who had most to do with determining the composition of that Parlia- ment will soon be at its head again. This man is Harold Mac- millan. The Conservative victory might not have been a landslide, but it did increase their parliamentary majority from 68 to 107, leaving no doubt as to the will of the British voter. The only question remaining is what caused this un- precedented third term for an English polit cal party to remain 'in office. The major factor appears to have been the normal inertia felt by a satisfied population. England is enjoying the highest standard of living it has yet attained. There appeared to be no benefits to be gained by changing the group that had been in power when this height was reached. -* THE SECOND major factor was the question of peace in the world. A parallel can be drawn between this and Eisenhower's two elec- tions, the first with a promise to end the Korean conflict, and the second following the Geneva sum- mit meeting. Macmillan has made himself the symbol that Nehru once was. He is the mediator, the man who is going to brings the United States and the Soviet Union together at last. The La- borites had nothing to compare to this. However, the main reason for the defeat that Labor suffered goes back much further, to the first post-war Conservative victory in 1951 when the Conservatives more 'or less stole Labor's fire. By denationalizing only the steel in- dustry, they gave the appearance of actually accepting the policy of nationalization. The fact that the industry that remained national- ized, coal and railroads, had been losing money for their former owners was not too loudly nro- down in their party convention that in the end they didn't want it banned either, this distinction faded. Outside of his party loyalties, there was really no reason for the average Briton to vote for Labor;' there was no reason to let a good thing go and as a result they didn't. The only conclusion that one can draw is that the British are rapidly approaching the American political of two nearly indistin- guishable parties. The time for a change is when times get bad and when times are good there is no need for this change. Gaitskell claims that the flame of Socialism burns as brightly as ever. It must be admitted that such a flame is quite difficult to detect. Any last remnant of a distinctive character that the La- bor party had was lost when Bevan, the one radical with any backing, deserted his group after being offered a place in thgegov- ernment in the event of a Labor victory. Until Labor again can show that it has a program that is definitely it own, it can only wait until bad times befall the Conservatives. But, if they wait too long they might possibly lose out to the lowly Liberals. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR; Dance Sponsors Complain About 'Collectors' To the Editor: A TTENTION Souvenir Hunters: The recently popular collec- tor's items, Playboy's Prance dance posters, will temporarily be off the market. The inebriated little poster Playboy who periodi- cally appeared on the Diag in the last week has enjoyed great popu- larity. Unfortunately, we have, experi- enced such great demand for these artful masterpieces that we find it impossible to supply all our greedy consumers. We therefore find it necessary to request that our cus- tomers wait patiently until either production can meet all demands or until our consumers grow up! It is indeed unfortunate that a few students will attempt to pre- vent the entire student body from learning of an all campus event. The Playboy's Prance is not the only activity which has been stifled by the selfish collecting of posters. Homecoming signs and other announcements have also disappeared. Since these posters, particularly those on the Diag, are the major advertisement for these events, their destruction results in would cost hundreds of dollars. Can You Afford This??? -Playboy's Prance Sponsors Obligation .. . To The Editor: WOULD LIKE to thank Mr. Blood for his kind interest in my article. I hope that this letter helps to answer the questiops he raised in his letter to the editor of October 10. I am sorry if I have implied that I desire the "abandonment of co- existence in favor of fighting, etc." My intended meaning was that I no longer consider peace, per se, as the most important thing in life. The most important is that we, as individuals and as a coun- try, always 'strive to fulfill those goals that we hold as our moral responsibilities. I am not against peace and peaceful coexistence. I believe that we should pursue them with all the resources at our command. But, if and when the time ever comes that our pursuit of a peaceful existence comes into conflict with what we regard as a moral obligation, I hope we have the strength and courage of spirit to turn and face ference we should all stick up for each other's school. The So. Cal. student newspaper said that the Big 10 was just 10 big rich schools and nothing else, they also said Michigan could be and should be playing high school teams. Let's stick together, not knock each other. So So. Cal. beat Ohio State. That doesn't mean that the Big 10 is finished. Look what the Big 10's done to the other so- called top teams -.Northwestern walloped Okla. Purdue trounced Notre Dame. Let's keep the Big 10 the No. 1 conference it is. The best teams in the United States are and always will be: 'MICHIGAN, NORTHWESTERN, MINNESOTA, PURDUE, MICH. STATE, OHIO STATE, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN. -R. A. Allen Medina, Ohio . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE BRITISH agreement or the uncertainties ups and downs o year. believe that some sort of an n Berlin is possible, removing which have accompanied the sf Soviet pressure for the past The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1959, VOL. LXX, NO. 22 General Notices The Stearns Collection of Musical In- amination tests to be held during 1959- 60. The first administration of the test will be held on Nov. 21, 1959, and ap- plications must be received in Prince- ton, New Jersey Iy Nov. 6, Applica- tions may be picked up at 122 Rack- ham Bldg. Marshall Scholarships: Applications for the Marshall Scholarships for study at British universities are now available at the scholarship Office, 2011 Student Activities Building. Applicants must be under the. age of 28 and seniors or graduates of American universities. The scholarships are tenable for two years and each has' an annual value of 500 nounds nlus tuition fees with an ad- 'I