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October 15, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-15

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Seventieth Year

Israeli Arabs Gaining Equality

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, OCTOBER 15, 1959


U.S. Should Not MaKe
Assumptions about Russia

IF A RECENTLY released National Planning
Association report is to be believed, Nikita
Khrushchev's boasts that the Soviet Union will
bury the United States economically, cannot
even be called hot air. In fact, the report, auth-
ored by Alec Nove, Russian-born, British-edu-
cated expert on Russia, says that Russia now
faces almost insurmountable obstacles even
drawing even with the United States econ-
But it must also be noted that Nove empha-
sized that a complacent American attitude
could change the whole picture. Soviet econ-
omic advances will continue to be impressive,
but too many factors will be working against
the continuation of the huge advances in the
Nove listed war losses, decline in wartime
birth rates, equipment depreciation and in-
creased replacement costs as problems faced by
Russia. Consumer demands should also cause
SUCH AN ATTITUDE, regardless of the cave-
ats against complacency accompanying it,
can do n6 good. Much may be said against his
specific points - the war was 15 years ago,
and the population gap caused by the falling
birthrate at that time should pass quickly, for
Human Nature
WITH NEWS of new bombs and space ships
glaring from the headlines, it is always.
easy to overlook people. But sometimes a rela-
tively insignificant incident can bring human
nature back into proper focus.
The recent tea for the wives of international
students was just such an incident. When ap-
proximately 100 wives of Ann Arbor business
men, professors and factory workers can dis-
cuss the relative virtues of various brands of
baby food with 150 homemakers from other
lands, world peace does not seem so far off.
Without such activities, these women would
return to their countries with either a feeling
of complete indifference towards Americans or
a definite hostility toward the people who gave
them such a cold reception.
It Is a good feeling to know that these wo-
men, the wives and mothers of future leaders
in their respective countries, will go home with
a feeling of friendship" instead 'of resentment
toward the United States.
Thanks are due to human nature and the
International Center for a group like "The

instance - but this is comparatively unimport-
For the West simply hasn't realized that it
cannot make any safe predictions about Russia
or other Communist countries. Westerners
have been looking for revolts to tear apart the
Soviet bloc, tensions in Red China-that will
destroy the whole 10-year-old power edifice
and a realignment of the neutralist bloc on the
Western side.
Though one can never be sure, it would
seem proper to say that such things are not
going to happen. At least, this should be the
assumption we make. Western governments,
it appears, do this in much of their long range
planning, though ordinary citizens do not.
BUT THERE IS one significant lapse: the
space program of the United. States. For
a long time, the Defense Department upper
echelon has been poh-poohing recent Soviet
space advances. The Russians, they said, had
big brutish rockets, but nothing like the grace-
ful American space birds; Russian instrumen-
tation and guidance systems were also said to
be inferior in quality.
But, in the words of the old song, "T'ain't
necessarily so." The Russians have hit the
moon, and shot Lunik III around it. The lat-
est United States shot was called off because
of failure of a static firing test.
The Defense Department may be given credit
for closing the military missile gap, but cannot
press any such claim in space exploration. Vice-
President Nixon said that the United States
space effort was "moving ahead at a reason-
ably good pace." Herbert F. York, Defense
Department research and engineering director,
averred that the Soviet lead was "more a ques-
tion of acute embarrassment than national
THE TACIT assumption, it seems, is that the
United States will win out in the end as it
always has. But we have never had such an
opponent as we now have. European nations
could never seriously disturb American soil un-
til the last two decades, and other American
powers were too weak to bother us. Now, we
are no longer geographically safe. And the foe,
no matter how we think of him, has boasted he
will bury us, and no talk of peaceful co-exis-
tence can hide it.
Russia IS winning the space race at the mo-
ment, and may be' pulling ahead in other areas;
no amount of talk can hide this. Neither can
assumptions that the Russian effort will slow
down in order to let us overtake it. The Russian
turtle is too smart to do this.

EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the
greatest internal problems facing
the United States is the question of
segregation in the South. The con-
troversy inspired by the attempts
to legally resolve this issue has
been heated and has led to widely
differing approaches to the ques-
tion. However, the problem of two
racial groups living within one ter-
ritorial region when one is domin-
ated by the other is not confined to
this country.
Many other countries have simi-
lar problems. Their individual solu-
tions vary widely both in content
and in success.
An attempt is being made here
and in following articles to exam-
ine a few of these nations and their
particular responses to the prob-
Daily Staff Writer
the largest melting pot in the
world today is the small country
of Israel. With a population of
just over two million, there is a
large representation of nearly ev-
ery racial and national back-
ground. There are Negroes from
Yemen, Asiatics from India, Euro-
peans, and a large North African
and Arabic contingent.
The majority of this conglom-
erate is united by the fact of their
Judaism. But there is a minority
of about ten per cent which does
not share this common denomin-
ator. This is the Arab Minority.
After the area that was formerly
Palestine was partitioned in 1948,
the lines of division were altered
by the ensuing war. Certain areas
which were predominantly Arab
were included in the new Jewish
state. In addition, there were cer-
tain Arab areas which asked to be
included in Israel because over the
years they had established con-
nections with the Jewish settlers
and did not want to forego the
economic benefits of their previous
The difficulty that arose at this
time was in the policy of the na-
tional government. Having just
completed a war with seven Arab
countries, without having any
signed peace treaties, there re-
mained in the country 200,000
Arabs. The paradox was whether
these should be treated as enemies
or as citizens of the state.
* * *
THE PATH that was chosen in-
volved a compromise. Everyone in
the state was given the rights of
a citizen. They could vote, hold
office, and own land. But due to
the military situation, most Arab
areas were under martial law and
Arabs required travel permits to
move from one place to another.
Curfews were enforced and there
were many searches to determine

if infiltrators were being hidden
by the Arabs.
In the early years he martial
rule was particularly harsh, and
the issuance of travel permits be-
came a powerful force in controll-
ing the Arabs. In urban centers
such as Nazareth, there was not
enough local work to employ the
full population, so one had to
travel to other cities to find work.
If an Arab was refused a travel
permit it meant that his livelihood
was cut off.
Within the Israeli government,

"Oh Well, Maybe Rockefeller Still Has Faith"

however, there was a group that
tried to remove these restrictions
from the Arabs. Their concept was
that the other Arab nations were
watching how Israel treated its
Arab minority. If the treatment
was bad it would provide a great
propaganda advantage for the
Arab countries. However, if the
treatment was good the Israeli
Arabs would make this known and
possibly contribute to a better un-
derstanding of Israel by the Arab
In any case, this group main-

tained that the Israeli Arabs were
not responsible for the actions of
the neighboring states and should
not share in the action against
* * *
teewas set up to determine wheth-
er it would be feasible to loosen
the restrictions on these Arabs.
After a year, they reported that
many of the restrictions were
overly harsh. They stated there
would be no harm either in re-
moving certain areas from mar-

tial control or the necessity of
travel permits.
Only two Jewish political par-
ties allowed Arabs to become
memebrs: Mapam, one of the
three major labor parties, and
Maki, the Israeli Communist Par-
ty. The other large parties set up
special Arab groups that held the
same platform as they did.
Maki attracted a large percent-
age of the Arab vote because it Is
the only non-Zionist political par-
ty in Israel. By preying on the
Arab discontent they obtained a
large following. A conflict arose in
the party when Arabs with a defi-
nite pro-Nasser sentiment began
taking over. After several speeches
on the future prospects of the
Arabs reconquering Israel, the
leaders of this group were arrest-
MAPAM AND several other
groups attempted a more positive
solution to the situation by back-
ing the reform of the military
government. Money was budgeted
to finance Arab farms and schools.
Arab cooperatives based on the
Jewish models were set up and
modern farming techniques were
The situation today is much dif-
ferent from the situation only a
few years ago. The Arabs are be-
ginning to feel integrated into the
state and as the controls are lift-
ed this integration becomes much
easier. There are Arab members
in the Israeli parliament who
show signs of representing the Is-
raeli Arabs instead of being mere
puppets for Jewish parties.
A bi-national state that was re-
jected in the partition plan ap-
pears to be becoming a reality to-
day. It is rapidly being realized
that the influence of the high
standard of living of the Israeli
Arabs has more effect on Israel's
Arab neighbors than any speech
at the UN could possibly do.
The Daily official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
city of Michigan for which The
Michigan Dailyassumes noedi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN IMrM te
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Noties
International Center Tea Thus,
Oct. 15, 4:30 to 6:00.p.m. at the Inter-
national center. ll students wie.
Flu Shot Clinics for students, taff
and employees will be hld in hm. 5
(basement of the Health Servce)
Thurs., Oct. 15, and Thurs,, Oct. 22.
Hours are 8:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:30
Proceed directly to basement, fill out
forms, pay fee ($1.00 for students and
$1.50 for staff and employees) and re-
ceive injection. it is recommended that
each person receive two injections, 2-3
weeks apart. The clinics will be open
for both first and second shots.
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion 'blanks for the Law School Ad-
mission Tests to be held during 191-
60 are now available In 122' ackiam
Bldg. The first administration of the
test will be on Nov. 14, and applica-
tions must be received in Prncet bi
New Jersey at least two weeks before
the test.
National Program for Graduate School
selection: Application blanks are no*
available for the Graduate Record Ex-
amination tests to be held during 1959-
60. The first administration of the test
will be held on'Nov. 21, 1959, and ap-
plications must be received in Prince-
ton, New Jersey by Nov. 6. Applica-
tions may be'picked up at 122 Rack-
ham Bldg.
Marshall Scholarships: Applications
for the Marshall Scholarships for study
at British universities are now avl-
able at the Scholarship Office, 2011
Student Activities Building. Applicants
must be under the age of 28 and seniors

or graduates of American universities.
The scholarships are tenable for two'
years and each has an annual value of
500 pounds plus tuition fees with an
additional 200 pounds for married men.
To be insured consideration, oomplet-
ed.' applications must be returned to
the Scholarship Office by Oct. 20.
Because of an unexpected delay in
transit, the opening of the Exhibition
"Fulbright Painters" at the Museum
of Art which was scheduled for Thurs.,
Oct. 15. has had tobe postponed until
Wed, evening, Oct. <21. The. exhibition
will continue through Nov. 15.
(Continued on Page 5)





Herbtocls is away due to illntess OW"" C'. Jat co

Folklore Society Offers Participation, Instruction,


Fiasco in Steel

Generation Co-Editor
MANY STUDENTS have asked
me about the Folklore Society.
Many stories concerning the or-
ganization have been put into
circulation, many of them mis-
leading and many of them just
out-and-out lies. As president of
the group, I submit the following
little truths.
The University of Michigan Folk-
lore Society was organized three
years ago. Its constitution states
its purpose as "the performance
and propagation of international
folk music and lore." It is a regis-
tered student organization.
The Folklore Society is neither a

socialist nor a communist organi-
zation-not even a "front" group.
It has no political affiliations
whatsoever and takes no part in
political activities. It never has
and never intends to.
* * *
MEMBERSHIP in the Society
is open to the campus at large.
Most students who joie do so
because they are interested in
either performing or listening to
or learning about folk music and
The Society holds folksings reg-
ularly, and presented its first folk
concert (to which people come to
listen and not to participate) a
week ago. It was a great success.

AT THE BEGINNING of' the steel strike in
July, the President declared that he would
not intervene because "I belieye that we have
got thoroughly to test out and use the method
of free bargaining." When Mr. K. arrived here
two months later, one of the things the Presi-
dent wanted to have him see was the steel.
strike. It would show the visitor an example of
free bargaining between unions and manage-
Now three weeks later he has set in motion
the machinery of the Taft-Hartley Act. and
everyone is hoping that board of inquiry under
the Act will somehow succeed in avoiding the
need to Invoke the Act, and that it will some-
how be able to mediate a settlement. If the
board does not succeed, the steel strike will be
suspended for eighty days and then may be
resumed at the onset of winter.
IT IS A DREARY outcome for what was to
have been a test of "the method of free bar-
gaining." The test has gone on since July, and
the method of free bargaining has failed in
the task. Why did it? It failed because the
issues of the steel strike were not ones to which
the method of free bargaining applies. The
President did not understand the nature of the
steel strike. He failed to see that the issues
were not those which collective bargaining can
On the side of labor the ultimate issue is its
right to share in the larger profits of the com-
panies. On the side of management the ultimate
issue is to put a stop to the spiral of wage in-
creases since the Second World War and to re-
cover some of the ground lost to labor since
that time.
Here then is a case of industrial warfare be-
tween giant business and giant labor. It is a
test of power and of will in which the two
Parties are not bargaining and will not com-
promise their differences.
WHEN THE PRESIDENT chose to regard the
steel strike as one which could be settled
by "free bargaining," there was not involved a
true principle based on the reality of things

far from being a completed and perfected so-
ciety, there is in our society much that is primi-
tive, irrational, and increasingly intolerable. It
is not a jolly thing to have the basic industry
of the country close down for three months
with no settlement in sight just because we
have not learned how to substitute law and
order for unconditional industrial warfare.
The claim that a strike of these dimensions
and of such consequencesis a private affair,
not a proper subject of national intervention,,
is entirely untenable. It was untenable in July
when the Administration approved the claim
that this was a private affair and it is unten-
able in October when the Administration has
had to intervene.
THE NATIONAL interest is not only that a
settlement should be reached and produc-
tion resumed. There is a prime national interest
in the terms on which the strike is settled. The
day is past when this country can tolerate
"free" bargaining by which labor gets higher
wages and management puts up the prices. The
national interest demands that the major in-
dustrial conflicts be settled under conditions
which are good for the economy as a whole.
That being the case, some agency has to have
the authority to speak for the national interest
when a conflict arises.
In the rast analysis what this means is that
the great basic industrial settlements, though
they are reached by the method of voluntary
bargaining, must be in harmony with the ver-
dict that would be reached by arbitration by an
authoritative national agency charged with
the health of the economy as a whole. This
will, I suppose, horrify a great many. But I
have put it. bluntly and brutally because only
in that way do we get away from sentimentality
and double-talk and down to the hard realities.
T HE LESSON of the strike is that the country
needs to make a new advance into the re-
gion where the government can impose peace-
ful settlements in accordance with the na-
tional interest upon the giant corporations and
the giant unions. The government should have

TOnT. Edior

Orientation . .
To the Editor:
BEFORE we all withdraw into
our lonely cells, I hope one
voice will be permitted to speak
out against the destruction of a
"University - directed" orientation
program. There seems to be gen-
eral agreement that at least cer-
tain all-campus social functions
should be done away with in order
that the incoming students may be
brought painlessly into their par-
ticular housing units. Apparently
it is hoped that the advantages to
be gained from a general introduc-
tion to the University, especially
the social advantages, will be ob-
tained by the individual in his
years of attendance.
It is glibly pointed out, in sup-
port of the housing-unit approach,
that the whole idea of decentrali-
zation and togetherness in unit
organizations is a basic concept
of the University. If this is the
case, and it seems to be, perhaps
the idea of decentralization should
be re-evaluated-if only to keep
up with the prevailing trend of
establishing re - evaluation com-
A certain amount of decentrali-
zation is necessary where 24,000
students and several thousand fac-
ulty members are involved. The
itmnnhav eofa s. nal lnllege can-

ing as is being expressed on the
orientation program issue.
* * '
PEOPLE (I think it is fair to
call students that) gravitate into
small groups-whether it be the
housing unit, the extracurricular
activity, or the honors elite-and
forget about the concept of the
whole to which they are supposed
to belong. They forget that a lot
of other people are here and
striving toward certain common
goals, that they should feel some
sort of an affinity for one another
more often than when they chance
to meet in Florida or at an away
football game or wherever par-
ticular people congregate and are
glad to impress onlookers by the
shaking of. hands and mutual
backslapping that "they attend
the University of Michigan" or
more accurately have coffee in the
I'm suggesting that all campus
social events on the orientation
program give those people who go
an opporutnity to make a wide
range of lasting acquaintancesand
friendships outside the small group
with whom they will be living for
a year or more. I'm also suggesting
tha". it is the housing units' pro-
grams and not the all-campus
orientation program that is pre-
mature and should be removed

The Society plans to prepare more
concerts, and will work closely
with the International Center in
an effort to showcase the music
of various cultures.
The first concert was billed as
"An evening of French Ballads
(Alain Giraud and Joe Dassin),
British Ballads (Dr. Neil Snort-
ham) and Old-Timey American
Folksongs (The Washtenaw Valley
String Stretchers)." Future con-
certs will highlight songs and
dances from Israel, the Philippines,
the Arab countries, Spain and
Latin America, Indonesia and the-
Far East. But there will be plenty
of Americana.
* * *
A FOLKSING can be a gruesome
affair, particularlyto those with
the job of leading it. A folksing
should be an informal session of
singing and playing witi accent
on group participation. The folk-
sing or "hoot" de-emphasizes the
place of the virtuoso performer.
Imagine fifty guitars and twen-
ty-five banjos going at once while
one poor fellow tries to teach a
new song to an audience. Or the
same number of instruments being
played at once, each in a different
key. Heartbreaking, lad! But when
a sing goes well, there is nothing
more uplifting than people singing
together and having fun.
* * *
THE SOCIETY also conducts in-
strument workshops-the teaching
of folk guitar and banjo. Classes
are informal and set up on three
levels - beginning, intermediate
and advanced sections. Instructors
in each section work in pairs, and
the workshops are relaxed enough
to permit pupils and teachers to
exchange instrument techniques
and songs.
Formerly, workshops were held
Saturday afternoons but, because
of the football season, they are
taking place alternate Thursday
evening in the Student Activities
Current Society plans include
the presentation of professional
folk artists in concert. This would
include such performers as the
Gateway Singers, the Weavers,
Odetta, et. al. Concerts would be
staged at reasonable student
prices. Most privately - sponsored
concerts appearing in town do not

graphic material to contact the
Society at the S.A.B.
Interesting side - notes: Mike
Sherker, a former Society member,
recorded an LP, last summer for
Folkways Records. He is a fine
vocalist-banjoist-guitarist. Another
former Society member, Bernie
Krause, performed around the
country this summer, doing night-
club, radio and recording work..
He will shortly make, his second
appearance on Dave Garroway's
morning show, "Today."
The U. of M. balladeer-guitarist,
Joe Dassin, may shortly be heard
on a recording taken from the
sound track of a recent motion
picture he worked in. "There's a
big picture of Lollabrigida on the
jacket but she doesn't sing." Joe
has also done nightclub work in
Paris. The Society is rather proud,
of the achievements of these per-
IT IS WARMING to see that
more and more people are discov-
ering and appreciating the beauty
of good folk music. Dyed-in-the-
wool folksters may eye suspiciously
popular folk artists such as The
Kingston Trio and Harry Bela-
fonte, but these artists have at-
tracted many people to the folk
arts and spurred them on to more
"authentic sources."
First we read "Winnie the Pooh"
and then we read "Ulysses.'Be-
sides, the Kingston Trio really,
swings when you shut up for a
minute to listen.

Bidg Campaign .. *

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