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October 14, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-14

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Seventieth Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will PrevaiW.

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"This Disarmament Talk Sure Has Panicked
The Boys Upstairs"
EX'Aj Mss
-N A

To The Edeto
Letters to the Editor must b" signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter.

.Y. OCTOBER 14, 1959


Dialogue Between a Student
Leader and a Student

ST DENT: Every afternoon, every day of the
week, every week of the, year, you drop
everything, your homework, your relaxation,
and run out of here to the Student Activities
Building. Why on earth do you do it?
STUDENT LEADER: I think the answer is
fairly obvious. I have work to do and obligations
to the Club. I don't have much choice in the
matter. Somebody has to do it, you know.
STUDENT: Do they really? And if so, why
does it have to be you? Sometimes I don't think
you're working on the Club as much as the Club
is working on you.
STUDENT LEADER: That's not true in the
least. I derive a real pleasure from my work.
Or at least I do most of the time. Grarvteu,
sometimes I have to do boring paper work; but
then again, it's got to be done. And at any
rate, the paper work is not the major part of
my job,
TUDENT: What is the "major part of your
STUDENT LEADER: That's a curious ques-
tion to ask! What do you mean, "What's the
major part of my job?". One night each week
I go over to the SAB and spend the evening
at Council meeting.
STUDENT: Yes, and nobody's there to hear
you but The Daily reporter and he's only there
because he's forced. And certainly nobody reads
his story in the morning. All you characters do
is busy work for administrators who know how
to pass things off, like calendaring, for example.
Why don't you admit you're all in the game for
self-satisfaction and ego gratification, and not
because it's a "major" job in any possible way?
5TUDENT LEADER: Now wait a minute.
There's some truth in what you say, but
you're also neglecting some important things.
Sure, it's true that many people are consciously
in the "student leading" game for status, and
maybe everybody feels it unconsciously. But
there are some serious and even non-selfish
STUDENT: For instance?
STUDENT LEADER: Let me get philosophi-
cal for a minute. Among the major purposes of
a University is the development of a sense of
free and rational inquiry in the student, don't
you agree?
STUDENT: Granted.
STUDENT LEADER: New this spirit can be
built in the classroom to a great extent, of
course. But the individual must be able to carry
it with him out of the classroom and into every-
day living. Right?
STUDENT LEADER: The University com-
muinity provides a perfect laboratory for
students to develop this skill to a fine degree.
A great sense of responsibility is also developed.
This is a simple case of growth through deci-
STUDENT: This is fine, but you must admit
the University doesn't give you this freedom.
Rather it puts you on a leash, and lets you
romp innocently. Then when you go too far,
that is, when you want to do something signifi-
cant, the administration throttles you. So you're
u not really putting that spirit of inquiry into
practice. All you're doing is running down a
treadmill for tin gods operated by the Office
for Student Affairs.
STUDENT LEADER: That's not all true,
either. True, the administration jumps on
us now and then. I think a lot of it is due to a
growing conservatism that's spread through the
University over the past few years.
But nevertheless, you've got to realize the
problems the administration faces. They work
here permanently. The students just come and
go. And if you let a transient student body
smake decisions which seriously bind future
students you're not getting very far.

Also, the administration, regardless of its
conservatism, usually knows the University
better than the student. Experience is a valu-
able thing; it enables an administrator to put
things in perspective. Of course, it also makes
him less open toward any "radical" proposals
which would upset the tradition he's known for
20 or 30 years. Nonetheless, experience is gen-
erally a good thing.
FINALLY, I think it's important to remember
that some students who get into these of-
fices are really very immature. In fact, they're
sometimes fools, having only a warped knowl-
edge of the University and no understanding
at all of how human beings act and react.
All these points taken together then, while
not justifying everything the administration
has done, should be considered when you say
they have us on a leash.
STUDENT: I see your point. But even so,
you're still facing a futile and pessimistic situa-
tion. Isn't there anything more?
STUDENT LEADER: Yes, I think so, al-
though not everyone will agree with me. What
I'm going to say only holds true for a very few
"student leaders." That is this: some students,
especially those on The Daily, some on the
Club, and a number scattered through other
organizations, are really refreshing critics of
policy. And their very freshness is awfully
healthy around a place this size.
SOMETIMES I think, and this is a real value
judgement, that these individuals are the
only persons who keep a real eye on the Uni-
versity's doings. Administrators administrate all
day; they are cut off from taking very careful
looks at the faculty.,The faculty is busy with
teaching and research duties, when they're not
wallowing in committee work; they can't pos-
sibly keep track of the administration, and as
a result many of their pretty shrewd observa-
tions have to be based on loosely-gathered facts
and hearsay.
The only person left is the reporter, or the
Club member, who constantly visits adminis-
trators and faculty, chats with them, asks
questions, looks for opinions, reports, criticizes,
and accumulates a small, valuable fund of
knowledge. It's impossible to speak for every-
body, but this is what I get out of my activity
and I think this is what the University receives
from student activities: fresh opinion and argu-
STUDENT: Putting it that way, I can't
much disagree. But there are some criticisms
I have of student activities with which I think
you must agree. First of all, not everyone has
this seriousness of purpose. Too many are in
for fun, for kicks, for recognition, and I'm not
sure this can be tolerated much longer in
A student is one who studies, and his study-
ing ought to be done with clenched teeth. Stalin
said that, and it's Stalin's world that studies
with zeal. 'or our students, there should be no
sloughing off in the afternoon to lick envelopes.
And another objection-student activities are
slipping away from the realm of activity, and
into the realm of complete business, even into
the realm of obsession.
This is bad, because it warps the whole pur-
pose of a university. Students spend more time
in their offices than in class, and consequently
reach a point of diminishing educational re-
turns. They wear their C-average like a mock
badge of courage, and happily blame the grade
on their activity.
STUDENT LEADER: I agree with you and
it scares me. But, perhaps because I am after
all an unconscious egotist, it won't scare me
out of the "activities business." Still, I do think
your arguments for studying are worthwhile,
and I don't suppose all "leaders" should call
the "students" simple clods just because they
aren't interested in changing the whole face
of the University.

Beat Generation *.*.
To The Editor:
THROUGH a series of fallacious
arguments and misguided in-
formation, Ann Doniger has sought
to establish the "Beatniks" as a
third factor in the dire upsurge of
crime that is currently prevailing,
along with the weather, in New
York City's Greenwich Village.
The coffee and/or espresso
houses, in which the "Beats" read
their theraputic vagaries, are
heavily populated by that class of
tourists (whose chief claim to
descent would appear to be Miss
Doniger) who travel not with the
intention of visualizing a world
which might conflict with the
world they see' and know, but
rather with the avowed intention
of being the accident in a time
and place which does not comple-
ment the reality of their literary
One unfortunately will never
know the worth of Miss Doniger's
hypothesis, because, in fact, she
has no hypothesis. Her attack on
the "Beatnik," his philosophy and
art, is basically inane because, as
she herself comes to admit, the
"Beatnik" has waged a reforma-
tion without first understanding
what he is attacking. To claim
that he is adolescent in thought,
curious in dress, and un-orientat-
ed in behavior becomes unneces-
sary since to say the least, there is
no contingency on which to base
the speculation.
To further cloud the issue by
attacking his marginal followers
and then his preoccupation with
sex in all its multi-factored, poly-
lingual forms is to leave her a'rgu-

Africa Works for Total Racial Separation

(EDITOR'S NOTE: one o fthe
greatest internal problems facing
the United States is the question of.
segregation in the South. The con-
troversy inspired by the attempts
to legally resolve this issue has
been heated and has led to widely
differing approaches to the ques-
tion. However, the problem of two
racial groups living within one ter-
ritorial region when one is domin-
ated by the other is not confined to
this country.
Many other countries have slmi-
Iar problems. Their individual solu-
tions vary widely both in content
and in success.
An attempt will be made in this
and the following articles to exam-
ine a few of these. nations and their
particular responses to the prob-
Daily Staff Writer
NEGRO-WHITE differentiation
is nowhere more marked than
in the Union of South Africa. Un-
der the official title of Apartheid,
a program of segregation was be-
gun in 1948 that has led to an al-
most complete separation of the
two races.
The situation is complicated by
the existence in South Africa of
two other racial groupings, Asians
and coloreds (mixed white and
non-white respectively.) Out of a
total population of about fifteen
million only three million are
white. There are ten million na-
tives, referred to as Bantus or Af-
ricans, a million and half colored,
and half-a-million Asians.
. The theoretical basis of the con-'
trolling Nationalist Party's pro-
gram is well-developed. Rather
than apologizing for the situation
or indicating some moderate pol-
icy of slow integration as do Amer-
ican southern statesmen, this
group is working only toward
making the present segregation
more complete.
* * *
THE WHITE MAN is the bul-
wark of Western civilization in
Africa say the Nationalists. To
allow intercourse with other races
with inferior cultures would only
lead to the dilution and decay of
this superior western way of life.
As a result the races must be kept
The concept of "separate but
equal" which is one of the stand-
bys of the American white su-
premacists is impossible in Africa,
or so the government claims, be-
cause of the high cost that would
be involved. As a result, the non-
white African is left alone to de-
velop himself with all the econ-
omic resources available to him--
in this case none.
In recent years the government
has attempted to increase the
physical separation between the
whites and non-whites. Using the
excuse of slum clearance, it has
moved all Africans living within
Johannesberg and several other
large cities into new suburban de-
velopments. For those Africans
who refused to leave their old
homes, there was either a jail term
or a bulldozer to clear them out.
There is no doubt that the new
developments were superior to the
old slums. The buildings were con-
crete and each family had its own
n-ftin - *Ye v - nn ncn-a n f'

that the weekly salary is not much
more than five dollars, it repre-
sents a great deal. Before, work
was only a short distance away;
now the Africans must either walk
up to twenty miles or spend more
of their small earnings on busf are.
Land outside of the reservations,
on which about 14 per cent of the
Africans live, cannot be owned by
them; so they will be paying rent
Despite the theoretical justifi-
cation of the Apartheid policy, its
practical application is considered
an impossibility. The white com-
munity cannot support itself with-
out black labor. Indeed, this is
considered one of the main rea-
sons for having Apartheid. Ne-
groes are forbidden to organize

into unions or any other groups,
thereby maintaining the necessity
of taking what they receive with-
out redress.
* * ,*
FROM THE cultural stand-
point, the majority of the Africans
who come in contact with the
whites do not particularly want to
develop their own cluture. They
have grown up in the Western cul-
ture of South Africa, and few re-
member their folk past or customs.
The majority of the coloreds know,
no other culture than the Western
Partition has been discussed as
a possible goal for South Africa..
But here too there are insurmount-
able difficulties. Who will do the

partitioning? The natives are not
recognized as being fit to negoti-
ate, which leaves only the white
govrenment. Considering past pol-
icy, there is little fairness to be
expected here.
The main question confronting
any observer of the South African
scene is "Where now?" The optim-
ists speculate on another Algeria
or Indonesia. The pessimists, a
growing group, are much afraid
that South Africa, wil end in a
complete tragic explosion. Given
the attitude of the current govern-
ment, a solution would be diffi-
cult. But under the prevailing cir-
cumstances, which appear to be
static, a constructive outcome is
not in sight.

ment wide open. Since the Em-
perors themselves have no clothes,
how can Miss Doniger claim tailors
for them? If they are no more
than unusually sophomoric adoles-
cents in sexual attitudes and ad-
vances, is Miss Doniger, then, go-
ing to slide from the psychiatric
couch to the Victorian chaise-
* . *
WHAT SHE has seen in the
Village-if, indeed, she has seen
the Village-is a plethora of noise
and color, whose very sound is the
fury of its movement and which
she has neither attempted to as-
similate nor to understand.
The problem facing the Village,
and in larger issue, a reflection of
the strands composing the blanket
of crime smothering New .York
City itself, is not a band of mis-
guided gypsies and nervous camp-
followers setting up sideshow-on-
sidewalk while distorting the aca-
demic tenets and values of art.
It is the steady encroachment
of the Village by others than its
original Italian settlers. Forced out
of business by Pizzeria, Cafe and
Laundromat, they have banded to-
gether to fight this economic
threat and the eventual dissolu-
tion of their homesite and customs.
Their young feel a particular
antipathy to the Negro tourist and
his white, gum-slinging lady of the
evening. Many bars and coffee
houses, which cater to all classes
as well as the "Beatnik" and their
backlog of minor young poets and
listeners, have been forced to close
shop rather than face stones which
shatter their windows and protec-
tion pay-offs which shatter their
finely knit system of profits. Other
factors involved are the rapid in-
dustrialization and residential set-
tlement of a Village, pre-empted
from its original, minority inhabit-
In pre - "Beat" days tourists
flocked to the Village, as now, to
view, at first hand, its transient
curiosity shop. Police did not litter
the streets like windowless flower
pots, nor break up groups that
clustered about Washington
Square like playtime at the Or-
phanage; anyone whose American-
ism was unsettled by the more
basic Village sights was quickly
hustled to the Fifth Avenue, north-
bound Bus.
* * *
BUT NOW that nationalistic
chaos is currentVy the rage, the
police are rabid to hustle any. clan
gathering, not that an outraged
art form may be preserved, but
that the breaking point of ven-
detta and racial antagonis r igit
be averted.
:n matters such as these, the
"Beat" is a poor cousin. And s too
is Miss Doniger's whimsical no-
tion that the root-cause of the
New York and/or GreenwichVil-
lage crime wave is the fact that
the rootless "Beatnik" has .dis-
torted the coherency of art.
Might it not be that Miss Doi-
ger has given way to the elderly,
semi-bourgeoisie theory that'every
so often the aristocracy 'of our
classless society throws an issue
to their middle class brethren that
peace may be preserved and their
own embezzling instincts will go
unobserved in the bounty of. a
"deeper" issue. I suggest that the
topic of the "Beat Generation," on
which Miss Doniger has wasted so
much print and page, is just such
an issue and one to which, in
avoidance of its telling implica-
tions, she has reacted with the
proper Pavlovian appetite.
-Raymond Tuite,, Grad.
To the Editor:
IN TUESDAY'S paper, there was
an -article implanted on the
front page for the benefit of bike-

riding students. In it were details
of how one were to re-possess
one's bicycle after naughtily leav-
ing it out where it could be picked
up by the University's equivalent of
the dog catcher. Included in this
frenzied "let's have a beautiful
campus" announcement was the
reference to the attempts to make
the UGLI a "tour de force"of ar-
chitecture. Since it can't beĀ° seen,,
regardless, because of the General
Library blocking the view, demo-
lition, not landscaping, is the logi-
cal solution.
There was one major point that
the over-anxious collectors failed
to mention, a very important one.
Where, when the racks are full, is
one to put a bicycle? I can speak
from experience on the difficulties
of findinganyspace at the Frieze
Building before class. The answer
obviously, which the collectors ig-
nore, is that there are more bi-
cycles than places to .put them.
Instead of whining about main-
taining the beautiful frontal view
of buildings, which aren't beauti-
ful anyway, the planning commis-
sion should put in more racks to
accommodate the added influx of
hInnel thi var tOr hAtter vet



British Election Sets 260 Example

4. '


Eisenhower To Mediate.
By . M. ROBERTS as mediator for the conflictinig in
Associated Press News Analyst Europe after, World War I, but 1
T'ENTATWE DISCUSSION of an Eisenhower marily was that of reprseentativec
visit to India and Pakistan has brought the interests.
suggestion that the President, if he wished, If President Eisenhower tried to
would be in a position to offer mediation in the hian and Pakistani leaders about
disputes between the two countries. ences it would be a still different r
disptesbetwen he to cuntresformal mediation could grow 01
These disputes-primarily involving posses- - would be something like adding pr
sion of Kashmir and division of the Indus River rollreado et ediev e
water-adversely affect the stability of both Frank P. Graham and others of
countries through the military expenditures Natns, who hav sought to r
they produce, and world politics through the Nations, wh ohave sougt oCarr
intenatonalfrinds f bth.forth a search for points of agree3
international friends of both,
Meditation of this type is not a usual role THE PRESIDENT might make
for Presidents of the United States. persuasive points about the mu
As a nation, this country has by invitation or which have accrued to both the U
imposition frequently acted as mediator-or and Canada through their friendly
perhaps intervenor is a.more honest word-in as joint occupants of a continent
Latin American disputes. current display of friendliness b
TUnitedS ties and Mexin in anoti

terests of all
his role pri-
of American
talk to In-
their differ-
ole, although
ut of it. It
estige to the
rimes by Dr.
the United
ry back and
some very
tual benefits
'nited States
y association
. There is a
between the
her sector of

BOMBAY-Who elected the Tor-
ies? The man who gave Mac-
millan and his Tory party their
impressive victory was a Commu-
nist, not a British Communist, but
a Russian one. His name was
Khrushchev. He did it by his visit
to America and the fact that the
visit was so dramatic and seems
to have been a success. As I see it
Macmillan's crucial decision was,
the one about going to Moscow to
talk to Khrushchev. This started
the fateful succession of personal
diplomatic missions at the summit
between West and East. Macmillan
came back, went to Washington,
held talks with Eisenhower at
Camp David.
When Eisenhower's trip to Eu-
rope and Khrushchev's to Ameri-
ca became realities, the harvest of
triumph proved to be Macmillan's.
Whether they were right or wrong
about it, the British voters gave
Macmillan the credit for having
started the big thaw. As I tried to
say in my last piece, a Great Bri-
tain shorn of its imperial power
can hope to play a world role only
by playing it as a Western part-
ner but as a mediating partner.
Macmillan managed to get that
image across to the people.
* * *
ONE OF THE lessons of the
(Continued from Page 3)
estate, and graduation from high
The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Insurance Staff Asst. Will be respon-
sible for the smooth operation of the
technicalaaspects of the retirement
plan. Graduate with an aptitude for
and an interest in actuarial science.
While some actuarial training would be
helpful, it is not essential. Desirable
if the applicant had some training in
mathematics, statistics or similar ana-
lytical work.
Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa.
Sales - Non-technical. Any degree al-

Tory landslide is that in an age.
of massive empires confronting
each other with nuclear weapons,
the voter in a Western democracy
will not be swayed decisively by
promises of a larger margin of
domestic welfare, in a welfare
state. He will think globally and
vote globally. This will appeal as
much in the American elections of
1960 as it did in the British elec-
tion of 1959.
Given the fact that the Liberal
Party gained votes also, along with
the Conservative gains, there is a
second lesson. It is that British
voters would like their welfare
state with a good dash of the free
market even if it means financial
shenanigans like the Jasper affair.
The combination of relative pros-
perity with the Macmillan windfall
in the Eisenhower and Khrush-
chev trips was too much for La-
The British voters may have
been wrong in the judgment. Mac-
millan may turn out to be as wish-
ful in his hopes of playing a me-
diator's role in the West as Nehru
has proved in that role in Asia.
British prosperity may take a
downward plunge. Certainly the
spectacle (as reported here in the
press) of Conservative supporters
dancing on tables at the night
design prefrered. Age to 35 years. On-
the-job training. Experience: none in
case of trainee; 3_s yrs. in creative de-
sign preferably in areas of textiles,
wallpaper or rugs, carpets or smooth
surface floor coverings.
Student Part-Timre
The following part-time lobs are
available to students. Applications for
these jobs can be made in the Non-
Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020
Admin. Bldg., during the following
hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30

clubs in celebration of their vic-
tory is a thoroughly disagreeable
Britain does not have the re-
sources to be an affluent society.
These table-dancers are only the
affluent segment of a society that
must otherwise provide skimpy
livings at best for a majority of its
people. Yet the question of wheth-
er they were wrong or right is
not the crucial one for the pres-
ent. What is important is that in
deciding as they did they showed
a trend observers in other liberal
democracies cannot ignore.
THE CRY WILL doubtless be
raised in British Labor Party cir-
cles that the Labor defeat shows
the need for a sharper turn to the
Left and that the Labor Party
must become a genuinely working
class party and not seek to ap-
pease the middle-classes. If such
a cry is raised it will be a blind
and futile one. The fact is that
Hugh Gaitskill, the Labor Party
leader, acquitted himself in his
first general election campaign
with 'considerable force and skill.
I see no one else at present who
could displace him or do his job
better, including Aneurin Bevan.
The fact is also that the great
changes taking place in modern
industrial life in Britain, as well
as in Russia and America, have
been creating a middle class which
is more and more bound to be reck-
oned with, even in the Soviet Un-
ion. What is needed is not a dis-
placement of Gaitskill, but a re-
thinking of the nature and the
role of socialism in the modern
democratic state.
Long ago it- became clear to the
best observers that communism
cannot appeal to a majority of the
voters in a modern industrial state
but that its best chance of success
lies in backward and undeveloped
societies. As things are turning
out now we may have to make
something of the same judgment
even about democratic socialism-
that the vast growth of a middle
class in every industrial society
makes it seem less attractive to




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